>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next?
>What games have you purchased most recently?
>When did you first get into the hobby?
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why?
hope these aren't too generic/lame! I'm never really OP
I also have a lil survey style series of questions which im a bit unsure about, just figure i might as well ask since im personally curious, but i don't really know if anybody else would be and im not really expecting many replies to these since they are a bit more personal.
>Other hobbies?
love u goize
Lucas James
(OP) OP here with my answers
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Death Angel Carcassonne Kemet Sellswords Eldritch Horror Five Tribes Welcome to the Dungeon
I'd also like to get Arena Roma II but have been finding it difficult to hunt down a reasonably priced copy.
>What games have you purchased most recently? Mascarade Imagine For Sale Tales of the Arabian Nights Jaipur (bless) Battlecon: Devistation of the Indines Citadels Android Netrunner
>When did you first get into the hobby? Towards the end of May, not really sure what happened... I guess I kinda just found it lol
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? (I should add that $ is not a factor aka don't choose something coz you payed a lot for it and it'd be easier to re-buy the rest lol) Oof I asked this question thinking it's probably the most interesting one I could think of, but damn I haven't really considered how I'd answer it. Oops Well.... I'd say Cosmic Encounter because everyone who's played it with me really liked it,Level 7 Omega Protocol because I still haven't played it and it looks like it's got amazing potential, aaaaanndd for the last one I guesss hmm idk I guess mascarade because it can hold many players. Althouuugh I have a feeling it'd be Kemet if i did own it (soon... soonnn)
>Age? 23 >Location? California >Occupation? Student/Taking photos at parties >Other hobbies? idk man... i like vidya, working out, movies and music. Oh oh and reading anything science :)
Mason Sanders
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next?
Right now, nothing seems exciting. Maybe the new mansions of madness when it comes out in France...
>What games have you purchased most recently?
The prodigals club
>When did you first get into the hobby?
When they released the first "doom" board game back in 2004. Love doom (vidya) and always had a passing interest in dungeon crawly games.
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why?
Tough. Well, let's say Shadows of Brimstone first, because I spent so much money in it and it's got enough variety to be replayable. Then I guess pandemic because I love me some coop... And finally I guess I'd need some kind of competitive game... Shogun (Wallenstein) because I love it and I guess if I had only 3 games in my collection, I'd get to play it often.
Had to quit my job (toy store employee) earlier this year. Currently unemployed and quite depressed about it.
>Other hobbies?
vidya (mostly retro games), tv shows, doom 1 & 2 modding, toy collecting.
James Davis
Does anyone have nicknames for things in games? In Scythe, we call power "bug," popularity "love," workers "dudes," and oil "earl." In Castles of Ludwig we call the role and wooden signifier of master builder, "master blaster." We also call the game itself "Mad Castles." We call Loot 'N Run, "Mummy Madness."
Henry Lee
Oh, and the colonists in Puerto Rico we call "slaves."
Angel Gomez
in for sale instead of 1000 dollars we say 1 shekel
Lucas Thomas
The stats in Eldritch Horror are now "pump, book, hand, eyes, brain" at our table.
Nathaniel Long
anybody know a good game thats along the lines of arena roma 2?
both arena roma games are super expensive right now and i was hoping to get something similar instead. any ideas?
Levi Garcia
>>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next?
>What games have you purchased most recently?
Zombie Dice. We don't see the appeal.
>When did you first get into the hobby?
2008, when a coworker invited me over and we played catan and axis and allies.
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why?
Chinatown, Shogun, Cosmic Encounter
>Age 27
>Location West Coast
I sell third party toy accessories to collectors.
>Other hobbies
Tabletop game design, writing, sculpting, vidya.
Asher Young
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Triumph&Tragedy 2nd edition upgrade kit Welcome to Centerville Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain Imperial Struggle Colonial Twilight Ariovustus (Falling Sky expansion) Bayonets & Tomahawks
All of them are GMT P500 games and the last two haven't "made the cut" yet, but seeing as Ariovustus is a COIN expansion it's probably garaunteed to make it, and B&T looks to be making the cut as well.
>What games have you purchased most recently? Falling Sky, though calling it a recent purchase might be a bit of a stretch.
>When did you first get into the hobby? About 2005 maybe? The council for our student's section at uni took the decision to buy in a bunch of boardgames for our rec rooms, it went downhill after that.
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? Dominant Species - great euro that still has a degree of player interaction, supports up to 6 players. Triumph&Tragedy - (relatively) quick and light grand strategy WWII block wargame for 3 players. Absolutely fantastic. Twilight Struggle - don't think this needs much explanation.
>Age? 28 >Location? Sweden >Occupation? Engineer >Other hobbies? MMA/grappling (mostly as an observer/fan atm), working out, boats.
Sebastian Nguyen
Is this better than pandemic? The expansions seem really fun, especially the submarine one
Thomas Rogers
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? all currently available Ashes expansions
>What games have you purchased most recently? Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn and I love it, feels good to have a safety blanket if I get rid of my MTG collection
>When did you first get into the hobby? depends, my family bought a bunch of board games but it was mostly disposable garbage apart from HeroQuest, which I still have
otherwise I got back into the swing of things about a year and a half ago
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? Duel of Ages II - best hex-and-chit game I've played, ridiculously fun and amazingly well-written rules Cave Evil - pure, refined Ameritrash that is absolutely metal as fuck Shadows of Malice - best co-op game I have
>Age? 29 >Location? Australia >Occupation? IT, fixing all kinds of shit that breaks >Other hobbies? vidya game modding (especially doom 1/2), composing cacophony
my nigga, almost tempted to guess who you are, though I've barely been active in the doom community lately due to IRL eating up my time
Austin King
Nah, you cant possibly know me. I havent released a single mod yet. All the mods I did so far were private, for my friends.
Well, you may know me as the "hot sauce guy" who made the Revenant Hot Sauce a couple years ago. And if you've been on the doom generals on /vr/ in the last few months, you may have seen a couple screenies of my "Zombies" doom remake (of the old TC) that is still heavily WIP.
What about you ?
(sorry about the digress
Jayden White
ah yeah, I think I've seen the Zombies screenies though I have been lapsing on keeping up with the /vr/ threads pretty badly as of late
there's two mods of mine and another I contributed to that are in the /vr/ infograph, namely OMGWPNS, Endless Survival and UDMX, along with countless other stuff like Mock 2
Dominic Miller
>jaipur on a train
Brandon Bailey
Noice, I need to give these a try. To get back on topic, have you heard anything about the nudoom ffg game ? I already have the original, descent 2.0 and imperial assault so I'm not feeling like buying ANOTHER game based on the same system, but on the other side... It's fucking doom.
Andrew Murphy
My current game library is shit, lost most of my stuff in the move to my new place with my fiance'. All I have left is Talisman lol
>Age? 30 >Location? Buffalo, NY >Occupation? Chef, board game dev >Other hobbies? Only hobby right now is turning this game into a reality. Hopefully I can use this thread to get feedback (last one was very helpful! Thx guiz)
Hunter Watson
Crap rotated image, my bad. This is my game 'The 12 Towers'. Been working on it for almost a year. Basically it's heavy PvP, lite RPG. Think Talisman + Risk + MTG - time consuming crap
Joshua Russell
A true patrician
Liam Baker
Not just a train, user... Glorious maglev master race
Nathaniel Wilson
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Letters from Whitechapel. want a game for halloween, and currently this is my top pick. I was really close to pulling the trigger on Fury of Dracula, but my group tends to shy away from super long games
>What games have you purchased most recently? Citadels is currently in the mail somewhere. was supposed to be here last week but shit happens I guess. also got 7 Wonders and Big Book of Madness within the last 2 weeks
>When did you first get into the hobby? last year. I had been hearing about how board games were actually good for a couple of years, but towards the end of last year I saw someone play a game of Pandemic and I knew I needed it. of course before I even bought my first game I did tons of research, discovered rahdo, and had a wishlist of like 50 games. luckily I've not gone off the deep end on actually buying them.
Grayson Perez
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Citadels, Letters from Whitechapel, Tragedy Looper expansion. On the fence about Battlecon Trials, but it's too expensive for what I'm getting. Hopefully Abecorn pulls through and I get some trades, including the first two I mentioned.
>What games have you purchased most recently? Castles of Mad King Ludwig and Specter Ops.
>When did you first get into the hobby? I tried out Bang and some other games at a cousin's house around 2014, which got me interested, and soon after found Catan and Dominion for like $15 total. Ended up playing Catan from 9PM to 6AM.
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? Tragedy Looper, Chaos in the Old World, not sure about the third.
>Does anyone have nicknames for things in games? In Cosmic Encounter, the ships are "Nipples". The game is also known as "The Nipple Game". Also often confused with Race for the Galaxy, as which is "That Alien game with the phases"
Daniel Murphy
I highly approve of OPs pic. OP doing the lord's work. Also, kudos on what you have so far in your collection. Ti3chick/10 would play with.
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next?
Nothing, I am poor and am hardly playing what I bought while employed.
>What games have you purchased most recently?
Sushi Go, and Valley of the Kings: Afterlife, while my wife bought codenames the same day. Sadly, apart from playing them on vacation in P.E.I., I haven't really gotten together with anyone to play games, and the wife is often out of town for work or staying late for overtime these days.
>When did you first get into the hobby?
2007-8ish? The Veeky Forums club in CEGEP played a lot of Catan and Munchkin, and friends that came over after school for magic the gathering slowly gravitated with me to playing boardgames that I would buy. Had a club president that introduced my friends, gf, and I to Puerto Rico and Twilight Imperium 3. Rest is history.
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why?
Innovation for couple games. TI3 because yes, and then Chaos in the Old World because that isn't coming back.
>>Age? 28
>>Location? Quebec
>>Occupation? Unemployed due to contract work ending. Back to autumn job hunting for me!
>>Other hobbies? Guitar and piano playing, video games, reading, LEGO,
Oliver Sullivan
In one of my first board games, Pillars of the Earth, there is an extra black meeple for when a player buys the "Otto the Blacksmith" upgrade card. To not lose him, we would put him on the board near the bridge, assuming that was a great place for Otto to live. After a few games, I discovered we had an extra green meeple. Rather than keep it in the box, we decided lonely Otto needed a wife, and so the green meeple went with him to live, now under, the bridge. She was then dubbed the troll. We mused about updating the Otto card so that when you bought him, you got him and the troll, but decided it would be too op.
Shit man, I haven't played that game since around 2009-2010.
Yea, everyone knew what the little brown discs working on the indigo plantations represented. Colonists my ass.
Nolan Cook
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Maybe Discworld or Avalon But not sure. >What games have you purchased most recently? Fury of Dracula. >When did you first get into the hobby? Played m:tg long long time ago (5th edition was the first one I played), then decided to start playing board games about year ago. >If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? 1. StarCraft: BW: TBG Because it costs an arm and a leg 2. Chaos in the Old World Probably best game I have 3. Fury of Dracula or Nightfall - rest rest would be easily replacable >Age? 28 >Location? Poland >Occupation? Programmer >Other hobbies? Reading, guitar, Veeky Forums
Charles Stewart
but that doesn't make sense since the university would create a new "slave"
doesn't really work like that. it's just social commentary on how iberians aren't white.
Matthew Lee
>>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Zombicide Prison Outbreak, Pandemic Legacy, Mage Knight and both TI3 expansions are in the mail. Not much more cash left this month to buy things, though I'd like to get some of the GW-FFG stuff (FoD, Death Angel+expansions and Team Manager expansions, Diskwars) before stock runs out. Planning to go all-in on Kingdom Death's upcoming KS, but my wallet is in terminal condition. Also, Dominant Species.
>>What games have you purchased most recently? See above. Also Dungeon Petz, Rebellion G54 and Terra Mystica.
>>When did you first get into the hobby? Jan 2014, I reckon
>>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? CitOW, because it fucking rules. Puerto Rico, because it's sucha a solid design. Dunno about the third, probably TI3.
>>Age? 38 >>Location? Mexico >>Occupation? Biologist, working on ecotourism >>Other hobbies? Veeky Forums, vidya, music, cooking. Wanna learn coding, drawing or shooping skilz.
Ryan Thompson
I just bought Millennium Blades, what should i expect from this shitty game?
Carson Morgan
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Not sure on next, right now waiting on Star Trek: Acendancy and Cry Havoc, and a couple kickstarters.
>Most Recent Purchases Finally caved and picked up a copy of Epic to take camping. Fantastic decision, that stupid little box is magic on cocaine and speed.
>First get into the hobby I first started looking for unusual and interesting stuff probably after a grandparent gave me a copy of Star Trek: Klingon Encounter, a ridiculous old VHS game, probably around 2003. Didn't really take off until around 2008 though.
>Throw out all but 3? No idea, favorites are super subjective to daily whims. Probably Netrunner, Tannhauser, and Heroes of Normandie just due to expense involved in reacquiring them.
>Age? 28 >Location? Idaho >Occupation? Robotics >Other hobbies? Fencing, Shooting, LAN Parties, Airshit, Climbing, Horse and Motorbike Trail Riding, Sometimes RPGs. Some light vidya modding when necessary to make something work for LAN.
Camden Mitchell
> Epic I want to justify getting this game so much, but when I played it with a friend and our respective wives/gfs, my wife gave it a neutral shrug. She never has liked tcgs or magic, so I guess the thrill of the game's mtg on speed is lost on her.
Nearly broke my heart, it does.
Andrew Edwards
CCG: the simulator.
Carson Rodriguez
If you bothered to buy it, then you must not have thought it was that shitty.
That is one pricey mass of cards.
Thomas Jackson
>It's actually true. Too fucking meta for me.
Also talking about Card games. Do you guys play traditional card games too sometimes?
Logan Garcia
personally i play more traditional card games than other stuff
Adrian Long
For years, hearts was the de facto palate cleanser to end a game night. We often had 4 people left at the end of an evening, wife, best friend/band mate, mtg buddy, and myself. We would play a round or two until it was the early morning, and finally call it a night.
They were all great at reading signals, card counting, and could quickly tell if someone was in range to shoot the moon, if someone was fucked, etc.
I flailed like a fish out of water, to the amusement and sometimes frustration of all.
Somehow managing to shoot the moon against them are some of my proudest moments for those evenings.
I miss those evenings
Elijah Ramirez
>bought recently MoM 2E expansions, Las Vegas, and Medici get here tomorrow >planning to get next A Feast for Odin (if it comes back in stock soon), maybe the Las Vegas expansion (fuck me it's only available overseas), Strike (also only overseas), Mechs vs Minions (if it doesn't sell out immediately), Inis >first into the hobby It was a slow build. Somewhere between January 2014 (first board game purchase as an adult) and March 2015 (first meetup) >asl nah >other hobbies nah >welcome to centerville I was interested in that when it was announced, but I think I saw rahdo do a prototype runthrough and I was completely uninspired. Citybuilding games fascinate me but none of them do what I want from them you really have to have Magic/TCG experience to get a kick out of it Not for a few years really. My sister gifted me a cribbage board last Christmas but I still haven't touched it
David Ramirez
Inlaws occasionally drag me into Pinochle is about all.
Nolan James
>What's in your cart
Nothing really. I'm pretty satisfied with what I've got right now. I was going to pick up fury of Dracula, but fuck spending a premium on people trying to capitalize off of the games now "super ultra out of print rare never coming back ever" status. There's always Level 7 Omega Protocol.
>Most recent purchase AVP hunt begins. Prodos is a shit company, and I heard the 1E rules are shit but they updated them to be pretty decent now. Got it for the minis and because the store had a 25% off everything sale (which wasn't worth it because I paid 97 for it, CSI has it for 85, oh well)
>Hobby origins I was probably 8 and thought key to the kingdom was the coolest looking game I'd ever seen.
>Keep 3 Thunderstone, dungeonquest, the others seven sins
Now for a question of my own.
>You've got a game you like, and holy crap it's got a ton of expansions. Why don't you just put everything in a plastic tub instead of lugging around 2 boxes filled with crap that are getting more and more beatup the more you travel with them?
Gabriel Rogers
>y u no plastic tub? but I do...
Sebastian Scott
>game you like with a million expansions Cosmic Encounter lives in a cigar humidor now.
Nolan Sanchez
I won't lie user, ive just never seen anyone else do it, thought it was just me. Myth, Talisman, The Others, Thunderstond, RE Deckbuilder, etc etc have a shit ton of expansions, and I'm about to do some consolidations on my stuff
I've been eyeballing plano tubs. I already use them when I cut my own foam for wargame minis. Seems like they'd work pretty well for this kind of thing.
Jackson Lopez
Yeah, plano is good stuff. I just had the humidor sitting around doing nothing, and a game that smells perpetually like cedar is always nice.
Kevin Morris
I don't have that many expansions, bur A:NR, Thunderstone and Mage Wars are in 3 ring binders, Starcraft + BW is in plano boxes, MegaCarc is in a new box with dividers, Neuroshima Hex + 10 armies are in individual tuckboxes and a few spacewasters (Dixit, MachiKoro, Las Vegas, Splendor, 7 Wonders) were relocated to a single box.
Tyler Morales
Minimum effort bump
Xavier Rodriguez
I don't play physical card games often, but I've got euchre and durak on my phone and play them whenever I've got a couple minutes to kill
Ryan Long
I say it ironically, its still coming in the through the mail so i need to hype myself up for boardgames.
Bentley Harris
Social question time (sort of bump)
>Do you host gaming events? Why not?
>What kind of food do you serve? Or what kind of food do your friends serve?
>Do you drink at events? What kind of drink?
>You meet up with your friends for a game night, what do you do besides board games?
Ian Powell
A wholly unique game with mediocre art. Set aside an evening because your first playthrough is going to take like 3 and a half hours.
On a side note, I don't understand why L99 keeps working with that artist, his stuff for the Battlecon Extendeds was fucking awful. Left side of each column is the default.
Nathaniel Thompson
>he hasn't seen the original art for War of Indines
Now that had some atrocious poses and body parts, user.
Benjamin Torres
If I had to replace War's art with either original or Extended's, I'd have a hard time deciding.
Aaron Richardson
Coolstuff has a bundle of netrunner core set, upstalk data pack, and the source data pack for 40 bucks. I've been wanting to get into netrunner for a while, and this looks like as good a way as any to do so. Is this a recommended deal? Anything else I should throw into the cart? I tend to be one of those people that like to get everything available, but I don't need to do it right away. But if there's packs that are really well recommended or something, I wouldn't mind getting them all together.
Jordan Ramirez
>I tend to be one of those people that like to get everything available Don't get into Netrunner.
Daniel Walker
Thanks. I initally wasnt going to buy it because of the artstyle that looks like it's imitating anime. I dont mind anime shit but christ its art is a huge turn off.
Blake Collins
That's academics figuring out more efficient shipping and usage.
Oliver Butler
>New edition of Mansions of Madness gets a price hike >Still has lots of physical content >Nice figures >Good art, lots of cards and tiles >Sure app development is part of the cost >price hike from $60 to $90 is still a lot
>Expansions come out >An okay amount of figures >An okay amount of tiles >$50 MSRP
Jesus. FFG is really trying to stretch the 'luxury item' thing to it's limits. I mean I know a lot of people are gonna get it anyways cause Cthulu, or FFG, or whatever their lusts are. But for the base game+1expac is $140. That's the cost of four board games. Four GOOD board games.
Samuel Lee
>Do you host gaming events? Why not? As a last resort, game night with the 4-5 people every now and then, no random people or large group meetups. Not more frequent because roommates are annoying.
>What kind of food do you serve? Or what kind of food do your friends serve? Usually a pizza break between games, or nothing at all, and we'll go out for fast food afterwards.
>Do you drink at events? What kind of drink? The drinkers usually bring their own beer. One of them bitches, whines and moans because he loses at heavier stuff when drunk, so that's a turn-off. I'm the rules guy, so I usually stay sober til we¡re done playing.
>You meet up with your friends for a game night, what do you do besides board games? Chit-chat, listen to music. TV or movies distract people and slow the game flow. I dislike phone addicted people who spend more time looking at a tiny screen than interacting with people around them.
Elijah Young
Recurring Nightmares has all the stuff from the 1st edition base game, while Suppressed Memories has everything from two 1st edition expansions, so that's probably why. Still pretty expensive though.
Kevin Morris
We call smithy from dominion "shmitty mcaw"
Nathan Martin
Thats the reason why i dont feel like buying it
Noah Parker
That's precisely the reason why I won't be buying a lot of stuff from ANA/FFG. Luxury items my ass.
Michael Brown
subjective, but overall I think people enjoy pandemic more. Especially with expansions.
Jack Taylor
for some reason I thought you were like, 40 or something. Maybe it's the name.
Samuel Davis
ask Netrunner general
hope you're rich.
Elijah Miller
Same here, but it was because the awesome game room in his pics suggests a pretty comfy income, which younger people just into the workforce don't usually have.
Aiden Howard
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Dunno, probably a euro as my collection is sorely lacking in that department
>What games have you purchased most recently? I have Valley of the Kings: Last Rites coming in the mail
>When did you first get into the hobby? Hmmm, around 2013 I think. While we were taking a break between RPG campaigns one of our players brought over Zombicide. After playing through that we looked into what other cool games were available and the rest is history.
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? Chaos in the Old World, Fury of Dracula, Forbidden Stars. Those would be the 3 hardest to replace.
>Age? 31
>Location? Down under
>Occupation? jack of all trades at a photocopier dealership
>Other hobbies? vidya, RPG's, drawing. reading
>Do you host gaming events? Why not? no, my "house" is too tiny
>What kind of food do you serve? Or what kind of food do your friends serve? we all bring some beer and snack food
>Do you drink at events? What kind of drink? yes, just beer usually.
>You meet up with your friends for a game night, what do you do besides board games? RPG's or just drink and shoot the shit about whatever/
Liam Clark
Yeah, I'm hoping I can replace Gears of War with it as I missed out on the original Doom board game, and I have no interest in GoW as a theme. Don't have any other dungeon crawlers with a similar system but I like to keep my collection as varied as possible
I'd love to do a PnP test of this, hit us up with some files when it's ready to go!
Benjamin Diaz
>RPGs or roguelikes where you either lay tiles at the start of the game or lay tiles as you play the game, making a map to play on
Suggestions? This motherfucker looks A+++ but out of stock everywhere.
Christopher Taylor
>Age? 27
>Location? Ontario, Canada
>Occupation? I own an electronic cigarette company.
>Other hobbies? Photography, mechanical keyboards, watches, Magic the Gathering, programming.
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Elder Sign expansions. I have Gates of Arkham and want the others. I also am tempted to get the Pandemic expansions (the good ones at least, In the Lab and On the Brink).
>What games have you purchased most recently? Elder Sign, really liked it. Mascarade too.
>When did you first get into the hobby? One month ago.
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? Mascarade, Love Letter, Pandemic.
Lucas Barnes
it's more story than game, great for kids but adults will probably find better games like the FFG ones.
Cameron Long
doesnt this game only have like 8 tiles
whats the fucken point
Ayden Ross
>>I just had the humidor sitting around doing nothing, and a game that smells perpetually like cedar is always nice. > +5 points for good smelling game > -10 Points Gryffindor for not serving Scotch and Cigars while gaming.
Brayden Robinson
1E had half the plastic and cardboard of 2E, and 1E's MSRP was 79.99 in 2011. What's the problem here?
That said the MSRP for the 2E expansions was really disappointing. Given that the plastic molds haven't been updated they really should've gotten it down to 40
Tyler Brooks
On the Brink is a must-have, the rest are optional.
Juan Cox
>tile-laying roguelike DungeonQuest
Oliver Lewis
Doesn't OTB require ITL? I'm gonna skip State of Emergency.
Gabriel Collins
Nope, just need base game to integrate OTB. It's more roles and event cards, which by themselves give a ton of replayability. Then there's legendary difficulty, the mutant strain, the bioterrorist and the fifth disease. It just adds a lot of variety to it.
Eli Lee
Shadows of(over?) Brimstone looks good, though you might need another house to play it without removing any tiles.
Luis Gutierrez
Wyatt Howard
Doesn't OTB add solitaire?
Oliver Miller
>see A Feast For Odin >the feast upkeep and physical covering of the maps tickles my fancy like I'm paying it $80/hr >none of my friends can into that kind of resource management or worker placement
Why am I cursed
Asher Edwards
How is Castles of Burgundy? It's got good reviews but honestly doesn't look fun.
Brandon Ortiz
anyone has a scan of the storybook for mice and mystics ?
cant seem to find it anywhere online.theres a translated Italian one but thats all i could find.
yes the publisher's website has the first chapter,but they dont have anything other than that.even the payed ones arent the original story.
if you own this game could you please scan it.thanks tg.
Zachary Hill
which ones should i get?
Im greentexting the ones im more leaning towards NOT getting. Putting a * on the ones im more sure about getting.
*Beasty bar Pandemic >Neuroshima hex >Onirim Patchwork *Isle of skye >Ghost stories
Above and below Mexica Friday
>The captain is dead
>Shadow hunters
Ive learned how all of these are played and have seen reviews and gameplay videos of them, so im not lacking in understanding what each is like as a game; im more curious what fellow anons think about them.
Im particularly hesitant about above and below, pandemic, and patchwork. They all seem sorta hit or miss, although "in theory" or "on paper" seem great. Not sure if im conveying what i mean well lol but hopefully some of you can give your opinions on it
Got another question for le thread:
>What are the best underrated/little known games? In particular, games that you think are amazing or at least worth recognition, but expect very few of us here to have heard of.
I think its a really interesting/helpful question although it may not be easy to answer.
Beasty bar is what inspired this question. I dont think its the most amazing thing ever, and it pretty much does what guillotine did, but it still looks like a great light filler, and i think it fits the criteria as i dont expect many to have known of it.
Samuel Green
I think you're looking for jaipur, my friend.
Robert Rogers
>Do you host gaming events? Why not? Quite often. Why yes? For me the trouble of inviting people in and cleaning up the mess is less than going to people. Plus almost no one invites me. >What kind of food do you serve? Or what kind of food do your friends serve? Tea, coffee drinks and party food - chips, crackers, buiscuits and the like, sometimes fruit if it's hot as hell. People usually bring stuff with them. >Do you drink at events? What kind of drink? Rarely, mostly beer or water/tea. >You meet up with your friends for a game night, what do you do besides board games? Mostly chat, lookup stupid things on the computer.
Justin Powell
>Tfw you finally win at Forbidden Stars Took me 4 games, but I finally eaked out victory in the seventh round. Now to beat my friends at Chaos in the Old World...
Angel Jenkins
Sorry, I have no idea about Arena Roma
You can play base game solo, just play all pawns by yourslf
Rosenberg's games are (mostly) brilliant, but not for everyone...
...as are Feld games. I like CoB a LOT, it's such an elegant game mechanically, with a mix of luck and strategy that's just right for me. Alas, point salad and dry theme repel a lot of people.
>Neuroshima Hex. Great game, I'll always recommend it. App is probably better, though. Speedier, less fussing over upkeep and initiative during combats.
>underrated/little known I got my hands on Helionox by chance, and goddamn, it's such a great game, and a really innovative deckbuilder. Amazing artwork and theme, variable player powers, worker placement elements. Plays 2 player vs, semi-coop or solo. So glad I found this little gem.
All the people that turn me down, make excuses or just plain don't show up when I organize make me wonder if there's something wrong with me. >after game night OMG user, this was such great fun! we should do this a weekly thing >next week lonelygraveyard.jpg
Blake Barnes
>All the people that turn me down, make excuses or just plain don't show up when I organize make me wonder if there's something wrong with me.
If you don't have to don't invest emotionally in people that aren't invested emotionally in you. Sure sometimes any company is better than no comapny but try to expand your circle of friends into peope that actually appreciate you.
Justin Carter
>Make me wonder if something is wrong with me
I know this feel too user. Too bad we don't live near eachother for some gaming.
Does Veeky Forums have a table top sim group? Could get some good games going on there
Jackson Gomez
>>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next?
Either patchwork or blood rage, I cant decide. I mostly play at 2 with the gf
>>What games have you purchased most recently?
Cosmic encounter+Incursion. Hasnt hit the table yet despite my best efforts. Trying to get 5.
>>When did you first get into the hobby?
3 months ago
>>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why?
-Scythe collectors edition because its a great game that works at any player count. -7 wonders duel because its my favorite 2 player game -Roll for the galaxy because its awesome. But I can see cosmuc encounter replacing this
>>Age? 23 >>Location? Portland >>Occupation? Camera Assistant/junior op swing >>Other hobbies? Filmmaking
Adrian Foster
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Few cheaper options. Appreciate any suggestions: - Neuroshima hex - Mission: Red planet - Ultimate warriorz - King of Tokyo / King of New York (this and ultimate warriorz as something easy for my nieces and still kinda cool for adults) - Jamaica (I feel like I could play it on all family meetings even with my 60 yo mom)
>What games have you purchased most recently? Zombicide: BP. Mostly because my gf got hyped, but I got excited about it a little too. In the end, after several games we both agreed that it's kinda meh which is sad because it was more expensive that all games currently in my cart connected.
>When did you first get into the hobby? 1 month ago with Zombicide so I can't say I'm into hobby already.
>Age? 26 >Location? Brasil / Poland >Occupation? Software dev >Other hobbies? Wargames from my homeland company. But level of complexity turns off ANY potential players.
William Barnes
>Do you host gaming events? Game nights / days and small LANs at my place, bigger LANs at my work. >What kind of food do you serve? Or what kind of food do your friends serve? Pizza for LANs, sometimes pizza for game nights, sometimes the wife makes something indulgent. >Do you drink at events? What kind of drink? Nah, about half my players are mormon because lolidaho, and the place we do LANs is right across the street from the best local brewery so the drinking stays over there. >You meet up with your friends for a game night, what do you do besides board games? Probably just vidya, maybe a ttRPG if one's running.
No wrong way to get into netrunner, go with whatever you want at your own pace. First two cycles are within a year of rotating out of competitive play, so could skip those if you want, but they're still great for kitchen table play.
Nah, just about priorities. If I haven't massively improved that table and game room (and probably moved it into a nicer house) by the time I'm 40, kill me.
>smoking around your expensive cardboard
Chase Butler
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next?
siege of the citadel when/if it comes out
>What games have you purchased most recently?
Dead of Winter
>When did you first get into the hobby?
20+ years ago with a local edition ofTalisman
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why?
Dead of Winter; Forbidden Stars; Firefly (or Battlestar Galactica)
As to why - they're my best/favourite games at the moment.
Charles Stewart
I'm out of town right now, won't be back til Friday night. Spam this request in the next thread. If you haven't gotten it by then I'll hook you up
Justin Carter
Whoops, forgot my trip
>LAN parties
I've been talking to some friends about having one in January when it's cold as balls. Save money on hearing because everyone's rigs are on. Get too hot? Open the windows. Call it winter wonderLAN and you're good to go.
A pity most of my board gaming and wargaming friends are not vidya friends, so I usually hybrid party it up.
Normie friendly, works fine on same screen, and support controllers.
You going to dreamhack Austin next year btw? My crew just recently got their tickets.
Andrew Perry
>What's in your cart right now/what are you planning to get next? Either Letters from Whitechapel, Fury of Dracula 3rd or some other game with a hidden movement component.
After that I'd love to get Jaipur to have another game besides Patchwork that suits 2 players (but it was sold out when I last wanted to order it).
>What games have you purchased most recently? Uhh, all of them but the most recent recent was Dead of Winter.
>When did you first get into the hobby? I've been interested in boardgaming for a while but I've only started buying games for myself and my GF about 3 weeks ago. Spent about 300 eurobucks. No ragrets.
>If you had to throw out all but 3 of your games, which ones would you keep and why? Pandemic: Legacy, because I love tense coop games. Ticket to Ride, because it's very easy to teach to new players. Mysterium, because I enjoyed Dixit quite a bit and it's essentially that with a goal.
>Age? 27
>Location? Germany and Austria
>Occupation? Student
>Other hobbies? RPGs Vidya
Jace Walker
Yeah, the winter ones always go a little smoother in the temperature department. Definetly even the big LANs get a little hybrid, usually some social/party games like Two Rooms and a Boom or Mafia de Cuba or the like around midnight-2am.
Still haven't tried out ultimate chicken horse, but we've got a hugeass 16' projector screen in one separate room for that kind of stuff. The usual playlist in there is something like >Gang Beasts >Towerfall >Samurai Gunn >Nidhogg / Eggnogg >Knight Squad >Divekick >Real Human Basketball >Crawl >Hidden in Plain Sight >Screencheat >Blazerush >Overcooked >Cobalt >Mariokart or smash bros or whatever else someone brought a console for.
I'd fucking love to get the crew down to dreamhack one of these years, but they're leaning towards gencon for 2017 right now.
Evan Adams
Noice list, will have to look some of those up.
Bummer about your friends. Of the two, I'd lean waaaaay more towards a LAN con than a board game one. Last year was amazing. The bass, the lights, the music, the unlimited free monsters (which after about 3 in one day starts to look like a very poor decision), the people. I meant to do big things in the tabletop area for DH2016, but I was in a rush to leave the house and practically forgot everything but warhammer fantasy rpg 2e, which was a mess. All sorts of big plans for 2017, I can't wait.
Oliver Young
The D&D board games: Castle Ravenloft Wrath of Ashardalon Temple of Elemental Evil
HeroQuest WarhammerQuest (Original and the new Silver Tower)
Owen Diaz
Yeah, my preference would be dreamhack too, easier to add Veeky Forums to a /v/ con than other way around, and they're more focused on the actual gaming than being a retailer and publisher event.