Buyer's remorse thread? I've never regretted buying a set as much as Conspiracy 2. It looked so good in the previews, all those Berserks and Show and Tells, but when I actually open it every fucking rare is some draft-only multiplayer-only EDH-only fucking dogshit that's 100% unusable in any real format. Holy god what a shitshow of a set, and it looked so fucking good when the spoilers came out.
Take the Crown is shit
>Buying packs for value
Well, I found your problem. You're completely retarded.
Set has good stuff. The trick is to just buy singles.
I don't even care about value. I just want good fucking cards that are fun to play. CON2 is filled with unfun shit cards with multiplayer mechanics. God, mechanics that only affect one format should be outlawed. It's especially grating that the fucking shit assumes multiplayer means free-for-all and the only kind of multiplayer I play is attack-to-the-left, so I can't even use the multiplayer cards in multiplayer.
I haven't opened a single good card out of a CON2 pack. Not one. And by "good" I just mean "might be used in a deck". It's all just garbage that makes me angry. Fucking Fallen Empires would be better to open because at least Hymn is playable. CON1 wasn't nearly this bad.
I was able to pick one up for $40 an d still barely made my money back
user, at least it's better than the shitshow that was Eternal Masters. I've actually cracked some neat things out of Conspiracy 2, and its price point is much more reasonable. Nothing worse than spending 45 bucks on 3 Eternal Masters packs only to crack $8 worth of cards.
But, then again, I am an EDH player, so I guess I'm easier to make happy than the average autist.
>multiplayer cards
>into a multiplayer set
Yeah, EMA was an outright scam. I took one look at the $14 price tag per pack, looked up how many cards in the set could possibly be worth that much, and avoided the whole thing.
The upside is that since it was a sales flop, WotC will likely try to make the next Masters set slightly less jewy.
Hello Friend, I wanted to help you with your decision making in the future! Please find a guide below for when you want to buy Hasbro(TM) Premium Cardboard Products!
>I want to play a limited format!
Purchase packs
>Any other reason
Buy singles
Hope this was helpful friend!
Even in a set that's centered around draft and multiplayer there's no excuse putting in cards that can only be used in draft and multiplayer. Do you have any idea how bad it feels to open a card with the equivalent of "NOT LEGAL 99% OF THE TIME" printed on it? Those kinds of cards straight up shouldn't exist. They got rid of Ante cards for the exact same reasons they should get rid of draft-only and multiplayer-only cards.
>I bought a box with expectations of two specific mythic rares
Found your problem.
>sales flop
Could you back that up with a source?
Can you call it a sales flop when they made so few a box at msrp wasn't a thing you could get?
I dont have too much issue with the game (although I really don't love the thing), but after two sessions, none of my friends will play it.
>I just want good fucking cards that are fun to play.
Whatever for you'd crack packs then? Buy singles like a normal person.
Wait, you bought a box of Conspiracy 2, for yourself? Alone?
The whole set is about multi player drafting OP. Why the hell would you buy a box solo?
> another shitty Magic set
What a surprise.....
The source is that I still see boxes of it in stores. MMA 1 and 2 vanished instantly while EMA still clutters the shelves.
>I bought a box for_______(not draft reason)
Kys retard
But, the set is explicitly for opening, drafting, and playing free for all multiplayer games..... Did you not pay attention?
Also, did you know that the ante rules were dropped because otherwise the game fell into gambling law territory? Also it was extremely unfun for new players, but it was an actual legal issue briefly.
Main reason ante rules were dropped was because nobody played for ante. No one wanted to risk losing his cards. The gambling thing was more of a theoretical problem that might have come up if anyone ever actually used the rule.
>I actually open it every fucking rare is some draft-only multiplayer-only EDH-only fucking dogshit that's 100% unusable in any real format
You bought a draft-oriented set, that is printed to demand. You are the absolute king retard.
>Bought a draft-oriented set solo
>Multiplayer summer product, so only EDH, Legacy, and Vintage would have been able to use it in any other format anyway.
>Complain that the set does exactly what it was designed and advertised to do.
You are legitimately an idiot
Fuck off. The first Conspiracy set had tons of good cards for real formats, and all the draft-only garbage was relegated to a 16th slot so that you always opened a real card as your rare. There is no valid reason for this shit to be different.
Stop it.
If you're after good cards, buy singles like EVERYONE has mentioned before me.
I got sick and tired of cracking packs and getting cards I'll never use.
my local lgs opens a case for each release and sells singles to the customers.
Being a preferred customer, I hand over a list of cards I want when the full spoiler comes out. They fill my order.
I walk away laughing as everyone else cracking whines and bitches about the things they open.
Step up your game if you enjoy mtg.
And stop bitching about it.
Can't afford to buy singles of the cards you'll use, but you still buy an entire box?
or they came to this thread to point and laugh like I did.
That is going to vary from area to area. I have not seen any for sale in my area, however most of my friends who bought MM & MM2 avoided Eternal Masters.
Look at this faggot shill. If you see this gay picture with the same file name know that it's the same faggot crying about not being able to afford cardboard.
This. Cracking packs is for retailers, who then sell singles to the customers. If you're not a shop owner who buys in bulk then there's no reason ever to buy an unopened pack (unless it's used for drafting).
So, you expected the niche conspiracy cards to be good for other formats?
Do you expect to be able to stock arch enemy cards in a deck? How about planechase cards, or vanguard?
Conspiracy is a multiplayer free for all draft game. That's just the format. Expecting to use the cards in 1v1 constructed is setting yourself up for failure.
It's basically "munckin mtg".
So How is it for its actual intended purpose?
Cause the only way I see myself buying it is to make a good sized draft set or cube out of it for replayable conspiracy party games.
I don't see how this is anyone's fault but your own. You can look at the entire set on WotC's website, it should have been obvious that you would have ended up with several cards that are only useful in draft, just like the limited chaff you would get in any other set. It also should have been obvious that since Berserk and Show and Tell are mythics, the odds of you opening one of them are pretty low, and yet you bought the box anyway. Then you decided to complain on a Cambodian smoke signal forum when, surprise surprise, a lot of the cards are worthless and you didn't get the mythics you wanted.
>Buying a box of a set explicitly designed for multiplayer draft and not using it run a multiplayer draft
For what purpose? Nigga if you wanted the reprints just buy singles. Conspiracy 2 has an indefinite print run, they'll be dirt cheap.
Also also
>Implying draft isn't a real format
>Implying cube and casual aren't the best way to play magic
Lovely thing about the bullshit that is the Masterpiece series. It was implemented to get people to crack more packs, and drive down the price of standard. This works really well for those of us who'd rather buy singles.
Yep. It does indeed.
It's not a huge help for making old cards accessible (the masterpiece cards would need to be more frequent for that to happen), but it gets way more standard packs out in the wild.
Hell, if they simply had a reprint in every second booster (not legal in standard but legal in limited or wherever they're already legal), it would get many more needed reprints out in the wild, wouldn't affect standard's balance, and would make standard crazy accessible.
I mean, currently they make very little from eternal (legacy /vintage) format players, and when they do, it's at cost of business from some other customerbase like new edh players not having access to edh decks, because of one card in it.
Will see if they realize that they'll sell more packs for standard of they include frequent eternal cards in them.
Kaladesh is going to be my first singles only set. I don't play standard, and I dislike the vehicle and energy mechanics. The Masterpiece series couldn't have come at a better time.
Lots of people don't play standard, and wotc has traditionally ignored that section of their customerbase almost entirely.
I really hope this convinces then to actually start printing more product for eternal players.
Make every pack 15 standard legal cards and 5 eternal legal cards (or even 3).
Suddenly, eternal players are driving more sales for wotc in standard, and standard becomes really cheap in comparison to now, because the eternal players will dump a lot of those cards onto the market.
>Set is designed and advertised for multiplayer
>Buy set
>Get angry because set contains cards designed for multiplayer
You could get these things at MSRP day 1 becaase of how little value was actually in these boxes and how much of that little value was held up in the mythics.
>Even in a set that's centered around draft and multiplayer there's no excuse putting in cards that can only be used in draft and multiplayer.
Did you actually think about this before you typed it out?
>bought a box of a draft-centric set
>complains that a lot of cards are draft-centric
>buying a fucking box just to crack packs and play the lottery
I know people like you. I have tried to help them, but I realized that they are beyond saving.
Playing the lottery is fine if you have money to burn.
>playing paper magic
Who has the fucking time?
I came here to laugh at OP and post this advice.
I'll bet you're panties are still in a wad over Command Tower. Thanks for crashing the price of Burgeoning for me.
Or you are using it as a replacement lotto, and don't expect to win big.
This too.
I have next to no interest of playing fnm, and my friends who play magic are now too far to visit. These days i exclusively play duels and forge, and my paper cards sit in a box unused.
>If you're not a shop owner who buys in bulk then there's no reason ever to buy an unopened pack (unless it's used for drafting).
Flip it or rip it.
If there is one set that loses 80% of it's value when it's not opened to draft, it's Conspiracy.
You desserve your pain for not drafting the draft set.
>Played 8 EMA drafts for 240
>Foil Vampiric Tutor
>Foil Winter Orb
>Foil Deathrite Shaman
>Foil Pyroblast
>3 Wasteland
>2 Vindicate
>2 Sinkhole
>Maze of Ith
>Maelstrom Wanderer
>Heritage Druid
>Enlightened Tutor
>Playsets of all good commons and uncommons
>24 hours of fun with bros and randoms
When will people learn not to open sets "for value". It always brings the complete opposite results.
Conspiracy was really fun to draft. I thought that was the point. Stop cracking boxes for profits, it ain't happening.
So, with this idiot aside, I'm thinking about making a Conspiracy cube. Mostly for gameplay purposes, so I'm not looking for the money cards, more the fun ones.
Any tips? [spoilers]It's my first cube ever but I love playing it.
Did someone say CONSPIRACY CUBE!?
Here's mine for reference, user, godspeed:
goo (period) gl (forward slash) lMvC76
Packs consist of:
2 Mythic/Rares
3 Uncommons
8 Commons
1 Common 5C Land
1 "Draft Matters" card or Conspiracy
In addition, the two Power Play cards are labeled 1 and 2, the Advantageous Proclamations 3 and 4, the Backup Plans 5 and 6, and the Hold the Perimeters 7 and 8. These eight cards are shuffled up and dealt one to each player to randomize draft and pod seating order. Draft seating is just 12345678, and games are odds and evens, so 1357 and 2468, in that order.
Not bad. Well thought out. Myself, I think I'll try to take a slightly different approach with the rares, but the common setup I like.
Granted, it's probably going to end up being a single Conspiracy box shuffled together eventually, but w/e
>Well thought out.
Thanks, it's been iterated on. (Read: obsessed over)
If you're looking for tips, there are a few cards from the set that have proven problematic:
Marchesa's Smuggler is just pure cancer.
Brimstone Volley was a big problem back when I had 1-mana burn able to be thrown at players (Lightning Bolt, then Burst Lightning) and a second Double Stroke in the cube, but in the current cube it's pretty balanced. Burn in general is just really hard to balance - I have a lot more respect for Wizards R&D after working on this cube.
As an edh player I enjoyed drafting the box I bought and liked many of the cards obtained
So....why didn't you DRAFT the MULTIPLAYER DRAFT MATTERS set, instead of cracking packs and then whining about the MULTIPLAYER DRAFT MATTERS set having MULTIPLAYER and DRAFT MATTERS cards?
Just tell the others that you want the cards back afterwards cause you bought the damn thing, and that would've given you a few drafts out of the box. Or let them keep the draft matters cards if you don't care for them and they do, whatever. Would've been something different to mix things up.
And honestly? Free for all is more of a Real Format than attack-to-the-left is, what with the former being the default mode of 3+ player magic and the latter being a variant.
>user, at least it's better than the shitshow that was Eternal Masters.
fuckin' this, Con 2's at least fun
The first edition of Descent. It's faster and easier to make characters in most fantasy RPGs and run an improvised session than it is to set up and run Descent. Simply put it has no place at my table.
From what I understand 2e is better--but I sure as hell don't want to bother giving it a chance.
If I want that format of adventure boardgame in the future I *might* get Imperial Assault, which at least has a few different things going on under the hood that set it apart from Descent's formula.
Well while we're talking about draft, should I draft conspirancy 2 or kaladesh?
Kaladesh sealed wasn't bad and there's always a chance of pulling a good goy mythic but conspirancy is better structured for drafting.
Are you drafting for the game itself, or do you also want cards for constructed?
1 is conspiracy, the other kaladesh
drafting, I play modern so I would sell everything else, but I guess conspirancy actually has usable modern stuff.
The draft experience itself is waaaaay cooler for CN2. Games vary wildly.
>being surprised and upset that the multiplayer free for all draft set is full of cards designed for free for all multiplayer and drafts
Holy hell. I've seen some idiots but you are something special.
It's a draft set that mimics EDH.
You're just a dipshit who didn't understand the whole idea behind Conspiracy in the first place.
>real formats
Wew lad you fucked up big time.
Who in the fuck plays attack-to-the-left?
It seems like a completely random, arbitrary restriction.
And how does that stop the multiplayer matters cards from working, anyway?
Wasn't it common knowledge that this pack was FOR multi/EDH?
It was heavily marketed that way. All the in store information presented it that way. Even the boosters big box stores got came in threes, for drafting.
Anyone who opens a booster outside of draft is literally throwing money/value/fun/cards away, and deserves to feel as butthurt as you do.
Boosters are for LIMITED. Once they've opened the cards the players who play other lesser formats can buy whatever singles they want from them.