OP Genestealers Edition
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OP Genestealers Edition
>Rules databases
>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).
>Forgeworld Book index
> The Black Library
Cyraxus when?
First for $300 of genestealer hybrids
Do you really want the Tau to get stronger?
Do you Really?
Post yfw a rag tag peasant xenos worshipping cult on a backwater world has the best transport in the game
How many inquisitors worth of servo skulls should i bring to auto win against genestealer cults? I was thinking at least 1 per 500 points
It's too expensive desu, just buy plastic catachans and rending claw bits and convert your own.
>being poor
Don't be silly user. We can't get any stronger.
Just pad them out with the ones from overkill
>Fires of Cyraxus comes out
>Hazard suit buffs
>Ra'lai buffs
>Heavy Gun Drone buffs
>New Ta'unar weapons
>New Formations
Aren't you glad you're going to get to use that +1 attack for once in your miserable, chaos-tained lives?
Up until now Genestealers were one of the most neglected units in the game.
Yeah, it's all well and sweet, but I kind of just want more alien auxiliaries.
>tau formation
>take hazard suits; they gain +1BS, can fire their weapons 3 times in one shooting phase, free drones
>imperial formation
>must take 12 contemptors, they must deploy within 6" of the leader contemptor, no additional benefits
Fuck off al'kaps, your kind has no power here anymore.
Your constant bitching has turned the masses against CSM, as was foretold when you began to bitch all the time,
Genestealers were better than csm until eight years ago you whiny fuckwit
>vanilla space marines
>ever getting bad formations
>open topped taurox with a heavy stubber
>75pts. 6 passenger chimera
>best transport
Well, they are not alone.
I mean, think about the shitty codex the IG has.
>mfw some tau faggot would try that shit with me right before I pack it up and say thanks for coming out
So it's one relic per character and armor counts? That really fucking sucks.
So, formations aren't going to be free next edition, right? You're going to have to pay points for all this stupid crap, right?
>a thumbs
>Chaos complaining about an army that their overpriced AP4 chainaxes, possessed, melee tacticals, Fear-causing jump troops, derpy formations, etc. are actually competent against
AoS, for all its faults, did the right thing there; its formation-equivalent costs points. Usually about a unit's worth.
While not the first thing about 40k that needs fixing, I'd still hope that will be handled similarly.
>Everyone memes that chaos and dorks are bad
>get shit updates
>no-one talks about genestealer cults for 20 years
>gets a solid assault army
Has 7th proved meme magic real?
So just play khorne daemonkin?
Lore question:
I vaguely remember something about some vessel being found containing some Space Marine (think it was a Space Wolves vessel, not sure if 13th company related) that did some think where people speculated over if that guy might have the potential to rival the Emperor's power. Is my memory fooling me or what was that all about?
Honestly, I like AoS a lot more than the current state of 40k.
Yeah, the changed the wording for 7th edition codexes. Presumably to force people to actually make unique HQs that actually choose from wargear lists, rather than "just give him all the relics lol"
>not already having an inquisitor for rad/psychotroke shenanigans
for shame
Three skulls is enough to guard a deployment zone or deny choice infiltration/scout spots. You should have been taking them already because controlling people's deployment is a powerful tool.
How does it feel to know that some blue collar yokels with industrial welding gear and a civic engineering vehicle outperform every unit of god-empowered, millenia-old supersoldiers in sci-fi gear you have?
Not even trying to rub salt in the wound, I am genuinely curious.
Kek,that's what you get for being a traitor
>so just spam demon dogs
it feels like we'll never get an update and being squatted would be a nobler death than what theyve been doing to CSM
Who else /renegades and heretics/ here
Agreed, but I've learned that it pays to put a qualifier like that in posts mentioning AoS to prevent thread derailment.
Does anyone know a good recaster?
i given up with the chinese faggots who never reply to your orders, im looking on ebay and the russian recaster seemed something it could work.
fuck off aos shill
hrmn, anyone feel like reposting all the pictures we have for genecults? i'm trying to collect them all into a folder
Fuck Yeah man. Piling up Earthshakers and thudd guns at the moment but fuck me if even the chinaman ones are expensive as shit. We will fill the air with the shells of the gods!
Yea, I suppose. It'll happen anyway, though.
I've been out of the game for awhile and just recently started playing again. Thankfully, the people I found to play will are all pretty cool and chill, otherwise, I don't think I'd even bother.
Go home, renegades, the real cultists are here and you are no longer needed.
Just started writing up a Nurgle Master of the Horde army list last night. Trying to figure out whether it's better to spend 500 pts on a Baneblade or think about allying in some daemons.
Also, really torn between earthshaker cannons, medusae and medusae with breacher shells.
Anyone have the weapon stats and the vehicle pages?
I need to know what that mega flamer is about
Nope,too busy being cool
I got this.
>genecucks actually believe this
>Hazard suit in kill team
It's just a heavy flamer with Torrent.
>$60 USD per transport
fucking brutal
mega flamer is a torrent heavy flamer
mining laser is a 36" lascannons
seismic cannon is s8ap3 heavy2 at 0-12" and s5ap4 heavy 6 at 12-24" with rolls of 6 to wound/pen being ap1
Earthshakers my man. Quantity over quality. Plus the breacher shells being small blast is the killer with bs2/3. just spam the shit out of bs2 earthshakers and you're golden
>OP Genestealers Edition
Jesus I never thought I'd see the day again.
Its beautiful, Veeky Forums. Hold me.
Be careful, the Chaos players are mad now.
Fuck you faggot, genestealers were always supposed to be better in close combat, stay fucking mad.
How can a genestealer be better than a marine possessed by a fucking daemon or a maim kill burn bunny ears bloke? It's GW's latest money grab, there's a reason they're priced ridiculously.
>the bandwagon genestealer dickriders coming out of the woodwork
is this the part where you flavor of the month kiddos pretend youve been playing genestealers for the last 20 years?
Hey guys! Just posted this in the /WIP/, but I'm nothing if not impatient
I'm a long time lurker, but am fairly new to the modeling side of the hobby itself. And as such, I've just started painting some models and I'm not too sure about priming. I know cool and dry are the best conditions, and for me (Dallasfag) seeing them together is fairly rare.
I want to prime some guys today with the Leadbelcher undercoat, and the humidity's sitting at 40-45%, and its 75 degrees.
Is this good condition to prime? If not, when? Thanks in advance
What color of building would nicely compliment muddy/desert type terrain?
CCON and pillpit.
Pillpit gets extra points for being really easy to find.
They can suck my cock while I drink their tears.
Genestealer Cult players have been waiting for an update since before most edgy underage chaos teenies were born.
All the mature Chaos players have already moved on to 30k and are having a blast.
I need this fucking shotgun
Thats fine, you usually dont have to worry until it gets above 90 degrees and like 75% humidity
You want pics of my 2e metal Tyranid army when I get home, faggot?
Cool. Thanks
Nice bluff m8
How old are the most rookies of the Firewarrirors on the field? Given their short lifespans, I wonder if they are no older than child soldiers or young White Shields.
so this IS the part where you dumb flavor of the month kids pretend you are just bandwagoning the new OP shit..
yes, with a timestamp from the fucking 1990's.
>Y-you're just bandwagoning
>Its not like there are entire forums dedicated to Tyranid players that have been discussing how to make genestealers good again for the past 10 years
Stay mad faggot
Chaos fags would you rather get a great codex now to only be rendered useless again with the 8th edition comes out or wait until 8th comes out and get a decent/good codex then?
I actually got a question about renegades, the master of the horde devotion states the following:
"Whenever and individual renegade infantry squad brought as part of the same army as a demagouge with this devotion, and numbering 15 models at the start of play, is removed from play as a casualty, or flees off a table edge, roll an D6."
It says same Army, so does that mean renegade infantry squads from other detachments are effected by this rule? If so, doesnt that mean you could take a Vraks Unending host detachment for the 2+ returning from reserves with a CAD of IA: 13 Renegades and heretics and have the infantry squads from them both return on 2+?
Is this what we have to look forward to? Every time GW restores a race that had been trod under to former glory, we have to deal with the salt from all the babies who haven't got their turn yet? Cults aren't even fucking OUT yet, calm down.
>Its not like there are entire forums dedicated to Tyranid players that have been discussing how to make genestealers good again for the past 10 years
oh wow, some dead forum with like 10 members, im impressed.
boy you sure have convinced me that you arent just some faggot bandwagoning the new flavor of the month army
i bet you didnt buy some deathwatch shit when GW was pushing that too. lmao
wait for 8th, but I'm perfectly content to just use renegades and daemons, so whatever.
I'm pretty sure the Tyranid Hive and Warpshadow are two of the biggest single faction 40k forums on the internet, user.
Well, Warpshadow not so much since the second Cruddex. But they'll be back someday.
>wait 2 years for 8th to come out
>wait 2 more years after that for CSM to get their codex
>the book is shit
8th is going to be dogshit anyway, age of emperor is going to be reality.
why couldnt they just give us an update with traitors hate? because they are faggots
Reflexes can also represent partying.
This blade slices through things that try to parry it.
Done. Easy.
>6th ed codex
>still top tier, fun and has great internal balance
>our supplement was haphazardly glued on to the space wolves book
>still better in every single way than THE chaos marine supplement
>our stupid slaves whining in the thread again
>all is well in world
How can mortals even compete?
Tried to have a game today, my opponent used a Mutilator conversion with real blades greenstuffed on a centurion.
I run.
It's high tech, you wouldn't understand.
Me too, gonna build me a doomgay for a marbo proxy.
New here. What exactly IS a genestealer? Is it like a tyranid?
As soon as you explain to me how gene stealers can dodge the blast from a firebomb hitting them directly.
i dun goofed
I guess so.
Rules abstraction
What is a genestealer???
They can also dodge psychic powers. Assassins have been doing this for years.
a miserable pile of human DNA and Tyranid infection
holy SHIT this picture is epic
Nought but a miserable pile of memes.
But enough talk, have at you!
It's an ethnic slur.