How would winter affect orcs/goblins/bugbears?

How would winter affect orcs/goblins/bugbears?

I imagine it would affect orcs much the same as people. Goblins might be in more frequent need of warmth being so small, and bugbears might not mind it at all, being big and hairy

Depends on the setting, but/tg/oblin.

If they are jungle dwellers, then the cold would hinder them greatly. If they are from the arctic, then the opposite is true.

Use your brain for once.

Where are humans from?

Black people don't do super well past the polar circle.
The refraction of the sun, combined with the polar forevernights, means they usually go completely dry on Solar Vitamins into the Winter.
Italisn do run into some of the problems, Arabs have it bad enough, Mudskins have it worse, and the real ebony negroes suffer a lot.

greenskins are obviously photosynthetic so they'd have it worst of all

Maybe bugbears would grow a winter coat that they shed come spring

have you ever seen a black guy in a european winter? They cant stand it, similar how a white guy cant stand the afican heat

I think there was another goblin subrace that did this in 3.5
I AM a black guy. I hate summer and prefer cold weather, though I'm only in Northeastern US. The vitamin D deficiency is true though, but that's what fish is for.

>I AM a black guy. I hate summer and prefer cold weather, though I'm only in Northeastern US. The vitamin D deficiency is true though, but that's what fish is for
You are a statistical annomaly, or you have been living most of your life in a cold place, take a black guy from texas and a white guy from texas, drop them into alaska at winter and see who takes it better

desu the heat is one of the things people from the north actually can get accustomed to.

Bigger problem is the prevalence of UV-light that will cause skin cancer and other mutations.

>You are a statistical annomaly, or you have been living most of your life in a cold place
It's almost like we're some kind of highly adaptable species that only needs a single generation to become accustomed to an environment

>highly adaptable
ech, not all that much to be frank. We can adapt to minor climet change, but i would not call us highly adaptable, grass, now there you have a highly adaptable organism


Tools were always the strength of man. We might not be able to adapt as fast as even other mammals like mice, but we can usually find a way to make the environment suit our needs.

We can sweat, so we can survive in fairly hot places, and we can make clothes, so we can survive in fairly cold places. We've gone further north than grass at least

Ok, here's a thing. You have an opinion. You have no evidence to support that opinion, other than a general feeling that it should be that way. You have one piece of evidence against the opinion. With a score of 0 in favor, 1 against, you aren't budging.

Let's add a little more data. I'm a white guy who was born in the south and moved up to Chicago. The winters here are pretty brutal. The first winter I had serious trouble; hands peeling, face cracking, serious discomfort. Took my body a couple of months to adapt. Most of that adaptation was me learning more about winter clothing, moisturizer, and other little details.

The black people who were born up here already know all that shit and have no trouble. I've talked to two black people who moved up here, and it took them a couple months to learn the ropes, just like me.

Racial differences in this sort of thing have always been minor. At our current tech level, they're pretty much irrelevant.

You are comparing a complete family of species to only one.
if you want adaptability, at least name the ants.

Bugbears and orcs seem more insulated than humans are, and hobgoblins are outright more rugged and durable than humans are. It'd only effect goblins adversely I think, and then only maybe as a matter of size.

If as your pic implies you're talking Tolkien orcs, the long nights of winter would benefit them.

Hobgoblins are a major problem. They're like humans, but better in every way. They're smarter than humans, equally as strong as humans, faster than humans, and stealthier than humans. They don't have the logistics issues being a large race would have in needing more food, or the melee combat issues goblins have from being small. They're just greener, meaner humans with pointy ears and worse teeth.

Fortunately that means you don't have to change much to fight them. They'll just be a huge pain in the ass to fight.

The common rat. Same species. Entire globe. No tools.

My friend is dark as the night and he loves winter to a creepy degree. Even went to Scotland this summer because he hates NYC summer so much