Rolling mechanics you thought of, or just really like and wish were used more

>Action rolls are 3d10 + stat + skill, both go from 0 to 9.
>To be somewhat realistic, it must be generally better to have a high skill than a high stat, even if the total number is the same.
>If the one lowest single die result equals your skill rank or lower, you replace it with your skill rank + 1, so for example a skill rank of 4 replaces 1 to 4 with 5, but only for one die.
>This is easily written as a Roll20 macro.
Pic unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:

Skill and Stat based rolls with rising dice size.

Relevant stat = Dice size
Skill = Number of Dice

Final result = the highest value

So a having a 3 in strength and a 2 in weightlifting would give you 2d3, but having a 6 in Charisma and a 5 in Public speaking would give you a 5d6.

So having a high raw talent can make a big difference, but having more skill gives you more dependable results.

Ugh, way too much calculating for a single roll. No thanks.

How so? It's the same as 4d10kh3 except one die is a constant.

I've thought of using a bit of a mutation from the d20 system because I'm uncreative and stupid.

But the basic idea is that you have a die size associated with every attribute. Then for each roll you'd roll a d20. If you've got any proficiency/expertise associated with a roll, you add a die of the size from your attribute.

D5e actually include that's option as it alternative to proficiency bonuses.

Rather than have an a plus 2 you get a D4

Welp. At least I knew I was uncreative from the start.

>Stats go from 1-9
>Roll Xd6
>Group dice where the total is less than or equal to the stat ( i.e. if you stat is 5 and you rolled [5,3,2,1,2] you have the choice of making groups 2,1,2 or 3,2 or 5 )
>Number of dice in the group you determines degree of success
>You remove the dice in the group you chose and keep the rest for reactions to the outcome i.e. something else happens first so you make another group to act first or add a special effect

Don't feel bad, Think of it like Isaac Newton and Leibniz developing calculus independently at the same time.

It is a good system

Skill level is determined by die size. Goal is to roll low.

This is... smart.

Oh whoops I forgot that the group doesn't have to equal your state.
So it's not only [2,1,3] [2,3] [5] it would also be [3],[2],[1], [2], [3,1],[2,1], etc as your choice of groups

Yeah I had a idea, like that. Attribute was die type and skill was number of dice you rolled.

It was rolled low progress would be overcoming 'failure floor' rather than trying to get past the 'skill ceiling'.

A friend of mine put a system together like that while deployed in Afghanistan. d4 was the best skill level because it was easier to hit low numbers, d20 was the worst. I suppose a system like that could go up to d100 if you wanted to try a wider range of die types.

Tenra Bansho Zero does something similar to this. Admittedly, the die size is fixed to six in that game but it basically works in the following way.

Attribute = number of dice rolled
Skill = threshold for success

So someone with an attribute of 10 and a skill rank of 2 would roll 10 dice. Of those 10 dice, any that came up a 2 or less would be counted as a success.

For reference, getting a four in a skill is a huge deal. A five basically means the person is the best/divine when it comes to a given skill. Six would be, well perfection, I guess.

Sorry, I wasn't as clear as I could have been with my idea. You roll a smaller die as your skill improves, so eventually you are very consistently performing at a layman's peak on every roll (1d3 vs 1d20, d3 usually comes out lower). Also requires relatively few dice at any given time. Good for opposed skill checks, might be handy for a LARP still based in RNG. Allow players to try to take narrative advantage using the skill of their choosing, and the assailed party to defend with a skill making a suitable amount of sense.

This guy gets it

Attributes dice step down
Skills add dice

2 STR means you roll d10s
3 athletics means roll 3
for a total of 3d10s
Highest two numbers of a roll are a hit

It wouldn't work in meatspace of course, too many different dice needed

Of a dice's possibilities are a hit I mean
so 11 and 12 for d12, 9 and 10 for d10, ect

Oh wait, attributes add dice
skills step down
That way being skilled means you're more focused and reliable, attributes mean more raw power and ability.

One little variant to this I really like is (Skill x d6), take highest roll, extra 6s add 1 to the result, max = 6+stat.

Stats are 0 average.

This is...nice. A bit akward because of flat probabilities, but you partially take care of it by looking for the highest roll instead of grouping things and what not.

And it would require electronic rolling, because of people having scores outside the normal Die types.

I'd also put in a rule on rolling maxes. Possibly each adds 1 to the result (maybe you must roll more than one?), or allows a reroll with a size up? I'm leaning towards the first since it's simpler.

This way someone with, oh, Charisma 4 but Oratory 16 can get more than 4.

And I can't figure out how to do it in Anydice, but assuming ~25% of the dice roll up 4, then someone rolling 16d4 could expect a 'roll' of 8 on average, 9 if you allow the maxes to count again. (1 in 4 chance of coming up 4, 16/4 = 4, so 4+4)

And, if it was 16d5, that would also be "8" on average. (1 in 5 chance of 5, 16/5 = 3.2, so 3+5)

16d6 8 to 9. d7 is solidly 9, d8 is 10.

Legends of the Wulin has my favourite dice system ever.

You roll a mostly static pool of dice (7d10 for a base character) for almost anything, and look for sets- That is, multiple dice showing the same face value. The value of the set is the number of dice in the set plus the face value, so one three is 13, two eights are 28, four sixes are 46.

What makes this really interesting? You're very likely to get multiple multi-dice sets on any given roll. Each roll as a Primary Action, which can be taken on a single die, but every multi-die set in addition to that can be used to make a Secondary Action. It's the only system I've seen which is capable of resolving multiple simultaneous actions with a single throw of the dice.

ORE does it too although in ORE you read the dice differently and it's more of a traditional dice pool system.

3d10 digital root roll low.

I have one game project in a backburner that uses it, and I think it's kind of fun, due to it having that 1/1000 chance to throw a 000.

It also has a system where the stats / skills can reduce the dice values, down to 1 at minimum.

Calculating the digital root is surprisingly quick, due to 9 and 0 not changing the number, and every time it goes over 10 it's just last digit + 1, and every time it goes over 20 it's last digit + 2.

Sort of

The height (that is the face value of the set) decides degrees of success.

The size of the set is damage and who goes frist in combat.

Any extra sets set are 'gobble dice', use counter act the opposition. if you roll a pair of 6s and the guy got a three 8s and a pair 7s, he'll hit you first and block your attack.

Apart from that you'll can't get extra actions unless you want to divide your dice ahead of time.

On that note my least favourite Cuthultech 'poker dice',

You roll your stat number in d10 and add a flat skill number modifier in the hopes or beating the Target Number.

After you roll you can either take of the single biggest die, or take the best set, or take the best consecutive set.

Sounds cool on paper but unlike Ore or legends of Wulin it is still just static past/fail. So that's really is no point to any of it other than wasting time to check your result.

>roll 3 of the particular die size
>If there is a pair, add that value to the third result
>If there is no pair, get the highest of the 3
>Triple resolves as per pair, but large PLOT shenanigans start moving forward. ie. Big bad army advances, the gods decide to do that thing they were planning to do, someone manages to mix sugar spice, and everything nice through trial and error....

Here's mine

>Roll stat in D12s
> 10, 11, and 12 give successes.
Then choose one of
>Roll bonus die, 1 for every 11, 2 for every 12, these dice add to successes and give additional bonus die same as the origional roll.
>Count dice under your Skill (1-5) as successes as well as 10+. You get no bonus die.

Unskilled characters hope for avalanching explosions. Skilled characters tend to just take consistantly higher successes, but miss on some wild high rolls. The gamble on whether to take 3 successes on 1, 11, 12 or just 2 + 3rerolls can be exciting. And the explosion mechanic by itself is very hype.

I had a mechanic I really liked... until I actually did the stats for it on Anydice.

Two players roll AdY and BdY. Then their pools or rolled dice are sorted highest to lowest. These sorted die are compared starting from the highest, with each higher die value being a degree of success for that player. But it turns out even a minor advantage of A over B means player B will get few if any DoS.