> I have never seen anyone play a gnome. A lot of dwarfs, a few halflings, some kobolds, but never a gnome.
> I have never seen anyone play any kind of drow, much less Drizzt clone.
> I have never fought an evil overlord type
ITT things that you've never encountered
>I have never seen anyone play a gnome. A lot of dwarfs, a few halflings, some kobolds, but never a gnome.
Thank whatever god you worship for that, user.
Gnomes are a blight.
There's a gnome in our game. My character insists on calling him tiny grandpa
Casters>Martials in 3.PF, literally never.
It's an article of faith here that no plan ever survives contact with the players. That it's pointless even trying to predict their actions, and that's why you need loose, sandboxy settings that can adapt to the PCs randomly taking it into their heads to do absolutely retarded crap.
I've never seen that, and I've DMed for almost 12 years now. I've had things I haven't expected, sure, but I've never had lolrandom, totally off the wall, completely invalidate all your plans type actions. I've found that planning is quite valuable, and that the players (or at least my players) can tell when you're making stuff up off the cuff.
That's because you have good players uninfected by the entitlement that many people on Veeky Forums seem to have.
When a game starts, the GM lays down the campaign and the players agree to go along with it, or don't play. Veeky Forums players seem to agree to go along with it, then do totally left field retarded shit and pat themselves on the back afterwards, for being "innovative", or complain when a GM shuts them down.
There are two types of gnome players, and 5e, for all it's flaws, nicely gives each of those players a subrace.
People who play wood gnomes just want to play elves or halflings, but have an excuse to put on an annoying voice and smirk when everyone gets sick of it.
People who play rock gnomes are "STEM master race" types who see "inventors and tinkerers" and decide that gnomes are OBVIOUSLY the smartest and best race in the setting, because they're engineers and everyone knows those are the only types of people worth anything.
I'm not bitter you're bitter
Our old DM had a DMPC GNOME ROGUE, and he was as bad as a kender. Trully insufferable.
I hate gnomes so much that, in my setting, they are an extinct race - they have long ago been wiped out by beholders, since Gnomes were among their favorite food and they just went into a gnome-eating frenzy until nothing else was left.
We've never really experienced this either. It may be because our PF campaigns usually ended at (or before) 6th level.
To be fair, I think a lot of those stories come from NARPfags.
I've never actually fought a dragon or gone on a proper dungeon crawl. I feel cheated.
To be fair, my group did that to our GM on accident.
We thought we were being clever and thinking outside the box. We didn't even know there was a dungeon in the area we flooded.
>usually ended at (or before) 6th level
That might be a reason, it can still happen though, see Druid and Summoners. And shit like Pack Lord and Master Summoner.
>Never met a That Guy
>Never been in someone's "Magical Realm" (as far as I know)
>Never had the Thief/Rogue steal from the party.
Same here. And add in "never had people wandering off from the party for huge stretches of time to perform goals parallel to the interests of the party, occasionally directly against said interests"
> I have never seen anyone play a gnome. A lot of dwarfs, a few halflings, some kobolds, but never a gnome.
I have played with gnomes before. The one I'm playing with right now is alright: a mage and blows enemies up, the sort. It's all swell for now.
> I have never seen anyone play any kind of drow, much less Drizzt clone.
> I have never fought an evil overlord type
I have, but that was in a superhero campaign. Never happened in a fantasy game... yet.
Now on to my things that I never encountered
>little girl PC
>chaotic mcstabu indabak shitheel kind of rogue, thank god
>"that's what my character would do" fuckhead mcgee Paladin of shitstania
>outspoken 'feminists' cunts
>That guy
>an ultimate batman super WIZARD a la Veeky Forums that does what Veeky Forums claims they can do
Nor has anyone else I've ever gamed with.
I've never played a module or published adventure
They truly are. Something about gnomes brings out the worst in players and DMs
In 3.5 I've done it myself with cleric and druid mostly just to see if I could, but my group hates playing casters in general, so we never really had huge issues with it.
There are people out there who have never known the joys of adventuring alongside the likes of the bard, Edmund Adderpatch, or the rogue, Pistachio the Magnificent of the Collina Crime Family.
Wait a minute, Pistachio the Magnificent was a halfling.
>Never seen anyone play a male catfolk.
>Never seen anyone play a class with a race that had a stat disadvantage to that class's main stat.
>Never seen a gnome
Played on in the worst "Lovecraft inspired" game ever made. He was an illusionist, everything was immune to illusions
>Never seen a drow, much less a Drizzt clone
My friend is prone to edgy characters. His first game he made a Chaotic Good drow ranger with a wolf pet who dual wielded scimitars. It was so close to Drizzt I had to ask him if he knew who that was. He had no idea. It doesn't help 5e doesn't really explain how ridiculous Drow are at all.
> I have never fought an evil overlord type
They're hard to do. I DM now and I've attempted to do it only once and utterly failed.
Things I've never encountered
>A Paladin not played as Lawful Stupid
>An evil character played subtly
>A player desperate to get some shitty homebrew race/class inserted into the game
>Players who want to actually tell a story instead of hit things with a sword and make crude jokes while rolling dice
>little girl PC
One of the players at my table tried this it went full-on magical time for everybody. Excellent character, well-played.
Never encountered:
>Full murderhobos
>Magical realm (except possibly that one time with the barbed wire)
Why the butthurt over gnomes?
I don't get the gnome hate. I played a gnome paladin once and my DM said he found me amusing. A pitiable STR score combined with a need for senseless heroics leads to rather awkward scenarios
I've played as a halfling paladin once in 3.5. She was ridiculously ineffective, but it was also fun. Won't do it again, though.
Yes, otherwise he would have been known as Walnut the Astounding.
You're lucky.
I've banned children characters from my games because one player keeps making things magical realmy.
So now you have to find a way to exploe the dungeon while underwater. Sounds like an ok thing to DM to me.
Water temple, here we come
>A game that starts above 1st level
>A game that lasts more than 3 levels
Diablerie never came up in any of our Vampire games. Sure anyone who tried that shit would be fucked raw as soon as somebody used Auspex but it could still be cool!
>I've banned [instert stuff] because disruptive player used it wrong, instead of banning the player
Halfling Paladins can be really interesting. I play a Pally of yondalla (Halfling goddess of the hearth, the family, etc). Doing that whole Wandering Knight shtick, forsaking hearth and home to ensure others are guaranteed that luxury.
They're basically pointless.
i have never seen
>magical realm
>rape outside evil overlord campaignnot even from orcs or not!orcs
>little girl PC
>non edgy orphan
>well done orphan
>halflings which weren't edgy
>necromancers with any objectives besides ANNIHILATE ALL LIFE
Played a half-orc Wizard in D&D 3.5 once.
Was a hella lot of fun actually.
>I have never seen an annoyingly played Gnome
>I have never fought an actual Dragon
>I have seen DMPCs (one of them a child), but the plot has never revolved around them, nor have they solved anything by themselves
>I have never seen a full on murderhobo
>I have never seen a smitebot Paladin
All I can think of right now.