Wakfu/Dofus/Krosmaster General
>What is Wakfu?
>How Do I Play Wakfu?
>What Is Krosmaster?
>Where Can I Play Krosmaster?
>Where Can I Watch Wakfu?
Wakfu/Dofus/Krosmaster General
>What is Wakfu?
>How Do I Play Wakfu?
>What Is Krosmaster?
>Where Can I Play Krosmaster?
>Where Can I Watch Wakfu?
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Will it be possible to have a wargame on this setting?
What units would each faction have?
Probably similar to Kensei, which has all the armies sharing the same Core models, except in reverse. All the elites are the races of the world, the Core and HQ are your faction-specific troops.
Frigost, Amakna, Brakmar, Bonta, Sufokia, Astrub, Demons
I'd make Sufokia troops elite and hardy with leadership issues outside their HQ, Frigost the speedsters that control the battlefield, Brakmar and Bonta would be offensive and defensive, Amakna would be a jack of all trades, Astrub would allow you to take the elite races of the world as Core but had really shitty HQ, and Demons would just keep coming in weak hordes until their HQ is dead with the HQ being hard to control and like to just go off and do their own thing via leadership tests every turn.
I need to play this now
I could do a a modification based on The 9th Age if anyone would be interested.
Demons would be fun. Start the game with only your Lord choices, with one having to be twice the point value of the highest of the others. I'd have a table, every turn you roll for their actions, but every turn you add +2 to the roll and after five turns you start rolling another die. The lower results all spawn more Demon troops, the higher the results go the more crazy. This includes one of the smaller Lords and the Demons they spawned suddenly turning hostile to both players for D6 turns, the Lord suddenly transforming and becoming a large model with insane stats and killing all the other Lords to do so, getting involved in a personal duel against an individual model and ignoring all else until that model is dead, or just randomly moving in a direction and attacking whatever is closest to it.
Summoned Demons would just be weak as hell, with a 1 for stats largely but being able to treat enemies as Unstable and deal casualties through Combat Resolution.
As for the classes, they would be the Special and Rare choices. An ordinary un-upgraded version would be pretty basic and would be designed to work as a unit, but by specializing them in an element like in the game you turn them into elite troops in units of 1-6.
>posts vidja and cartoon
>didn't even mention CCG, or rpg homebrew
What the purpose of this thread?
Or, any of the board games.
Speaking of, I just picked up Arena 1.0 base set. Slowly working my way through purchasing all the S1 expansions. Really wish there was a place locally to buy the blindbox figures for Season 2. Game's cash, yo. Though the supplied terrain is garbage.
Krosmaster is the tabletop one.
Japanime Games had a huge sale, their PVC terrain for Frigost was down from $60 to $20.
This guy still bust?
Shame I missed that. Paying one of the artfags in my area to make me some custom stuff though.
About the CCG, is it all parley voip frenchy, or is there an English release?
Remember that time they had to put up a sticky telling people to post Wakfu threads on Veeky Forums, because you idiots were literally too dumb to go to /co/? Good times.
That was about the cartoon itself, before Krosmaster was in the US and Wakfu was Veeky Forums relevant.
Off topic shitposting that belong in /co/, just like every other Wakfu thread on Veeky Forums.
There's a tabletop game you know. Its literally tied directly into the cartoon.
>He does not know about Krosmaster
Sure, but you idiots aren't gonna discuss that, we all know that's just an excuse.
The gods and races of Wakfu are amazing.
I would love to see them ported to tabletop RPGs sometime.
I wonder what system to use. Savage Worlds already got wargaming roots, and is easy to brew spells in, but I wouldn't discount Strike! as an option either because of its grid based tactical game-play (plus the specializations fit very nicely as the roles).
Or you could just 1:1 port it I guess, but I'm not sure how fiddly that'd get.
I'm definitely not trying to convert any part of the actual game system. Hell no.
Really, each race just needs a couple of notes, that you could then fiddle with in your system of choice, to get something with a close-enough feel.
Isn't Krosmaster Quest a tabletop rpg?
Kinda like the Elder Scrolls generals or the Dawn of War shit we get?
Sram is best god.
More pictures, please
Sexy Sram is better.
>2 arms
Where can I find images of the different Gods? I wasn't much into the MMO but the show was amazing
Skirmish game, although the Quest version has RPG elements.
It's the new design, which is used in Krosmaga.
Well, I got ecaflips covered at least. I'll stop shilling now.
I do wish I could play a Wakfu campaign IRL. The best I could get would be GM-ing one...
New Krosmaster set coming soon. Has bosses for Quest in it. All undead/cemetery-themed.
Are we back?
Hopeful working bump
What's adventuring like in the land of Wakfu?
You could check the series for ideas. It's very adventurous.
Just off the top of my head, you could be a party on a dungeon-crawling circuit. Or gobbowl players traveling from game to game. Or Ogrest/The Forgotten/Xelor/Bifrost is stirring shit. Or one of the players is a reincarnation of one of the gods.
You know this is going to sound very stupid but I've always liked wakfu and wanted to make my own character but.... I only know stuff from the show and some of the comics.
It always seemed wrong somehow.... But if there is a table-top now I'm really interested.
I want to conquer and make a kingdom.
May I recommend Sadida?
Everybody seems to hate them (aside from Bonta, but even they don't care enough to send more than a representative), the leadership couldn't find its own ass with a map, their warriors are about as smart as an Iop (but way less capable), and you can keep everyone in check with their stupid life tree.
Really, if the MCs from the series aren't around you could probably conquer them no probs.
Alternatively, there's plenty of areas to reclaim from Ogrest's Chaos, if you prefer the more peaceful route. You'll only need to deal with whatever Rogues, Twolls, Minos and other lowlifes that beat you to the place, as well as possible cursed sites.
What would be the hardest.... class/race to conquer?
Eliatropes. They have their own dimension which is only accessible if they want you to access it. They also have dragons. And crazy portal powers.
The ecaflips also have their own dimension, good luck invading that (though I suspect you could find one that would gamble you for it).
Then... Sufokia? they are steampunk Atlantis people who are totally not a fascist dictatorship. At the very least they are in the same dimension. They could be an interesting target, mostly because standard military tactics actually work.
>good luck invading that
I see what you did thar
>Ecaflips have their own dimension
So does Sram, Enutrof and Xelor
The Ecaflip dimension is only accessible to the god and his kids though. At least I think that is what was said in the movie.
I must have missed that.
I can only find french stuff about that, and my french is really not up to decoding whatever they are like.
Post best class.
Xelors of course
Feca are boring as fuck, though. Npc race tier boring.
where the fuck is this gonna get sold? we're supposedly like a month out, and I don't see it for sale anywhere.
I feel like a lot of retailers got burned by japanime games, and they don't want to carry it.