CYOA throg
CYOA throg
You need to put CYOA General or /cyoag/ in the name. And also this:
Previous thread: Resources;
No I don't, because I can always count on you to do it for me. Thanks for the help user!
Yes, you still do, because that's the only way some people will be able to find this thread.
Could get me a pretty good job as a legit medium.
>Bazaar, Paved Roads, University, Sanitation
>Improved Metallurgy, Printing Press, Banking, Chemistry, Anti-Magic Factor
>True Adept, Divination, Charismatic
Giant knights and archers riding on huge extinct animals? Count me in.
you have to be a girl tho
yup the thread will be less active because of improper OP
What is your favorite option/power/waifu in any cyoa and why do you like it so. Try not to jump strait to immortality, please.
Unlimited and unrestrained sexuality. Succubi or other supernatural beings that can shapeshift and keep me hard forever. Stuff like that. The reason I like it is obvious.
Everyone just searches for CYOA in the archive. That's it.
What does cyoa like in a waifu? A husbando? What makes a character worth it to you.
unconditional love
So a yandere type ?
Anons want their waifu to be perfect and flawless and bland and without any surprises or other upsetting things.
Of course, that such a perfect creature would find anything appealing about someone worthless enough to resort to waifuism must be completely glossed over. Especially don't mention that the more absurdly unconditionally accepting the waifu needs to be has an inverse correlation with how much an user is willing to exhibit such things towards her.
>stop having fun: the post
If I get power(s) from them, then I don't care what there personality is.
Is there a different version of this? Only some of these are familiar.
Definitely Option 10: The Explorer though. Only option that makes it easy to keep all your friends and family and shit, and doesn't even imply any downsides.
more like
>call out the stop having fun guys: the post
Im going to try to put some depth into them.
Even if thier an old hag?
imported CYOA from precious thread repast
That's retarded. So let's say the currency "X" is worth half a dollar. So you get either 1M dollars or the equivalent of 2M Xs.
Where does greater value come in here? Do you get more than 2M Xs, in which case you can trade them in for more than 1M dollars?
>Im going to try to put some depth into them.
You can't, the thread will revolt, there'll be chaos and butthurt and arguing and everyone will be very upset.
Yes. Even if they are an old hag.
i've been hiding, the police on my back
at this point i'd just give up, fuck all that shit, i'll stay my forever alone self
Political subject.
I subscribe to an ideology that most people already seriously dislike anyway, so her being loud and obnoxious about my most hated ideology would be closer to a normal person than what most people would get from the option.
Well it wasn't immortality anyway, and my real favorite is something people generally hate so I won't bother bringing that up, so I'll go with being adept with telekinesis. It just makes for a cool gimmick. I don't take it every single time though, it depends on the other options available.
Knowing what my companions are good at so I can know what I have to be good at. I'm typically willing to accept a few radical personalities if it means higher effectiveness overall. But obviously if we're going on an adventure towards some major goal, I'd prefer they not try to fuck off or betray the rest of the group.
If you're talking about characters that only exist to fulfill waifu quotas, then their personality and skills do still matter, but now I have to find them attractive as well. I'm willing to go a ways further for them, pushing aside what would be ideal if it meant things would work. I've taken characters no one else would from time to time because I thought it would be entertaining. I have no interest in being romantically involved with a guy. Or being the little girl, for that matter.
It will be fine, take my word for it.
I always look for shapeshifting first. It has to be permanent to permanent form to count as what I enjoy about it is chaning your (or other people's) "true" form. And it also has to allow human shapeshifting as I really don't care about turning into animals or whatever.
>Divine Might, Inspiration, Protection
>Mithril Mail
>Holy Tome
>Golem, Shaman
I'm going to train in combat for many years and, when the time comes, I shall be the one man too fight against the Khan and his infernal forces. Should I win, I will be lauded as a champion. Should I lose, at least I put up a fight.
Your going to enjoy what I have cooking then plenty skilled people, though thier companionship does require a price.
>A Real Hero
>Billy will ascend from Biker Knight to Nightcall Night
good stuff
>that OP
I see we're off to a great start.
>you have to be a girl tho
You say that like it's bad.
Does anyone have that CYOA where you become some cute adventurer hero girl's waifu?
That was one of my favorites.
>that OP
I gotcha fampai, say no more.
Rolled 10, 1, 9, 8, 8, 6, 10, 9, 5, 5, 3 + 2 = 76 (11d10 + 2)
Age, Background, Personality, Intelligence & Knowledge, Hobbies, Skin, Eye, Hair, Height, Build, Breasts, Distintive features, Special Features
Shapeshifting, 100%
It should really be 11 not 13 for Hogwarts, other wise you're starting two years late.
Well, we're all a bit slow here.
Time freezing.
It offers so many possibilities
Rolled 5, 1, 4 = 10 (3d10)
First need to reroll some of the features of Alice
Age: Older than me
Background: No special circumstances
Personality: >reroll
Intelligence & Knowledge: Alice's gotten her share of A+'s
Hobbies: Cooking
Skin: Tanned
Eyes: >reroll
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5,25 feet 160 cm
Build: Average.
Breasts: B cup
Personality, Eyes, Distintive features, Special Features
No, obviously you'd get a million dollars worth of currency in another currency. You know, if you don't live in a country that uses dollars.
>tfw started school a year early & was perpetually less developed than my classmates.
Rolled 3, 13, 10 = 26 (3d20)
>Age: Older than me
>Background: No special circumstances
Personality: Wild, Energetic, Melancholy and Pessimistic
>Intelligence & Knowledge: Alice's gotten her share of A+'s
>Hobbies: Cooking
>Skin: Tanned
Eyes: Green
>Hair: Blonde
>Height: 5,25 feet 160 cm
>Build: Average.
>Breasts: B cup
Rolling: job, Distintive features, Special Features
>an ideology that most people already seriously dislike anyway
Age: Older than me
Job: Graphical Designer
Background: No special circumstances
Personality: Wild, Energetic, Melancholy and Pessimistic
Intelligence & Knowledge: Alice's gotten her share of A+'s
Hobbies: Cooking
Skin: Tanned
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5,25 feet 160 cm
Build: Average.
Breasts: B cup
Distintive features: Tattoos
Special Features: Frigid
So, now I need to wrote something for us?
At the very least, you need to answer 5 autistic questions from Alice user's list per result you got. It's the rule.
After that you write a scene.
I'm sorry for bringing up posts from last thread.
She didn't tell me to "challenge depressive thoughts", but she did say to ask people stuff/talk to people before my brain kicks in and gives me all the reasons why I would be a bother to them and they wish I didn't talk to them and would just go away.
Basically, act before my brain fucks me over.
She was really focused on me talking to strangers and believes that will fix everything, so that was the only thing she wanted to focus on.
I don't really have depressive thoughts, I think. It's more, it's like seeing a 2 second video in my brain of me killing myself. i stopped crying randomly/in bed, so that's good. I guess feeling like a bother to other people counts as depressive thoughts?
But i did try to seek help.
My big trouble is I have no reason to feel bad. There's nothing wrong with me, I have food and shelter, so I don't know where to start. I just want to not think or feel, or, even better, have someone else take over my life, someone who's better than me. Then no one gets hurt. It's better for everyone.
I agree, at some point I will crash and burn in a glorious blaze.
I choose the power of the Phoenix!
>Magic (4 left)
>Haven (3 left)
>Appearance (human form) (2 left)
>Cross Magic (Unicorn) (0 left)
Black Dragon
Vow of Hedonism
+1 Magic (Divination, Information Control)
+2 Cross Magic (Gold Dragon=Leadership and Seduction)
+1 Physical
+1 Physical Both Forms
While hedonism is my sustenance and curse, there is very little stoppign me from gaining a great deal of temporal power as well, especially being smarter as well stronger, faster, and more hardy as both a human and a dragon. With the power of divination I will seek out information and knowledge, both of those who can feed my hungers and to control those who might oppose me. Other will be unable to divine my own secrets - information manipulation can be iused to the detriment of others as well as for my own gains. Seduction and leadership will allow me to create a cult and following, a network of loyal and dedicated spies, lovers, dealers, and enablers. My own venomous will be the most wicked tool in my arsenal, for the ability to convince others to do work for me will lead to the creation of psychotropic drugs of a kind heretofore unknown, with many varying properties tailored to suit my varied needs.
I may not rule the world, but the underworld is mine forever; like black Nidhogg, I will poison the roots of the tree of the world, and it will nourish me in it's agonizing pain and suffering. Those who oppose me will suffer, rather than die, for long before they know of me, I will know of them, and their secrets will fall to my talons and hands, and become known to all who would be their enemies as well. Their power will fall to ruin beneath them at my whim, and only be my allowance will they recover.
Fear the Dark Serpent, and know that your days as free men and women are numbered....even if you will not serve me, you will nourish me with your desires and depravities, and you will enslave yourself to them, for me.
Creation and or conjuring.
Just because your brain chemistry is makign you feel depressed for no reason, doesn't mean you're not feeling depressed. Your suicidal ideation is the big threat. Until you get that under control you're not going to be able to get better.
The dedication of a beautiful and powerful minion.
Otherwise, the emphasis on unique is always appealing. A power nobody else has.
Btw Kit-Kat, I'm makin' you a CYOA
ETA (huh, tgat acronym doesn't really work for specifying when something will be completed): later tonight at best. This weekend at worst.
Things that have a positive impact on the afterlife
NEET freely options
Being able to NEET off of them
Precognition, because it's the best power ever.
what'd you use it for?
Not the first time that someone promised Kit a CYOA. Thus far, I can recall only one that was actually released, and it was shit.
Fucking with people.
You're the best OP of all time. Fuck that confusing nonsense
"CYOA throg" is easy to understand and doesn't take long
I don't know why they think you're homosexual but I think you're cool
if you want to start making small amounts of money without needing to interact with anyone ever, you could look into uhrs.
The "challenge depressive thoughts" thing is basically CBT. You could look through this:
Aren't you female? Guys mostly care about bodies, not which are within your control. It wouldn't be too hard to get a proper diet and physical routine, and shouldn't require challenging any of your issues. Cooking (nutritious stuff) and bodyweight fitness could even become constructive hobbies. And whoever's covering your living expenses would likely appreciate you doing the cooking.
But then, maybe it's a bad idea to take advice from anyone who knows how to NEET.
Welp. Guess I'm looking after a slime.
>Yummy (25)
>Cleaning Agent (21)
>Primordial Princess (1)
>Sleepy (8)
>Cohesive (4)
>Empathetic (0)
>Lava Slime, Aqua Slime, Blue Slime, Gamer Slime
Well, I know one way we can know each other well.
>Exo-Suit (Cybernetic Agumentation)
I did ask for this.
>Nanobot Injection (5)
>Repair Nanobots (1)
>Projector Screen (0)
Soon enough, Talia and I will be very close indeed.
I don't know how to refute this...
I can post a sample after work, maybe?
Anyone have that Heavenshore wafiu CYOA? Hows it coming along? I had high hopes for it.
Wait, huh? What's going on he-
>Light Elf (18)
When'd I get these ears?
>A Cute (17)
Is that me?
>Lifetime (14)
>Well-Endowed (12)
Oh. Oh dear.
>Yan (11)
Hey, what do you mean- oh...
>General Magic (9)
This power. It's amazing!
>Power Magic (6)
And precise. How could the Hero pick anyone else?
>Chaos Magic (2)
And this for when I need to rain down some desruction.
>Kellie (0)
So this is who I'm teaming up with.
I know, but it would lessen my burden if I had a reason to feel shit. I feel like a quivering pussy who should go back to his safespace because he can't deal with life.
Oh yeah. Next time I go bat-shit and say I'm leaving, he'll probably pop up again.
What was that cyoa? Because I'm still waiting on the ghost-waifu one.
I think you have me confused with someone else, I'm not a NEET and I live in my own apartment.
I'm in university, I'm just not sure if my education is the right one, since I've only had one amazing course and one other that was really cool. The rest are meh-to-boring.
And I'm not a girl.. I do think my life would be easier as a girl, but those are not the cards I were dealt.
I'll check the link, thanks.
>life would be easier as a girl
[/spoiler]That's what depression is. It's basically your brain not giving you enough dopamine, so even if things are going okay, then you just feel like everything is going wrong. It's okay to feel like that. You don't have to have a reason for it, because feelings are, by definition, not logical.[/spoiler]
Emotional manipulation, because I'm a horrible, horrible person, and pure mind control is too easy.
Have you been outside recently?
>What was that cyoa?
Remember when you threatened to withhold a CYOA unless a certain someone made one?
Yeah, today. Things seemed a bit safer and easier for men.
Not all is as it seems.
I don't know, I just feel like it would. I know I wouldn't be or act different.
I hear ya.
Hey guys. I'm working on a back to college cyoa. I'm pretty much done with the outline, but I want to know what you guys would like to see in it.
Yes, one of the drawbacks is having one of those lousy teachers who changes the slide before you are done with your notes.
But what if I never went to college?
The CYOA you threatened to withhold was Aphrodite.
Well, now your going! Simple as that. And if you're halfway through it, you will get sent back to the beginning but with a few bonuses.
Already said I want a professor who doesn't change the slide.
How about professors who actually put up their slides before the lecture, and put up what pages in the book they will be covering?
I fucking hate you, professor who fails to do both. No, putting up what pages you need to have read to understand what the fuck you're talking about, the day before your lecture, is not fucking okay fuck.