I Need That Guy Stories

And don't hold back! they don't necessarily need to be your own, though that would be appreciated. I'm trying to use that to build a character profile for a typical That Guy. spoilers for a more in-depth explanation for those who care.

[spoilers] Want to outline a LvL 1, PF adventure where the main antagonist is really this typical That Guy-esque black sheep of this Lordly family, the old lord is dying and has realized that he's been written out of the will and his siblings hate him enough to have no consternation about throwing him out on his ass, (in this world a lord's title and lands are his property and treated as such so ascension typically goes to whomever the Lord's will says it goes to, it's a tad complicated so I won't go into the gritty details here) So he does some typically That Guy thing to steal his father's will and hide it. [/spoiler]

So I want to make this BBEG sound and act like the typical That Guy and I hope that If I read enough horror stories I might just be able to build a character profile from that!

I hope...

Other urls found in this thread:


> not

I am such a failure at text...

Here's a new one from a recent thread.

That sounds a lot like the (potental) BBEG in my campaign. A low-level wizard who focuses on illusions and escaping from danger, because he's terrified of pain.

He does, however, use Alter Self to fuck with the party's plans whenever possible, and stalk the elf druidess, with whom he is obsessed.

(Don't worry, I cleared it with her out of game. She has a subtle yellow flag she can throw if realms start sounding magical.)

Usual that guy traits include intense perversion, ludicrous loophole abuse, and templar-like ability to be blind of their own failings. Persecution complex and narcissism are also common.

So yeah, probably something like a wizard who dances around his problems rather than face them head on, pervs on the PCs, and (bonus) is trying to use magic to cross himself with some "superior creature". Kinda like any time dragons or elves are in a setting some asshole always tries to magically merge with them.

Go read Big Boy Blue and call it a day.

>Big Boy Blue
Never heard of it.


Could you make the text any smaller? Even at full size I gotta squint to make out the words. whatever, it's fine, I'll make do.

Oh man. I remember reading this. God damn that's nuts if real.


It's extremely fake. When the OP came back and tried to squeeze out some fresh sympathy it only further showed how many holes the story had.

Aparantely blue boy is Lex Luthor's son

>Aparantely blue boy is Lex Luthor's son
wait what?

I can post a couple.





You want to know a story that I always think is fake when I read through it? The Shadowrun Storytime that 2D guy did. I wasn't around for when it was first posted it seems to me like the guy posted it, realized he had a captive audience, and told a good story. Nothing wrong with that, I just don't think it actually happened.

A recent one

Well I'm not sure if it's bad enough to be THAT GUY, but when playing as an alchemist I was also in charge of healing those the paladin wasn't around and nobody wanted to play Cleric.
So I did my job until the guy who was playing a samurai kept going on about finding his sword and a sword being akin to the soul of his people and some gibberish like that, so I started to prank the Samurai whenever I got the chance.
He would tie a lock of his opponent's hair into his own for more of muh honor so I ended up starting his hair on fire while he slept, then in the middle of combat he signaled for me to give him a healing potion, so instead I gave him mutagen and he ended up nauseated and got his ass kicked.
Then after a mini quest chain the DM made for him to find his perfect sword, he finally found it being guarded by some Oni, I ended up blowing the pedistal it was on up and casting it into the abyss under the bridge leading to it.
He ended up quiting, but that was too much fun, my alchemist is still my favorite character.

And a classic

Tacos's youtube channel has lots of gold on it.




Haha! OP of Benny the Weeb here. It's a pretty great feeling to see something you posted as a screencap used in another thread.

I believe I told the story of Benny's GF and trying to get the game store owners to testify for Benny, in order to get him off the hook. Long story short, the owners say no, she throws a bitch fit, hits a shelf,and manages to shred her hands on the broken pieces of glass dragons statues and bang up her shin pretty badly. The thread wasn't that popular, so I don't think anyone really read it.

Now, for the finale of Benny the Weeb. You ready kids? Strap yourself in for this one, cause it's gonna get absolutely... mundane.

Unsurprisingly Benny has a history of mental instability. Nothing on the level of the story, but enough to reduce his sentence. Court ruled that he has to pay a respectable fine, see a licensed Therapist, and probably get on medication. Horsefaced GF is still with him, and due to the Cashier Cam the store owners set up, she really had no leg to stand on, and payed a little over $800 in damages to the store. That's really all we've heard from them, as they don't come around anymore.

Pretty boring as far as a Veeky Forums story goes, but about average for anywhere else.

roll to rape

>Roll 1.
>Rape fails because the target decided to consent.

>samurai in medieval fantasy

you did good, user.

Other than the fact he played a class you don't like, I fail to see how he was being That Guy.

>In a world where non human sentient races, active gods, world shattering magic and dragons exist, the idea of an analogue for Japan ever encountering an analogue of Europe is the worst most immersion shattering thing.
I just don't get this mentality at all.

To Whom it May Concern

As representatives of our client, the abovementioned party referred to as "Big Boy Blue" we wish to inform you that under EU Article 12 Directive 95/46/EC the dissemination of written material implicating our client in the death of a third party is unlawful and must be retracted forthwith. Failure to comply will be considered legally actionable complicity in libel.

We appreciate your swift co-operation.


Oliver M Henderson, Attorney-at-Law

What a flaky meme attempt, not even a little dank.

I imagine he took some liberties and streamlined some things to make it a workable story, but I believe it was based on an actual game.

>dragons exist
>therefore we should throw away all historical accuracy

>it is totally and completely impossible for a Japanese guy to end up in 1200s Europe
What is The Silk Road?

Historical accuracy for the setting could be very different from that in real life however.

Perhaps the japan analogue of the setting is less insular than it was irl at that time, its people traveled more. Some young samurai looking for glory journeyed to the mainland and fell in with some adventurers. It's no more unbelievable than two dozen other character concepts that no-one would look twice at.

Veeky Forums just has a kneejerk hate reaction to anything that could conceivably be weebish, I suppose.

>Some young samurai looking for glory journeyed to the mainland and

got murdered by some random bandits after trying to impress them with his "cool sword skills".

The. End.

>Some young knight looking for glory traveled the wilderness and

got murdered by some random bandits after trying to impress them with his "cool sword skills".

The. End.


Knight's sword isn't made out of literally slightly pounded rock and he isn't wearing evening dress.

Weeabooland has no place in proper western settings.

Westaboo please.

You sound like a far bigger fag than any samurai player.

>no u r fag
good argument, i'm humbled and defeated.

Good arguments are for use on people with actual points worth arguing.

Not that user, but my issue with samurai is that it one faithfully applied analog too many.
It presumes too many things that try to suddenly turn "Fantasyland X" into a bastardized alternate earth, which I didn't sign up for.
Besides, straight up alternate earth is better than Forgotten Realms cosplaying in a latex Earth costume it's mom made.
THAT'S what breaks immersion.

Dude, just play an Asian knight.

>continents ordered with north up
>south pole barber's pole on the head
What did I expect from a dollar-store costume?

>What is the North Pole?
Are you pretending to be retarded?

>Historical accuracy
>For a world with a totally different history then our world

There's no barber's pole at the North Pole.

>There's no barber's pole at the North Pole.
Check with Santa Claus to confirm. We'll wait.

Pretty obvious he means physically. Are you implying the North Pole isn't a real place?

I'm implying that the snow covered red and white striped pole is an accepted icon of both poles.
user was criticizing the use of an icon because, assuming you are correct, the icon does not represent physical reality.
And I wanted to point out his ridiculous perception of icons by having him consult Santa.

The "does not exist" implication was unintentional, but understandable.

I'd say that the defining trait of a That Guy is that he puts his own fun before the group's fun. That Guy is that guy who will expect a personal, solo sidequest while the rest of the group sits around doing nothing. That Guy thinks it's OK to make uncomfortable sexual remarks and that the rest are "little bitches" if they don't like it. That Guy is that guy who interprets every rule so heavily in his own favour that it's laughable, yet slaps down other players for rolling a skill wrong, even if they didn't. That Guy is that guy who looks at the tone of the campaign, restrictions, party dynamics, and then chooses to skirt the absolute edge of what's allowed, just to purposefully make things difficult for his own entertainment. That Guy is that guy who interrupts tense negotiations of another party member with the announcement "I attack". That Guy is that guy who pisses and moans about his character receiving even one point of damage, despite attacking and/or provoking every NPC he encounters.

If you want a That Guy villain, all you have to do is make an insufferable cunt with a total disregard for the unwritten rules of the setting. PC's befriend an NPC? He murders the NPC simply because he's in his way. Didn't even know who the guy was, or that the party cared about him.

>I'd say that the defining trait of a That Guy is that he puts his own fun before the group's fun.
>Usual that guy traits include intense perversion, ludicrous loophole abuse, and templar-like ability to be blind of their own failings.
Especially important is the inability to see themselves as having done anything wrong.
As the adage goes, if are really worried that you are being That Guy, then you really aren't.

Yes, the fact that flying beasts of burden exist would completely change the course of history, and so any attempt to maintain historical accuracy would be futile. I'm glad we're on the same page.

The problem is that the first and second parts of your statements have nothing in common. By that reasoning, That Guy is the one uncomfortable with constant sexual remarks, who calls players out when they actually don't follow the rules, who tries to negotiate instead of just rolling initiative, or who wants to play a human fighter instead of a furry dragonboy warlock/shaman.

yeah, its not like he played an elf. fucking scrubs need to know that if you don't play what we like, Veeky Forums will fuck you up. But not like a That Guy. We're impervious to that kind of failure.

Not that guy, but that's what I personally think.

That guy is the one that doesn't match the group. He can be a totally great guy otherwise, but if he's not down for the baby murderape when the rest of the group is...wellll, he should probably find another group, rather then throwing a shitfit or something.

I think you lack reading comprehension. In every example, That Guy is constrasted with the group, implying that he's the odd one out. So even though we agree, you seem to have managed to find a way to be a pedant about it.

I actually want that kind of that guy in my game just so someone in the party will take some goddamn initiative for once.

That kind of PVP usually destroys gaming groups. Unless hooping magical items is your fetish I really don't think it would end well.

OP here:
So let me see, so so far What I've gotten is:

this Guy is a lanky, greasy guy with a patchy as hell mustache. He smells heavily of unwashed BO and Elvin perfume so strong it burns the sinuses. Probably dresses in either Elvin attire (despite being 100% human) and/or wears a pendant of one of the setting's evil deities, (to show his edgyness). Selfish and a living example of the Dunning-kruger effect, He Gives his older brother shit for failing to become a wizard the eldist studied under the land's greatest archmage but washed out after a few years, has since become a more than capable Steward of his father's lands but his failure to become a wizard is still a source of personal shame despite not being a proper caster himself, Frequently referrs to his younger sister as a 'cold hearted bitch' to her face, in front of the PC's I'm thinking this is either because she's a staunch workaholic, married a yeoman's son, gives him crap for having been stuck doing both her chores and his growing up, or because she, reasonably, spurned his advances in the past, or all the above He believes himself superior to all, though if there's a female Elf in the party he will be overtly pervy towards her. But otherwise treat the PC's like shit and be smug about it. I think there may be some incident where he at some point threw out his mother's ashes to use her urn to brew some hallucinogenic tea, something his siblings never forgave him for, and that they've kept secret from their father for fear of exasperating his already weak heart.



His ultimate plan is... knowing that their father is dying, That Guy knows he's getting absolute shit from the inheritance, which means and end to his easy life. So he stole one of his brother's wands, hired someone he thought he could manipulate into raiding the vault using the wand and destroying the will, he believes that without the will he can then clain that his father left everything to him and without a will no one could challenge the claim, not realizing that he also has no proof of his claim and in all likelihood would start a war However the people That Guy hired suspected a double-cross and rightly so and instead kept the will as collateral, which they will give to the PC's in exchange for not killing them.

How's this sound? does he reek of That Guy-ness? if not how can I improve on the character?

Yeah I wouldn't believe a word of it. Who wouldn't tell your fiance about a freak like BBB, or the roomate, and who wouldn't threaten to call the cops on blackmail if a school tried to pull the shit he said they did?


I meant more the second part, where he just makes shit go completely off the rails. It would be a welcome change to my current group of players who have trouble leaving the station.

You're my buds and I'm happy to play with you and all but, holy fuck, you need to decide on what you want to accomplish, guys. I wrote a setting, not a script, damnit.

>players who have trouble leaving the station.
Sometimes you just need a plot-hook, and sometimes the plot needs to come in like a bat out of hell and grab-up the PC's whether they like it or not.

Got that thread? I'd love to see the holes ripped in it.

Right, but I like to make my hooks relevant to what they want to do. Like, if they wanted to be pirates I could have hooks like offers to be privateers, conflicts with the Navy, sightings of ghost ships, rumors of undersea temples, racing rival pirates to hidden treasures, and so on. I just need some kind of goal they can agree on.

>Cue rant
But no, they're just being a bunch of fuckos getting drunk in the tavern and pinching bar wench bottoms. Sure they followed up on a rumor about an orc scout camp I threw together on the fly and cleared it out, but they completely missed the plot hook about a spy in town.

We even skipped the second session because they still couldn't give me a clear goal and one of them just wanted to go play Overwatch. This is why our games always die, guys. Why do you keep insisting you want me to run them?!

Hey buddy, this you?


I swear this shits payback for hiroshima.

Sounds more like you were that guy, and yes, it is bad.

Mundane, perhaps, but frankly I appreciate you not trying to spice it up retardly like people are often wont to do, like trying to claim that he totally got hunted down and beat to an inch of his life and the police all agreed and refused to take a case report or some stupid shit like that.

Bravo on you.

>He believes himself superior to all, though if there's a female Elf in the party he will be overtly pervy towards her.
He will be petty and superior at the same time.
It seems pretty good okay. Just make sure not to lay it on too thick when you're describing it. Also I love the illogic of his plan in the spoiler. Picture to make him rage incoherently is anyone points out the flaw that he refuses to believe exists.

Pervy, not petty

Look up "The SUE files"

It's basically what you're doing except the GM was completely serious.

Because the rest of the magic and creatures go along with European legends and culture and thus have similar aesthetics and motifs. Asian mythos and samurai do not

Post Renaissance. That's like saying that aboriginals can be in a session set in Europe because we have planes go to Australia all the time

I like it!

That Girl story

>Tramp with a husband who "allows" her to sleep with other men when she wants to.
>She plays occasionally but has no interest at all in anything, including her own 5 children, but drinking and partying.
>smelled like cat piss.
>She was 40, and a massive hambeast, who immediately started crushing on me
>she also despises me and is being passive aggressive to me the whole fucking time
>keeps demanding to do everything she wants to do in game on risk of forcing my friend to sleep on the couch
>this is in front of all of his friends to so fuck this bitch
>The party consists of five people, including me, being unintentionally sweeped into the game
>everyone else has good characters so I really don't mind
>she has a standard terrible sephiroth gary stu character
>she starts shipping both our characters together
>writes erotic fan fiction about our characters
>writes erotic fan fiction about ME and her character
>blatant scat fetish
>encouraging poop crystals
>She's laughing her ass off
>I begin shitting my ass off
>Pele, god of the volcano, has claimed my rectum
>landwhale refuses to be in character the entire fucking session, plays on PSP and is a giant cunt
>literally berating her bf/my buddy infront of everyone when she has a bad roll or he says she can't do something absolutely retarded
>which is all the time of course
>can't argue with that, though her expression doesn't lighten
>was confused as FUCK
>which was true, bitch was being passed around like a bong by the more naive, younger members

>party is starting to investigate a room we entered
>that guy is ahead of everyone
>finds something he doesn't like
>smashes it before we get to figure out what it is
>dm face palms because it was important
>smashing draws enemies near by and combat scene turns into a clusterfuck
>we're fucked on spells for the rest of the dungeon

>tries to get the party arrested by lying to NPCs to fuck everyone over because it's "funny"
>always late
>has to be the first to interact with anything
wish he'd get kicked from the group

See me after class

>>tries to get the party arrested by lying to NPCs to fuck everyone over because it's "funny"
As a GM, I remember that guards aren't morons and are usually more likely to arrest the guy obviously lying to them good friends he's trying to get in trouble.

>>always late
For most chronically late players I would suggest lying about the start time.
For this guy, I would lie about the location.

>>has to be the first to interact with anything
Three words: Tomb of Horrors.
Seriously, I want to feed this guy to that thing.

Honestly though, he does sound kick-able.

*than the

Damnit autocorrect, how?

The first story is pretty far from that guy story.
It even acknowledged that most of the group thought that his immature antics were funny and GM went with it with little issue.

Seems to me that they were just stupid kids, and nothing more.
And as we all have been stupid kids at some point or another, it's excusable.

>It would be a welcome change to my current group of players who have trouble leaving the station.
Make sure that every game starts with train already in motion. Before the game have a premise that forces action.
Don't tell players "Hey, we are going to play some D&D 3.5, make level 1 characters fro Saturday:"
Instead tell them "I'm running D&D 3.5 game where PCs are a group gathered and hired by the King to find Princesses lost virginity that was stolen by evil Wizard. Make level 1 characters for that".
Then start the game at scene where party is attacking at bar full of Wizards minions.

There is no station.

It's retarded because the north pole is an ocean. There is nothing to plant a pole into, unlike the south pole, where there literally is a candy stripe pole.

It's the same as watching penguins and polar bears mingle in the wild and people seeing nothing wrong.

>want to find a group to play with
>scared i will be that guy

>playing wizard who is a cultist of Demogorgon
>paladin in the party keeps stoping me from completing my rituals
>tell my fellow cult members that a stupid Paladin is getting in the way of my connection to pure madness and thus keeping me from demogorgon
>''don't worry brother, we will take care of it''
>paladin is assassinated

I felt bad but he deserved it.

>what are ice caps

They flew there on dragons.

I am >what are ice caps
The shifting ice at the north pole apparently does make it sufficiently difficult to establish a permanent physical site there.
But that doesn’t change the fact that , and, for defending it, are stupid.

>It's retarded because the north pole is an ocean. There is nothing to plant a pole into[aside from tons of shifting ice], unlike the south pole, where there literally is a candy stripe pole.
What you fail to realize there cupcake is that the “candy stripe pole” is an icon. (That’s a “person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of something”.)
The costume used the pole as an icon for the North Pole.
It is a testimony to your stupidity that you managed to miss this despite the fact that the post you’re respond to actually said “I'm implying that the snow covered red and white striped pole is an accepted icon of both poles.”
Icons are an abstraction of what they represent, not the reality of what they represent.
Oh god, you probably think Hit Points are Meat Points too, don’t you?

>It's the same as watching penguins and polar bears mingle in the wild and people seeing nothing wrong.
Chilly Willy is over half a century old.
Some might call him iconic.
Does pic related trigger you user?
Because I see nothing wrong.

honestly sounds like 9gag fishing for stories but meh w/e


I don't know you, but I like you.

No user, you're the That Guy.

It's the same autists who flip out if fighters aren't muscular enough to 'realistically' fight in combat, it's better to just ignore their tantrums. Extra points if they ask to explain why something is 'fun'.

>Because I see nothing wrong.
Probably because you're dumb

You're just an asshole

Nah, I can just separate an icon representing something from the physical reality of that something.
It helps to not be on the autism spectrum.

It's not like the only reason a penguin and polar bear would be grouped together is because of their geographical location.