Who else thinks she is totally that guy?
Perfect Example of "That Guy"
Which one?
These are women and not men. I don't know how you call them a guy.
Eh. I can see it. But redeemable since literally everyone else is also ThatGuy to some extent.
Deathstroke for being an obnoxious asshole
El Diablo for being pacifist until halfway through the game when he flips and almost kills his team be accident.
Boomerang Dude for being useless in gun fights and sneaking away to steal cash
Crocodile dude for putting 3 (or non-D&D equivalent) in charisma.
And Harley Quinn is a That Guy for being an annoying jackass and trying to escape a mission to leave everyone else to their fates.
That Guy was clearly the writer and/or Director
That Guy transcends gender.
Wouldn't it be "That Person" or "That It"? Guy implies gender when it should transcend.
Not that there aren't numerous other examples of implication not equating to direct translation.
Suicide Squad was a fun movie. I don't get why people hated it
Will Smith was a line counter in the movie, hence Deadshot getting most of the screentime.
So he's a spotlight hog.
>Kind of fun in the animated series
>"XDDDD LE FUN AND QUIRKY GRRRL" in the live action movie
Looks like 2D > 3D even in western animation.
It could have been so much better. So disappointment mainly.
Like Star Wars VII, you can be mediocre but decent and get hated because expectations are so high.
Harley is the mistreated butt of jokes in the cartoon.
Her anime equivalent is Excel from Excel Saga.
Star Wars VII was literally a rehash of the original Star Wars with different characters.
Also Empire.
But that doesn't make it terrible. Just mediocre.
It was a retread. It disappointed, but wasn't cringeworthy like the prequels.
That being said, people raged at it for doing very little new and being way to damn vague with so many things.
It was also the three original movies mashed into one. Mainly it was a rehash of Episode IV but there were elements of V and VI. The characters were pretty bland but they had their moments, though I think Finn was better than Rey.
It was also very unoriginal in its story. It just took what was considered a safe approach and never strayed from what the writers/director knew would work with the fans of star wars.
Harley Quinn's player would be like that player you knew back in the day who made a really good and compelling character who had a complete story arc and a personality, but who kept dragging the character back for each new game and playing it more and more, and the character changed over time and became nothing but a pathetic wish-fulfillment Hot Topic quirky so randumb xD piece of shit that the player still drags around to every single game, even games where the character is inappropriate for the tone or power level.
I am very familiar with this type of player.
Finn literally made the movie somewhat tolerable.
Prime example yes.
More so the people that gush how awesome this version is.
I just like it because it made Expanded Universe fans cry an ocean of tears that all their shitty fanfiction is no longer canon.
It's not that I dislike the EU, I just enjoy drinking nerd tears.
>listening to Disney at all for what they say is canon and not canon
Don't be stupid
You are That Guy even if you are female, stop with this bullshit.
>Listening to this user's headcanon.
Don't be stupid.
I think you're misunderstanding me.
I am absolutely not invested at all in what is or isn't considered canon, or who considers what canon. I just thought the reaction was hilarious. It's the same feeling I got when Naruto ended and four of the main characters paired off, and people were bitching and crying about who ended up marrying who. I don't watch Naruto, so I'm not invested in what happened, I just loved to watch the reaction.
And what is or isn't canon is what you decide, especially if you're running a tabletop Star Wars game. For example, the last one I ran took place 200+ years after any canon material, which allowed me to do whatever the fuck I wanted. For example, since I don't like the Yuuzhan Vong and don't think they fit into Star Wars's setting, I wrote them out entirely.
>in a place that happened far away from here and probably could of happened most likely not really
Don't be dumb, man
Semantics now shut the fuck up.
kill yourselves
This movie is a good reason why it's never a good idea to play "an evil campaign."
> This guy
That's pretty much my opinion of Warhammer fans & AoS.
>advertise an "evil campaign"
>mfw the types of players who show up
>they all think they're machiavellian masterminds who will teach those dumb moralfags a lesson
Leto, hands down.
The Joker isn't That Guy. The Joker is a DMPC.
I meant Leto, specifically.
It's not That Guy if they're all like that, nitwit.
You can have more than one, you know
Pretty much dead on.
It's hard to make this metaphor in /co/, but it really works quite well.
This. They played it too safe and by the books, but the tightwad ducks running Hollywood only invest in dogshit that ticks all their boxes for "safe bet"
Even Finn could have been better, make him strangely competent at predicting Imperial tactics and really play up that he thinks you can't go up against the First Order, and save the "HEY HE USED TO BE A STORMTROOPER" for a dramatic reveal in the sequels.
Same reason why I don't run evil campaigns anymore. I will admit, however, seeing everyone in the party double-cross one another right off the bat was hilarious... It was like watching a trainwreck involving poison and daggers.
Seriously. What a bunch of fucking clowns.
>though I think Finn was better than Rey
By a mile. His character was such a nice surprise since I did really expect him to be just a token black guy
outta my way fucking shits, here comes a true that guy
>character is incredibly tall, muscular and pretty
>acts retarded, like shooting up a bar with a submachinegun that he couldn't have possibly have hidden in his coat, or tries to crossdress as a woman to get past guards, even though he's a fucking giant of a man
>has a dumb gimmick of "guessing" what other characters will say
>whenever he gets hit, makes up retarded bullshit to explain why it didn't actually happen after the fact
>in combat, explains using moves that rely on stuff having happened earlier that actually didn't, and then claims that it did
>GM allows all of this to happen
>spies on a naked woman, GM explains that it's his mom and he still says "nice"
>butthurt pillar man detected
>Even Finn could have been better, make him strangely competent at predicting Imperial tactics and really play up that he thinks you can't go up against the First Order, and save the "HEY HE USED TO BE A STORMTROOPER" for a dramatic reveal in the sequels.
God damnit, why do I keep seeing these what-ifs and wish they were true because they're so much more interesting than the initial entries. Like that one guy who said
>play up Leia and Han warning Rey that she's not going to find Luke, even though they're trying the same thing
>they both seem hurt talking about Kylo Ren and never mention their relation
>keep his mask on until the big scene with him and Han, where he takes the mask off and asks what Han expected to see
>"I see my son."
Just seemed such a better buildup and reveal.
It's like pottery
>t. That Guy
Because the animate Suicide Squad was soo much better.
>everyone is a wanna be Machiavelli
>except the one guy who's just a selfish dick
>their convoluted plans for each other tie up in knots and do absolutely nothing
>the dick just notes down their crimes, sells them out randomly and fucks off
Good end
literal fishmalk
And I mean the worst kind of fishmalk, the one who will actually defend their character's behavior by going BUT YOU TOLD ME MALKEVIAN NEED TO BE INSANE, WHY ARE YOU BLOCKING MY ROLEPLAYING???
>>spies on a naked woman, GM explains that it's his mom and he still says "nice"
As in Jared Leto, the actor?
That's too meta for me
I know this just goes to show my Star Wars autism but somehow I have NEVER been able to get over the line about stormtroopers not being immune to gas attacks. Like, I don't even know, of all the things about the film this one unreasonably infuriates me. They clearly have those sealed facemasks! I thought they were meant to operate in space or something?! Aren't they like space soldiers? The fucking shit?!
>gets space PTSD from being present in an attack on rebels/one of his comrades being shot
>cracking one-liners with rebel scum as he helps the rebel slaughter their way through hordes of his comrades two scenes later
Yeah I always saw stormtrooper armor as a sort of combat version of an astronaut's suit.
Silence, Kars. Chaotic Joestar is not the shining paragon of virtue, but still enjoyable.
I do not understand this image.
You know there's a new EU that is even more mediocre than old EU right? even their best can't compete with old EU best.
>That guy rolls underwhelming and weak as fuck char even with strong classes, and I swear to god it's on purpose
>Complains about everybody else being better
>GM forces some egalitarianism down our throats, aka, build subpar as fuck PCs
>Be 8th level chars and barely beat 2 no name bandits and their dog
>That guy complains about how non epic the game is
Not made by Marlel. It was also deemed sexist and racist (because it's not made by the champions of progressiveness at Marvel)
He, him, and his are gender neutral. Why can't the word 'guy' also be?
Clearly you don't know anything about her New 52 incarnation, do you?
So... fanservice and lolrandumb with a touch of "self-aware humor". I'm not seeing any improvement. Or change.
I was pointing out that movie Harley is nu-Harley. There's no "2d superior" animu memery going on.
Wait, you mean there were people who didn't get the "he returns because he's a boomerang thing" in the movie itself? Don't they actually refer to it explicitly? I'm pretty sure they do. It's like... obvious.
>Original Harley
"I bet you think I'm just another brainless blonde bimbo, huh Bats? Well the jokes on you, I'm not even a real blonde!"
>New Harley
"I want big tits! LOL XD"
Yeah, clearly nothing superior about the original...
I wouldn't take anything that comes from /tv/ seriously
That wasn't his point though.
>Perfect Example of "That Guy"
You got the right movie.
But you got the wrong woman.
Kars, please. He didn't knew she was his mom. And you gotta be fair, she looked so young she might have been his age.
I played in an evil campaign that I thought would be Snidely Whiplash type evil, but nearly everyone else brought dumb edgy shit. I was so disappointed.
I ended up feeding them to Not!Cthulu before going back to trying to kidnap a child detective and his canary sidekick.
I remember when I was 10 years old and showed interest in D&D, my parents sent me to a "D&D camp" for the holidays (they were that kind of parents). It was basically just a bunch of zipfaced nerds who decided to found a summer camp on a shoestring budget where they take like 30 kids and run adventures to them instead of having any actual camp activities for 6 days. I have no idea if that shit was even legal.
Anyway, after 5 days of dungeon crawling, for the last day they decided to give us a special twist: a modern superhero game, and not only that, but we got to play as villains. Our job was to steal a nuclear warhead for literally shit and giggles, our evil boss supervillain wanted to use it to "play a prank on the president".
It was retarded but as an impressionable kid I just remember being deeply moved by the revelation that there was more to RPGs than fantasy dungeon crawling. Like, I had an illuminating experience there.
When has summer camp ever failed to leave a lasting impression on kids lucky enough to go? It's actually kind of amazing how many stories begin with something that happened at camp.
Only good evil campaign I've been in was where we weren't planning on it being evil, we just kept getting involved in a bunch of underhanded shady shit to get money/power.
It wasn't until we declined to fight some killer fungus on the grounds of "It's not fun if it doesn't scream" that we realized we were an evil party and ran with it.
It should be mandatory in a evil campaigns for each player to have a stated general motivation and goal.
Evil people using various techniques to achieve their aims is fun regardless of what spectrum of evil you're at.
People that can't write anything down other than "have nothin' personnel against kids" should have to go back and try again, because they're the types that beg the GM for rails to go down, then claim their entire evil will be to kick a few puppies along the way.
Even a painfully edgy player is tolerable if they're creatively paving a way for their personal goals.
Why was it that Finn felt nothing but humor in murdering the soldiers and people he had grown up and trained alongside of? He had problems shooting unarmed civilians but no issue at all with murdering his buddies whom he presumably spent a lot of time growing up with?
They should have had one moment where Finn was getting ready to shoot and then stopped. "I can't do this, I know that guy. I owe him ten credits."
And then of course he ends up having to do it anyway and gets over it. Just a 15 to 30 second scene. It would have really helped to humanize him and make him come off as more human and less of a weird sociopath.
>When has summer camp ever failed to leave a lasting impression on kids lucky enough to go?
I went to a horseback riding camp when I was 8. Me and some of the other kids were hanging out together near the horses and one of the camp counselors brought the horse over. It spooked and kicked the kid I was talking with in the head. He died instantly.
>Star Wars VII was literally a rehash of the original Star Wars with different characters.
... and that is exactly why it did so well. None of it is marketed towards a new audience. It's marketed towards a lost generation of manchildren that are desperately wanting to cling to memories of their past.
>Hey, member Chewbacca?
>Snyder fans
>Getting anything that isn't blatantly spelled out to them 12 times through """""""subtle"""""""" symbolism
Not really, no. Her character is just as retarded and uninteresting as the rest of the setting.
I think you're right to a degree, but having some semblance of thematic agreement in a party is important. Unless it's played for laughs (which really only works as a one-off gag) having an edgy DMC Dante in a party of Skeletors or vice versa is just asking for trouble because the ways those characters interact with the world is so different.
Of course, that means I was probably the one in the wrong since my character was so different from the others. I just loved Baron Von Boo and his Halloween-themed evil too much to be reasonable.
How do you managed to get internet in the depths of space Kars?
That guy is a term that should be used for players, she's just a shit character.
The best kind of evil to play as is cartoon evil, laugh maniacly, steal candy when you can, just a party united In the joy of being an asshole
Clearly he evolved the minerals in his body into a circuit board and signal device interfaced with his brain in a desperate attempt to re-ignight his thought process by reaching out to communicate by any means
She did her own stunts though which is neat.
I thought his name was Cars, like the band. Same with his fellow NotAztecs Wham, AC/DC, and Santana.
They spell it cars to get around copyright.
>It's marketed towards a lost generation of manchildren that are desperately wanting to cling to memories of their past.
And Star Wars' greatest fans have now ruined the franchise forever. With "The Force Awakens" being merely mediocre, there are now more bad films in the franchise than good ones. The only thing that might stand a fighting chance of reversing this trend is episode 8 and 9 both being awesome. Breaking even is the best case scenario for Star Wars now.
The whole entire point in canon and out of stormtroopers is that they are dehumanized and dehumanizing. They are supposed to be easy to shoot at and disposable.
Now you reckon the First Order might switch things up a bit since they seem to be on the back foot but evil is always retarded in Star Wars.
Are you illiterate?
>there are now more bad films in the franchise than good ones
Dude, that was always true, except for briefly between 1980 and 1983.
They changed it to avoid copyright ae Kars, Wammu and Esidisi.
Return of the Jedi wasn't bad, bruh. The Force Awakens ruined everything. Or if we're supposed to apply George Lucas logic, brought balance through the series.
That said, it was probably the worst of the original three.
>That friend who shows up to the session late and doesn't know the setting or other party members before they build their character
They are not sealed dumbass. If they were you would hear the escaping gas sound effect that they use for Vader's mask.
They are buckets with a small amount of filtering, basic porthole sensors and radios. Nothing more.
Fucking tards...
>Be me
>Be called upon to supervise a bunch of kids in my school when they're trying to set up a D&D club
>Turns out most of them are almost entirely new, they've only had one GM before
>and he made Undertale and Steven Universe characters appear in the game
>mfw I thought I could save their souls by running a Fantasy Craft game for them
>mfw 3/4 of them saw that Assassin was a class option and immediately wanted to be one because their lifestyle is (and I quote) "elusive and lived in the shadows"
>mfw both have Assassin's Creed characters as inspiration
wake me up Veeky Forums
>presuming to know their genders
Check your fucking privilege.
I hate the EU and am glad it's gone.
About the only things worth salvaging from that hot mess are Thrawn, Aaron Allston's half of the X-Wing series, and probably a few others.
Naruto went to shit so long ago that I was hoping for Kishimoto to troll the fuck out of the audience by either making the anime and manga have different resolutions or by deliberately hiding who is fucking who in the epilogue. Like, straight up have Naruto as Hokage go home and then framing the panels so you know there's a woman living with him, but you can't see who the fuck it is.