Post military and combat vehicles the imperial guards/astra militarum would drive around in and our use in combat.
Vehicles IG's would use
>You go find this image
>They have the gas cans backwards
It's making me angrier than I thought it possibly could.
Using this as a Chimera stand-in for my not!IG army (TGotG Jailbirds). Looks pretty sexy and you can get 1:35 kits of it for like US$22.
I meant... this. So tired.
Aren't our modern things too complicated to build and maintain for the IG? I know their tech is leagues ahead, but isn't it all simpler and more straightforward? Probably only because GW is dumb, but still...
Well mostly because of Warhammer's grimderp setting where everything is shit.
But I think its mostly 'cause GW simply do not know how military vehicles should work and thus they ended up making Imperium military vehicles look and sound like shit and garbage.
Does not help that Imperium military ground vehicles/tanks are cartoonishly large and have comically oversized cannons, which in reality can makes them easy targets for just one guy with a rocket launcher or an anti-material sniper (Barret .50cal)
Well that's definitely a WAY BETTER vehicle than the Taurox. Me thinks it'd be great if the IG's finally start reproducing the stryker or any other IFV like the Marder Least it's a much better vehicle than the ever shitty Taurox.
Stryker's basically a Chimera, when you get down to it.
Me thinks you must be also reffering to the M1128 Mobile Gun System, which is basically a Stryker with a 105mm gun turret for fire support.
Why would I be talking about the MGS when I'm talking about the Chimera?
Well I mean, that's like a comparison right? Or am I wrong here? What real life combat vehicles is the equivalent of the Chimera then?
Leman Russ isn't that bad. And when you think about how ridiculously strong it's frontal armor is it can kinda afford to be large.
I dare you to convince me they wouldn't relish the thought of 30 thermobaric rockets and all the purifying... on second thought, maybe it's more suited to the SoB...
The Stryker M136, essentially.
Outside of treads vs wheels, the comparison is apt. Both are IFVs that mount a full squad and carry an HMG as a turret weapon.
MGS, I dunno. Predator, I guess?
Honestly I wanted to use the Namer IFV from the IDF but the model kits for it are super-expensive from what I can tell, so I went for the Marder. It's old enough to look more IG anyway, I suppose.
>Look Misha, discount Startship Troopers starting to use tank that is not of big size and grimderp. But clearly they should be of using better tank
>Dis one gets it! Surely pretty white haired space nuns will love it!
I honestly wish more space marine vehicles had wheels. It seems like it would suit them better for a very fast insertion force meant to burst in and get the fuck out.
DOOM turtle
I present to you the almost indestructible Rába truck, one of the sturdiest vehicles ever to come out of Eastern Europe. By the 41st millennia a number of the original 2nd millennia Rába trucks will still be in servicable condition and the Adeptus Mechanicus will treat them as some of their holiest relics; venerated machines, symbols of the Omnissiah's wisdom.
Various types of Rába trucks manufactured after fragments of blueprints recovered from what was once the Carpathian Basin of the European continent of Terra will still be manufactured as well and will serve the Imperial Guard faithfully on a myriad worlds. Jungle worlds? Frozen wastelands? The vacuum of space? Desert worlds? Acidic death worlds? No environment can stop the fucking Rába easily.
If war material needs to be delivered to the front line, the Rába will deliver it. The machine spirits of the Rába are known for being very loyal to their designated drivers and their cause; nothing pleases them more than rolling on in the company of their drivers, faithfully fulfilling their duty and delivering the goods.
You better watch out and hold on tight
We're heading your way like dynamite
Delivering the goods
>anti-material sniper (Barret .50cal)
They're called anti-materiel because they don't work on tanks anymore. Even 30mm autocannons only worry tanks/IFVs by shredding tracks, damaging weaponry and blowing apart sighting gear, not actually penetrating the armour.
>implying this isn't literally an exorcist minus the pipe organ flair
There's probably an IG regiment that works like the Soviet armed forces wanted to. Ekranoplans, hovercraft, waves of cheap tanks, etc.
how would you stat an M1 abrams that was upgraded to 40k standards, and retained its relative advantages?
And the cold war aesthetic fits the IG all over.
Inferior armour, unreliable engine, poor terrain crossing capability, but quickand with a Vanquisher cannon?
The Russ is meant to cope with deployments lasting for centuries, and be deployed in the field for years, using whatever dfuel can be found/distilled, without issue. The abrams is a fragile hangar queen by comparison.
you vould give the m1 Abrams future armor
Autocannons work fairly well on IFVsand light tanks at any arc other than frontal, and they chew the shit out of anything lighter.
There's a reason the trend is going towards the 40mm bofors again.
Then it'd be a faster Russ?
even without a future engine, the m1 abrams is really fast, while a leman russ seems to move at walking pace, although they could drive faster if they wanted, i dont think they could ever catch up to an abrams
Rugged and crude is probably more accurate. It's like Soviet shit, it's not the fanciest crap, but at the same time it's easier to operate and has a larger margin of error.
I don't think anti-rank rifles have been a thing since early WW2. There's just so much you can do with a man-portable rifle cartridge.
That's because we go super hard on manoeuvre warfare these days, compared to 40K where it's swung back to slow advances because there are anti-tank weapons everywhere, and you're rooting stuff out of fortified positions.
Russ is more of an infantry tank, really. Predator on the other hand is more like an Abrams with speed and such. Especially with souped up engines.
the steel legion would go crazy over a fast, low bodied tank
The predator is based off an APC, though, and has an autocannon as default. That makes it more like the Scimitar we have today, just heavier armoured.
the chimera is a BMP
there is a reason it is amphibious
That's basically the Ork 'Battlewagon'.
>The predator is based off an APC
Yes, in the 40k world. But it was also the MBT of DAoT humans and continues to serve as a front line battle tank. Where it came from doesn't matter, its capabilities and how it's used is what matters.
The predator's cannon was, at least at some point, compared to a modern tank gun and had a blast, but then GW rolled it back into a mere autocannon. Shame even FW didn't change it, just put more shits into it.
Most western AFVs were amphibious, until it was discovered that trying to cross a river in a steel box with a screen was really, really stupid.
As a front line LIGHT tank, with a crew wearing personal armour thicker than most modern APCs have.
Don't bother with all this modern stuff. This is the level of the Imperial Guard, crap rip offs of ww2 shit heaps. Like this Leman Russ.
although correct, the design of the chimera is just the BMP, much like the rhino is just the M113
I wasn't disputing the BMP-ness, just that nobody leaves things amphibious any more.
Even pic related got nerfed.
oh, right on
I'm sure if someone started a war in a place where it would be relevant they'd bash something together.
Or just fit all the kits again. We're still using most of the hardware.
The Chimera is probably mostly made of plasteel, and so likely floats on it's own fairly well.
The Ikarus would provide an excellent basis for that.
Having said that, the Ikarus will probably also serve as the Imperium's most important method of public transportation in hive cities and other urban centers.
not one mention of the Ratte.
tsk tsk.
With Tatras becoming the standard Cargo-8?
Pre-Imperial, but still functional even after millennia of being driven around and over everything.
Ah yesss, Tatras. And Csepels. And IFA's.
The IG would love them.
The IG use whatever they're given.
>front line LIGHT tank
Do give me some sources saying the predator is a light tank.
The role is right there in the army list. The Land Raider is the heavy tank equivalent with the ridiculous armour and lots of twin-linked guns.
Based off APC chassis with light armour and light weaponry sort of implies it's a light tank. Medium at best.
Predator is 13/11/10
Russ is 14/12/10
>The role is right there in the army list.
Yes, "battle tank".
>Based off APC chassis
>light armour
It feels to me you're just looking at the Russ (which is a heavy tank, by the way) and think that's somehow the middle of the road tank. I guess Tau hammerheads are light as well. And Eldar falcons are just IFVs.
>I guess Tau hammerheads are light as well.
Have to be, because skimmers.
And Eldar falcons are just IFVs.
Technically, yes. Or possibly helicopter gunships, because skimmer.
Betting this can be used to transport certain personnel and or cargo.
>IGs would love Tatras, IFAs, and Csepels.
What about Oshkosh? (yeah I know the pic is the HVY Barracks from GTA 5, but its what the Barracks is based of off.)
Alright, new thing:
Post police vehicles Arbitrators would use or drive in patrols or chasing down criminals.
>What about Oshkosh?
Unreliable, hard to fix, resource-heavy, and overweight.
>Have to be, because skimmers.
>just IFV
Because it can carry dudes?
Pic related, because HEAVY HANDED POLICE STATE.
>>Have to be, because skimmers.
Skimmers can't carry heavy armour, or they'll be too vulnerable. The Hammerhead is more tank destroyer than tank.
And also because of the light armour and light weaponry. Eldar do not field tanks in any real way. Even the fire prism is a fire support vehicle.
I'd love to bet Kriegers would love or be OK with driving around Leopard 2 Tanks.
Yeah, but hey, It would'nt hurt for an Arbitrator to drive a police cruiser. Especially something like in pic That one looks like its got armor, anti-puncture tires and sophisticated comms systems and cameras.
>Skimmers can't carry heavy armour
Necron Monolith is AV14.
>The Hammerhead is more tank destroyer than tank.
As much of a tank destroyer as the M4 Sherman.
Pic related, maybe?
What about MRAPs? Would this be a well utilized vehicle for 40K?
Also I'd be expecting some guys explaining or saying an MRAP like the Cougar in pic related can "soak up a crap-ton of bolter fire and even some Las-Fire to an extent"
Not even modern military uses those, though. They were a stopgap measure to a specific problem.
I was gonna ask what main battle tank the SoB would use. But for some reason I figured Sororitas might use the Merkava because of its place of origin.
No, anti-material rifles are still a thing, but they aren't meant to be anti-tank because .50 can't even penetrate the back of most tanks and the frontal of most IFVs.
>anti-material rifles are still a thing
And I said "anti-tank rifles".
Russ is side armor 13 user.
That's not a Leo2.
You know the tank with the better aiming system and motor and the same german gun.
Thought that was only the 'siege' variants, like the Demolisher?
-better- German gun, if you consider the variants equipped with L/55 instead of L/44.
Demolisher and its ilk have AV11 rear. All Russes have AV13 sides.
The MGS does seem fairly imperial just from the fact that it's a tiny turret with a huge gun grafted onto a platform which wasn't designed for it.
From a mechanical standpoint, the Russ is hideously primitive compared to modern western tanks, but that's required as sometimes it needs to be pushed out and maintained by worlds with 19th century technology. For every Russ made out of Adamantium, there are a dozen more made out of plain RHA and serve more as a platform for their weapons than anything else.
I'd be interested on seeing where you get these facts from.
Ill assume he's a former grunt.
Must have changed since it stuck in my memory. In that case, that puts the Predator even lighter; it's frontal arc is the side arc of the Russ.
Primitive, but also surprisingly advanced. The engine isn't just multi-fuel in terms of hydrocarbons, but will run on pretty much anything flammable. You could probably run a Russ on coal dust mixed into a slurry with whiskey.
>battle tank is lighter than a heavy tank
Who knew?
Now why would sisters use the Merkava? >country of origin, Israel
Ohhhh I get it!
You think if the Imperium did find a tank such as the Abrams,they'd replace the mounted and coaxial machine guns with heavy bolters?
This guy is the only one who gets it. The tech in 40k is impractical shit that barely works and should've been replaced millenia ago.
Wish I could post a soldier army guy pic mayday. But I'm on mobile sadly.
future turboshaft engines that dont break after a few weeks in a sandy environment
>But I think its mostly 'cause GW simply do not know how military vehicles should work and thus they ended up making Imperium military vehicles look and sound like shit and garbage.
They definitely used to, but now the writers are being more vague in their descriptions and capabilities of the vehicles (describing what they can actually DO rather than what their stats are) to try and bring them closer to what they're supposed to be.
>Imperium military ground vehicles/tanks are cartoonishly large
They're also designed to literally crush smaller targets like Tyranids and Orks, who operate in hordes of bodies, as well as outright barrel through obstacles rather than go around them (which most tanks CAN do, but is actually pretty bad for their guns and not recommended unless necessary), and their height enables them to fire directly over infantry operating in front of them, which facilitates their role as linebreaker units in combined-arms formations.
TL;DR Imperial tanks are used very, very differently from how 3M nations use tanks.
Do you take the GW numbers seriously?
That doesn't fix the internal issues of the Abrams engines and fuel system, as well as the tread and electronic systems.
Sure, you could theoretically upgrade an Abrams to have gear on par with a Russ, but at that point it's cheaper and way more efficient to just build another Russ. do know that any of the actual "technical" numbers presented by GW are like two decades old and ridiculously out of date, right?
Modern fluff puts them much closer to what they're "supposed" to be - the Land Raider is slow but nearly impossible to stop, the Russ is durable and heavy while being passably speedy (it's faster than running, but not by a whole lot), the Chimera is fast, amphibious, and solidly durable, the Rhino is fast and well-armored for its role, and can self-repair minor damages, and the Predator is fast and well-armored and used for precision, surgical strikes against enemy armor and heavy infantry.
what about a abrams inspired stc with the same relative advantages of having a balance speed, armor, low height, and gun
the supply issue might not be an issue for richer regiments, and could be an anti-theft feature to prevent poorer regiments from using it
They haven't been unilaterally declared non-canon that I'm aware of.