Fantasy crafting thread
What do you get when you combine the following into a weapon:
>The blood of a god willingly given.
>The claw of a slain Great Old One.
>The sword of a legendary hero.
>A piece of The Void.
Fantasy crafting thread
What do you get when you combine the following into a weapon:
>The blood of a god willingly given.
>The claw of a slain Great Old One.
>The sword of a legendary hero.
>A piece of The Void.
A big gooey mess.
a catana
A rapidly expanding piece of Void.
Don't dabble in void magic lest you have either attained inner peace or are fucking beyond insane.
>combine the following into a weapon
>The sword of a legendary hero.
You're ruining an already good weapon.
A blade that leaks really bad beer.
A mess. Ye can't just stick ah bunch af' awesome-sounding stuff tegethar, set it on fire, an'a pound it with ye hammer expecting tah make an epic artifact!
The god's blood has strong symbolic resonances of self-sacrifice and holiness. The Great Old One claw is triumphing over the dark things beyond our world. The legendary hero's sword represents the legacy of humanity and proof that we're capable of great things. And the Void shard is endless hunger, but also possibility and potential. Put it together and I'd say it's a sword that lets a human give of their life essence to briefly ascend to a greater state, the potential of mankind made manifest as a semi-divine form. However, it can only be used when fighting in defense of those humanity against either the Things Outside or those corrupt humans who would betray their species for power, and the super mode drains life essence at a dangerously fast rate that leads many who have wielded it to die after a single victorious battle.
Dunno but it sounds pretty boring. Probably something like the sword but with a bunch of particle effects.
Why not? it works for cooking!
Because food can absorb flavor from other stuff and some enhance the flavor of others. If you dip a sword into blood, scratch it with a claw and create an anomaly in space-time continuum you're just going to get scratched sword with some blood on it in a place that is really confusing.
A bloody sword with a hole in it with a claw shoved in the hole.
The claw and the sword are the hardest to figure out here, but I suppose you could grind the claw into a powder and reforge the blade with it to alloy it in.
So, going that route, the ingredients you have to work with here are:
>The sword of a legendary hero
Suggests courage, selflessness, justice, fame. You know, hero stuff.
>The claw of a slain Great Old One
Suggests terror, madness, corruption, and unspeakable alienness.
>The blood of a god willingly given
Suggests power and purity
>A piece of The Void
Suggests endless possibility...with all that entails, both good and bad.
Essentially, this seems like a recipe for some manner of madness/void blade. The strength and goodness of the hero's blade and god's blood are simply necessary to keep the corrupting, maddening influence of the sword in check. The real power is in the Great Old One's claw and the piece of The Void, two closely related ingredients that reinforce and stabilize each other.
The sword is a black and ravenous thing, consuming matter and minds alike. Although its unearthly power is held in check, the wielder still experiences a corrupting pull on his mind, which can drive one to madness over the course of several years of regular use. The blade is also strengthened synergistically by the eldritch forces of The Void, causing both its destructive power and its corrupting influence to increase dramatically when such forces are present.
Something that hurts like crap, man.
ritual items for a portal a'la oblivion
As it's well known that blood is the opposite of swords(both made of iron, but as opposite as possible in all other respects), the sword and the blood cancel each other out
That leaves us with
>willingly given.
>The claw of a slain Great Old One.
>A piece of The Void.
Great Old Ones, existing beyond the level of human consciousness, can't be willingly given, so those two cancel each other out. The next step in the equation is thus
>The claw of a slain
>A piece of The Void.
The Void and Death(A slain) are well known to be the same thing, so those two are combined into a single term, Death^2
This leaves us with
>The Legendary Claw of Death^2
This has been a demonstration of Equation Simplification in Mathematical Magical Analysis. Study chapter five, section two, if you want to learn more before the test. Same time next week, everyone.
'bout a +2 and it glows. Fire damage.
it doesn't though. Dump a steak, watermelon, and a tub of marshmallow whip into a bowl and you've got a bowl of garbage.
your crafting is weak.
+5 vorpal deathtouch longsword.
Here's another recipe!
>Coal dust
>Lots of fire
>A root from the tree of life.
That's easy. Regeneration/1 steel shield.