I need every Veeky Forums related comic you can muster. No time to explain.
I need every Veeky Forums related comic you can muster. No time to explain
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This thread is the most cringe thing I've seen in a while.
Is there a joke here
He's sexually active? I think that's it.
I hope there's a redeemer dump sometime soon.
It's easily the best 40k extended material out there. The writers and artists just get it in a way nobody else does.
If this was to make some sort of point like 'You should enter the magical realm because it might be fun', it failed miserably. I gagged with disgust. What the fuck.
Haha that's hilarious.
It's what the guy running the magical realm thinks would happen.
The art.
Please leave
It's like, "they went with it and had a fun adventure but then the punchline is that the DM is still a 100% pervert"
Black guy wants to buy books, has to deal with racist, uncooperative seller.
It wasn't really making a point. It was just a joke.
Even some jokes have a point. This one doesn't even have a twist in the end. Either I'm missing something, or this is just unfunny.
I don't know how to react to this.
This is simply... unfunny. It only deserves to disappear into the depths of the web and be forgotten.
I feel it's like when two thirty year olds are talking and someone says 'Penis' and they all snicker.
>It's funny because blowjob.
The joke is that they had fun, but it's not being presented as allegory, it's not saying "take the magical realm", it's presenting a premise which many find humorous: that in this case the magical realm was actually a good game.
I'm willing to bet both of my buttcheeks that you'll never find a more amusing guy to play TTRPGs with than that guy. He looks like straight up This Guy material, the kind that pulls crazy shit and has awesomely anachronistic one-liners that will find their way into many a greentext.
tfw you will never have a "diverse" gaming group consisting of blatant stereotypes like the black gangsta that somehow likes video games, the whiny and scrawny Jewish kid with asthma, the punny spic and the repressed Asian girl who's pressured into overperforming by her father who actually wanted a son.
Are you a little bitch or something?
iirc this is an old old old ass webcomic which did disappear into the web and died.
Also if I recall, this was a joke strip so much as a strip setting up the characters, who are admittedly fairly one note.
I'm more weirded out that someone saved this like decade old webcomic page and posted here than anything else.
How did you guys get here?
The magical realm comic is practically ingrained deeply into the collective tg psyche. How do you a.) Not know it b.) Not get it.
And the black guy buying video games page has been posted nearly everyday since it first showed up on some board of Veeky Forums. It's a very old and very circulated image
>Listening to Fear the Boot podcast.
>Doing a whole episode on "FIHAGs" (Fuckers I Hate As Gamers or something along those lines)
>One guy mentions how a player was getting a blowjob during the game in an online game
Now I don't know if that's a true story or he remembered this webcomic...
Comic based on a game I beta tested.
Is this... is this based on that Veeky Forums story about the Orks deciding to work for the emprah?
man, when she fucking used her opponents exodia type deck against her and won with her opponents own combo, and then everyone was depressed, I got pretty pissed off. In an actual TCG game, people would be fucking losing it.
is there any more?
This was all I could find.
The joke is that it was a fantastic adventure and not the excruciating train-wreck that these sorts of things always are.
one of the many, many reasons this webcomic is the best.
Please tell me someone has a link to the original thread because this is glorious.
Where is this from?
She is such a cute.
The third one seems like a huge non-sequitur to the first two. Am I missing something?
It's just a role reversal from the "norm" that the artist did.
>The Emperor's Greenest
Fucking love it.
The idea that GRRM kills every character and nobody is safe is such an overused unfunny reddit-tier meme. It's not even true.
I always see ASoIaF as a nice palette cleanse after to many traditional stories. "Ok, well it wouldn't be poignant, and there is another hundred pages to go, so why should I think you would kill off the main character? Oh, because you want to remind me life is a fleeting gift, that may be destroyed at any moment by unfeeling fickle fate."
Attack on titan tries to do a similar thing, but generally doesn't have the space to make you care about the people that die for no reason.
Why in god's name did I lose to this?
>Tails Gets Trolled
Typical, 1d4chan faggots have shit taste
If that's what you're defending then I think I'd agree it looks like a shitty comic
This is very well drawn considering how shit the dialogue is.
It is a remake of a different comic using effectively the same dialogue.
Based off of this, hence the joke
While not Veeky Forums related, that hit me right in the nostalgia.
It's unironically the best deconstruction and love letter to shonen manga I've ever read
Why though? I like the art style, but I don't get it. Is it ironic that they're showing stoner culture in an anachronistic setting, to highlight the absurdity of vernacular convention? Is it just a "yo dude, weed lmao" tier joke with a good back drop? Is it a political statement talking about oligarchical hypocrisy in the administration of bureaucratic government from the bottom up?
This causes too many questions for me to enjoy it.
But that's actually funny, whereas is not. I think because the original has people whom people actually know and have an image of as characters, whereas the 40k edit is just some generic commissar and chaplain. If it were, say, Yarrick and Tu'shan, or something, it'd be funnier.
10/10 comic, well done.
Comic is 110% accurate to the real life Franklin
Dude was infamous for his love of French pussy
Mostly looks like a poorly written and drawn DBZ joke 20 years late, but I don't see a year on it so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and go back to ignoring it
Oh, I understand Franklin's love affair with the elderly persuasion, I just thought it was kind of tasteless and drab considering how nice the art is.
G. Wash grew hemp and Franklin loved getting freaky with Frenchy whores
It's an edit of a famous Black Templar comic about a certain novitiate and his life as a Black Templar.
funny, in the off chances I manage to match up with a deck where they have no creatures with enter the battlefield effects, that's exactly what happens for me when I manage to get an Aqueous Form on my Mistblade and have a good wealth of counters in my hand/my opponent is experiencing mana drought. Of course the chances of that ever happening is pretty rare but when it ever does it's fucking fulfilling winning with such a shit card.
Written as a recation to SA comparing his long drawn out fights to DBZ. The comic is basically a 2edgy shonen anime with characters from video games, cartoons, fast food mascots, etc.
except that its completely factual
t. TV watcher only
Wizard's Soul, a surprisingly down-to-earth manga about people competing in a not-MTG tournament. Pretty good, aside from how absurdly melodramatic the protagonist can get.
I swear to god, that girl is some sort of Fun-goyf who devours the joy of everyone around her. It's the only sensible explanation for how that scene went down.
Ned was the shocking one, after the 3rd book with the red wedding they've mostly just been fake outs. Out of the characters that actually have chapters it's like Ned, Caitlin (well sort of anyway), and that useless Dorne prince off the top of my head, but I might be forgetting one or two (I guess there's also those intro chapters in a few of the books)
>9 fucking characters, all spoken in the opening sequence in one sentence as their absolute base concept
it will Always get a chuckle out of me.
I mean her mother is literally cancer so...
it's not surprising she's a depressing fuck.
The thing is, everyone who read the first book without spoilers expected Ned to be the main character. Afterwards, everyone expected Robb to be, again, the lead character who would defeat Joffrey and save Sansa etc. etc.
Once Robb died, it doesn't matter that it was only two, the pattern had been established. No lovable main characters, only death.
Dany, Snow, Lannister siblings, pretty much the main sources of conflict are all 100% safe.