Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
The edition was a delayed mess and the one thing that bothers you about it is a goddamn sidebar?
Sometimes I wish people like you would just start shooting people. It'd be more productive than whatever this thread's supposed to be about.
Because Paranoia represents the absolute worst possible pseudo-gommie regime possible.
It's only fitting that it's filled with SJW-esque bullshit.
>heterosexual sex is treacherous
Some writer trying to sneak in his yuri magical realm?
This. "We're going to modernize Paranoia for [Current Year]" is already fucking treason. Replacing Commies with terrorists because no one is afraid of commies anymore is missing the goddamn point even harder. A fucking sidebar on sex is barely a blip, aside from the fact that in Paranoia, PCs are assumed to be basically asexual and agender because hormone suppressants, is yet again missing the fucking point.
Also, before this thread goes fully to shit, anyone have Paranoia XP supplement PDFs?
wow it's fucking nothing.
less than 300 words for a canon explanation of expected genders identification and sexuality that amounts to "it's 1984, no one gives a fuck"
I'm honestly more annoyed because previous editions were both more concise and more grimdark about it. And somehow more progressive. "The Computer has abolished the evils of sex and gender, genders are functionally identical in all ways, now get to the slapstick murder". This sidebar is utterly pointless in that world.
At first when I started reading the image, I felt that tiny bit of faith in humanity loss creep up, but then I realized it was for the paranoia rpg, and I was like "oh, ok then."
Why must every side note in a rulebook that says "it's within the rules to pretty much play what you want, nobody gives a fuck as far as this book is concerned" is met with at least one person on Veeky Forums throwing a fit?
Because it's funny?
The computer doesn't care about what you think about your schlong or lack thereof, so long as you don't insult its grand plan by using it in a way counter to its interests.
I'm friends with one of the developers. He said it was specifically "to piss Veeky Forums off".
Dude, this sidebar explicitly says being straight (or even bi, probably) is badwrongfun,
>The computer is insane
>It has insane opnions
Wow, what a surprise.
>m-my uncle works for Nintendo, he said it's true!
>He said it was specifically "to piss Veeky Forums off".
That's like shooting rubber fish in a barrel. With a Howitzer. Pissing off Veeky Forums is like pissing off a rabid Chihuahua. Easy to do on purpose or accident and can have either hilarious or horrible consequences.
Having straight sex is, not being straight. Moreover it's only in Friend Computer's digital eyes, and Friend Computer is batshit insane and pretty much anything is treasonous in his eyes, much less anything a Troubleshooter is going to get up to.
what the fuck is this faggotry?
>Moreover it's only in Friend Computer's digital eyes
Friend Computer's eyes are the eyes of Alpha Complex, citizen.
>And Friend Computer is batshit insane and pretty much anything is treasonous in his eyes
Report for termination immediately.
>much less anything a Troubleshooter is going to get up to.
Troubleshooters are the greatest weapon we have against the Commie Mutant threat, as shown by the sheer number of Commie Mutant Traitors that attempt to infiltrate the program, and the fact that such infiltrators are caught at a rate 1704% higher than in the general population. Every single daycycle, a heroic Troubleshooter foils a team of Commie Mutant Traitors and terminates them all. Such is their zeal and loyalty, this is often their own team, heroically defeated before they can threaten Our Xomplex.
Go fuck yourself you crazy robot.
Paranoia is dumb, but Friend Computer thinking gay sex is wrestling and that you shouldn't wrestle when traitors are around is delightfully hilarious. Especially right after calling procreation treason.
As for why it's allowed? Because fuck you, alt-right, that's why.
>Hurr, inclusiveness is bad because I'm afraid of change
>Anyone who criticizes me is practicing censorship
The fact that they needed to write a massive sidebar is kind of retarded, especially since they went out of their way to point out gay sex isn't treasonous.
The fact that you're wasting valuable time "play wrestling" when you could be doing your job for Friend Computer is obviously treason. Not to mention, bringing up any tumblr gender bullshit is questioning Friend Computer, which is obviously treason.
It's like this book was written by mutant commie spies trying to undermine the glorious authority of Friend Computer.
>Because fuck you, alt-right, that's why.
>implying it's not pandering
You should try shaving with Occam's razor some day
>no one mentioned censorship
Keep fighting strawmen, bud. You're bound to win one day.
>horrible consequences
we r lejun amirite lel
Because acknowledging that anyone but straight, white, heterosexual, cisgender males can play roleplaying games is scary.
It says that Friend Computer doesn't like babies being made without it, and doesn't understand gay sex at all. In a delightfully cute almost childish way.
Why is it only pandering when it's to a demographic you don't belong to, but marketing when it is?
Oh, yeah, and that INGSOC poster totes isn't fighting against a strawman either, right?
Inclusive to what, a special snowflake who doesn't believe in words defining us yet has 15 categories to describe themselves and use every opportunity to remind you of it because it's all they got in terms of personality?
We'll just see how long this pandering will continue and how many companies will make a profit out of it while alienating their core audience as being racists bigots.
It's pandering when it's the people I don't like, you badwrongfun apologist
My big issue with this type of sidebar is, if you need the rulebook to explicitly say you can play something in order to play it, you're a shit roleplayer. Roleplaying is about imagination, not mindless rule-following.
>Why is it only pandering when it's to a demographic you don't belong to, but marketing when it is?
Because "le alt right" is a significantly smaller audience and group which until recently was only known from a web of blogs on different topics.
On the other hand, alternative sexuality have been a vocal minority with an actual presence for far longer. Between the two choices of "it's pandering to the tumblr crowd" and "it's trying piss off le alt right," there's less of a logical leap to go to "pandering," which in the absence of definitive information makes that choice more plausible.
Veeky Forums throws fits about everything. It's kind of what we do.