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CYOA General
Important CYOAs from previous thread repost:
You fucking animal.
Though, I am now inclined to make a CYOA with all subjectively perfect waifus. Where's a good place to get pictures of beautiful women?
You can try either /s/ or /e/ I guess. I don't know how you'll make a CYOA with the same choice over and over though.
These threads make me comfortable with the idea that god stays in heaven, because he fears what he has made.
But for serious, try looking at some of the subreddits that do pictures of pretty women. Stuff like /r/cuteface and shit.
Why not husbandos
Why is your serious suggestion just as dumb as your joke suggestion?
Gotta be either Wan or Jong-Ma, and definitely leaning towards Wan.
Because I put as much effort into both. Which is none.
Quite a bit can be stacked, especially *soft* armors and clothing
Also this line from Forge Master
>you... will be capable of... combining pieces of
equipment to greater effect
makes me think you want that skill for stacking non technological equipment buffs
If that is zero effort please do it a million more times.
Do we have any family in Royal Revival beyond our siblings and father?
>Open my door
>On my screen is a word doc
>The same sentences are repeated thousands of times
>Lightning flashes
>On my walls is scribed the same sentences
> is all you can see
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
You want cousins or what?
I read this too many times in my life, especially skills/perks, equipment, and downsides, and I see so many typos
Does he want another editor to fix his shit?
I'm just curious if I have anything like that.
>Does he want another editor to fix his shit?
Well it does seem like an absurd amount of work for one person to keep track of.
Speaking of, could someone post that? Can't seem to find it anywhere.
I plan to just re-read the damn thing section by section, while removing the typos that have been bugging me, not planning to take real responsibility for how traveler turns out
Might take me a little while
I don't think Highlander gives a shit. If you understood what is said, that's good enough.
Subjectively perfect. Different strokes for different folks, but also no obvious downsides to any. So it just becomes your preferences of good.
I'm currently thinking nine waifus. Three sub, three Dom, and three equal.
Yeah it got posted out of order, so I had to sort and rename it
Italics here.
Pokemon Personified will receive a separate add-on expansion a few weeks after Pokemon Sun/Moon comes out next month. What kind of improvements would /cyoag/ like to see in the cyoa the most, since feed back is important in any cyoas development and growth?
The expansion and its story, factions, and some characters will be loosely to not at all related to the main cyoa and Constellia
I feel like it should be clarified if it's turn based.
I'd like to see it without any pokemon
Not what I meant to post.
Combat can be turn based if you want it to be.
You mean remove Pokemon that everything in the cyoa was inspired from?
Wider ability selection.
Non-type moves.
Thanks user.
I don't know man, I've never followed Pokemon games closely pre-release but I've played almost all of them, and for some reason I'm just totally uninterested in Sun/Moon like I was with Black/White. I'm sure I'll pick them up and play them, but I don't think I can contribute ideas.
Just work on what you realize are problems in your CYOAs. So the grammar and spelling. Outside of that, I'm sure it'll be fine.
The road less traveled: What if I was female?
Talent (Not having a shitty as fuck willpower.),
Love interest, Home, Compendium.
Blessing of vitality, blessing of health, blessing of magic.
The Mentor.
I skip the point of emergence and event cascade and replace them with the first CYOA.
It will take almost no effort from him though.
Copy paste the text I send him, then select all, change text color to black
or scroll through and correct all the sections I mark red for fixed typos
I don't need to highlight the changes if he trusts me enough
I don't see why not. There's another user that corrected a bunch of typos a while back though. Maybe that version isn't what highlander used for 1.15, or user saved an non-corrected version.
Back To School: (+80)
>Normal Hair Color: Blond (Free)
>Ahoge: Airhead (+3)
>Normal Eye Color: Blue
>Normal Skin Color: White (Free)
>Pure Skin (-6)
>Ultra Sensitive: Allergies to Copper (+5)
>Gender: Male (Free)
>Athletic: Untalented (+5)
>Bookworm: Untalented (+5)
>Cute: General x7 (Delayed Body Development) (-29)
>Tech Mastery: Untalented (+5)
>Artistic: Untalented (+5)
>Lucky: General x7 (-29)
Magical Enchantments:
>Extended Life 1 (-1)
>Retain Memories (-15)
>Fuse: Future Love Interest + Genius + Heroine + Stalker + Olympian (-25)
>Fun Kindergarten (-3)
>Sweet Teacher
Now to begin my super lucky and cute life. I can just let my waifu take care of any serious stuff, I'm just going to have fun.
A wider selection of special abilities. Sturdy, Sand Stream, Prankster, Tough Claws, Poison Heal, Ect.
I plan to start once 1.25, or whatever the next version is called, comes out to avoid correcting something that has already been changed
I am hoping that I can get the unfinished bits early, if at all possible, so that I can get started on it early, but it isn't a big deal if I don't
Once we know what the shit Ultra Beasts are, I'd like to see if those are tied into the heroes and other travelers from outside Constellia.
Making an actual turn based fighting system is not only fairly pointless, it also erodes much of the RPG element and cinematic potential.
More Waifus.
Imagine if the fights in the anime were turn based and strictly followed the ruleset of the games
Ultra Beasts are probably just a more exciting way to market pseudo-legendaries. They're probably no different than Uxie, Azelf and Mesperit
I'm hoping we can catch them.
I also hope they're Lillie and her family.
Got some real waifumon going on then.
This will be added along with z-moves and a variation of mega-evolution.
>Once we know what the shit Ultra Beasts are, I'd like to see if those are tied into the heroes and other travelers from outside Constellia.
Maybe depends on the information provided on them. I can tell you in the expansion Ultra Beasts will be tied to a joinable First Kind ran faction on the new continent
There will be more waifus.
I'll take the omniscient voice.
>Who am I?
>What is my purpose?
>What is the recipe for the world's best grilled cheese sandwich?
>Did I really have a crush on that girl back in high school?
>Am I depressed?
>Who are my people?
>Where does my family come from?
>Was I a mistake?
>If I were to drop dead right now, how would the people who know me react?
>Should I go out for lunch today?
The fact that I could only get one answer a day is of no consequence.
If you're gonna keep pumping that shit, at least be honest about it and use the original version. The guy who MADE this literally told you (I remember the argument, and I bet it could be found by rummaging through the archive) that he did not like the version where the blindness applies to you, thought it detracted from the theme of the CYOA and completely changed the meaning of the choice. The original blindness choice (depicted here) was about choosing the smaller discomfort even knowing that you'd be causing great suffering to the person you love, which indeed made for interesting and thoughtful discussion since such an overwhelming number of people did it.
The one where you turn blind is just raw assholery meant to troll people. It's telling when the even creator of a CYOA all about flaws and mocking the concept of waifus calls your version nothing but trolling.
Blindness was added after everyone chose "serial killer" as a sort of reverse of that choice. Serial killer used to be the "maximum selfishness choice" because it implied you were willing to have dozens of people die rather than having to deal with a girlfriend who disagrees with you on politics. People defended that by saying that they're also caring about the state of their relationship and the girl herself, so the original creator introduced the blindness option, which is specifically selfish towards the girl and the girl alone.
Then everyone starting choosing it.
I never liked how much that CYOA felt like some kind of psychological test. I think it's a neat concept, but it's annoying to acknowledged.
Yeah I was gonna say "Watch as everyone picks blindness"
Nobody wants to be around a girl that supports white genocide or the like, user.
Don't give the maker any credit, he made the original just to have shitty options and added the blindness just to try and mock anons who weren't going for his choices.
Why? This was a far better post.
Everyone just picks the blind one in this one.
See I give the guy who made this credit because he clearly tried doing something very specific and he arguably did it nicely (a CYOA so simple that it actually serves to highlight one very specific psychological trait in people). It makes me personally uncomfortable, but I don't think that's a bad think in principle.
No Time. Easily.
You're giving him too much credit in assuming he made it as a test. He just slapped some shit up there to mock something he didn't like.
For good reason. When your options are her death, your death, other people's death, poverty, misery, misery, loneliness, and her being inconvenienced but otherwise healthy and capable of finding happiness, then it's pretty fucking obvious that simple Blindness or Business are the only reasonable options.
The fact that it makes people uncomfortable is the point. And no, I don't mean in a "lel trolled" sense. It's a good thing for people to realize that their little hugbox safe space is important to them literally beyond reason. That guy who always starts foaming at the mouth when he sees it? It's working on him.
Senpai you've posted it like twenty times between when you managed to get people to argue about it, and they're less mad at the CYOA than they are at you poking them. Nobody is 'foaming at the mouth when he sees it".
I'm with you on this one. The hell is wrong with all the assholes blinding their girlfriend?
No time is fucking great. It's nothing but a bonus. It implies that your girlfriend is a rich character with a variety of hobbies and lots of friends, and if you've ever actually had a girlfriend you'd know that "a few times per month" is about as often as you'd actually like to interact with her. No clinginess, no being forced to go out for sake of it, no bullshit "spending the day at her place because that's what a boyfriend does". It makes every date meaningful and fun.
It's a cheat option that everyone missed.
>For good reason. When your options are her death, your death, other people's death, poverty, misery, misery, loneliness, and her being inconvenienced but otherwise healthy and capable of finding happiness, then it's pretty fucking obvious that simple Blindness or Business are the only reasonable options.
You're being completely dishonest here, and you know it. Just examine why you aren't picking the blindness here if that's what you actually think. If you think taking the only choice that lets you continue being a hyperselfish prick is the only reasonable option, then you really need to stop being a teenager I guess.
Some people have prospects of marriage and family, and many people are more needy than seeing her twice a month is satisfying.
It's obviously one of the only two real choices, but it's not a good situation to be in for a lot of people.
Face it user, you're the only one who's mad here. I've never seen anyone get triggered so quickly and so consistently as this thing triggers you.
I picked No Time when it came out. I stick by that choice. So cut the assumptions.
>ur mad
Low effort.
What about loli waifus?
There's a bunch of them in the current CYOA.
>I picked No Time when it came out. I stick by that choice. So cut the assumptions.
Nice dodge of the issue. Is your conscience giving you trouble? Well it fucking should, so that's good.
Why are you getting so upset over a shit option anyway? The Yandere is the only decent option since the rest are all garbage.
>Your entire argument is "You're a terrible person for making her blind!"
It's called a counter. Your argument doesn't line up with facts.
The core 'issue' between blindness and every is the idea that you're sacrificing your happiness or her happiness. Yet the fundamental issue with these arguments is the assumption that 1. It's noble to somehow make yourself miserable. 2. That her selfishness is excusable while yours never is (double standards) 3. That blind people cannot be happy and fulfilled. All of these highlight some hypocrisy on your part in your ride on the high horse.
I need more tho.
There is loli waifus in the current vers. of the cyoa.
See: Style of Life: Academia! will feature selectable lolis
Lillie/UB-01 will probably be one.
posting favs
There is no yandere option. There's the serial killer option which specifically applies to people you don't know, which is just a waifuish spin on the classical utilitarian choice of "would you rather direct a runaway train towards your own mom or towards 15 random strangers."
Nice CYOA for ants buddy.
The argument lines up with the fact that you said making her blind is a reasonable option compared to the others. Now stop pretending to be retarded.
>every is the idea that you're sacrificing your happiness or her happiness
No, actually. In every other choice you're making compromises between the both of you. The blindness option is the one where you shunt all the consequences onto her, and it's even worse from her perspective if measured by total misery. The only reason you think it's a valid choice is because you're just that self centered. If you weren't, then you'd think going blind yourself is an equally valid choice as making here blind. It can't get any simpler than that.
saved wrong
tomboy (2015)
sorry im pretty high
This should work
I would just like to point out that anyone who doesnt go steel/fairy or ghost/fighting is doing it wrong, as they are the objectively best defensive and offensive typings, respectively.
Steel/fairy has 9 resistances, 2 immunities, 5 neutrals and only 2 weaknesses, while ghost/fighting can hit every type combination in the game for at least neutral damage with one of its STAB moves
It is reasonable. Because it has the less overall cost in happiness to you two collectively.
She doesn't make any compromises. Cancer and AIDS aren't compromises. Her cheating is her being selfish. Her killing people doesn't involve a compromise. Her spending all of your money is her being selfish. Her refusing to keep from shoving politics in your face is selfish. Her shoving a nasty fetish in your face is selfish. There's no compromise involved in any of this, to the point where I don't think you know what the word means. The only one where she suffers any 'consequences' is the Cancer one, where she dies. Yet I sure don't see you complaining about that option.
>It's even worse from her perspective.
In your mind, all blind people must be constantly on the precipice of suicide.
I just said Yandere since Moon induced Serial Killer is a mouthful dude.
Yay it works
So can I pick one political, ideological, or religious subject that I hate, or is it one that I think right now that I hate the most, or does it predict the one that I will grow to hate hearing about the most?
If I can pick it, then I choose this option.
>female wage gap
I hate the intelectual dishonesty and the refusal to look at the facts for what is provably a false number based on simplified statistics
BUT, it is very much a socially acceptable point of view for a woman to hold
So I will cringe inwardly, and use my anger to fuck her harder
Also I will try to make sure that she negotiates for a better salary than me, I really don't mind if she is the primary breadwinner