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Games #495
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
"Just because I wear black armor, use necromancy and have a harem of vampires and succubi doesn't make me a bad person...
Ever had a single player ruin your entire session??
Lets say the Tau find Harvest instead of the Covenant?
What is the best chapter
Board Game General - /bgg/
So what generation are Genestealer Acolytes, Metamorphs, and Neophytes?
When you bullshit your way through an entire session...
Why the fuck are Planeswalkers these days so busted???
GW jobs
/osrg/ OSR General - Trove Rehab Edition
Is there such a thing as a system where violence isn't the main method of solving conflicts...
"I will do whatever it takes to protect my pilot..."
Sentient Undeads and you
The party "face", the guy with the highest charisma, is either a totally aspie or cringe incarnate
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
Why can't mages use armor?
How would you design an rpg that integrated calculus into the rules?
What would you change about the published D&D 5e adventures to make them better...
Tieflings are cancer
What are some good one shot systems? One of my players is missing for the second session in a row...
Chimera Legion Thread III: of Alliteration and A Dire Need for More Fluff
And this is my Cleric!
Eldar cult in an Imperial world
Character Art Thread
Another race, another argument
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
So what's the main appeal of Dungeons and Dragons now that 'generic fantasy' settings and games are a dime dozen...
How do you into lawful neutral? Doing a session today, and while I have a general idea of how my new guy is gonna be...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Delta Green General
CYOA General: Happy Birthday edition
Plenty of Women in skimpy armor
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
Player is bringing girlfriend even after argument
When your codex is so bad all you have is sex appeal
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Blanks and marines and clones
40k General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1109: Back Again Edition
Nobledark 40k
What if thread
Elf Thread
In need of powerful rulers!
Stat Me
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Frontier/Post-Modern Thread
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Stat me, Veeky Forums!
Are these things only going to go down in value? Should I sell now or wait a bit?
World-building question:
What are Wizards like in your setting tg?
What sort of hats should thieves wear? Want to branch out beyond the "hoods and cloaks with hoods" thiefy aesthetic
What Space Marine chapters have the comfiest home planets? The Dark Angels being the antithesis of comfy, as an example
Heavy Gear General: Duelist Edition
What horror adventures are you working on for Halloween, Veeky Forums?
One of my players in 5e just did skub, what happens?
ITT we brainstorm reasons why, in a given fantasy setting...
My Paladin's alignment? Oh he's Chaotic Unaligned
A boy is born in kingdom that is superstitious...
Your Planeswalker OC's
Golems without masters
/srg/- Shadowrun General- Forced Chrome
Quick Question:
Magic System Analysis: Spotlight
How would you work mommy issues into the backstory of a BBEG?
Your party's foe has permanently transformed all of you into ball pythons...
Warhammer 40k General
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
Hektor Heresy: How Do You Kill That Which Has No Life Edition
Genestealer Cults thread
ITT: Times when things got too wierd with your party/GM
Stat me in 40k
What's your opinion on diceless RPGs?
Unpoplualr chapters
40k head cannon
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1108: A World without Waifus Edition
What's the point in Terrestrials?
/40krpg/ 40k RPG General
Halo Tabletops General
MTG Modern General
Have you or your party even engaged in psychological warfare with your opponents?
Art of Children Characters
Comments about it's supposed racist themes aside, is MYFAROG 2.6 actually any good?
Mouse Guard supers
DM session due in 4 hours and I haven't wrote a single word, drawn a map or created any NPCs
Is senshi from dungeon meshi a bard?
What are good alternatives to feudal kingdoms in a medieval fantasy world...
Cyoa General
Hiro-approved board discussion thread
A volley of arrows pierce your soft middle
A monk needs help
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Player wants to carry one of these around
What would Greyhawk magic-users think of this magus?
Drawthread: Pilgrimsexual Edition
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Implyin' power klaws aren't betta than choppaz
What are some cool encounter/monster ideas for a tar-pit region? The land is imbued with a lot of fire energy...
Post 'em
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Star trek general /STG/
Deathwing gameplay thread
Alright Veeky Forums, what is the absolute most generic DnD/Pathfinder party combination you can think of?
Warhammer 40k General
What makes Nurgle so chill and fun to be around, while the other chaos gods are all dicks and cunts to their followers?
10,000 years of disaster and incompetence
/awg/ - Alternative Wargames General
Don't lie to me Veeky Forums, you were at one point a group's That Guy. Maybe you did it on purpose...
Excuse me canoness, but why don't a bunch of pskyers kill themselves to create a new God Emperor?
What's the different between Paladin and Crusader?
Have you ever tried talking to the antagonist? Nobody is truly evil...
Hiro-approved board discussion thread
He's a big guy
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
This Man Calls You Up, What Do?
I'm playing Dawn of War again after forever. I hear there's some pretty huge and good mods for it...
Welcome to Whose Turn is it Anyway, the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter
"Just one more boy, this one is small." Malifaux general
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
No filename thread
The beautiful barmaid suddenly opens herself and very briefly exposes her skeleton. You are the only one that notices...
What are your favorite "evil" or monster races? Do you like making them playable or more civilized in your settings?
What's your campaign's theme song?
/swg/ - Return of the Moffrence Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Describe your character in three words or less
Warhammer 40,000 general
The Cryptarchy: Destiny Lore/TTRPG
What's the best way to include giant monsters into a campaign?
My friend is creating a backstory...
What is your BBEG's goal?
Imperium Asunder
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1107: Stupid Sexy Shota Seeks SolitudeEdition
Has your party breached the Geneva convention?
So how's that novel coming along Veeky Forums?
Fantasy crafting thread
Professional DMing
/scg/ - Scion General
/cyoag/ - CYOA General: No Dumps Edition
What rpg-related media do you enjoy listening to/watching?
So Veeky Forums, what _is Lelouch's alignment?
Character Art Thread: Level 1: The Reckoning: Rebirth: Remastered
You are the king of a fantasy kingdom
Magical Realm Awkwardness
What Happenes When You Cut A Tarrasqure In Half
Why do dinosaurs suck so much? I feel like there's almost no interesting settings with dinosaurs...
Need help with RP ideas for a female half-orc barbarian
Why are elves girls' least favourite race?
MTG LEGACY GENERAL - Pre-Weekend Edition
Alright Veeky Forums. I usually Lurk on here, make a few comments, take some advice...
Organizing Your Session Music
Gaming Vents:
What makes the anger flow through you?
Now that soundcloud stopped letting Roll20 use their system, what do you use for music in your online games?
Have you played a mecha RPG, Veeky Forums?
Excuse me, Planetary Governor...
Tell me your most intersting D&D charecter. PLEASE I NEED IT!
Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
Instead of a pirate attack, in order to get a combat encounter while travelling on a ship in a generic D&D world...
How do I play a lawful evil cleric?
Let's design the most generic fantasy setting possible
40k General
Does anyone else ever become discouraged from making threads or sharing content with this community?
ITT: Awkward moments at your table
Hey Veeky Forums. Can you have sex with and have children with a dryad. I need to know for political reasons
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Is there a most beautiful woman in your setting?
The Adventuring Shopping Lists. Post yours, judge others
Superhero General
GURPS General /gurpsgen/
I was in need of a new cool box to store things in so I bought this really expensive one
Sup Veeky Forums. I'd like to ask you something. Namely, gaming pet peeves
We seek to keep kingdoms small, busy with trade and the problems of their people...
MTG Online: Treasure Chests
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Song of Swords: Rats in the Walls
What elements are necessary for a western?
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Are there any other good RPG communities?
What if, as IG, you brought 10 Chimeras of big cats into battle and upon targeting the enemy with lasguns...
Game finder? Game finder
What are some good generic dungeon designs?
Infinity General - Defuse the bomb edition
Do you think the chaos gods are meant to be reminiscent of the horsemen of the Apoclypse...
Excuse me Commissar...
Take the Crown is shit
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge - The Work of an Enemy 「 E D I T I O N 」
Kaladesh gets released in a day. Anyone got some Standard brews prepared?
Have you ever betrayed the party? I tried a few times because I like to play Evil characters but I always end up dying...
Ask yourself how your current character would react to this situation were it to come up in your campaign
So Veeky Forums and /qst/ are the only boards that aren't allowed to have the board discussion metathread that Hiro...
What online TCGs are you currently playing, Veeky Forums?
Return to classic edition
Wasteland Society Creation Time!
Imperial Navy
One of my players will not fucking stop snap chatting his gf during the game. He zones out for long periods of time...
BFG:Armada Tau trailer
How do I approach the problem of social combat
I got a weird ass problem you could only really have by being an RPG player in Israel
/cyoag/ The CYOA General
Shadowrun General: Vaporwave Edition
Character Art Thread: Level 1: The Reckoning: Rebirth
So how edgy is it, on a scale of 1 to edge...
Thinking vehicles thinks good
Has posting on Veeky Forums in any way affected your roleplay or worldbuilding?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1106: Don't You Mean 'When' Edition
Its a "superfriends save the day" episode
Disparaging barbarian peasants and their "knights"
Broken World: a Kill Six Billion Demons RPG
What is Veeky Forums-related?
What would orks think of this gent?
How do you like your Beastmen/womens?
Who is the sexiest planeswalker and why is it boypucci Jace?
Have you ever been part of a game that was basically just Star Wars?
/btg/ - Battletech General
Vehicles IG's would use
There's literally nothing wrong with being a goblin. They're a proud race with a rich history
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Galatic Federation Council Meeting
I Need That Guy Stories
Why do certain people in this interest group tend to exhibit similar awkward facial hair and cosmetic features?
"studded leather armor was first referenced in D&D... there was no such thing"
Why is this allowed?
Work in Progress Thread WIP
What if we did cyber without the punk? What would that be like? would it be fun?
Last dungeon >>49548690
"Can I reroll that?"
How would you guys pull off a weird veitnam war setting?
Kill Team & HoR General
Drawthread: Advanced Handjobs Edition
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
Sticky Situation
His only crime was trying to do the right thing
Rifts thread?
I would love to be captured by Dark Eldar
Warhammer 40k general
In all seriousness, why are men who love traditional games more "bookish" than their sports-loving peers?
Reminder that John Blanche is the greatest 40k artist of all time
Excuse me, Commissar...
Hey Veeky Forums I made a squid person (not an illithid). What are good squid names?
Excuse me Lord Vador, why have we used decades of labor to develop and build the Death Star?
Oh shit
Pathfinder General /pfg/
It's this time again, Veeky Forums
Generic System
The capitalist local game store is run to benefit its owners...
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Elves and their damn forests
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Halo Tabletops General
Mantic's KoW
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1105: Armoring the Plot Edition
/WMG/ Warmachine & Hordes General
Warhammer Fantasy General: Huge Spiders Edition
Taking lesbians and SJW crap aside. What do you think about Gemworld (Steven Universe) as a spacefaring civilization?
You and your party enter the lair of the lich lord
How could a resurrection quest work in a hard sci-fi setting?
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
Mech Names
Is there a way to do an NPC love interstate without it being weird?
Whats the worst about 40k
Alright, ya Gits! Da Big Boss told us Mekboyz ta build da Orkiest Ship in da Galaxy...
What is the best element and why is it earth?
What kind of campaign would he run?
Whatever happened to BroQuest, Veeky Forums?
Who is the most obnoxious deity in your setting?
Should we Remove all all Thread Games from Veeky Forums?
How do you like your Paladins;
Excuse me, Lieutenant
Dreadnought Appreciation Thread
What's 2nd edition ad&d like my dudes? good or bad?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
MTG Modern General
Muh spess mareehns
Did you know that Boromir is more elvish than Aragorn?
Baleful Polymorph
CYOA throg
"Hero, please! I need your help! You must assist me in reviving my swarm. I swear on my brood that if we are successful...
Get into an encounter
Warhammer 40k General
Is there anything more cancerous to good storytelling than Humanity Fuck Yeah! ?
Keeping a Campaign Journal
The green one is the worst of the cycle
Chimera Legion Thread II: Of Paint and Princes
Your setting
Character Art Thread: Level 1: The Reckoning
Manning a Remote Watchtower
Were skimpy armors in RPGs a mistake? Did they taint the reputation of fantasy gaming permanently...
How do you do a campaign in a spaceship exploring stuff...
Furfags will defend this
Pick a random song from your playlist
/osrg/ OSR General - Rare Loot Edition
Filename thread
Imperium Asunder
Pathfinder General /pfg/
You thought FATAL was bad? Well, someone looked at it and said "this doesn't go nearly far enough"
Post about X-Wing, Armada, FFG's Star Wars RPGs, d6, d20 (Saga), movies, shows, books, comics, vidya, lego, lore...
What's the worst trap you've ever gotten caught in, Veeky Forums?
Come across this scene
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1104: So I Heard You Hate the Plot Edition
Why are orphanages so flamable?
Excuse me, Patriarch?
/40krpg/ 40k RPG General
Sword has been wielded by dozens of dark lords in the past
Post Bretonnians
Little things that make you super happy
Character Art (Antiquity)
Living in Bumfucktown, Thirdworldistan
Legendary D&D Stories
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
CYOA General - 'I'm not saying it was aliens' Edition
By some sort of cosmic miracle...
Time to choose your banner and take your place among the noble houses of the Riverlands!
Fantasy Tropes to avoid
ITT we worldbuild. All posts are canon unless obvious trollings
Perfect Example of "That Guy"
Warhammer 40k General
/solog/ - Solo Gamers General
Stat me, Veeky Forums
Beekeeping in D&D
Veeky Forums FUMBBL League Season 5 has begun! Team reviews to follow
Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread
What happens when you die?
Is it worth it to buy a Kaladesh Planeswalker Deck?
I need every Veeky Forums related comic you can muster. No time to explain
Level 1 Character Art Thread Continuation
I want to run an Alien oneshot, using the DREAD rules
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness Genera
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves
What are ways a mad scientist can fund his crazy experiments if he isn't already rich?
Recommend me a good fantasy book
ITT: Post your group's in jokes
MTG Frontier General - In love with the CoCo edition
How desperate have you been?
What level do you prefer your parties to start at?
You are now stuck in the last setting you played, read, watched, and/or ect
In my setting, there are firearms...
Game is about time travel
Pathfinder General /pfg/
So, you Bandit Elites ... Can you explain to me how to deal with adventurers when ambushing...
/exg/ - Exalted General
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: New Blood Edition
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
Who Wants To Unfuck Destiny's Lore?
/srg/ Shadowrun General - Have Balkans, Will Genocide
/scg/ - Scion General
Should Unvidided get retconned? It pretty much serves no purpose anymore
ITT things that you've never encountered
Character art thread: level 1
Are there any "one hit kill" systems where combat is fairly quick and deadly
Could Ciri be considered a planeswalker?
They are a bunch of fucking hacks and all they can do is rip off other franchises
Me and a friend are looking into being paid Dms for a group of random strangers online...
Best guns in the galaxy
GM appreciation thread
The Plan to Restore the Emperor
Veeky Forums talks about themselves
There are 40kids on this board right now that aren't aware 40k is full of black people...
Autistic weebs are what's keeping women out of traditional gaming
This is Your Tactical Marine
Warhammer 40k General
What would be the medieval fantasy DnD equivalent to the USA?
CYOA General
What religions do some of the people have in your post apocalyptic setting Veeky Forums?
Give me your Game or Homebrew idea in 30 seconds or this businessman smashes your face in with a bat
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1103: Overly Complicated Explinations Edition
Has a That Guy ever improved your game?
Wouldn't orks be more interesting with more variety?
WIP - Painting/Sculpting/Converting General
Do's and Don't's first time playing DnD
Warhammer 40k General
Magic The Gathering: low cmc yet over powered
Character Art Thread
Night Lords?
MTG Modern General
Game Design General - /gdg/
GNS Theory
When facing monsters and villains, NPCs are inactive, uninformed, weak, and lacking in basic competence
Magical Realm Awkwardness
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Game Finder / Gamefinder
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Why do the Catachans have so much fucking named characters...
Heavy Gear General: Skeleton on a mech
Floors Returns for Fall
Is it just me or is D&D 4e a good system to use for the Shonen fighter genre?
We've all heard of the dracolich, but can a dragon become a vampire? And if so...
And this is my party!
Flames of War General /fowg/ - Expand Truppen Edition
Looking for a good mercenary company name
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
It's Da Archive! Your Entire Life Has Been Leading Up To This Moment!
Accidental Magical Girl CYOA General: Better Than Ever Edition
At the request of either a curious Inquisitor, or perhaps the Magos Biologis...
A wizard curses the kingdom so everyone becomes fat
Do you draw your characters, Veeky Forums?
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
If you had to make a "rival" for your current PC what would they be like...
Buy a Chandra Starter Deck because I figured some of the stuff in it would be appreciated by a friend who's just...
Doubles decide which playable classes we get into this game. When we have 6, we build a world around them
If warp is affected by human thoughts, wouldn't worshipping Slaanesh as a godess of purest beauty...
What is, in your opinion, a ranger Veeky Forums?
Conspiracy Theories
Whatever happened to them?
What will happen after the birth of Ynnead?
New thread starter, HERETIC
Your DM decides his next campaign will be about cute girls committing cute acts of terrorism in a dystopian future
How would winter affect orcs/goblins/bugbears?
In a world where sapient robots have human rights and responsibilities...
Character Creation Thread
Character Art: Build-a-party edition V2
Survival-Action Setting Creation Yhread
Warhammer 40k general
CYOA thread
MTG Frontier General
What do you think about this?
Android Netrunner General - everyone's invited to *that* party edition
Guardsmen never die
How would you change the Orks fluff/rules/units wise to make them more interesting/appealing?
Warhammer 40k general
Character Art: Build-a-party edition
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums: Broadcasted Dreams Edition
Heroes of the Spiderwoods - thread II
Time to vote for your banners, Veeky Forums. Choose wisely because the winner will be the representative of the board!
MTG Legacy Thread: Vintage Lite Edition
How to fix those guys Veeky Forums?
You were hired to rename the D&D franchise. What is the world's most popular RPG called now?
Say something nice about kobolds
MTG Modern General
When you randomly kill a player character with no control of their own but make it look like it was just their shit...
Why do you let the fighter go around all day in full plate, even on the street, in taverns, and in houses?
Warhammer 40K General
How many Imperial Guardsmen would I need to subdue a cat?
"I'm a dead guy, made from the bones of a hundred dead guys!" Malifaux thread general
He's dead, Jim. Edition
Favorite mtg flavor text?
Board game general bgg
A space marine finds a child holding a lasgun...
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
In an effort to make the fantasy races more distinct, I've decided to assign new reproductive systems to them...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1102: I'm Too Sexy For My Edition
Drawthread: Chop Chop Chop Watchin Frenchmen Drop Edition
Why do M/tg/ players dislike Reddit, and the /r/magictcg community? Is it because Veeky Forums as a whole shuns Reddit...
57% Lewd
DM makes a character that the entire party enjoys having around and gets connected with
Pathfinder General /pfg/
D&D 4e General /4eg/
D&D Newcomers
I want to run a military campaign where the players run a mercenary company, similar to Diamond Dogs/MSF/Outer Heaven
Age of Sigmar General
On a scale of 1 to dead, how dead is Percy following the last episode of Critical Role?
Tell Me Your Story
/scg/ - Scion general
Paladin encounters orc
Have you ever had a character who became a parent?
Alright you stupid googles, it's time to play some RISK
What's your go to dice set?
Does anyone here actually unironically like the Ultramarines?
Is there any Veeky Forums rpg game or board game that emulates perfectly a medieval world, economy...
Post your party
Warhammer 40k General
/HHG/ Horus Heresy General, AKA /IWG/ Iron Warriors General
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
Have you ever played as a character whose name is a pun?
Why can't wizards behave like this in combat, why must they always be stereotyped as slow and frail?
Moments in games where the party was stumped by something incredibly simple
/cyoag/ - CYOA General: Brutal Reality Edition
Most embarrassing moments while playing TTRPGs?
Say something nice about him
/swg/ - Rapid Insertion Edition
ITT: Things that trigger Veeky Forums
Cyberpunk 2020
MTG Kaladesh Inventions Brainstorming & Deckbuilding
American Elves
Warband Creation Time!
Slaanesh is scariest yet underpresented god. Khornates will outright kill you, Nurglites will AIDS you...
Shows up to every single game session
There's a surprising dearth of science-fiction that takes place during the initial colonization of the solar system...
Methods that have been used to ensure a Lawful Good government exists in your games?
Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
IRL characters
Classless Fantasy
What does Veeky Forums think of the elf archer trope?
I feel kind of bad for him. Everyone blamed him for not saving the Emperor...
+2 Str +1 Con
Real life player characters
ITT: Session stories
Flash Gordon's Lovecraftian Space Opera
Pathfinder General /pfg/
MTG Kaladesh Prerelease
/sss/ - Super Stand Sunday
Which Primarch had the most humility?
/wip/ - Work In Progress General
Pokemon Tabletop United
How bad did he fucked up?
Floaty bits
You are the shortest lived race in the party
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1101: Terrible Cherry Blossoms and Dalmatians, Son edition
/4eg/ - D&D 4e General
Warhammer 40k general
D&d OP bullshit
/srg/ Shadowrun General - All Your Nuyen Are Belong To Us
You finally reach the BBEG's lair
Using your Strength you can exert your body and swing a sword
What's your favorite Veeky Forums related movie?
Mages Guild: Familiars on Strike Edition
If The Emperor Had a Text To Speech Device Episode 24
GM Questions Thread
And this is my Monk!
Are Handymen the modern day adventurers?
So, what's actually playing a TTRPG face to face (as opposed to online) like...
Hi Veeky Forums
Ollanius Pius
Mutant Chronicles
Sometimes you feel like the only adventurer in the world without a mount
Any anti-That Guy stories? No? I'm sharing mine
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
CYOA General
/btg/ Battletech General: PoliceMech Edition
In the grim darkness of the far future... humans are manlets
Post Chaos Warriors
This is your lich for today
Heavy Gear General: Here comes Earth again edition
/WMG/ Warmachine & Hordes General
Another exhausting, hour-long combat in a system of hit point bloat
MTG Modern General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Wakfu Krosmaster Dofus General
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games