During the fall season Floors will resume but will possibly face changes and perhaps a new narrative.
>What is Floors ? Floors is a Multiplayer "Skirmish" Variant where players assume the role of Runners. Runners spend their lives traversing dungeon like "Floors" in order to reach the stairs and outrun a universe consuming threat called the Malebolgia. The Malebolgia can't be stopped so outrunning it and building up " Turns" is the only option.
>What are these changes. While we are still deliberating changes ;Here's the Hot Points.
1. You can keep your old character or you can join in with a new one at level 1. But like any runner , if they die they fall to the void. You can also roll a new character and bring your old character from 2015's run later. I will stress this once more, however, One character per player only.
2. We're making reductions. - SubFloors are just Floors now. We cannot support small floors, but its in our best interest to create smaller standard floors.
3. The story will depend on how many old characters return. - Old characters that do not have simply wandered off elsewhere. - New Characters will factor into this as well.
4. The rules from the last game are still in place. - But some changes will occur mostly in the interest of reducing lag, processing, and streamlining play.
How Will Floors Play ? Floors being a big game will likely go a rate of 1-2 turns a day, however there will be High Activity Days and will only occur if 60% player participation is confirmed. Players who cannot make this commitment consistently don't worry. Have a trusted runner [Bot] for you in the meantime.
Where are the sheets ? In the next post so don't reply yet :v
For those just joining us you can only choose the base classes [Middle 6 classes] outlined in grey. The other classes [Advance Classes] simply become options to specialize in after you level up.
> You start with 2 abilities and when you complete a floor you gain one more "level" - You gain a level by reaching the stairs and traversing one floor. - Your party also gains a level by defeating the Floor Boss > You may access an advance class as early as level Upon doing so you gain one ability.
Levelling up doesnt affect stats [yet] but it will determine items and equipment that you can use. These things you must acquire with Zenny, luck, and simple perseverance and very likely violence.
Jackson Davis
I might be a bit biased but I'm for continuing with old+new characters/players where it was left off.
Joseph Mitchell
Luis Miller
Reporting in.
[V][QuarterMaster] Hetros "The Judge", Lvl.6:Adept =Normal Human, Driven For the 7th Floor, Shining Meat of the Extinct Seamonster(Rare Loot Drop,Str+1,1 Floor)= HP:8/8(5+3) ACT:2 STR:6(4+1+1)/ATK:10(6+4) END:5(2+3)/DEF:7(5+2) MOV:4 MAG:3 Equipment: -Nihelfaust (lvl6,2Handed,HunterLine,Atk+4,Def+2,Rng2,Heavy,Tri Cleave,HalfSwing,Untapped Potential) -Executioner's Tricone (lvl6,Str+1,End+3,HP+3) Bag:[0z] -Chain*12 -Iron Maiden*2 -Twin Chevrolet (Lvl5,2Handed,HunterLine,Atk+2x2,Def+1,Rng5, Twin Hook and Jab, Hook and Scissor) -2 Jerky
Skills: [1.5 Zeal] (Cords) [Hunter]Bloodlust(P), Hook and Pull, Rig, Suspension [Adept Hunter] Rig Network(P), Lurk(P), Mortal Blow [Viscount] Battle Intuition, Life Sentence(*) [Cord Arts] Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook, Morning Star [Pray]HolmGang >HolmGang: Chain Yourself To medium or Large target. They cannot leave you, and you Cannot leave them. >Tri Cleave: Targets 3Tiles Forwards or Across >Half Swing: Targets the Frontal Arc. >Untapped Potential: This Living Weapon may hold more potential once Zeal is spent attuning with it. >Twin Hook and Jab: Pull a medium Opponent and Deliver a mainhand attack. Two separate targets may be targeted. >Hook and Scissor: Pull a Medium to Large Opponent and deliver a two armed attack in a single impulse. STR+ATK+ATK.
Skills: [Guide] Channel; Pulse; Ward; [Paladin] Crusader OATH (Redistributes MAG split between ATK and DEF); Shield Formation
Andrew Hughes
Will there be more riceballs this time maybe-possibly? Or does curious transsubtantiation event of time-space localities going wobbley-wobbley-wibbley-dipple prevent-preclude getting those?
Because Rabbitspaw feels riceballs are important.
Jeremiah Sanchez
No new items are being purchased or produced.
Thomas Clark
Please excuse Rabbit while he entertains dark, private thoughts Mister Scholarly. Is not sight for polite company. Needs-must contemplate vast emptiness of world without riceballs.
Jeremiah Thompson
Jesus fuck, I've seen women less complicated than this..
Am I doing this right? [Knight] Redstone the expendable, ever shaded shall his features be. Skills:counter, ground slash Health:5 ATK:2 Def:1+2+2(what's this mean?) MV:3 Actions:2 Mag:0(Aether numb) Gear:sword Shield Armor Bag:empty is this going to get moved to /qst?
Cameron Morales
Please delete mistake posts once you've posted the fix.
I would suggest looking at the other character sheets posted so far. They have all relevant information listed to their characters, and it's easy to tell what goes where.
This is a skirmish, and not a quest. In other words, this will not be moved to /qst/
Christopher Martin
you need to have [K] in your name rather than [49] but yes, that's otherwise correct. In general it helps if you follow the character sheet pattern used by and me here and here Defense 1+2+2 means that you have a total defense of 5, so any attack that hits you is reduced by 5 damage to a minimum of 0. The 1 is your base defense. One of those +2's comes from your shield (this only applies directly in front of you), the other comes from your armor (this one applies at any time you're not taken by surprise, such as when stabbed in the back unexpectedly, facing and position are vital to a knight).
As for if we're moved to /qst/ that's up to the mods at the end of the day I guess? They've not been moving the CYOA or the Risk or the Civ threads to my knowledge... so they might leave us alone.
Gavin Torres
What if I get stabbed in the back by someone I know is there? mods are fickle cunts, but I don't care either way.
Bank : -Vintage Hat ; +1 Mag, +1 Def -Horace's Notes
Group Bank : 2109z -Wide Rim; +2 Mag, +1 HP
Jose Turner
floors guy. Your game is super cool. I love the art, even your rules look fun.
But I can't help feel a little overwhelmed by it all. I started watching your threads half way through, and it might be too hard for a newbie to jump into. A new season is appealing though.
Anyway, do you have a website? Do you have any other games you've run? I'd like to just gaze in admiration at it all, even if I don't play. You put the rest of us homebrewers and amateur game designers to shame.
Dylan Morales
This is good but I do believe there's a reduced format floating around somewhere.
People don't forget that one. It was useful when it saw use.
Daniel Powell
Knowledge is what knowledge does. If you allow yourself to get stabbed in the back You are stabbed in the back.
I have done Wonderful Days, a recent Skirmish I ran in the summer.
past ones ive done fell under the names Skirmish Quest Zero Space Ironhearts Wonderful Days
Any skirmish with 'Monday' in the tags is what you're looking for.
Leo Lopez
They let you have communication priviledges in prison, Boss? Quick you summoner soul sellout, use it to tell us where you are! And the guard rota! And the defensive fortifications! And that you're transfering the entire pyracyte supply to me!
Blake Gonzalez
Awesome! Cool to look through this stuff. Is there a plot synopsis of FL8RS anywhere?
After successfully breaking out some old friends from the clutches of an experimental facility our heroes find themselves at the depths of the Pneumaether Prison and now must find their way back to the Media Route where a war threatens to break out, and her people are threatened by the white whale. =
The Long March Patch comes with a few mechanical changes that will affect the progression of the game.
>Upon levelling up Max HP increases by 1. So someone who is level 3 gets +3Hp added to their base.
>Climbing the stairs no longer refreshes HP. Because of your proximity from a runner infastructure and your approach to the frontier, Wounds sustain from the previous floor, the crystal corridors are barren and empty save for the respite of time it provides but supplies and water become your life line if you ever to replenish the blood sweat and tears lost on your journey.
> The Crystal Corridors is reduced. As you have drifted away from the MEDIA line, you fight the double battle of regaining your place in the world and outrunning the Malebolgia as well as your vindictive gaolers, bent on fullfilling their grim imperative.
Brody Cox
Does leveling while having damage mean that you also 'restore' 1 HP or does only the max increase?
Nolan Hernandez
Leo Adams
Does that mean leveling up bumps up both the current and maximum HP then?
Cool. Sorry for wording the first question so weird.
Nicholas Nelson
>Let start from the beginning again shall we? >Was formally Nordus
A man with a gun appears, he seems to be a newly recruited militia man. Taking a closer look, there is a metal speaker located where his voice box should be on his throat. When he speaks, his words emanate from the speaker and sounds like a robot with issues of speaking softly.
Equipment: -Blunderbus (RNG:4, AMMO:1, ATK:+1 -Volgan Militia Uniform (and a very nice hat) (+1 DEF, +1 HP) -Irondrop x 10 (4 AP)
Bag: 0z -Bread Rations x 3 (Heal 3 HP) -Water Skin x 2 (Heal 1 HP, Cure [exhaustion] and other things if applicable -Molotov Cocktail x 1 (4 AOE, Fire, 2DMG/Turn) -Binoculars (See into Fog but not Darkness)
=Dormant Daemon= Equipped: -Main Hand : Hammer Watch [Level 5, +3 Atk, Heavy Crush, +2 Mag, 2 Range Melee\Casting, 2 Handed] -Off Hand : -Armor : Man-Eater Armor [ Defense +1, HP +4, Stats do not decrease on debuff, -1 HP per stat debuff ] Bag: 840z -Jerky x 3.5 [ Heals 5 HP, two bites ] -Winged Shield [Defense +2, Hover : Become a flying target, like a vengeful gargoyle with a sharp stick !] -Chain-Sword [Attack +3, Defense +1, Range +3] -Un. Threaded Harpoon [Level 5]
Skills: [K] : Counter, Spin Slash, Shield Bash, Ground Slash [S] : Jump, Twist, Acronaut, Lunge, Dragon Wings [Sword] : Double Cut [Cords] : Choke, Arm Bind, Slam Down, Corner Hook [Mace] : Arm Crack, Power Smash, Skull Crack [Great] : The Whole Thing, Block, Limb Smash
Sebastian Richardson
Fantastic, it'll be good to have you at the front again Jenny.
Ayden Green
"I LIVE YET AGAIN!" >changing moonsabers name to Moon
StatusEffects: Alive LVL:2 ATK: 2+1+3 ACT: 2 DEF: 1+1 HP: 4 MOV: 4 MAG: 1 M.HAND:Spring harpoons Lvl:2;Atk (x2); 4 range; *hook and shoot*/just cause stuff. OFFHAND:Dual wielding main weapon Gear:Lv. 1 Overcoat, DEF +1, ATK+1 BAG:Chains x 3, Iron Maiden x 3, Llama water 5/5 x 1, cookie 2/2 1x, Bank:Hunters bomb, mob pole/pike, Blood A x2, 340 zenny, hunters chain, +1 atk Rng 3 Skills: Hook and Pull,suspension,bloodlust, dark tendecy. Dark tendacy: Allows you to use an action to overwatch anyone, and also hit it.
Adrian Green
>I'm around.
Status:[Fire Resistant Ghoul], [Feast: +1 ATK and Improved Loot Discovery] LVL:7 ATK: 1 DEF: 1+1 HP: 3+1 MOV: 4+1 MAG:4+3(Turncoat)=7 POW:4+3(Turncoat)+4(Book)=11 M.HAND::Lv. 4 Book [It Came From the Sea], Darc, Lux, Hydra, Words:2, Mag +4(Daemon Ink) OFF:Dog Whistle GEAR:Lv. 5 Traitor's Turncoat(+3 Mag, +1 HP, +1 Mov, +1 Def, +2 Book Holsters) BAG:Chalk x 3, Spiced Jerky x 3, Darc Shard x 2, BANK: Ferryman's Coin, Llama Water x 5, Spook's Mask, Fell Ash x 1, Avalonian Herotales
Skills:Arrow, Ball, Ring, Block, Hand, Eye, Dimensional Sight(Eye of Eld), In Tandem, Bind, Faery, Mothman, Beast, Amazonia, Fire Resistance Graft
Charles Richardson
Hey guys! What is going on in this thread?
By the way everyone do not forget that the veteran characters gallery is still open so you can grab your portraits! Updated with Sir Walter Nut's image! Newcomers have a few limited options if desired.
A large knight lumbers out of the shadows, his face masked by a visor that muffles his snorting into echoingly hollow loud breaths, his gear is unremarkable except for a red painted left pauldron, and decorative horns twisting from his helmet, and the fact that he wields his sword sheathed across his armored right hip. As he draws near a pleasant warmth can be felt emanating from his entire person. He stands tall, his shadowed eyes scanning the group for a moment before announcing "I think i can help" Skills:counter, spin2win Health:5 ATK:2 Def:1+2+2 MV:3 Actions:2 Mag:0(Aether numb) Gear:sword+2 atk Shield(+2 def on facing) Armor(+2def) Bag:empty
Jace Wright
(OP) >Checking in with the latest write up I can find (It looks fairly accurate at least -had to delete Sturmaug and repost. Still have the whistle..)
• Main Hand : • Offhand : Mesmeria Illusion Book (Lux/Hydra=Illusion: Words4, Mag0) *** • Paraiah's Widebrim:[Editor Only](Mag2,HP2,BookSpace2) + (BookSpace) Blitz Libra (Lux/Pyra=Lightning: Mag1, Words3) + (BookSpace)
* Miniature Sword (Fleurette) used as Hair Pin
Mage Skills : Arrow, Block, Ring, Ball, Hand, Glass, Tandem, Sword, Burn the Body
Editor Skills: Bind
Prepped Spells:
Bag: • Sturmaug's Dog Whistle • Llama Water (4 Uses) • Chalk x3 • Queer Pottery
Money on Person: 0
Bank: •Zenny: 1022 (300 earmarked for donation)
Vault: • Dog Whistle • Ghost Paper x5 Applications • Red Water • Spooks' Mask (DEF1 , MAG2) • Level 1 Mask (+1DEF, +1MDEF) • Quailudes x 3 applications • Clogged Whistle • Level 1 Mage Mask (+1DEF, +1MDEF) • Heretic's Widebrim (Mag2,HP2) • 2x Hel Ash • Hand Full of Dragon Scales • Chimera Blood
Fluff Notes: • Paraiah's Widebrim:[Editor Only](Mag2,HP2,BookSpace2) Book pockets do much to insulate and use the thick hide of pages to protect the caster, a term that many armor smiths call " Book Plated "
Brandon Young
"Ah, there is nothing quite like Runner's work to breathe life into these old bones anew- no greater rejuvenation than the crucible of combat, and no greater pyre to burn away stygian void than the flames of war."
Oh! My bad. Sorry. I wasn't entirely if Persade was a fairy companion or if Persade was a free floating fairy simply around you. There is a lot of summoners around.
I also believe I didn't account for Meave's Sturmaug for the same reason.
Persade is delightful, and no slight was intended.
A few Guides for those who wishinig to look into certain classes or learn how to play.
Ethan Barnes
Austin Bailey
The Mage Guide created for this wishing to understand why their friends have vaporized.
Isaac Gomez
parte two
Brody Collins
To date these are the only guides I have gathered extensive notes on... Anyone else who wish to share their findings may do so.
Aaron Thompson
I half expect the guide for the rogue just reads "Find the bulkiest person you can. If they're on your side, hide behind them. If they are not, steal their stuff and run away."
Luke Carter
>After successfully breaking out some old friends from the clutches of an experimental facility our heroes find themselves at the depths of the Pneumaether Prison and now must find their way back to the Media Route where a war threatens to break out, and her people are threatened by the white whale. Found here:
Wyatt Walker
Robert Harris
Because, I mean, anyone is sort of broad.
Gabriel Walker
Hammer has 0 Magic Range? Marvelous information to know. Always thought it was just a shoddy +1 Attack.
Luke Wilson
To be clear, 0 magic range means melee. The hammer is literally just a better alternative to barehanded fighting as a guide.
Nolan Campbell
Shut up, you! Don't you quash the dreams!!
Lincoln Wright
Yes, but having a stat showing magic range infers that it can be improved somehow.
Grayson Scott
I think its meant for that suicidal enough guide that dreams of being a Denali one day. So they can heal teammates and try to smash the nearest skeleton.
Jose Sanchez
Good sir, I am that guide. Well, was that guide. Now I am a paladin who pretty much does the same thing, but now I can take hits!
Josiah James
It is good that there are those joining us. Now that there is a good estimate created a map shall be made. And it will likely be composed of many sections. Allow for a few days to a week for this to occur. meanwhile feel free to ask questions about the game in general
William Jackson
Will there still be a item/shopping system during the crystal corridors if not how will people get new items/weapons/etc? This is concerning this reply.
Ethan Young
I've got a few right off the top of my head.
Will the last Militia class be introduced? Will there be a return of item recipes such as the hunter's basement or the magic pot? Will it possible for characters to experiment with potential combinations of skills to see if there are any adverse effects, sort of like a training grounds, between floors?
Brody Rogers
Corridors are being reduced and this mode of gameplay will ensure that the initial intention of the game is played out ;
> That you are traversing floors in succession while beating the clock.
Assume that upon reaching the Stairs, the only thing guaranteed to you will be a level up, additional turns and maybe a shop.
Jacob Ward
Oh boy Floors is finally back. RIP my free time...
Ethan Flores
[HEAVY BREATHING] "We're back baby ! Let's run together once more, Wyrd Hunt !" Good to see you, Monday
Adorable student are those still a thing ? : [K] Rabata Lvl1 Tam Knight =Normal= HP:7/7 Atk:6 (2(STR)+3+1) Def:7 (2+1+4(shield)) Mov:3 Mag:0 (Aethernumb) Act:2 -Warmaiden (Atk+3, Def+4, HP3, 2hnd, shield, stores two weapons) -Raider's Helm (lvl2, Def+1, Atk+1, Def+1) Bag :[0z] - - - - Warmaiden : -Cross Sword (Lvl2, Atk+2, Def+2 1hnd) -Kite Shield (lvl2, +3 Def, 1hnd)
Skills : [K]Counter, [K]Spinslash, [Sword Arte] Step Cut, [Racial] Tam Regen, [Racial] Tam Change Zeal : 0.3
Sebastian Sullivan
Oh, by the way, Kail'S Equipment Emporium is open ! As you can see, I have a lot a stuff, and I can't use all of it. So I'm giving some away ! Newbies and veterans alike, go ahead an ask for stuff ! Remember a few things, though : >to equip an item, you need your level to match or exceed the item's level >starting items, for example, the Weiss' Cross Sword can only be used by said class. Some other items may have different class requirements >always be looting ! Equipment is quickest and easiest way to improve your stats. Equipment may even reward you with powerful, exclusive skills >sharing is caring. Don't hold onto items you can't possibly use. If you get a wand and you are a Rogue, give it to a Guide. You'll make someone happy, and if someone finds Rogue gear, you'll probably be first in line for it. Don't be a dick to your teammates >fallen enemies (and allies) can be looted. If you see an enemy wielding a weapon, odds are you can pry it from its cold, dead hands.
Now that this is said, here are some facts about my stuff : >I can't give away my main armor, weapon, and shield, for obvious reasons. >Frimelda's blade has already been claimed by [W]Fleur >Castor's fist will be given away to [P]Justin Case once I gain a level >the stats on the Dident might be wrong, it's been a while and they don't seem right >Knight's helmet, Knight's Shield and Knight's Sword are [K] only. Cross Sword and Battledress are [W] only
If anything catches your eye, tell me about it, and I'll be happy to give it to you.
Hi. I'm the bulkiest person around. Please, hide behind me all you want.
Liam Edwards
hope its not too late friendly fire spray shot
Christopher King
What, including the claymoore? But what manner of man can wield the Moore? I mean, I'll try, it might be a good ace up in my suit even if hard to slip up a sleeve.
It's good for a sharp opening offer. I mean, I feel we can really slash prices if we use it for our market solutions. Of course the Trade is like running along a knife's edge--
oh stairs it's begun already. help.
Jonathan Jones
that pact looks interesting i pledge
Andrew Morales
Probably not. Although of course, this is a slow sort of thing until it gets real hectic, real fast.