Is there a most beautiful woman in your setting?
Is there a most beautiful woman in your setting?
Theoretically. Who it is depends on who you ask. Eye of the beholder and all that.
She's certainly not a human.
If you like humans so much why don't you go fuck one of them? Oh I remember they don't like you.
No because of cultural standards being different
And, since it's a fantasy world I've created out of whole cloth, people aren't overly concerned about female beauty because who really cares
Are you really sperging out about my decision to make the single most beautiful woman part of the beautiful, graceful race?
> projecting this hard
Thanks for proving my point, cuckold.
> The most beautiful woman in anons setting isn't human.
> Therefore they think humans suck.
If you can leap to a conclusion like that then you can also leap off a bridge and improve the human race.
>xD kill ursefl!!1!11!
Keep on being mad, cuckboy.
user, I can and did decide that elves in my setting are pretty nice to look at, better looking than humans. This is not very creative, a lot of other settings do this.
So, why the fuck wouldn't it make sense, that the most beautiful women is part of that race?
>>xD kill ursefl!!1!11!
>Kill yourself
Are you having troubles right now?
Objectively, I don't think so.
The DM has yet to mention one at least.
But my character thinks his wife (played by my wife) is.
She's not, she's actually rather mousy, doesn't really pretty herself up much, too busy studying arcane bullshit, but he's crazy in love with her.
You are the one asking people to kill themselves.
Tell me user, those shaving blades look different now that they did some months ago, don't they?
This is quickly becoming a kysthread with kysposting by kysposters. kys.
kys fgt
>Unimaginative scrub thinks human can possible match beauty when you have the whole make-believe spectrum to use.
You have found the wrong board to post on. Leave now.
Enjoy your fat wife loser lmafo :^)
What a shockingly low-quality post.
The old goddess of life and fertility was said to be just that, at least before she got imprisoned by space aliens.
Ha, that's a fun question.
Let's see...
If you poled the whole setting they would say the elf queen is the most beautiful, if only because she IS the elf queen. Of course, the king and queen are elected, and it's a popularity contest, so of course she's beautiful.
Further south there's a Greek-like human pantheon, with a living goddess of love and beauty, and she says the elf queen is a pig.
The fey gods are probably the most beautiful in a primordial-monster-woman sort of way, if you're asking ME I would definitely give the crown to one of them.
Are all your gods imprisoned by space aliens or just the pretty ones?
The queen of heaven, if only because she created the human race in her image, and thus humans are biological predisposed to be attracted to people who look like her.
>purely subjective judgements
Is there a most delicious cake in your setting?
Yes, she is so beautiful that she can even incite feelings of attraction among wives who've been married to their spouses for years.
Unfortunately, she hates herself and everything that she stands for but understands that the only way to die without causing a mass disturbance among all is to die naturally. Her species has an incredibly long lifespan though, which is why she continues to suffer. She has completely sworn herself off from romancing or even befriending anyone, as she has come to learn that showing any sort of favoritism causes strife and misfortune to enter their lives. Anyone who belittles her or attacks her becomes an enemy in the public's eyes, even though internally she begs for death to take her. She is very thankful that she has reached the age of infertility for her kind and does not have to worry about passing down such a cruel fate to any children.
That's not a fair comparison, every setting needs a Most Delicious Cake. Its one of those things you need to pin down early in your brainstorming or the rest of it won't make any sense.
Yes and she's based off Lily Labeau. Just imagine her with elf ears and you get the idea
Though there are many who take delight in calling themselves the most beautiful and some despise that others call them such, no one disagrees that the woman only known as the Beautied Maiden, who was slain at the first battle of Hafmoss, was beautiful beyond compare. Fair haired, strong yet slender, and with a heart of fire was her gifts.
Had it not been for her, the kingdom of Vesfarne would not stand to this day, as her sacrifice saved Sverker Nykung during the very first moments of attack. Her likeness stands as the only thing to remain as evidence of Sverker's rule of Hafmoss.
She was actually a fairly plain, brawny woman. But Sverker's recollection changed bit by bit until he could only imagen the very legend he had told everyone. Not that anyone could've said any different, as the Maiden was riddled with arrow and burnt by the follow up barrages. Only her fair locks remained unburnt.
That's fun.
My first impulse is to say she is acting irrational, but I trust that there is a longer story and that she has been punished for trying to act differently, it's believable.
I'm not delighted that this post was deleted. Other anons need to see this stupidity.
>Lily Labeau
Quick google search on who that is suggest she would be fond of... orcs?
>inb4 of course, she's an elf
Eh, I hear she's more into other elves, with a heaping helping of BDSM. Who knew training Use Rope would work out?
Undoubtedly there is, somewhere. I think there's been a war fought over that in the past, because the dwarves do not like to admit they're wrong.
The world has bigger concerns right now.
I'm sure there's an epic level chef somewhere who could make such a thing. Again, probably a dwarf because they take things that seriously and specialise incredibly well.
I'm basing them off DF dorfs a little, only giving them a bit more of a german ethic.
Literally doesn't matter.
Yes, The Queen of Succubi.
Most mortal women in my setting are 5/10 - 6/10's. Outside of that the most beautiful women are all magical creatures or monsters.
Of course!
pls no flaying
Hell yeah. Scifi game.
How can anyone be this retarded?
Not a mortal but a deity. They are the deity of love and lust who assumes the shape most widely seen as beautiful to the people viewing them but always with an aura of either love (if assisting those seeking love) or lust (same as love, but for lust).
I think he's saying "by posting this screencap, I have preserved the deleted post".
I can see why you would think he means "I can still see the post; therefore, other people will be able to see the post".
She might not be the most beautiful of all women, but she certainly is the most beautiful that will ever appear in the campaign.
She exists solely to annoy one of the PCs who would like to be the most beautiful woman instead.
Yes she is goat whom the druids have dubbed Moltithia the Radiate. She lives in on a secluded mountain just outside of well known temple city.
She is guarded by many her many husbands. They are high level beast (rams).
Despite the difference in species, the humanoid races can appreciate her beauty. She is far more beautiful as a goat than any human will be as a human. It has taken time to accept that none of our women will ever compare but for better or worse we have. It is a bitter sweet state of things: even if we cannot have such a marvel for ourselves at least we know it exists in the world.
She's currently imprisoned by the god of alien experimentation, at the behest of the god of pornogrpahy.
You know, I have her photo shoot with her and the red ropes and lever knew her name. Thanks user
The Goddess of Blacksmiths has fire for hair and glowing steel for flesh, and eyes that glow like the heart of the forge.
So, you know, she's pretty hot.
Ayy Lmao
Several spirits of love would gladly claim to deserve that title, and few who see them disagree, but they're sexless mind-reading shapeshifters by nature so it doesn't really count.