> The female bard roles for seduction on any attractive men the party come across
> likes to brag about her conquests
How would you take this?
57% Lewd
As long as it doesn't get graphic and the DM is cool with it I don't really care.
Who's playing the female bard?
With seven inches of rosewood while she coos in my ear obviously. Honestly, a coin toss to decide who tops isn't rigorous enough.
>Tone it down, you're annoying everybody
Are we talking a grill playing a female bard or a fatguy playing a female bard.
Yes, it has bearing on my answer.
The double standard of gender is a bitch.
And post both answers you faggot.
"Ugh goddammit slutcakes, more stabby less talky! These orcs don't give a damn that Ulfric couldn't walk straight for a week once you were done with him!"
I imagine that IC we all swap stories anyway, and that after facing death so often together we pretty much know what each other is up to and don't really care. OOC I'd roll with it and go along with a more ribald game. As long as the rule is 'fade to black'.
As long as it's funny or entertaining, the PC can keep going full steam ahead. If it gets creepy/cringy, then it needs to stop.
If my DnD character met her in-game they'd probably try to outbrag each other.
OOC i'd be fine with it. As long as everyone is having fun it's all OK with me
No, hypergamy must be correct with violent rapes until she learns her place.
>In Character
As a rule I don't play prudish busybodies. Even my most puritanical Paladins won't give anything more than a disapproving look. Few things are worse than a PC who constantly butts in on everyone's business, especially over something this petty.
>Out of character
Depends entirely how the player handles it. As says as long as it doesn't devolve into graphic descriptions of weird sex acts then I don't give a shit.
Don't care as long as the player RP's well.
A guy playing a promiscuous female bard likely won't do that in my previous experience but I always keep an open mind.
>likes to brag about her conquests
How does this work when even the average woman can get ten men to fuck her every night purely by existing?
I'd sit the player down and give him (it has to be a him) a long lecture about evolution, biological gender roles and gender dimorphism in mammals. Then I'd tell him to stick his slut waifu up his ass.
>How would you take this?
Provided she's a Human Female then she has absolutely nothing to brag about: Females are the ones with sexual leverage in her species, not males, so really there isn't any "conquest" to be had.
A Human Male has to convince a Human female to LET him fuck her; while the only thing a Female has to do is to decide whether or not she wants aformentioned Human male to fuck her.
A Key that opens many locks is considered an amazing key, but a lock that opens to man keys is an incredibly shitty key.
A Human Woman cannot brag about the amount of Males she's let fuck her as that doesn't require any skill, but she 'may' brag about the status, looks, qualities, resources and skill of the Men whom she's allowed to fuck her.
This. You gotta make the Bard a lesbo OP. Its the only way.
Unless shes a submissive slut begging for dick this threatens my masculinity
>I'd sit the player down and give him (it has to be a him) a long lecture about evolution, biological gender roles and gender dimorphism in mammals. Then I'd tell him to stick his slut waifu up his ass.
t. bitter virgin
Or just make her a man, you know. But that'd be sexist because hurf durf men and women aren't 100% the same.
Personally I'd be more worried about the slut part than the "threatening my masculinity" part.
>she 'may' brag about the status, looks, qualities, resources and skill of the Men whom she's allowed to fuck her
>not bragging about the rich, good-looking guys you have rejected for absolutely no reason other than the pleasure of watching their reaction
>not destroying the self-esteem of anyone who tries to get in your pants
It's like you don't know how to have fun.
If I count as one of her conquests, it's cool.
If not, she's a filthy slut.
Probably get annoyed at her for being a slut.
>inb4 gender roles aren't real
Tell that to her bastard children in a few years.
Yeah, they have Wizards and Alchemists who can make potions that will render you into a mist, shrink you to the size of a doll or make you invisible, but an adventurer would totally be unable to purchase a contraceptive draught.
Whether or not she actually bears children isn't the point.
The point is that gender roles exist for a reason, and female promiscuity is a negative behavior.
Perhaps in your setting, user, but we aren't playing your game, are we?
Kindly take your assumptions about strangers with you elsewhere.
Depends on the setting.
I put away the dice and character sheets and take the player out to a bar in the hopes of getting him laid.
Male promiscuity is a negative behavior, at the very least for men who aren't him. I mean, if the stereotype exists that he has a woman and a bastard kid in every town, men don't want him around their daughters and wives, especially if he uses magic and they literally can't resist him if he wants them.
Not to mention a woman who is told he very definitely used a contraceptive because she can't afford one and wouldn't have went with him otherwise finding out that a one-night stand turned into a kid who's never going to know their father.
At least women who sleep around carry their own kids.
What is this? Looks good.
You're the one who just assumed that
>"they have Wizards and Alchemists who can make potions that will render you into a mist, shrink you to the size of a doll or make you invisible,"
And now you're going to give ME shit for assuming things about the setting?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Thanks, looks boss
>Male promiscuity is a negative behavior,
No, it's actually a good thing for men.
From an evolutionary standpoint, men are designed to mate as much as they can to increase the chance of successfully producing their offspring and passing on their genes, which is the only thing evolution really cares about.
It's a bad thing for women, because successfully producing offspring depends on having a man around to help take care of them and the baby.
That's why women have always been the gatekeepers of sex.
You are talking to at least two different posters, user.
I dont play DDsque games, so no bards, other than that, fine.
Nice way to release yourself from any responsibility for what you said.
Oh wait, I'm actually a different user too.
>for men who aren't him
Like the men who might be employed to feed a kid that's not theirs? Besides the obvious reason that someone else is fucking their wife, they don't want another man fucking their wife because they don't want to raise a kid that's not theirs.
Blah blah blah keys locks who gives a fuck sex is fun stop being such a bitter shit about it
/r9k/ pls
Nigga i dont fuck with cucks
Let me put this simply and in a way you can understand.
People don't like to be cucked, so they don't like people who can cuck them. That's why people who have sex a lot with people who they're not supposed to are bad.
It only bad if ur a cuck or your woman is a whore
Basically sounds like a chick trying to be a bro.
Nothing wrong with that
>From an evolutionary standpoint, men are designed to mate as much as they can to increase the chance of successfully producing their offspring and passing on their genes, which is the only thing evolution really cares about.
...from an evolutionary standpoint, no design ever happened and most mammals actually have and use the option to vary their reproduction strategy in order to optimize its success rate in the face of enviromental pressures.
Furthermore, the only thing that matters evolutionary is the procreation success of your offspring, not your own. That end can be achieved by both investing a lot into individual children or investing a lot into having a lot of them. But usually and normally, it was a mixture of both that was used - as in have more than 1.5 kids, get remarried after your wife died in childbed and try to stick around and invest into them.
Sleeping around a lot generally only is an optimal strategy for males who don't have the means to even take care of any single kid of theirs, but it's neither optimal, nore normal if human history is anything to go by.
> BBEG gives final speach
> Entire party in absolute terror
> exept female bard
> was checking out BBEG's sweet ass entire time
> wasn't listening
> rolls to seduce
I'd be cool with this.
Bruh, for men it's evolutionarily favorable to put your eggs in as many baskets as you can. You can have 2 kids with one female and watch them die from shitty genes, disease or raids by other hostile tribes... or you can impregnate 4 different women once and leave them to take care of their own children. Even if three of those four mothers are shit, at least one of them is guaranteed to survive. It's the safer option.
Women, on the other hand, are stuck taking care of their children so they need to select the men with the best genetic traits as well as the best means to take care of such a child. This is how harems form: multiple women want access to the man's resources, while the man's sperm is virtually unlimited.
Polygyny favors women, not men.
There's nothing wrong with a woman who sleeps with a lot of men.
There is nothing to brag about either.
Stop being so butthurt, sluts and virgins.
Gawd, you're everywhere! Get a fucking nametag so I can ignore you.
It really isn't the "safer option" when historically being a single mother meant living in destitute and poverty and married women generally went through at least four pregnancies.
And one quarter of children dying during or shortly after birth means that you're more likely to get a life one from trying four times than you're from trying once four times.
>This is how harems form: multiple women want access to the man's resources, while the man's sperm is virtually unlimited.
A harem in human society is a women's and children's quarter in a building. In nature, harems generally are males fighting over the exclusive and long-term access to groups of females, and even then it only maximally lasts until enough of his daughters reach sexual maturity to make chasing him off a necessity.
>How would you take this?
Just call her a slut and move on.
The OP's never stated that she actually went on with fucking them after the seduction roll, and conquests could just be the money she conned out of them while they were thirsty for her cunt.
There, now that female bard is at least twice as desirable as a woman.
I don't think you guys realize that simply having access to a willing pole/hole is not the same as being good at getting pole/hole, I can guarantee you guys that if you actually tried, you could probably get laid by some 300 lb landwhale if you buttered (possibly literally) up a bit.
No, what the female bard is probably bragging about, just like every stereotypical male bard you see on this accursed board, would be the "good catches." A female bard would open her legs for men that fit her standards - and those standards could be quite high.
>I can guarantee you guys that if you actually tried, you could probably get laid by some 300 lb landwhale if you buttered (possibly literally) up a bit.
>if you buttered [her] up a bit
>if you buttered her up
>buttered her up
Thanks for proving my point.
>No, what the female bard is probably bragging about, just like every stereotypical male bard you see on this accursed board, would be the "good catches."
She'd be bragging about the same high quality men all other women want anyway. With the difference being that he never had to open up his wallet, drag her up the social ladder or guarantee her safety. All the other things smarter women get from men.
The sooner you realize heterosexual relationships are just an exchange of exclusive vagina access for resources, social status and protection the better. A lot of history as well as current events will suddenly make a lot of sense too, when seen through that lense.
But we're going too far off topic here. You're free to start a thread on another board if you want to finish this.
>But we're going too far off topic here. You're free to start a thread on another board if you want to finish this.
/r9k/ is foreveralone because they're experts on human relationships and they're Neet because they're wise to the ways of the world.
I would feel uncomfortable OoC.
My current dwarf would probably roll his eyes and say nothing. He's not interested in human talking about their reproduction habits.
Tfw lesbian bard but not even the party or dm know because priorities. Also that would just be a low interest way to waste play time that isn't inclusive of other players.
I try not to take too much of the spotlight, and trying to seduce npcs seems like spotlight hogging is the only goal.
I was actually in a group with a female player that played pretty much that. I didn't really care as long as they didn't go into to many details, but that also applies to your typical male/lesbian bard.
She's playing bard wrong.
Time to roll up the masterbard
Oh wow, obviously social norms and ideas have no bearing on how genders are expected to act when you include things like science. Humans have obviously organized social structure and mating rituals based around what is evolutionarily the most viable - that's why there's such thing as monogamy and arranged marriage that takes nothing into account about physiology or other attractive features beyond social status.
I suggest applying corrective rapes until the cunty behavior stops.
Not really.
Pretty much this.
Bisexual, has slammed nasties with several important people (avatars of gods Kings etc), including notably chaste individuals. One or two fuck ups where she either got to drunk or had higher expectations of her bedmate. If you really want to go for it, make her a Dom. stat max CH as best as possible, make her a tease who will only fuck those she finds attractive/strong/powerful/etc. and doesn't do pitysex and that kinda stuff.
>Female bard thread
>Come in expecting fun, possibly with references to Theodora, Wu Zetian, or the like
>It's mostly /r9k/ sperging out about female sexuality again in the usual "Women should be pure waifus for the alpha men like myself." sort of way.
Reminder that some of the most powerful women in history were basically what you'd expect of a female bard minus fighting skills. And sometimes that "minus fighting skills" part was questionable.
>Reminder that some of the most powerful women in history were basically what you'd expect of a female bard
No. They're basically what you'd expect if "/r9k/ sperging out" is correct. Both of the women you mentioned used their vaginas to rise far above the means available to them. Hell, Wu Zetian became the favored concubine of the emperor, then married HIS SON. Not because he was a hot piece of ass mind you, but because he was the new emperor. And when HE died, she became de facto empress. The only conquests she was concerned about was those of her neighbors, not exactly of dicks.
Fucking hell, if you want to make a point at least TRY. Don't demonize your opponents only to repeat exactly what they're saying. The closest thing to a female bard is the obscure figure Julie d'Aubigny, and that's because she was a literal fencer-slut-opera singer.
>Brags about her conquests
That sounds exactly like the kind of shit worth bragging about. They were both whores that became empresses in their own right because they basically pulled of Meanwhile /r9k/ is going full "acshually women don't have to try hard to get laid like us men so what is there to brag about" followed by a little bit of and Even though a man who slept with everything female was just as likely to be run out of town as a women who slept with everyone ending up with a billion kids she can't raise.
My bad wasn't /r9k/, that was supposed to be The point is, no it's not correct because "Female bards are stupid because women don't have to try to get laid and female promiscuity is bad because society says so but male promiscuity isn't bad even though society says so because evolution" is really bad double think.
Especially since primitive humans probably evolved with both sides trying to be promiscuous since men would want to trade out and women would want to trade up.
There's always going to be competition on both sides. Women just have traditionally had to have worked around social structures rather than within them like men - and of course, this doesn't take into account early hunter gatherer groups, which had a much different social structure than when civilizations began forming.
>I don't think you guys realize
I realise that women who have lots of sex with multiple men are sluts.
>Women just have traditionally had to have worked around social structures rather than within them like men
I'm trying really hard not to sound like someone about to yell "muh patriarchy" but basically yeah, men made most societies, so it comes as no surprise that they would want women to themselves so they started up the whole 'muh purity' game to discourage women from sleeping around so other men couldn't/wouldn't want to "steal" their women.
At the same time, there was always female bards who like to sleep around because they don't buy the purity thing/have given up on it anyway/might have been made "impure" by force, and there always will be.
Men who have lots of sex are sluts too. It's just that we've taught men to want to be sluts and that no man wants a woman who's a slut, for whatever reason.
Personally, I wouldn't invite a male slut to my home, even IF he was my friend everywhere else.
Hey, you do gotta recognize historically men did often make the rules, not women. Not sure if you can call it patriarchy in the sense that women are being intentionally kept out even though they're smart and able, but oftentimes rulers will have reasons for making sure there's a definite head of the household, to act as a model for how they're head of the state.
The purity argument I'm not so sure about though, because virginity really only became prized in the Middle Ages, right? That's about when you start seeing the virginity of Mary being emphasized, and purity being valued.
Oh men definitely did make the rules, I just didn't know how to say it without sounding full tumblr.
But around the middle ages purity was so important a girl getting raped was fucked for life, so at that point she might as well go full fem bard, though victims of such usually didn't for obvious reasons.
I have no idea when purity became the big thing though, probably right about the virgin mary thing. Even Japan was basically a slutty country until "impress the west" became the big meme after Perry opened the country.
only men can brag about their conquests.
Women have no right to do so.
Good for her.
>Woman can't brag that she played her way through court and fucked the king.
>Or any of the nobility there.
It's not like they fuck just every woman, you know.
>'muh purity' game to discourage women from sleeping around
Historically the control of women by men has always been born of benevolence rather than pure control, its the idea that you must protect your woman so you make up all these rules about how they must cover themselves so other men dont assault her, its why most societies have had their women covering their hair and even now most orthodox/fundamentalist/conservative religions promote that their women cover their hair and wear long skirts because men, in this paradigm, are animals that might feel tempted to rape and take what isnt theirs and this is also why this whole idea is refered as the 'patriarchy' because its men taking the role of the father figure and trying to offer security to women both from men and themselves which results in women being treated as children (but so are men, to a lesser degree) and being generally divorced from society.
It sounds more like women are treated like children and men are treated like three steps above animals most of the time.
which works shitastically well, just look at assganistan. Because women are so sheltered and covered, grown ass men get their nuts off by teaching little boys how to dance a striptease and make them wear dresses. Then they throw private parties while bidding on who gets to fuck which underage boy.
Completely haram under the religion? Hell yeah, but these men made a loophole rule so they can still fuck little boys. In order to accuse a man of non marital homosexual underage sex, you need 4 male witnesses who can attest that it happened. BUT, the 4 male witnesses who agree to come up to testify will be publicly shamed for being in that kind of situation in the first place. So absolutely no one will enforce any kind of religious law enforcement for pedophilia.
This is currently happening. Ancient societies did this kind of shit when women hating was the topkek. Greeks, Rome, Japan, several middle eastern countries, basically replaced women with prepubescent boys.
>Shitlam is representative of all societies that aren't "tolerant", multicultural and diverse
Someone get this literal faggot out of here.
just saying, that if you completely got rid of the fear of homophobia, 90% of men would be chasing after other men, young boys, or trannies who still keep their cocks. I mean, tranny porn is extremely popular with "straight" guys.
>Have a male bard show up as a npc.
>Have him overhear the bard.
>Excuse me but thats nothing, I fucked a Drow priestess, in her own church.
>Proceed to have him regurally appear and try to one up the female bard, giving the player a small goal to do in her down time thats not her tragic backstory.
Unsurprising once you realize some boys make better girls than actual girls.
Do you know what sluts are?
>I mean, tranny porn is extremely popular with "straight" guys.
Completely unsurprising, you get more tits for the same amount of cock as regular porn.
>Am I the world's most prolific lover or her greatest liar? Either way I'm the better bard.
What the fuck is with all these people talking about "Women Theough History"? I mean in Greek, Roman and Medival Mythology men were seen as prudish and women as termpstresses, not the other way around.
From what I recall, that's what DnD/Pathfinder are based on.
Work with what you have rather then make what you have work.
Fun happens when you let people have it.
I'd have him leave every scene by strumming his mandolin and leaping out a window.
It's because everything has to be "PC" and "historically accurate" and "wah wah stop making things that don't cater specifically to me"
It's a fucking fantasy game, get over yourselves.
Or it's bad if you guess wrong about the cuck status of the husband and he kills you.
The Prisoner dilemma applies.
If human evolution assumed female infidelity, we'd have larger testes and smaller penises.
exactly. women suck. Men do everything better.
no. men just want cock. Vaginas are worthless.
>As long as the rule is 'fade to black'.
My DM rolls that shit.
>Roll constitution to see how long you last
>Roll a D20 to see if someone gets pregnant
>Depending on who it is with roll another D20 to see if you get an STD
My fighter has impregnated three women, all of them elves (fighter is a half elf).
>just like every stereotypical male bard you see on this accursed board
Isn't the retarded meme that fighters sleep with everything with a vagina? Monstergirls, orcs, dragons, golems, goblins, dwarves, etc.
daily reminder that men do everything better, including being cuter girls than actual girls. One day we will genocide all creatures that have vaginas.
I tell her to knock it off, because the player is a fat, sweatu man. If not, I encourage the other players to mock him.
>just saying, that if you completely got rid of the fear of homophobia, 90% of men would be chasing after other men, young boys, or trannies who still keep their cocks
Yes and? Ancient Greece and Rome were pretty gay, and they were both extremely successful.
Rape, kill, eat.
Not necessarily in that order.
ShindoL, pls.
exactly. Who needs women? They are worthless. Penis >>>>>shit>>>>>>> Vagina
Gee, I wonder who's behind these posts