Just like drow, tieflings are now a core race at 5e. However, unlike drow, they do not suffer from crippling sunlight sensitivity, making it a go-to edgelord race attracting the worst kinds of cancer players.
> My character is a tiefling assassin, who hates religious bigots who killed his mother, and hunts them down
> My character is a tiefling warlock, who made a deal with the Devil so he can get revenge on all those who wronged him!
> My character is a female tiefling rogue, who's a total slut.
Don't lie to me, Veeky Forums, you've seen all of those character concepts repeatedly. But have you seen a single good tiefling? Go on, show me a tiefling paladin. I'll be waiting.
Oh wait, you can't, because players who are attracted to the tiefling race are in for being the closest thing to a demon 5e can offer, and Wizards gave those edgelords a go-to race.
Tieflings are cancer
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Well I don't play 5e but in 3.PF I've played a CG tiefling swashbuckler.
I'm my case it was fetish bait but still not edgy!
This is even worse.
Hey you were complaining that all tiefling players only played them to be edge lords. No need to get butt hurt about me pointing out the other tiefling player demographic.
Imo its better. Op, I dont like these players too, so I just dont play with them.
There's a chaotic good tiefling fighter in the game I'm running and most tieflings I see in dnd podcasts are decent folks.
Hell, the only edgy tiefling I've played with was deliberately a parody named violet shadows who spent her time writing bad poetry and acting disinterested.
>My character is a tiefling bard, who plays the steel drums
They're all basically unsalvageable.
I don't like how prevalent they would be standard as a core race
So far only one of my players has made a tiefling monk who sawed off his horns out of spite for his heritage, so I can't complain!
The only Tiefling I've ever played in 5E was a bard who sold their soul to the devil for music mastery ala Robert Johnson. He ended up being one of the most successful musicians in the kingdom.
>making it a go-to edgelord race attracting the worst kinds of cancer players.
Really? In my experience people playing them typically go with the typically nice but terrifying trope. I've played 4 games with tieflings in the party. 2 were bruisers with hearts of gold, one was a neutral female wizard and the last and my personal favorite was a halfling tiefling that everyone patronized for his weird mixture of spikiness and short stature.
Tieflings are one of my favorite D&D races, but I absolutely don't think they should be a core playable race. They are basically outsiders.
I played a LN Tiefling Sorcerer whose demonic taint basically gave him a superiority complex so bad, he 100% believed he was destined to rule the world and was the only one who could.
As the only one with decent CHA, he was the party's face and considered them his trusted bodyguards/advisors, and they eventually learned to just play along with his ridiculous claims. He offered to spare just about anyone he ever met, offering them the ability to live in service of him and his Kingdom. He was strangely kind to his "subjects", if a bit demeaning, and went to surprisingly great lengths to ensure their well-being. He was even convinced that the evil female Wizard BBEG was simply misguided, and planned on making her his Queen since she was the only one ambitious enough to really match himself.
Sadly I only got to play a few sessions with him before the game collapsed, he was really fun. But I don't think it was particularly edgy, most everyone got a kick out of my ridiculous opinion of myself.
>who hates religious bigots who killed his mother, and hunts them down
This sounds like a pretty valid mode of operation, though. Are you even old enough to remember the Vecna saga?
You might have been hibernating during the Fedorable revolution of smug unbearable atheists
It's still going on.
It is? I thought people just wrote off all fedora wearing atheists as butt devastated MRA's.
My character is a Tiefling bard who was raised in a travelling circus.
I made the same character.
> He doesn't know about the hero of Spiderwoods
wow I was literally just writing a tiefling paladin who was trying to avenge the name of his people in an effort to break the stigma that all tieflings are edgelord murder hobos, this looks like the thread for me
Sounds rather edgy
I'm not sure I would consider a -1 to attack rolls crippling for drow.
>CG tiefling swashbuckler
So, Nightcrawler? I can't possibly fault you for that.
>You might have been hibernating during the Fedorable revolution of smug unbearable atheists
I don't think I've ever once met a fellow non-religious individual, much less been proselytized to by a non-Christian. But I'm in my 30s. I have no clue what ideals are popular among high-schoolers or college kids these days.
I'm more concerned about Smitey McEvil rolling a paladin and then sidetracking the rest of the party so he can kill any- and everything he detects with liberal abuse of his seemingly inexhaustible Detect Evil spell. (Speaking from experience, here)
Was probably shit if religion was a bad thing in it.
Her sprite is really cute; love the flicking tale. But she's a total horse-face in the pre-render.
tieflings are one of my favorite races, and a few of my favorite characters have been tieflings
they just got so much flavor to them
I played a tiefling paladin, I looked and role played as a draenei
Did a mething similar myself. Ran a blade warlock who was constantly bartering people's soul mortgages into his NPC interactions. Was banding together the inhumans in his group against humans he met.
It was a good enough background for a beer and pretzels encounters game. DnD is trash RPG fodder. Might as well treat it as such.
What do you think of Dragonborn? I like them because they are big, boisterous and can breath fire! Also Lizardfolk aren't playable so it's the closest I can get.
I mean, like most everything in DnD, it is up to the DM. The race descriptions in the PHB for 5e seem very Forgotten Realms centric (though the reactions to rare races are usually sensible), but you can fluff it any way you chose. Someone coming in with an Edgy McEdgelord who spends his time brooding on rooftops and attacking religious types? Have, by the actions of a devout Tiefling Cleric, people around the starting area not be racist to Tiefling, and actually sympathise with their plight. Those night time brooding sessions? Seems that their is a trend for overly happy parkour wherever they go. Attacks/insults an authority figure/memembers of the clergy? Guess who just got black listed from every inn and market, and will occasionally have bad luck trying to do anything in the domain of the offended cleric's god.
Den don't use em
My group has a habit of making good to neutral aligned Tieflings with stereotypical good person names. We've had three, and two of them were Paladins. We've had:
>Melody, Paladin devoted to the sun goddess and loves her family
>Justice, Paladin of the same sun goddess, having a crisis of faith after a disaster but determined to do the right thing
>Angel, Alchemist preoccupied with creating the perfect alcohol
No one in our group has ever played an evil Tiefling.
Yeah, Annah is the best. The one from Fell's Five is a good runner up too though.
I play 4e, but my party has two tieflings currently. One is a bard, bastardized child of a minor lord, and the other is a knight (MC paladin) for the traveler.
I've also played a tiefling cleric of ioun myself.
I played a NG tiefling paladin who really just wanted people to be happy and appreciate his gardening and lute skills
Prime missed opportunity with the BG:EE to import that sprite for use in Baldur's Gate. Could have been a new playable race if they had wanted to. They brought in many other sprites from IWD and PST.
As long as we're having a tiefling thread, I've been hunting for some tiefling art I lost in a drive wipe.
It's one in a suit done in a super noir style. Does anyone happen to have it?
I played a tiefling sorcerer with the noble background that ended up a cross between mob boss and Littlefinger.
Once had a monk/barb tiefling player that did a jekyll-hyde/Final fantasy Ifrit gimmick that everyone at the table loved.
My group has to deal with a Lawful Evil Tiefling Monk. Instead of playing along with the party, he just acts like a dick to NPCs, has his own code that prohibits him from helping the weak, and uses his powers to fuck with people. The worst part? His character's name is Nex Mortem. He thought it sounded cool.
I played a LG tiefling paladin named Bubbles Trufflefoot who was adopted and raised by halflings. Her halfling brother was the edgelord warlock who was played as the stereotypical "It's not a phase, MOM!" attitude. The party did everything in their power to keep her sheltered from all the horrible things that adventuring entailed. Sad that it was only a one-shot campaign, all the characters there (who made it to the end) were really fun to roleplay with.
Show us on the doll where the 90s touched you, user.
>Go on, show me a tiefling paladin. I'll be waiting. Oh wait, you can't
>tiefling paladin whose service to the light conflicts with his inherent inner darkness
is such a common character archetype it has now become trite.
I like you. We can be friends if you like.
Sure. We are now friends and always will be. Even though we most likely never communicate again, consider me, Palaling user your friend and know that even in your direst hour I believe in you and support you, as long as you aren't an evil person who believes in hurting others for his own gain. Other than that, always remember that at least one user out there considers you the good person you can be.
I've found that, universally and without exception, people that unironically call things they don't like "cancer" are always the worst member of the group.
Every time, in their own unique awful ways.
Sure, i could use a smoke. Anything else?
I wanted a tiefling infernal warlock who wanted to see his race brought to greatness and obliviously thought he could lead the movement by gaining great power for himself and using it to benefit his race.
So basically Malcolm X and Hitler rolled up into a red douche who actually believes he's trying to help people. Except with less violence against established governments and more becoming a hellfire archwizard to protect and run the city of the red monkeys.
Even BLM Hitler starts off as a murderhobo.
I had a friend play a Tiefling once. She did not actually have class levels, she was instead a chef who desired to make meals out of the most exotic monsters and beasts possible.
It was like a female, demonic Toriko and it was awesome.
Now that you mention it, Hitler was a murderhobo, wasn't he?
nah, more of a noble/crime boss.
I mean, murderhobos generally don't gather a political party and seize the government mid election.
My character is a tiefling warlock, who made a pact with the fey for powers so he could go out adventuring and gather rare books for the library he recently inherited.
Still, he started off in WW1. Shot his enemies until he had some levels. Eventually grew past murdehobo.
>brought to greatness
So your plan was to play a racial-supremist half-breed? That doesn't even fucking make sense. Jesus, way to prove OP's point. It IS like Malcolm X and Hitler, because it's basically "Mulatto Purebloods only!!1!"
That's so stupid.
I can, name one.
Markus Velafi, from thrilling intent. If you haven't seen thrilling intent then I have a treat for you.
One of my players played a tiefling scientist. He was studying the effects of the absence of magical energy on magical beings. Never saw any edge. In fact if you didn't already know he was a tiefling you wouldn't have known just from actions.
Another one of my player played an edge lord human the spent money on prostitutes then killed them then complained to me both IC and OOC that there were none left in the city because he killed them all.
Another character once played a elf slut. but WORSE. She played an elf that was 14 years old and had massive D sized breasts. She would go on and on about her fucking breasts on a 14 year old elf for hours if you let her.
Get better players. Edgelords and sluts exist everywhere and play everything.
>Don't lie to me, Veeky Forums, you've seen all of those character concepts repeatedly.
I haven't seen a single one of those characters.
That said, is revenge no longer a viable motivation for making Faustian bargains? Traditionally it's the kind of thing that should attract the kinds of people into bartering with demons.
>racial supremecist half-breed
Gee where have I seen that before.
Season 1 finale of Angel? But that was only a ruse.
I played a lawfully good Tidfling wizard who lived with his mentor in crystal caves and wanted to find her when she was kidnapped by Mysterious People. I wish I got to play him more, the campaign never really got off the ground. :/
I have a level 4 tiefling bard in my game. PC is ashamed of his own heritage and tries to recompense by being a weak goody two shoes.
Made by a guy who's first contact with anything tabletop begun two weeks ago.
He actually prepares short poems as incantations whenever he uses a spell for the first time. They even rhyme.
TWO WEEKS AGO, he had NO concept of tabletop roleplaying games.
He's one of my best players
There is always Zara from Critical Role, which is a Tiefling Fey Pact Warlock that hunts monsters, smiths weapons, get's day-drunk, and has a frisky tail.
We've had a pretty good tiefling character come up in our group. She was a heavyset older woman, a neutral good cleric with lawful leanings and the party's adoptive mom for a long while. After the campaign she was in finished up, she married the burly butcher from her hometown and together they run an inn that most of our subsequent characters have stayed at.
In my setting I use for 5E tieflings are blamed in some part for an ancient catastrophe, so the church of the setting offered the race a choice (under authority from the empire holding the lands together) to either become servants of the church or have no rights in the court of law (ruled by clerics).
The empire killed off those who resisted outright and those who submitted become property of the church. They have then been brainwashed over the years to love the church and be its greatest warriors against heathens.
These tieflings are branded, those who accepted the ruling but chose to have no rights are more like the traditional Tiefling archetype, but often don't last long in society for obvious reasons.
Players never choose to play as the second option so I never get edgy tieflings.
Those kinds of edge Lords would play edgy as fuck characters with or without Tieflings, and normal players aren't going to edgelord, so just don't play with edgelords and your problem is solved.
>brainwashed over the years to love the church
>I never get edgy tieflings
You sure about that, m8?
>no edge
>All PC members of this race are brainwashed religious slaves
>Resist and you will be killed because I can't just tell my players I don't like Tieflings
Congratulations user, you're worse than the edgelords.
all of those characters still sound like edge lords when you remove the tiefling part. My 5e group has a guy playing a female tiefling paladin. He is doing a great job and trying to become a better player. Want me to go into more detail?
That's how you defeat them, no one can be as edgy as the edgy DM!
You know what? I'mma make a tiefling paladin.
"All of us are impure. God has simply blessed you by making my impurities external."
Statted as an Oath of Vengeance Paladin, with proficiency in both Religion and Arcana. Religious background, probably Acolyte.
Play him as a 40K-style Inquisitor
In PF my current character is a Tiefling magus. He was sheltered as a kid and grew up NG. He's idealistic and dreams of being a night in shining armour despising looking like a monster out of a bad horror anime.
At some point I want to try a tiefling occultist based off pic related. He would be edgy mixed with spaghetti. A driven capitalist who can't interact outside the realm of business. At least 50% of his vocabulary is inspirational catchphrases. He hopes to one day dethrone Asmodeus using hard work and petty theft.
I made a CE Tiefling who USED to be your average human grifter/gambler/roadside showboater until he accidentally summoned an unspecified species of demon that turned out to be a rather distant ancestor. Said demon promptly turned him into a Tiefling Warlock, of which he made the best he could, now being a magical rarity.
The paladin is the face, but he can serve just as well, while also still being a selfish asshole who insists on being out of the room whenever any summoning anything is going on. Still, being in an adventuring party is the most lucrative thing that's happened to him in a while.
Group dissolved before I got to kill someone using only Prestidigitation.
>He hopes to one day dethrone Asmodeus using hard work and petty theft.
Hilarious, I like that.
>Boo hoo it's not 1995 anymore
When will they finally make orc the playable race instead of constantly skimping around the matter with half-orcs to keep grognards happy?
When they stop being inherently evil, so never.
Well OP, I've never played 5E but back during my 3.5 and PF days, my go-to concept was an aasimar rogue with daddy issues who was CN.
See, she was born to an evil human rogue and his human wife. The evil rogue assumed the wife either cheated on him, or was the source of the celestial bloodline (which he disapproved of) so he beat the poor girl until she internalized a 'steal everything' morality and 'overcame' her instincts.
She left home at age 13 or so after he got drunk and tried to rape her.
Point is, edgelords who play the 'evil' race are generally mercifully uncreative. It's dudes like me you gotta worry about.
When WotC and Blizzard stop being tsundere for each other and make official Warcraft roleplay together.
>implying paladin players are somehow better than edgelords
Kill yourself, op, you are retarded and don't see the root of the problem.
This is why I prefer roleplaying games where PC's and monsters are mechanically the same.
In Rune Quest it would be quite easy to play a Tarrasque, or a Billygoat with minimal fuss.
Just replace half-orcs with orcs in your game, ezpz
I made a Tiefling Warrior who acts as a mercenary and occasional gladiator. Apart from buying repairs for his gear or replacements, he saves all his earnings so that he can fund the creation of a settlement for his people, as its established that Tieflings don't have their own cities or settlements.
>So your plan was to play a racial-supremist half-breed? That doesn't even fucking make sense.
Not that guy, but uh. Well I mean, Hybrid vigor is a thing.
DESU, as a liberal type who believes in cosmopolitanism multicultural shit.My main problem with American white supremacists is that they're not internally consistent. Most of them are for the advancement of 'white' people, without any thought to various ethnicities or their differences from each other. The only way your average 'American White' white supremacist could have a consistent ideology would be to exclude either 'Celtic' or 'Aryan' sub-types from their supremecy, or develop some sort of 'MIX ALL THE WHITES TO FORM A SUPERIOR AMERICAN UBER-WHITE' ideology. The vast majority of them don't think it through that much. I mean, don't get me wrong. Even if they had such an ideoloy they'd still be /wrong/, but I'd be able to respect them on the same level as ISIS or Nazis, for being wrong with an interesting and cohesive ideology. I'd see them as 'misinformed people' instead of subhuman idiots.
Getting back to my point, I can see a pretty good argument for 'Tieflings superior'. When it comes to demonic power, a little dab'll do you.
Eh, they don't mesh with all settings, but the settings they do fit in can be pretty interesting.
The best tiefling character is one who is the child of a powerful demon, and seemingly fated to become an agent of evil. But then by a twist of fate he is discovered and adopted by an elderly man who raises him to become an upstanding, heroic moral being. Eventually when he has grown up, the tiefling swears vengeance against his own kind when one of their agents cuts down his adoptive father.
I played a Tiefling bard once who was a general good guy fun times kind of guy but my dm killed me off because i refused to do something.
Don't worry, "polluted child of light" story isn't a pillar of creativity either.
Now be a good boy and cut the entire middle paragraph of your post back to /pol/, will ya.
Haha. I made one based off of that. He was an alcoholic monk who sanded his horns down to appear more normal.
a couple of tiefling character concepts
Treated with distrust in his homeland, Bert signed to work as a shiphand for a merchant vessel at just 14 years of age. The money was good, and the work was honest. For twenty years he did this, until the captain of the vessel sought to retire. He had a sizeable savings to last him until the next working season, but little to do in the mean time. When some old drinking pals spoke about an adventure in the mainland, he figured he had nothing better to do.
Wess was born into dire poverty and never knew her father. When she grew older, her mother turned to substances. One day when begging, adventurers carrying magic equipment tossed her a gold coin like it was nothing. An entire gold coin! She immediately thought she had to hide it away in fear it would be stolen away, or used to feed her mother's addiction. She realized though, that the adventurers had probably obtained such wealth from adventuring (duh). She bought herself some boots and new clothes, and a beat up old short sword, that probably had half a dozen owners before her, and got in line at the local unemployment office. The building was labeled "Adventurer's Guild"
I dunno, tieflings aren't inherently bad.
I played a jolly tiefling bard that wore a giant hat all the time. Kinda miss that character. Favorite moment with him was probably true polymorphing a teammate into a brass dragon to fuck up the BBEG.
Welp, now I'm going to have to make a tiefling monk with dimensional assault who does ritualistic scarring on them self.
White Wolf called, they already did that.