confido goes up all the time too, what's your point? they both have low marketcaps so it doesn't even matter if it goes up 10% or whatever. nice shilling of your bags Lol

did you read the white paper? moron


It's another pump to dump. When will you idiots ever learn?

I think Sergey has died. Can anybody confirm?

I work in network security and it's just as important. As long as chainlink alone maintains the network's security, the chainlink network is setting itself up to get hacked, plain and simple. sergey could 'hack' it himself and all you deluded linkies will give him the benefit of the doubt while he disappears with all of your money. perfect exit scam

It isn't even up 1%. Fuck off.

can you stop lying

>I work in network security
so do i.
>it's just as important
so you admit that it is decentralized but you are afraid that someone might tamper with the oracle datafeed or with the oracles itself? -> read the whitepaper

also: being a junior windows sysadmin that installs java updates does not qualify as "network sec"

thx 4 caring

Oh, and you're not getting me to be sell my Link btw.