Have you ever had a character who became a parent?

Have you ever had a character who became a parent?

Yes, in what was probably the longest Myfarog campaign ever run outside of Vargs house. Over the course of several months we went from our teens to our twenties. Our wives (two players chose two get married, mother died in childbirth and had to reroll, kek) had produced children for us after a time skip.

It was interesting and most of us took it seriously, particularly the player who died in childbirth and assumed the role of that characters brother, playing uncle. BBEG dragon came back for the final fight and most of us lost them, bretty sad.

Inb4 /pol/

Yes. We didn't know for sure that she was the result of an extramarital fling, but when she died it became clear. I broke all of te aasimar paladin's limbs and handed him to a contract devil to be moulded into an antipaladin in exchange for her soul back. Now she's a ghost thing.

I was a terrible parent, and ripping her soul from the clutches of whatever outer evil has claimed us in the afterlife to exist immune to harm is the least I could do.

How is the system anyways? Always liked the idea of a game with mechanics for family-building and an Iron Age theme.

Yes, but I probably won't again since apparently I'm not allowed to have nice things.

I played an exiled knight who fled his kingdom after he fell out of favor from his leige and was framed for the murder of a noble by the spymaster of the realm. He grabbed what he could and escaped with his daughter a few kingdoms over.

He worked as a mercenary to provide for her, which led to him signing on to the parties' company, lead by the rogue. The whole reason for the daughter existing was just so my character could play the party dad role.

So, after a bit the DM decides to play the whole "Your actions come back to bit you in the ass" in the form of a cult we broke up kidnapping our daughter. Luckily, the DM was cool enough to have her send me a distress call using this enchanted mirror stuff that was pretty common in the setting that basically functioned as the worlds cell phone network. Unfortunately, it was mid-job and the rogue was pissed I chose saving her over the job.

I save her with the help of the Ranger who chose to help me out because he's a bro, and you think that would be the end, right?

Well wrong, because the session as our characters are doing down time stuff, the rogue is passing notes with the DM. Don't think much of it, he does illegal shit through notes since our characters believe he's a legitimate businessman.

Well, my character comes home to the lovely scene of his daughter's throat slashed through in the style of- surprise suprise- the local organized crime ring. Which just HAPPENS to be the crime ring we're being paid to take out. OOC I totally know what the fuck happened, but I can't say shit about it.

My character never found out(Probably because the DM didn't like inner party conflict), so I never really got revenge.

Still play with the group, I just don't have family. Ever.

Pretty enjoyable, a lot of elements are really clunky but you can drop a lot of that stuff. Overall I'd say it's a fun system that was lovingly crafted. That being said, it was created by Varg and is very much influenced by his world view, if you're offended by WN shit, don't play.

DM gave me a heads up because I'm (((chosen))) and generally avoided most of the race shit while we fought dragons and ettin, didn't really care either way.

If you're that curious, the core rulebook is 13 bucks and Varg sends you a nice map with it (or used to at least). The new edition also lacks the godawful papyrus font and is less of a disgusting mess.

Yea, she fucked a leonal. Possibly the most irresponsible party member, but steps up to the plate and does everything she can to be a good parent and not give the kid a shitty life. She learns to read so she then teach the kid to read. Haven't played her in a while, things never go well for this character and in the end I'm expecting either her or the kid to die.

>DM lets a PC create conflict by killing another PC's child
>doesn't let it resolve because he doesn't like PC conflict

Current game yeah, she has a baby but the setting is really lethal and I'm worried for real that the baby isn't going to make it. She took a bunch of stuff to help keeping it healthy at least, but at the cost of having things that will allow her to protect herself and the baby.

Lucked out so far just avoiding combat and danger, but I don't think that will last forever.

Yeah, my Guardsmen has at least a few off hand mentioned bastards on various worlds he has campaigned, and is currently likely the baby daddy for an acolyte in our warband.

Well campaign I'm running somehow became a sequel to a campaign that one of my players ran for the rest of the group. It's set hundreds of years in the future so technically my character had kids.

my friend's PC had a son at the end of a campaign. He ended up playing the kid after a time skip. The kid did a heel turn at the end of the campaign betrayed everyone and stole the BBEG's powers. the father came back out of retirement along with the rest of the OG crew and he ended up dealing the killing blow to his own son.

Man, fuck that DM, and fuck that rogue, too. Gives a bad name to rogues.

WN? Chosen? Wut?

Your DM and The Rogue suck.

Why does she have family or some friends who aren't adventurers that can look out for the kid so she can do what she needs to do?

Post apoc setting, her family are all dead or gone, and the father is missing. She doesn't trust anyone, any "friends" to leave the baby with in safety.

There's the rest of the party but we don't travel together as a group generally.

No but I once played a rogue who had a bad habit of becoming apparent

Varg, the MyFaRog guy, is a White Nationalist (WN). He's famous for burning churches and murdering a guy, which were both things that happened and you can look both of these up. He's served a prison sentence for it, and everything.

The game's lore is colored (hehe) by Varg's politics. You can't play as a black person, but there's a race called the Kopparmen who are trying to destroy your local culture and have a racial spear-throwing bonus. The not!Jews are secretly trying to kill your Anglo-saxon race's dieties and supplant their throne with the Not!Muslims and Not!Catholics' gods instead.

user said that he's (((chosen))) as a tongue in cheek way of saying he's a Jew. Their GM decided to ignore Varg's politics and just have the player characters fight ettins and dragons and shit instead.

My Half orc Paladin and the Elven Inquisitor in the party got married and settled down; they ended up having twins.

Honestly, just have your character have a psychotic break next time the rogue is KO'd or something. Yeah, metagaming sucks but so does antagonizing other players like that.

I assume a ress wasn't an option? DnD really cheapens death by making it an inconvenience.

I can't tell if that's retarded or genius.

Campaign is over, so not much I can do about it now.

The way resing worked, it was pretty much either you made a deal with a god powerful enough to bring her soul back from the dead, or you got some wizard to force her soul into her corpse. The latter was easier but not a long term solution since A. It was unnatural, meaning she'd basically be in constant pain and B. Her corpse would keep rotting and eventually be unable to hold her spirit. Option number two wasn't preferable from a father point of view, and option one was just hilariously out of our range since we were playing random shitstain mercs. If we ever play a more high flying campaign though, maybe that would be a cool character to bring back.

Yeah, the DM didn't like my style of parenting (none of us in the room were real parents), so I'll probably not do that again. At least with that DM.

Fuck. I'm mad by proxy. I'm gonna write a story of revenge for my own benefit.


Hey, post it when you finish it. Y'know Veeky Forums loves its stories.

Yup, via adoption. Saved a little island girl from a tribe of cannibals and I'm now teaching her the ways of the Moon and seas.
Recent accomplishments are teaching her the basics of reading and her finding out what snow is. Future plans are taking her clothes shopping and hand-making her a stuffed seagull toy.
She really likes seagulls.
Little girl is actually a nascent necromancer because of weird tribal juju and my character's essentially Aquaman the Paladin/Druid, so I'm teaching her the ways of Right and Justice, while helping her come to terms with her power. Unfortunately, a cursed, sentient sacrificial dagger that was being used by the cannibal chieftain has decided to latch onto her and try to steer her towards the dark path. I've contemplated destroying the dagger, but lack the means to do so, as it's had quite some time to build a power reserve in preparation for finding a proper vessel.

The first of my two most powerful and well remembered characters had it in his backstory that he had a harem of four wives, each of a different elven variant, and had fathered a child with each of them. While he was out hunting, an assassin from the matriarchal society he had fled came and cut all their throats and burned his homestead to spite him. Having nothing else to do, he became an adventurer and eventually came into possession of a spelljammer and became an interplanar plunderer and a relatively famed hoarder.
When each member of the party got a wish, he wished his dead wives and children back to life, and they live happily with him in the floating castle one of the other PC's left him in his will.
He has more children now, and another wife, and is middle-aged and I haven't played him in three years.

I GM a game where one of the players was a drug-addled, alcoholic hacker who had a daughter and gave her up for adoption in her backstory.

During the game itself, she actually found her daughter and decided to try to take her back. Spent a lot of time sobering up, including going to rehab in-game before regaining custody of her daughter. She kept it secret from the rest of the party for a longer time than I would have thought possible given all the hints I was dropping and contrived situations I threw at her, but eventually everyone found out about it. Now the whole party is like an adopted family.

They still have to arrange daycare before missions. There are two villains and one morally-ambiguous NPC who know about the kid, but I think I've found the balance where she creates tension but isn't just a kidnapper magnet.

Since it's shadowrun, the biggest impact has been forcing the characters to seek out more legitimate employment while pursuing their night job as a way to make the big payday; the stable normal life is a point of vulnerability for them and an interesting deviation from the usual rudderless shadowrunner existence.

I know that feel user.
>group killed my killed my slowly redeeming blackguards baby.
>I was able to kill the other two except for the fighter.
>No one wants to play now after losing their characters and loot.
>DM blames me for ruining campaign.

Back in my early games when the GMs didn't give a shit about anything but their rails, I just wrote down that my character had started a family during downtime. It was waifu shit, but whatever.

In my most recent game, however, my character ended up getting married off for the group's political advantage and by random roll got his wife knocked up immediately. A few dozen sessions later, enough time's gone by in-game that he's got a son. Weird thing is that my guy's actually come to love his wife more than I would have planned to, and the fact of having a half-dozen kinds of magic power between the two of them makes babby a total mary sue in the making.

That's actually happened to me several times, both intentionally and unintentionally. It's kind of ironic, since in real life I actually hate children.

In a DnD game years back, I had my character keep flirting with some NPC, and eventually the GM decided she wanted to fuck and started rolling for whether she was pregnant, then, since she was human and my character was a dragonborn, started describing her giving birth to eggs. Situation was extremely weird and I tried to drop the whole thing after that, although the guy insisted on bringing it up a lot. At the end of that campaign, I achieved my goal of becoming king, which was very satisfying for me, but clearly pissed off the GM, who really hated anyone, you know, having any kind of impact on his world. A couple years later he told me about how he was running a new game in the same setting a few decades later. He had made my character's son the king, and had had him thrown out in an uprising by the people. He seemed to take great pleasure in telling me how my character had been such a terrible king and how everyone hated him, and couldn't wait to overthrow his heir, and how my character's son was now the big bad of the campaign, and my name was reviled throughout the land.

I played a pirate lord in another game who had a cohort, or whatever they're called in GURPS, ally maybe, who was his daughter. Not much came of that, though, the game didn't last very long.

And in the SoIAF game I'm currently in, my character has four children. A fair amount of the game has involved training them or marrying them off.

Played an immortal-ish druid in a game where other players did this. My character agreed to tie their life force to a region for a time, eventually reviving it through the adventure. He gained a pretty insane lifespan in doing this as a reward from the land once it was back on its feet and free of the BBEG's decay. We sort of skipped to their kids in the next adventure (though only two of the five actually used the kids as PCs) and I just remained the same character that had to 'remember' unused skills on leveling up. It was kind of fun getting to play as the old man that really looks like one of the youngest of the group, and rather sad when his rust prevented him from keeping everyone alive. We played out the part where he had to help the old friend bury his son.

I had a character who started out as a parent if that counts?. Retired soldier who had used his discharge grant to buy a farm and raise a family. Then when his children grew up and his wife passed away he went out adventuring again.

I had three adult children I and would regularly write to them. I would also send most of my treasure and gold back to them when I didn't need it for food, lodging or ammo. It was actually a really interesting roleplay experience.

>since she was human and my character was a dragonborn, started describing her giving birth to eggs
>the guy insisted on bringing it up a lot
Gee, that's not suspicious or anything

Yes, cocain addled russian serial killer took in a walking nanomachine bag girl.

She sleeps on the couch hes awake 24 7.

Yes, but not my character specifically. One of my PC's in a game I'm playing has a sentient church pew as a child. This PC likes to animate objects to use as meat shields. I decided to roll if the church pews became sentient one fight and *Pewey" was the lone survivor. "She" is a rambunctious thirteen year old church pew which the party loves very much. Except her father but that's only because the player is great at role playing and he is trying to find out how in the hell a church pew has a soul and is sentient

Not me, but our Rogue Trader married into a rival Dynasty which was on the verge of failing due to incompetence, took all their shit as her own (including a Grand Cruiser as her flagship), fell in love with her rival's son, and shot out a couple of heirs while she had a few years while she set up a lot of trade routes.

She raised them with training in both mercantile and military matters, under the tuition of her crew.

Now they've grown up, she gave them a small armada and left them in her stead while she went off to explore a new sector.

House Black Prevails.

not during the campaign, but my bard had his class levels changed to sorcerer by the intervention of a dark dragon god, who chose him as the beginning of a new dragon bloodline. he was already on a quest to rescue/ win the love of a fellow musician who was a Teifling. after slaying her demonic master the two of them road off into the sunset on a phoenix and are presumed to have started the most powerful sorcerer bloodline in the world entwining both Draconnic and Infurnal magics. several of his descendant have been played by members of our group in other campaigns.

Yes. But then the GM had a bad guy edit my memories deleting my knowledge of having a son. The group didn't tell me because they were ass. The champaign ended before I could regain my memory.
There's a poor tiefling child out in Sigil, searching for papa. They won't ever meet again.

Yes. Half-elf paladin who fucked a full-elf noble during a fertility celebration at the start of spring, and accidentally knocked her up. Half-breeds are deemed KOS by that particular tribe of elves (some bizarre custom about wildness and believing that half-breeds "deny souls to full-blood elves yet to be born"), he'd just gone unnoticed because he looks a lot more elf than he does human (technically he's more like a 3/4 elf than 1/2 elf) so it was time to take responsibility and flee with the child when it was born, because the bard ran his mouth off and outed him as not a full-blooded elf while he was drunk and trying to score.

Still haven't forgiven him for that, but in retrospect I don't think we wanted to hang around those elves for very long anyway.

>Yes. Half-elf paladin who fucked a full-elf noble during a fertility celebration at the start of spring, and accidentally knocked her up.
>>fertility celebration
>>ACCIDENTALY knocked her up
Your paladín should invest in knowledge:religion, user.

Yes, mother hanged herself, and the child got very seek, some type of cancer. We try to get help from a cult doctor, went down to a small village where they heal people. Turns out we had to make some kind of sacrifice to save the kid, so he ended up desfigured and heavily traumated. He became a murderous bastard and the character had to put him down as well as his maniac friends and some summoned monsters. my character comited suecide some time after. Was nice.


Yeah. He actually had four, only managed to raise one of them. Give me a bit to type it up.

Wouldn't even be mad if i had this. Would flee with the mother presumably.

Well the Character i am playing now wants about 6-12 Children. Probem is he is an elv... and he wants the children to be raised by both parents... so half-elvs are out...

So the first kid was a bastard child with a drow woman, which he was never able to raise because she left after seducing him. She turned out an evil bitch.
The second and third kid were twins he had with his wife six years later. He didn't get to raise them because they got separated from him and his wife and raised as paladins. Did I mention he was evil? Because he's evil. Nice guy, but evil. Planning on meeting up with the twins eventually to pull a Darth Vader.
His fourth kid is his only son and they have a virtually ideal father-son relationship.
The son is also evil, but he's nice like his dad.
Being an evil overlord is great.

I played a half-orc sorcerer (orc bloodline) who was raised by his human father in the city. He disliked his orcish blood and tried for many years to just live a normal life, but his orcish blood gave him an ambition and wanderlust that city life never fulfilled. He left his wife and set out as a mercenary, hoping that he could get this part of his life over with and go back to trying to be normal.

He ended up rescuing a little girl from some cultists and cared for her while he looked for her parents. Turns out they were dead and he retired from adventuring and adopted the little girl as his daughter.

Its funny to imagine his ex-wifes face when he showed back up with a kid.

Yes, and one of them actually grew up to be my next PC when he kicked the bucket

My character sired like 5 bastards over the process.

It was a pretty magical realm campaign that went on for nearly two years.

I have never ever gotten the kind of long term games everyone else gets to. I play for a few months, game either finishes or falls apart. At BEST, a new campaign happens but I have to DM it because no everyone else really wants to play but no one wants to fucking DM.

We had one campaign where the village we helped couldn't afford to pay us at all, so they offered their daughters up for marriage to each of us.

Though we tried to refuse, the villagers insisted. Never became a parent, the campaign ended before that happened. I just felt weird about it.

All I wanted to do was fight and stuff but our DM decided to go a different path.

Bumping this thread with a different question:
Have you ever seen a player character's parents actively involved as characters in the campaign, whether as allies or antagonists?

Two different campaigns.
First were remnant members of a long lost empire. Basically, an apocalypse level calamity was predicted to hit the world and the warring civilizations led by wizards focusing on different schools decided to hide away on their respective demiplanes as they wait shit out.

The top brass was in suspended animation to keep them from aging but their military were kept awake and had to train generation after generation after generation until their leaders woke up and contacted them. Our party explored one such demiplane and defeated their inhabitants capturing their leader and a few members alive(pic related) . The intent was to question them and kill them but I couldnt bring myself to do so when I realized that they spent their entire lives in some crappy barracks dimension, training non stop and deciding leadership succession via ritual duels to the death.

We eventually brought them back to our world and they were quite clueless about how the world worked since the empire they were raised to serve was long gone. While their leader was around twice my PC's age at that time it still felt like I was the parental figure of a people long abandoned by their deity and their leader.

Thats probably just giving the GM an excuse to kill them for "dramatic tension" or whatever.

Average lifespan of my PCs is too short to become a parent.

Ye. In my DBZ campaign it's become a contest of who can be the worst dad.

Who is the currently leading the rankings and how does he compare with the competition?

Well there's the Adult Cell Jr who uses his Cell Jr Jr as a punching bag and errand slave.

Then there is the lawful stupid Half Saiyan with the mental capacity of a gold fish who let his kid fight Frieza among other bad decisions.

An NPC so it doesn't really count, but Vegeta is still a terrible dad.

Kind of a Xenoverse situation we're running, timeline is all weird.

My wood elf ranger is technically the mother of his dire wolf animal companion.

I got a fuckton of xp for agreeing to roleplay that one.

I played a character who was a parent.

The dark side of the sixth world isn't a good place to be a parent, but we're only (meta)human am I right? Guess I wasn't as after a particularly rough job, one of my loose ends caught up to me and fed my kid to a ghoul and sent me a "nova hot" video of it.

The revenge wasn't as sweet as I thought it would have been.

Sounds like fun

There was that one time I was playing a cleric who fell in love with his mage traveling companion.
Of course, he didn't really admit it until near the end of the campaign after she had had a near-death experience while they were fighting the sealed, giant, aberrant ooze with the rest of the party. Particularly susceptible to holy fire, that. He then chose to stay in the city the thing had ruined to take care of the now quite numerous orphans, build an orphanage/temple/clinic.
Anyway, his initial proposal at the end of the adventure was dismissed because she didn't think he was serious. It wasn't until somewhere around the middle of his epilogue did the idea actually stick, and by the end of it, they had (including the orphans) 87 children.

I had a PC who wanted to wrap up her quest so she could go home and get pregnant, but I've never have one get knocked up mid-campaign.

I ran a mini-campaign about a group of retiring heroes forced back into a job to stop a pirate-lich from gaining a foothold in the Kingdom. Back stories for the characters all included either children or an apprentice for our resident magic user.

Anyway, long story short, half of them died and the rest made a run for it.

Second session (and a new slew of characters later) was mostly pretty vanilla, until I started railroading my boys into this event concerning a bitter necromancer trying to raise a small army to take over a distant kingdom. After a few quests, and a final showdown, one of the players realized that the necromancer was his father's Master. So basically the players were playing their original characters' grandchildren. Was pretty cool, even if it didn't end so well.

Well, as the eldest surviving knight of her order, she got to mentor the three remaining squires till knighthood on her own, does that count ?

Not mine but a character in the previous campaign had something like 30 kids. She made sure to get at least one son by the ruler of each nation she conquered, so to unite her created empire by bloodline.

>your actions come back to bite you in the ass

how? you didn't do anything wrong. that DM can eat shit

my best characters were already deadbeat/separated parents to begin with.


I'm almost scared to ask, but clarify?

Wouldn't each son just run off with the part of the empire that he comes from after she died? It sounds like a terrible way to hold an empire together

She raised them all together and with a common belief and unity in mind. Certainly some of them got ideas of independence and grandeur, but many didn't and any who tried it were ganged up on by his siblings and their parts of the empire. It wasn't perfect by any stretch, but culturally it was important for the character and her background which she transferred to her children, and it did the job well enough for several generations. Perhaps most importantly though, since they were all related by blood to her, it gave her chosen direct lineage a claim to any of the constituent portions of the empire. So some of them could try to rebel in the years and generations after she died, but the mainstay of her dynasty could show up and crush the disloyal party, then directly reincorporate it into the empire since it was their relative they were taking over from.

So no, it wasn't the best way or idea on how to hold everything together, but considering where she came from and her background, it was quite impressive and did the job well enough for a century or two after, every couple generations or so another strong male direct descendant of hers and leader coming along to restructure everything back into shape when cracks started to form.

Not that user, but I'm guessing the elf is a Norse god..

Yeah, we were playing an Artesia game because fuck all of you, I like crunchy systems.

Our campaign lasted for about 2 years IRL and our characters advanced too fast so we basically found wives/husbands, settled down and rolled on the childbirth tables and assumed their role when they were all at least 15 or older.

It was pretty fun actually, one of the players turned against his mother who had managed to sack and assume rulership over one of the more important citadels of the Daradjan kingdom (mountainous treachery land, people are always embroiled in clan warfare, but culturally are more laid back and don't give a fuck about homosexuality, ethnicity, other religions, etc)

Anyway, the child turned against his mother for murdering her political enemies and their children, whom the PC had developed a good relation with. We were all drawn into this conflict and my character served as a strategist/hedge wizard for this campaign, my father was very disappointed in me, it was a riot.

That child is your next character

I'd question more the fact that she had 30-something children. Would that even actually be possible? Assuming she'd get herself knocked up right after one child was born, she'd have been pregnant for a total of over 22 years (well, less if we assume some of the children were twins).

Yes? But then again the minimum age she could be would be 34 with a max of 70ish so its not unbelievable and there's almost no chance there wasn't some sort of twins situation at that number its just statistically bullshit she didn't.

One word.

>Assuming she'd get herself knocked up right after one child was born, she'd have been pregnant for a total of over 22 years
Well, that depends on how many children she's had at once...

Why not? I'm not a woman but I've been told that every pregnancy gets easier than the previous one. I do know for practically sure that raising children becomes cumulatively easier. Just make sure you raise the first child really, really well and the first child will help you raise the second child. The first and second children will help you raise the third child. The first, second and third children will help you raise the fourth child etc. That's the paradox about raising children: the more you have, the less time consuming it becomes. By the time the oldest one hits his early teens, you could probably leave the entire clan alone for a week and they'd be fine. The oldest one would have to know how to cook, clean and operate the washing machine, but that's why you make sure you raise the first child very strictly: so he can pass on his skills to the younger siblings.

Of course it does. The whole area gets stretched during pregnancy and all tissues and muscles involved get their equivalent of stretch marks cause collagen can only do so much when scarred to shit. Evey pregnancy does this shit more and more hence why we make pelvic meshes and slings. Beyond 3ish shits basically a slide for any kid coming out and docs can fit their hands in their with a crowning head no prob

I think you've been lied to and may have autism.

Damn, you make it sound creepy. Again, not a woman, but you'd think the very bodypart made to push out babies would be more stretchy.

In what regard, the pregnancy part or the childrearing part? Because I'm not exactly pulling the latter out of my ass.

>Would that even actually be possible?
>The greatest officially recorded number of children born to one mother is 69, to the wife of Feodor Vassilyev (b. 1707–c.1782), a peasant from Shuya, Russia. In 27 confinements she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.
Well she obviously never tried that one

You forgot to mention he's also one of the founders of the Black Metal movement, and was part of the Inner Circle of it with his band Burzum.

Also, that he was kawaii as fuck and that nowadays he's a Gandalf impersonator.

This is some serious shit.

>white supremacist founds black metal

No, though mostly because the breeding mechanics between his love interest would be sketchy at best, and he openly admits that the only ways of parenting he knows are "school of child abuse for his own good" and "as maternal a mom as you can get without going full creep".

He of course isn't OPPOSED to the idea of having children, it's just a matter of circumstance that allows him to keep the thought far away from his mind.

I wouldn't say he's a white supremacist, he's advocated for all Americans to leave America, because it should be left to the Natives (Indians, in this case)

Sounds credible. My Great-Grandmother had 13 Siblings and had 8 ids herself. She tells me stuff to the same effect.

Is there a name for that? Nativist? Isolationist? Damn dirty pagan?


My character, a human cleric of Pelor, wound up knocking up our elven druid played by my gf. The two were going to get married, but he sacrificed his life to banish a demon that would have destroyed a city of hundreds of thousands of innocents. The mother inherited his gold and stuff, and the party helped raise the little girl as her uncles.

The half-elf daughter wound up appearing in our next campaign, set a few decades later. She had dedicated herself to following the same path her father had, including using his aged and worn divine symbol and enchanted mace, assisted with some druidic spells her mother had taught her.

Proper, non-racist Nationalists believe, that every People should have their Nation and be able to preserve their culture.

Being a white Nationalist and proposing native american nationbuilding is ideologically consistent.

>Burns down churchs

I played in a scifi setting once and my characters backstory led him to not trusting women, but still wanted to have a family etc. ended up cloning himself, they referred to each other as son-self and dad-self.

The whole scene was pretty nutty. In fact, the man he murdered, Euronymous, was a member of a rival band called Mayhem, and the most batshit insane person on the scene at the time.
One of the Mayhem members commited a Cobain, and Euronymous used a photo of this in one of the band's albums.

There was a lot of weird shit going on those days. But mods are getting butthurt, so polite sage for offtopic.

Well the character had her first child at 17, and not all the pregnancies were with just one baby. She probably could have had more, but she was only looking to have the minimum of at least one son per each ruler or conquered region. After having a son by that ruler or man in charge, she didn't need to try again till another realm was conquered.

In my Grimdark Pathfinder campaign I have a ranger turned paladin bone a tavern wench and be a father. I might cause an "accidental abortion" during one of their fights though.