So Veeky Forums, what _is Lelouch's alignment?
So Veeky Forums, what _is Lelouch's alignment?
Alignment is a dumb concept and you should feel dumb for asking this.
Also, he's clearly chaotic good.
Definately Chaos, definitely Good.
He just had the bad luck of having to deal with a bad hand which he played masterfully regardless, but he had no code, just an end goal he was willing to go to great lengths to see done.
10/10 would watch him slide down to his death in front of his sister again
Lawful evil. So was basically his every enemy. They all wanted to do horrible shit in the name of greater good.
Any and all.
>one pictures is the serial traitor boy
Heartily kekked.
Chaotic Neutral who alignment shifted into Chaotic Good by the end. He changed as a person over the course of the story.
the other side was either self serving lawful evil or lawful stupid.
>Hey you know what is really going to change the world for the better?
Working for the people who are making it worse! I'm sure I can change it from the inside even though everything that's happened says otherwise.
Suzaku was passively suicidal and used his philosophy as an excuse to throw his life away for someone else's cause in the hope of somehow "redeeming" himself. He was Lawful Neutral and shifted to Lawful Good by the end.
He definitely started out as Chaotic Neutral though. His original goals were completely selfish and he didn't really care about the Black Knights at first, he just used them as his own personal army while spouting the "Knights for Justice" crap because it made good PR. It was over the course of the story that he shifted to Chaotic Good as his motives changed and he began to sympathize with his allies and stop seeing them as merely pawns.
Its the difference between finding the end goal more important, or how you got there. Suzaku was basically lelouch's other half, as both are fighting towards the same goal and both experienced similar trauma when growing up although minor details of their circumstances led them down different paths. For the majority of the show at least.
The ending was great, but would you really sit through all the BS that went on in season 2? Its painfully obvious the writers knew how they wanted it to end, but they had 0 ideas on how to get there.
Nah, I'd still call him Chaotic Good throughout. He had three goals:
1) Fuck anyone who might touch a hair on his sister's head
2) Fuck Britannia's power structure
3) Fuck Charles
Most of the Britannia power structure are (or were) Lawful Neutral to Lawful Evil. That's what made Lelouch so effective, as he was their polar opposite.
Too bad his cute lesbian friend invented fucking nukes, tho.
The real question: why is Mao the best character in the whole series?
>implying it wasn't Ms. Tablefucker Oppenheimer
> First season has great fights, grounded both literally and metaphorically - mechs use terrain and cover.
> Second seasons, every fucking mech can fly now, sky is big, empty and boring
> Lancelot and Guren become so blatantly overpowered, it takes Suzaku two minutes to dispatch the entirety of Knights of the Round
> And their entire army.
Second season was fucking bullshit.
This is not how you spell "Cornelia". 10/10, would die for.
Exactly. While the mechs were never wholly "real-robot", they went full super robot in S2 and it cheapened a ton of the fights.
>MFW I first saw the mechs and realized they were the most realistic I've seen because they used wheels to skate around rather than running
>MFW they completely threw that out the fucking window in season 2 with fucking particle cannons, energy shields, and having every mech and it's mother fly
Fucking nah man. Creepy, insane, obsessive, and genocidal are not cute qualities
Season 1 is more down to earth which I feel isn't something you see a lot of in the genre while Season 2 is your typical balls to the walls mecha show. I enjoyed both but there pretty much entirely different shows.
On a side note, why is all of the Asian royalty so adorable?
These guys have it. Literally worst girl.
>lelouch still alive maymay
There's a reason why no real RPGs use alignments.
>Creepy, insane, obsessive, and genocidal are not cute qualities
I'm feeling pretty turned on.