/swg/: Closing Time Edition

Post about X-Wing, Armada, FFG's Star Wars RPGs, d6, d20 (Saga), movies, shows, books, comics, vidya, lego, lore and everything else Star Wars related

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Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar


You're too good for us user. Have lewd picture of best girl as thanks.

That's a funny looking X-wing.

Fat, lumbering pig.

don't talk about your mother like that

Mods are asleep post Droids.


Looks like an R9 unit, yeah.

I think I'm settling in to what we'll be doing in my Force and Destiny campaign.
Two players said they want Force/Jedi stuff, so if the rest also go for that kind of mood, I'm thinking of a Jedi Academy situation, only much smaller in scale (small, isolated individual 'schools', rather than everyone at the temple), with the players being one class there.
Not sure how it'd fit in with nuCanon, but I was thinking that in the few years after the power vacuum left by the Emperor's death, Luke has found some Jedi in exile and non-Jedi Force users.

My biggest question would be if someone doesn't want to be a Force sensitive but I don't think that'd be TOO hard to solve when I get to it.

>Would it make sense for such a thing to exist?
>Any convenient characters who'd be good namedrops?
>Anything I might be missing?

>My biggest question would be if someone doesn't want to be a Force sensitive but I don't think that'd be TOO hard to solve when I get to it.
>Would it make sense for such a thing to exist?
>Any convenient characters who'd be good namedrops?
>Anything I might be missing?
I mean, it's not like Luke's NJO would be adverse to working with non-jedi specialists, even as partners. Really, the NJO wouldn't blink in working with anyone who's a proper operator in their field, or even non-operators as are friends with the would-be Jedi folk. The only question would be if they have a particular specialty and/or work well with a particular Jedi, nothing else besides "are they somebody who needs to be beheaded now to prevent or avenge various bad shit that they've done or will inevitably do?" really matters

Yeah that makes sense too I hadn't thought of having someone like that, thanks. The group's assignment can be related to the specialty too, that's an easy idea.

Anyone have a better pdf of "Forged in Battle" ?

The current abridged one is almost unreadable, and doesn't have expanded duty options (which is kind of what I wanted anyway)

At least it has stats for this though (with no auto-fire, weirdly...)

the stats are a bit shit too desu

I noticed. It trades a point of damage for Accurate 1, same Encum, less HP, and 4 Crit. And a stun setting. It's also easier to repair (and mod?) I guess.

It is what it is, I guess.

>Anyone have a better pdf of "Forged in Battle" ?
No. That's all there is.

Ahh, thats too bad.

Anyone got a good kit\blaster suggestion? I'm building a Rebel Soldier\Commando\Demolitions for AoR, and I'd like a good blaster assault rifle to be operator with.

generic Heavy Blaster Rifle is a good choice if you can manage the weight

So pack a DC-15A?

Heavy blaster rifle seems to be the best Ranged (Heavy), especially if you're a gadgeteer. Got a player with one that has Superior and the Laser sight and autofires 24/7.

Any Imperial Assault players (particularly skirmish players)? What do you think of the Jabba's Realm heroes previewed yesterday?

All three seem capable of holding their own, and they have really good special abilities. Onar Koma can absolutely maul someone adjacent to him (8 damage possible), and he's a huge sack of HP.

Shyla Varad's top-end damage potential is about as good as the Aqualish's, with 7 damage and Pierce 2 possible. Mandalorian Whip will be so good. use it to pull enemies away from terminals or objectives or to pull them into danger from your other figures. 12 health, black defense with an evade, and Responsive mean she will be pretty tough as well.

Vinto Hreeda all comes down to the Rapid Fire/Boltslinger combo. Even with his trio of good surge abilities, his attack is just so-so on its own. But attacking twice for a single action and getting guaranteed damage on a secondary target is so powerful at 5 points. And he's reasonably tough and fast for his cost.

On top of all that, each of them has two good traits for command card options.

If FFG had provided the models pre-painted ala x-wing and armada I'd be all over imperial assault.

Yeah, I totally get that. I enjoy it anyway, and I've even gotten into painting. I'm way too slow to ever catch up on my own unless I really commit to it, but it's a lot of fun showing up with a list that I've painted all of the models in.

Modified Sturm Gewehr 44!

How does this work as a decent support list? I'm playing a 2v2 match and I want to try out some of the rebel support abilities.

I think they have some good synergy with each other. I don't know what my teammate is going to fly (he's new to the game) but I think this should help out no matter what. I have a feeling he might take at least a B-wing (since one of my B-wings scored 3 kills against him last time we played) so Jan's evades will definitely help.

I tried a list with Wes instead of Garven but I couldn't afford a good turret on Kyle (it was autoblaster or nothing)

I assume Kyle is banking on getting the focus token from Garven, for later redistribution? If so, you don't need to give him Vet Instincts for that to work. Otherwise yeah, I can't come up with anything better using a HWK and an X-wing for sixty points. Only other 60pt support piece I can come up with is this.

VI is just there because I had points left over, and I couldn't find an astromech that suited Garven. But I figure Garven can use his token earlier and pass it to my teammate (changing to an evade if necessary). Kyle would be taking his own focus tokens, and either keeping them or handing them out as necessary

That's a neat Kanan build though. I dont have the Ghost yet but I'm really looking forward to flying it. Kanan (both crew and pilot) seems fantastic

How do you feel about the argument/technically canon statement that Clones were better trained than recruited Stormtroopers?

I mean, it makes sense but it also doesn't necessarily mean Stormtroopers are good.

I've always seen Stormtroopers as being well trained troops (I know in the old canon they were essentially special forces), the Clone Troopers were just better (at the cost of money/time)

I wish Stormtroopers were portrayed better though. I don't like how they're portrayed as inept, can't hit anything, buffoons. It means you have to up the ante with characters like Phasma (even though she did nothing) or the new Death/Beach troopers from Rogue One to actually make them look menacing.

I'd kill for another scene like the opening to A New Hope where Stormtroopers just cut through rebels like they're nothing

Eh, it's difficult to say. The clones were trained from birth, sure, but who's to say that old clones didn't get reassigned to instructor duties at stormtrooper academies to pass on their experience? With advances in technology and doctrine, the lessons learned from the Clone and early Rebellion eras, and general improvements in efficiency, it's entirely possible for a freshly graduated legion of stormie normies to be better-trained than their predecessors from two years back.

Decades. Decades, goddammit.

Just another OT-hating thing.

>TIEs are expendable
>STs are expendable cheapo soldiers recruited from everywhere constantly

fits the doctrine

Even in ESB, the rebels had an entrenched position and the empire lost the element of surprise, yet the empire still won

Stormtroopers are relatively well trained for the most part and do the job they're supposed to- assault troops.
Course, they're mostly mooks in the sense the hero's are supposed also beat them up, but they took apart Hoth Base pretty well... just don't talk about Endor.

One thing I noticed in ROTJ is that the Empire are flat out winning against the ewoks for the first half of the battle. It isn't until Chewie steals an AT-ST (and blows up about 2 of them) that they start to lose

As INDIVIDUAL soldiers, the clones are better. For the needs of a galactic-scale military? Stormtroopers have got them beat easy, and they're not much worse off as individual fighters.
The one thing that clones do and always will have on stormtroopers is ease of logistics, but that's not very important in star wars

Well remember, the Clones were trained for decades on end on Kamino to fight a war. That was what they were born and trained to do. The Stormtroopers aren't necessarily bad, but they were established and recruited in a few short years (months?) as enforcers. The Stormtroopers are intended to establish and enforce order on Outer Rim worlds, they weren't trained to fight an equal army in strength like the Clone Troopers were.

It's just a big difference in doctrine, not so much as skill.

I have no idea why conscription would ever be needed in Star Wars. Just get the patriots that willingly sign up and want to be trained to be hardasses and fill up the holes with clones and droids. You don't NEED unwilling conscripts to come back and bite you in the ass later with defections.

Because when you conscript youth, like the very young, and then brainwash them, you get indoctrination. Which can be even more resilient than jarhead patriots when exposed to the horrors of genocide.

Kamino rebelled and after the Empire quashed their rebellion, the cloning facilities were shut down. Spaarti cloning cylinders produce low-quality, mentally unstable clones unless produced in close proximity to ysalamiri.

While cheap, most battle droids are too dumb and unimaginative to really be effective outside of wasteful zerg rush tactics. The Dark Trooper project was an attempt to produce high-quality Imperial battle droids but then Kyle Katarn happened.

We don't know how bad defection was in canon, but in Legends, it was too low to really be statistically significant. The Legends Empire wasn't destroyed by the defection of talented individuals, but rather by the civil war caused by the post-Palps power vacuum. Legends' New Republic only survived its birth because Imp warlords were too busy fighting over the throne.

I'm not saying the Hitler Youth indoctrination the First Order's got going down, I'm talking about conscripting an every Joe from bum fuck nowhere.

>Kamino rebelled and after the Empire quashed their rebellion, the cloning facilities were shut down. Spaarti cloning cylinders produce low-quality, mentally unstable clones unless produced in close proximity to ysalamiri.

They could've just been restarted. We know they were at some point in the future, plus its noted Sheev used Arkanian Microtech clones as well. Spaarti cloning cylinders only produce low-quality clones if you rush the production, if you just do plain regular age acceleration, you could have an 'okay' army within a few years, rather than a shitty army within a few weeks.

They stopped using clones because they were so expensive and only Palpatine controlling the banks and shuffling money around kept the Republic from bankrupting because of the clones.

Between the cost of the clones and the time it took for them to be ready, they weren't really a good choice for the growing military of the Empire. But with the vast majority of the people seemingly loving Palpatine and his new empire, it makes sense that they'd be able to recruit the numbers they needed, using CW veterans as trainers and the last couple batches of clones as supplements here and there. Smuggler's Run shows us that there are still clones from the last few batches running around as grunts.

>They could've just been restarted.
True, they could have, but Battlefront 2 never expanded further on the issue. There are so many unknowns regarding the battle's aftermath that it's impossible for me to argue effectively in this department. We don't know the Kaminoans' logistics chain, how much damage was done, how many knowledgeable Kaminoans remained alive and loyal, how much could be salvaged/replicated/transported off-world, etc.

Plus, regular meatbags are renewable enough. Palpatine doesn't care about voters anymore. Why waste time and effort trying to break even on military-scale cloning when conscripts are much cheaper?

Would it be unfair of me to nerf Knight Level Play FaD lightsabers to 3 Adv to crit?

I'm trying my hand at a TIE Swarm for my next game, /swg/. Thoughts?

>>Howlrunner+Swarm Tactics+Sheild Upgrade
>>Youngster+Marksmanship+Shield Upgrade
>>Black Squadron Pilot+Draw Their Fire+Hull Upgrade (3x)

What about starcraft style conscription. Take a bunch of convicts. Stuff them into brainwashing vats and send them out to die. No need to pay them even

So last thread, we talked a little about what people hoped/wanted might be in the wave after X, usually with some unison/shared ideas.

But lets look at this another way. What sort of things are needed or interesting in the game in a more mechanical sense? Waves aren't necessarily themed, but they all seem to give new options either to the faction or the game in general (there's no straight up "the same but better please buy again"). Wave IX plays a lot with firing arcs, and while X doesn't seem as focused, but still does some things. Sabine's Tie gives rebs a small, cheap ship with option for Crew and Illicit, the Upsilon is a non-epic ship with Coordinate which also has double Tech and double Crew slots, and a pilot who plays directly into the condition mechanic. Quadjumper gives Scum access to Tech upgrades and may contain a new maneuver if that really is "reverse" on that reference card. The striker fits its name with a cheap ship with high speeds, but an interesting "must" condition (unless you're Duchess). The U-Wing is yet another crew ship, but if Pivot Wing is any indication it's a rebel ship with a Stop maneuver (which it can basically turn into K-Turn 0).

So, let's look at this at a different angle. What are some interesting options/additions which could come in the next wave? Be it entirely new possibilities, or just giving a faction access to something it hasn't had before. And then, what sort of ships would be good for this. Does such a ship exist in canon, or in legends? Are their other actions only previously only on huge ships which might trickle down to large or even small?

Personally, this is why I think the TIE/AG is a solid bet to eventually squeak into XWM. Empire doesn't got a lot of Turret action.

Throw away those hull and shield upgrades, you can fit in another tie with those points.

Draw their fire is really unusual, I suppose you're using only what you have at hand, right?
Popular choices are crack shots galore or swarm tactics to daisy chain your whole swarm to ps8.

If you have a TIE/fo handy, Zeta leader with wired and Epsilon leader by himself are both really useful options.

Starship creation rules. Imps get them via a modular TIE kit along with new Experimental gubbins. Rebels and Scum get to build Uglies. Imagine tournaments filled with retarded homemade TIEs as far as the eye can see.

Veeky Forums what are your opinions on this ship?
I can't tell if its good or not.

It's got spread of fire but lacking in fire power
It's lacking in the usual mobility
But it's got decent shielding

Decent but can't stand this meta.
Backdraft is way stronger than quickdraw.

That's just about every set that the 2nd most expansive pilot is the best.

Eeh, Shara Bey is easily the worst of the ARC pilots.


Hey, so if Omega Squadron is better than Zeta Squadron is better than Epsilon Squadron, is there an Alpha Squadron of complete fuck-ups, and a Psi Squadron who are always second best?

>an Alpha Squadron of complete fuck-ups
Welcome to the pre-Fel One-Eighty-Worst.

It's a ship that's going to grow as the game goes on. It's combination of tech and systems is probably going to get really good in a few waves. Also sensor cluster, to make those two greens almost always come up two evades.

Also the new tie mod that comes with the striker that situationally increases agility is probably going to be mandatory on it, but should help it quite a bit.

It should be better in epic, where being able to put one or two heavy fighters in your TIE swarm has real value.

It's also still a "TIE fighter" which means it benefits from Youngster and being able to be docked on a Gozanti.

If you only have 5 TIEs, take a named swarm instead. Crackshot is also pretty much mandatory for swarms these days.

Sorry I thought Jax costed more.

Anyone else remember this smug little shitstain? I swear to god, he was the bane of my fucking existence back when I played Rebel Strike as a kid. Killing him was the only part of that game I actually enjoyed.

Considering one of the main points of a lightsaber is to crit easily to highlight how dangerous they are, I'd say yes, it's unfair and also it just doesn't make any real sense since it puts it closer to a typical Blaster Pistol in that regard.

If you're just worried about PCs destroying an important NPC, there's multiple ways to knock crit severity down (Durable, Center of Being, Supreme Armor Master), and then you can also have a meatshield wall of NPC minions in the form of a squad, and that's not to mention that just staying at range largely negates the effectiveness of a melee weapon.

the Y-wing is actually m favorite, the exposed machinery and simple design is actually appealing to me

i also like strong, sturdy, but slow designs, except the B-wing, i think that looks like a T-wing

they only cant hit anything when there are main characters, they actually have a good showing when they fight normal people

B-Wing is my bae, something about it's bizarre design really appeals to me, along with having a lot of success flying a Keyan+Daggers B-Wing list in XWM.

I figured as much. I guess ranged meatshield minions and couple of ranks of Adversary on BBGs would be effective enough.

Speaking of which, I see a lot of people predicting a Rebel N-1, because of the ARC and it being in the Canon comics, but what would the N-1 actually add? Is it just an X-Wing with a barrel roll? What would make it demonstrably different from other ships?

It should be a cheap torpedo carrier with an astromech and barrel roll.

2/2/3/1 with evade, focus, roll, lock

Cheap pilots with support abilities. Something in between the A and Z.

>Implying that spinning isn't a good trick

So in Saga the mask of Darth Nihilus has special stats. Would Revans Mask have a similar Force Vergence to it? If so how would you stat it for FFG Star Wars?

Could someone explain why people take R2D2 on Corran? With such a mediocre collection of green maneuvers, it seems like you can't really dogfight and regenerate at the same time.

And hell, on the Death Star they had orders to LET THEM ESCAPE. Leia literally says exactly that in the film. And Endor? Fuckers were winning until Chewie GTA'd an AT-ST, took out the other two with it, and then turned it on the Imp infantry. But people always meme Stormies into "lolcan'thitshit".

>Giving Sith articles of clothing stats
God damn it, this needs to stop.

>The Glove of Darth Vader
Indestructible, slowly corrupts the hand that wears it. Grants bonus to leadership and authority towards Imperials Does nothing else

It'd be easy to do in FFGSW, just have the player roll after every session on a complications chart to see if the hand rots a little quicker or they temporarily go blind.

Not sure how it would work in Saga

Personally I still hope for an Ugly "kit" which is just a pile of rejected and misshapen parts from FFG's factory and a small tube of superglue.

Rate my new build, /swg/. Working title is "Kataran's A-Wing Escort" (Does anyone else name their builds? You should, it's fun).

>Katarn+Cool Hand+Ion Cannon Turret+Recon Specialist+Moldy Crow+Hull Upgrade
>Farell+Test Pilot+Chardaan Refit+Push the Limit+Stealth Device+Deadeye
>Tycho+Test Pilot+Chardaan Refit+Push the Limit+Stealth Device+Wired

while I'd love that that sort unassembled miniature isn't FFGs thing and I doubt it'd ever happen.

also IIRC the devs have come out and pretty much said uglies won't happen

>the devs have come out and pretty much said uglies won't happen
I could see one or two particularly standardized Uglies maybe eventually getting models. Clutches, Z-Ceptors or X-Ceptors, Chir'daki, that kinda thing.

R4-P17 is my favorite droid. Damn shame she died the way she did. I remember seeing EP III in the theater and being so disappointed when the buzzdroids cut her head off.

If I ever get rich and have tons of blowable income I want to build a 1:1 R4.

Is there any place you can buy single cards instead of buying ships you'll never use just for one or two cards?

You can't generally, but he gets quite a bit better with EU.

But with R2D2 he's pretty much impossible to kill 1v1. Even if he never gets to shoot at you. He's also really, really expensive, so he will win on points if the game goes to time.

Also you generally take PtL on him, so you're stuck doing greens anyway. Also regeneration is the only thing keeping him in the game atm, and R5-P9 is mediocre, even on Poe.

Ebay, presumably

I want this 4-attack vs Palp Aces meta to end. Please.

Anyone have those anons Forged in Battle pics? He had pics of vehicles complete weapon descriptions etc... Pictures not yet uploaded to the abridged PDF.

Disregard the PDF is up to date. Merci.

I don't think we ever made a huge fuss about it, but Nym and the Havoc are coming to Armada.

Could also indicate FFG might bring the H-6 to XWM also, maybe something Scum to fill a role similar to the K-Wing/Punisher

>implying and E-wing scrub could take out that many Mandalorian pilots
>implying those don't indicate the number of infantrymen he's killed in strafings/bombings

Go away Karen, nobody likes you.

Why is it your favorite?

Cause she's Red, my favorite color.

Eh, Palp Aces aren't really the problem. In the same way that Fat Han was a symptom of Whisper being too damn good, and went away fairly quickly after the Phantom nerf. The obscene efficiently of the Jumpmaster is the problem. All of its pilots are probably a good 2 points undercosted. The way you can really tell with a list is when you can take it with a ridiculous initiative bid and still win. Phantoms did this with the 86 build, and now Dengaroo is doing it too, with the core only being 93. Palp Aces generally don't do that, in fact they struggle to get any sort of initiative bid, really.

I really don't know how they put that genie back in the bottle though. FFGs refusal to issue patch cards is quite frustrating, considering it would be one of the huge benefits to a card-based system. I miss wave 7 meta too. I'm holding out hope that waves 9-10 will help even out the game. Tailgunner Norra is a sight to behold.

You're right, of course, but damn if it isn't a pain to see Fel shrug off two 4-dice attacks in one combat phase.

Bendu. Giant beastly looking neutral force users. Rpg stats, theories, rampant unfounded speculation! Go!

The problem with Dengaroo, and why it can even with with a 7 point initiative bid, is because it folds hard the second either of the two ships are lost. And that Dengar can use Overlcocked R4 and Zuckuss with impunity so long as someone's there to feed him focus.

The problem is, the minute you lose either, you are fucked. And the easier one to kill is usually Manaroo, because she's only shooting once and often is going to rely on a top for actual damage (cutting into that bid). Kill Manaroo, and Dengar can't hack it on his own with that setup. For Palp Ace, kill Manaroo. Aces usually get hung up with Dengar, who excels when he can use countermeasures and have a permanent glitter stim going (overclocked R4), so the trick is to overwhelm that with Jax or Omega Leader or Wes, or to just go straight for the juggular and kill Manaroo. Unless you have a shutdown pilot, you go for the focus provider.

Dengaroo is only good because of hyper mitigation in the form of Palp/X7/token stacking. It folds to high HP, alpha stikes, generics, etc

End Palp Aces and everything balances out. U-Boats can be outflown, Palp Aces really only get beat by hard counters.

Backdraft doesn't absolutely shit on aces the way Quickdraw does, though.

Depends WHERE the Stormies were recruited and trained. The ones in Rebels were barely above the Imperial Army sort, but I like to at least consider they're at the ass end of nowhere and possibly the worst of the best.

Yeah, and with that one upgrade part a heavy rifle becomes BETTER than a Light Repeater at damage and autofire.


Will be a cool concept that in wasted on dumb cartoon shit. I fully expect it to have a giant lightsaber or something equally dumb.

You didn't like anynof the rest? I enjoyed the Storm commando armor and escort carriers even if the escort carriers were a total mess scale-wise. Plus some of the other stuff like the APCs and rebel armor.

Something I thought of a few days ago. Is there anything preventing a Sith from having children or is it just that most of them have neither the time nor the interest to raise kids?

The Sith species or the Sith Order?