Gorechosen edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Anyone played the game yet?
Gorechosen edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Anyone played the game yet?
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Which units are undercosted?
Which units are overcosted?
Anyone have the op pic without the text on it? Also dumping the extra characters from the Sep WD and the Gorechosen manual
Phoenix with Anointed
Any kind of Thundertusk
I only play Seraphon so I'm not sure. I think that Kroak and Seraphon Battalions cost too much.
Some say that Dwarf Warriors are over costed and not a great battleline choice. Not sure I agree though. They're pretty solid in my experience. Especially when taken in larger blocks.
Tomb King necropolis knights are stupid.
Stupid good, or bad?
Some would say undercosted, I would say perfect. 8" move, 5 wounds, 2 3+/3+/-1/1 and 3 4+/3+/-1/D3 attacks with 6s doing MW on the serpent fangs. Regen 1 per hero phase if you have a banner - 160 pts for 3.
Any one got any cool ideas on conversions for my moon clan grot netters? I'm thinking twist ties and fish net
Has anyone thought of using Morgul Knights for Blood Knights? They look pretty good, maybe change up the heads and shields?
Biggest problem will be scale, these are LOTR models right? They tend to be noticably smaller than Warhammer minis so I would be surprised to see somebody using them.
Typical WH scale on the left, LOTR scale on the right. You might be ok with it though?
Really didn't think of that but it's true, of course. It's not for me to do it anyway, as I own a pack of the real metal blood knights, but I thought of solving a problem for others, and the MKs really do look good.
Chaos warriors (30 man blobs of those things with buffs is disgusting and I've only seen it dropped with tons of shooting)
Prosecutors with javelins (3/3 2dmg -1 rend for 80 pts? It's a joke, especially when every unit in the army is expensive
Judicators (yes they're good but 160 pts for five is just too much, 120 or even 100 is fine)
Knight vexillor (hes great, his abilities are fantastic, except he works best when he can drop ten retributors on your dome. He only shines on higher point games and at 200 points eats alot of real estate)
Lord Kroak (he's too weak for his cost)
Battletome: Tzeentch Arcanites when?
Would a pure zombie army run well?
Several big blobs, supported by a necromancer and a couple of corpse carts, maybe with some dire wolves for objective grabbing?
>Got my new WD
>not models, just some 40k comic
The wording was first three (or four?) issues with free gift. Everyone just assumed models after the slaughter priest. Comic and DLC is a huge let down. I know I'd be happy to pay more if they did include more models/paints with the magazine.
Nice, you even posted an old ass 5th edition Bret. That thing would look even smaller next to the newer batch.
Someone posted a Stormcast Samurai on fb.
These faggots are the worst Pestilens unit, worst Skaven unit, and a contender for worse Chaos unit
But it's more due to terrible design than pts costs, of course if they were like 30 pts for 5 instead of 60 you could overlook their shittiness
Skaven have several solid 5 guys for 60 pts type units, and Censer bearers are sadly at the very bottom of the pile
> I am Salty.
> Salty about Skaven.
Mourngoul, Thundertusk, Savage Orruks (the 2 wounds version), Seraphon in general could use some adjustment
Fiends of Slaanesh... and not much else.
High Elves in general seemed far too weak, but the player playing them wasn't that good either.
Whenever GW feels like it
I'm willing to bet around Christmas. A Tzeentch release in December would coincide with the thousand sons stuff in November. New Tzeentch daemons could be used in either game as well.
>High Elves
>seraphon are too good
>high elves are weak
Shittiest opinion I have heard in months
Probably the most appropriately costed elite unit in the game. Strong but not super tough. 440 points gets you 30 4+ wounds and 4" of movement.
Pretty sweet too bad the dumb ass couldn't put it down on a flat surface
120-140 points for 5 judicators would put them in a more reasonable slot compared to right now where they kinda put this odd points gap in your list that's a bit difficult to fill
I'm pretty salty about having 6 units in my Pestilens army and half of them are kind of shit, yeah.
At least Skrolk is fucking gr8
Btw, do you guys think this fellow is worth anything? I got him in a lot with other stuff, looking all pro painted. All I can find online is Skrolk.
>odd points gap in your list that's a bit difficult to fill
That is the worst. i wish more things cost 50 pts, i dunno why they insisted on doing everything in 30's
He's the Fantasy Pestilens Lustria Plague priest. him and the Plague cheiftain are no longer available, nice looking model i use mine as a Priest.
Not really worth much beyond standard OOC metal models, he's not very old Lustria Pestilens was like 2007 i think, but some people may want him to use as a Priest with plague censer
>regenerate one model per turn
>army banner regenerates one more model per turn
>spells to regenerate one more model
>4+save 6+ ward
>can field 12
Just way too resilient.
Or 5+ ward with a 6+ on the last wound if you do it right. And you could always run *two* tomb heralds...
Regenerate one model when you have five wounds a model is essentially having Regen 5 per hero phase, which can be increased to 10-15-20wnds per hero phase. It's ridiculous. You have to pound everything you have into them and pray they all die.
No need to be rude.
That's the impression I had.
Seraphon and their ignore -1 rend all across the army was supergood and have some good tricks, but I stomped High Elves multiple time like they were nothing (but as I said, it may be a false impression because the player wasn't that good).
By themselves they are fine, but they become too good for their cost when you combine them with teleports and +1 Hit bonuses.
Sounds like a case of Bad Opponent. High Elves are top tier when used properly
whats the points value used in competitive tournaments?
All I want is Dwarf news. Here is my nearly complete kitbash/conversion of the slayer king.
Whatever the tournament organizer specifies
I mean like the average
whats considered the standard points limit?
It adds up to their points cost in an appropriate way. Give them a teleport and it's either at least 200 points for the Vexillor or more for hammerstrike, putting them at 640 minimum, which at that point a unit that expensive should be a serious threat to anything in the game.
Whatever the tournament organizer specifies
I have seen tournaments play at 1000, 1500, and 2000 points. I have also seen local "Start Collecting" tournaments that only have the SC boxes.
Check your local community to see what size people are playing at. In my opinion the game works best at 2000 points
I'd love to run a unit of 6 with a tomb herald on horse behind. Brutal.
thanks user
so how does this look for a competative list?
Exalted Deathbringer (80)
- Impaling Spear
- Artefact : Chaos Runeblade
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Hackblade and Wrath Hammer
- Artefact : Chaos Talisman
Bloodsecrator (120)
- General
- Artefact : Crown of Conquest
- Command Trait : Lord of War
Bloodstoker (80)
Skullgrinder (80)
- Artefact : Daemon Weapon
Aspiring Deathbringer (80)
- Goreaxe and Skullhammer
Bloodreavers x 20 (120)
- Reaver Blades
Bloodreavers x 20 (120)
- Reaver Blades
Bloodreavers x 20 (120)
- Reaver Blades
Blood Warriors x 10 (200)
Khorgoraths x 3 (240)
Wrathmongers x 5 (180)
Skullreapers x 5 (140)
- Goreslick Blades
Skullreapers x 5 (140)
- Goreslick Blades
Skulltake (100)
Dark Feast (100)
Another day, another tzeentchian warrior for my future arcanites.
Illegal is what it looks like. You have 4 Artifacts despite only being allowed 3. You also need a second Bloodstoker as the one you have cannot fill requirements for both of your Battalions. Toss the Exalted Deathbringer and include a second 'stoker.
Then, you want to toss the Wrathmongers and Skullgrinder for another Bloodsecrator and more Skullreapers, add them onto one of the existing Skullreaper units. That 10 man unit will now want Daemonblades. Seriously, they do absolutely disgusting damage, especially if there's a Bloodstoker around to whip those self-harm mortal wounds away.
And then, if you want to use this list competitively, you'll want to throw something out in order to include a Skull Cannon or two.
In fact, if you want this list to be effective on a tournament level, you will either want to toss the entire Skulltake Battalion and get MOAR Bloodreavers or toss the Dark Feast to include some Skull Cannons and some more resilient Battlelines like Gors or Blood Warriors.
Aside from what the other user mentioned, I have a few points:
Why did you make the Bloodsecrator your general?
Your army is just a pile of melee with low Rend and poor mobility. Any kind of defensive line will shut you down completely - how do you plan on beating Saurus Guard, Stonehorn, or Kurnoth Hunters? Bastiladon? Phoenixes? How do you plan on dealing with artillery?
The only armies this list can beat is other pure melee armies.
Can someone recommend some cute/beautiful elf/forest spirit 3rd party model that could fit was a branchwraith in its "seduce" form.
bonus if its more of a forest spirit type than a fleshling.
seems like someone has made a gallery with links of exactly the things I was looking for.
Taking suggestions for my Stormcast color scheme. Trips, or best suggestion, wins!
why did you base them on Nature Valley granola bars?
Paint them a solid green
Paint them exactly the same colour as the games workshop Gray plastic, but add a nice golden glow to the eyes
How are Khorne Bloodbound right now?
Jumping into the game soon with a friend. He's going Sylvaneth with some Aelf. I'm torn between Ironjawz, Nurgle Daemons, and Slaanesh themed Slaves to Darkness. Which one is going to be the most fun to play without being too op?
it's nice but the edge highlight isn't supposed to be 10 cm wide.
Nurgles I would personally say. It's a hunt for slaanesh models, iron jaws are a close second to nurgles imo. Both different playstyles but both fun.
I love Valkia's lore and the "look" of the model.
But fucking shittercast makes it a shit model. The pieces are super thin and weak, and everything warps like tzeentches dick.
I'm trying to paint her up but the details are so goddamn tiny that I can't tell what's flash, what's flesh, and what's armor. Also the spear always looks like a floppy dildo because even an hour in a case warps it.
Overcosted: Anything on a jugger
>Mighty Skullcrushers
>Khorne lord on juggernaut
>Herald on juggernaut
Who bases their models before painting them?
It's going to be hell painting under the arms and around the cock-curtain
Did you wash the pieces first?
What do you guys think of this list for stormcast?
+++ New Roster (2000pts) +++
++ Grand Alliance: Order (Pitched Battle (2,000)) (2000pts) ++
+ (No Category) +
Allegiance [*Order*]
+ Leader (520pts) +
Battlemage (100pts) [Amber]
Battlemage (100pts) [Jade]
Knight-Ventor (120pts)
Lord-Castellant (100pts)
Lord-Celestant (100pts)
+ Behemoth (320pts) +
Celestial Hurricanum (320pts)
+ Battleline (620pts) +
Judicators (160pts) [5 Judicators]
Judicators (160pts) [5 Judicators]
Liberators (100pts) [5 Liberators]
Liberators (100pts) [5 Liberators]
Liberators (100pts) [5 Liberators]
+ Other (400pts) +
Decimators (200pts) [5 Decimators]
Protectors (200pts) [5 Protectors]
Battalion (140pts)
Battalion: The Skyborne Slayers (140pts)
Currently lacking the knight ventor but I do own a vexillor, although I feel his use is finished until higher points or I get more retributors.
Is this guy worth the buff he gives enemies? His terrain spell looks really good and his buff seems ok, but that drawback seems too harsh.
Screamer pink on armour, green on details
my LGS home-brewed a rule where you can only give the ur gold to a hero
it makes him a TON more useful
the problem with the rule as is is that your opponent could give it to backfield artillery and then your fucked
This, juggernauts are very lackluster
I'd run more retributors, imo
wip slaughterpriest. i feel like the paint went on too thick on the thigh (metallic) anyone have experience scraping/removing paint from a specific section?
Use a Q-tip with some non-acetone nail polish remover?
How does Deathrattle play? Is it any good playing thr hordes?
They never die if you play them right.
With proper buffs, Skeleton Warriors can basically eat most anything. Build them with spears for the extra range, and run them in blocks of 40. I use a Tomb King as my general, with the command trait that gives a 5+ instead of a 6+ to wounds and mortal wounds. Keep a Wight King close by, use the Necromancer's spell when it's your turn, and mystic shield when it's your opponents. Also, use the Liche priest's spell. That means that you now have a unit with 3 attacks per model, a 2" 3+ 4+ attack, with each hit roll of a 6 causing an extra attack. On your turn, they can pile in and attack twice. When they get hit, they have a 5+ against rend - wounds, or a 4+ with Mystic Shield. They then get a 5+ against every unsaved wound, and then a 6+ when they die. If you have a Mourngul, keep that in front of them, as enemy units will now either hit with a -1 or -2 debuff, depending on their bravery. After all that, they get d6 models back during your hero phase. I also play to get at least 2 tomb heralds, and a Necrotect.
So, the Gaunt Summoner's "Book of Profane Secrets" ability says that it can summon daemons if within 9" of a realmgate at the start of its movement phase. What all qualifies as a realmgate? Is it only the Baleful Realmgate terrain piece? How often do games have a realmgate as part of the terrain? Is the Gaunt Summoner worth it without a realmgate on the field?
Anything with the REALMGATE keyword
Maybe a little light on direct melee hitting power but you have plenty of wizard cheese so that shouldn't be a huge problem
Is there anything else with thw REALMGATE keyword is what I want to know. I haven't found anything yet.
Does no one bother with the legion of death battalion? i've got all the models for it and i wanna focus on it being the center of the force
Maybe i should look into a tomb King, but i might convert it, i want to stay away from TK aesthetic
Are there any good youtube channels on age of sigmar?
Is Nagash the right cost? One of his 'main perks' was "Gee Nagash why does your mum let you have two summons", which doesn't actually do much any more. And that one spell thing. The magic just Isn't there.
How can i make my skelies actually hit things. I had 30 archers land 2 damage out of 60 attacks. Is running specifically beneficial scenery frowned upon? Im currently converting a Khalida. Can i do anything?
In my experience liberators have earned themselves the title of fantastic tarpits. All the games I've played, liberators rarely kill their points value , however they are able to tie up entire sections of armies simply because they won't die. By chain buffing them (hits on 3 wound on 2, 2+ save reroll 1's, 5 heals) they become borderline unkillable to anything that isn't mortal wounds while slowly chipping away at the enemy. Due to sigmars shoot into combat rule I'm not so heavily reliant on melee units getting the kills, instead allowing the expensive judicators to pick units apart or carve them up with paladins. If I had more points I'd include some dracothian guard, but storm cast are am expensive army
Yeah I like liberators, especially 10 man + blobs of them.
Dracothians are absolutely scary, especially in that list. Run 4 fulminators with a 0+ rerollable armor save against shooting and 4d3 mortal wound shooting with a +1 to hit and you'll lose friends fast. But it's worth it
I run that with an extra tomb herald and the WK with a banner for a 5+/5+/6+ save +2 rez skellybro unit.
A bunch. Miniwargaming, Guerilla Miniatures Games, Doom and Darkness. Just search Age of Sigmar battle report in youtube. You'll find a ton.
Looks really good! Perhaps i'm gonna steal that idea...
Hey guys, what color should I use to layer and highlight castellan green with?
According to the chart you can layer with Loren Forest then onto Straken Green, finished with a highlight of Nurgling Green. Shade is Athonian Camoshade.
If you want to browse it/save it for yourself.
thanks man!
I used a runelord body, warrior veteran head, a carnosaur head piece for the cape of fyrskar, some cryophoenix plumes for his mowhawk, longbeard axes and a few other bits, will post more when the finishing touches are done.
Hey all.
Been working on my minotaurs army.
For 2000 pts, is it worth it to double the bullgor stampede formation? Can you even take a formation more than once in an army? So 2000 pts would be 2 doombulls, 6 units of 3 minotaurs, 2 ghorgons and the bullgore stampedex2. With that list I can take 3 magic items which is cool. Pic is one of my converted doombulls.
Wow the khorgorath looks a whole lot better without those retarded tentacles, head, and some armor added on.
Don't know if it's worth it, but as far as I know there's nothing preventing you from taking the same battalion twice, unless the battalion specifically forbids it. I can't think of any like this but it could exist somewhere. Either way you should be good there.
I agree with this anonThat conversion is pretty dope.
Fuck man, that's tight as shit. I've been wanting to build a minotaur army too.
That thing is looking sick my dude.
How many points do you normally hold in reserve for summoning with a Death list at each level of matched play?