ITT: Awkward moments at your table

ITT: Awkward moments at your table

>playing in usual group
>new kid joins
>he's like 16
>rolls a necromancer
>party just fought off some orcs that were raiding a caravan
>necromancer animates dead on one of the orc bodies
>in front of our druid
>who hates arcane magic because he was taught that it's bad juju
>druid tells him to destroy his creation
>necromancer says no
>druid attacks
>necromancer didn't have any retreating or utility spells
>took nothing but damaging spells and animate dead
>irl kid starts fucking crying
>whole table is silent while he sobs for like 4 minutes straight
>DM: ''Uhhh maybe we should take a break''
>we end up bringing his character back, retconning the whole thing so he stops crying
>he still plays with us

Just the experience of watching this 16 year old highschool student start sobbing made it a very very uncomfortable session.

>who hates arcane magic because he was taught that it's bad juju

You mean hates necromancy cuz it's bad juju right?

No he just straight up hated arcane magic that didn't come from the primordial elements, he was from a secluded barbarian tribe and was their Shaman, necromancer knew this beforehand.

So he was going to kill the corpse fiddling weenie no matter what spell he cast? What a mess.

Wait, so he would have killed him no matter what? You didn't tell him to not play an arcane caster if your druid was an asshat?

As the GM, it's your job to make sure the players are all aware of each other, and to make sure that they are all on-board with fostering a cooperative environment.

PC-vs-PC conflict can be a good thing, but when you have a situation like >So he was going to kill the corpse fiddling weenie no matter what spell he cast? What a mess.

you've done a poor job preparing the game.

>Murders new kid's character over "bad juju"
>5 bucks says "It's wut my character would do"
>Makes a kid cry (high school can be rough, not everyone is well adjusted at that point)
Nature boy sounds like a tool. Is there a reason he hasn't been tossed out?

I mean yeah, all awkward aside, sounds like the Druid was a bit of a dick in that story

>druid tells him to destroy his creation
>necromancer says no
>druid attacks
This is like watching kids fight each other in the sandbox over a sandcastle.

I don't think it was the Druid, it sounds like the GM was the twat. The GM, knowing that the Druid wouldn't like any arcane spellcaster (really limiting character, but the group must've been okay with him picking it) should have advised the kid not to pick a Necromancer.

It's a less extreme example of the whole Lawful-Good group scenario. If the pre-existing group has a Lawful-Good Paladin, the GM should never allow a new player to drop in with a Chaotic-Evil Anti-Paladin.

Druid sounds like a that guy.

Why didn't you do anything about it OP? Does your character consider murder an acceptable solution for someone who doesn't follow the teachings of the druid's tribe?

Where was everybody else on this? Did you all just sit back and let this happen?

Last week we had a moment with our resident 'That Guy'. If you're in the Veeky Forums discord then you probably know him well. He likes to manipulate his brother who is also in group into doing stuff with 'suggestions' like "Maybe you should go here/talk to this person/attack this guy" typically to the benefit of That Guy. One of my other players finally had enough of That Guy basically playing his brothers character for him and told him to knock it off, to which that guy quickly responded with "SHUT THE FUCK UP IM JUST TRYING TO HELP HIM." Table went quiet and we took a break to go eat after that. When we got back they moved to sit nowhere near each other.

Idiot teens General?

>Playing in a Supers Game as a Blasty Character, basically crushes shit with gravity control.
>Retarded 16 year old younger brother of GM plays a guy described as "Gargoyle IceMan but with rocks. And his "trails" collapse like an avalanche after he passes."
>Group never see him transform.
>Oh shit, kaiju attack egged on by a group of Supervillians.
>Non-flying portion of the group is in a Jeep shooting shit at wannabe Godzilla to try and lure him out of the city.
>Rock-Iceman matter-surfs over the road we're fleeing along nearly crashing our jeep.
>Thinking Rock-Iceman is one of the Supervillians I fire on him.
>Crit, knocking him unconscious.
>Rock-Iceman is about three stories in the air when KOed.
>Falls to his death.
>Starts blubbering.
>Everyone is silent.
>His brother, the GM, laughs.
>Kid runs upstairs to tell mom.
>We hear his mom say "It's only a game, quit being a baby."
>We snicker and game goes on.

What a bunch of cunts, the GM and players all ganging up on the kid who is fucking new and backing a chronic MY GUY syndrome faggot druid. You suck Shit OP, you could've stopped it

>GM should pander to one player and let them dictate the entire party's fun

no desu

I mean he's pandering to the druid already if the druid murders anyone who casts a spell on sight.

Trying to prevent inter-party conflict by preventing a character from joining that is inherently incompatible with an already existing character != pandering.

What a bummer, gm needed to keep the players on the same page or limit character options to keep the party moving. Also any character who would attack a common player type obviously isn't suited to be an adventurer to begin with.

I've been this dude, excited to be in the game, then two players just off and kill me because "I am a serial killer that hates nobles". And the DM was fine with it.

Not only would the GM, by your suggestion, be allowing this asshole to play such a retarded character that could CREATE inter-party conflict, he'd be telling everyone else to just let the idiot have his way and not make the characters they want. Even if it's not intentional, it's giving them favoritism.

TL;DR: Giving an idiot free reign to decide what the rest of the party can freely play is pandering, you fine gentleman.

>playing in usual group
>new kid joins
>he's like 16
>rolls a bard
>party needs to talk to some information out of a female orc
>bard tries to charm her by singing a lewd song
>in front of our druid
>who hates male sexuality because she was taught that it's oppression
>druid tells him to destroy his song because it's literally raping her
>druid attacks and kills him
>druid's irl player starts fucking crying
>whole table is silent while she sobs for like 4 minutes straight
>DM: "Uhhh maybe we should take a break"
>when we get back to the table we find that the druid left early
>tfw she stole all the snacks

OP here, the druid was able to let most Arcane magic slide so long as it was being used for good, when he saw the necromancer animate dead though he snapped.

>playing in usual group
>new kid joins
>he's like 16
>rolls a theif
>party needs to get an enchanted gold ring from a noble
>theif decides to pickpocket it
>in front of our druid
>who hates theives because he was taught by the ancient tribes of fuck you to be an uptight little nigger
>druid tells him to put the ring back because stealing is wrong
>theif says no
>druid attacks and kills him
>Theif IRL start's crying
>whole table is silent while he sobs for like 4 minutes straight
>DM: "Uhhh maybe we should take a break"
>we end up bringing his character back, retconning the whole thing so he stops crying
>he still plays with us

>playing in usual group
>new kid joins
>he's like 16
>rolls a fighter
>party needs to fight their way into an evil temple guarded by orcs to prevent the apocalypse
>fighter decapitates an orc
>in front of our druid
>who hates killers because he was taught by the ancient tribes that all life is sacred
>druid tells him to put the orc's head back on
>fighter says no
>druid attacks and kills him
>fighter IRL start's crying
>whole table is silent while he sobs for like 4 minutes straight
>DM: "Uhhh maybe we should take a break"
we end up bringing his character back, retconning the whole thing so he stops crying
>he still plays with us

>missed greentexting a line
Well, that's enough internet for me forever.

at least you participated in the circle jerk

God forbid you figure out if the character would work with the party before letting it into the fucking game. Shit GM.

>Be playing homebrew game back in high school
>Friend of a friend is playing a paladin
>Come across elf woman crucified to a tree
>Playing emo bard, try to save her
>"Is she hot?" quoth the paladin
>Rape ensues
>Hours-long bitchfest and infighting

Or god forbid you put aside "muh character" for the sake of the party.
I've played a fighter who was mentally insane, believing himself to be a paladin, who would murder anyone for the slightest bit of evil.
And even he would turn a blind eye towards the party's shenanigans for the sake of cohesion.

Every Paladin player I have played with has killed one of my characters because they were evil. Pisses me off.

I think interplayer conflicts should be avoided, and if done, should only be done for the right reasons. Like, an evil guy betraying his party so he can gain power. That makes sense, and, on top of that, can set up a whole new BBEG. But when it's just "I don't like thing you did, die." It's just not fun. Make up an excuse, like your character didn't see it, or they don't care about that particular person doing. Anything to avoid "lol u trigered muh characters ptsd, prepare to die."

>not having the elf explode on the paladin due to lolmagic
>not having his dick and ballsack getting mangled by the bone shrapnel giving him a literal mangina
>not having him get a dozen fucking diseases due to blood, puss, marrow and sticking his dick on a woman he doesn't know

Shit GM, really

And this justifies murder how?
Again, where were you, or anyone else for that matter and why did no one stop the druid?

Yeah, generally player characters get a couple free passes before anyone turns to PvP. Making a character that absolutely can't work with another allowable class and must attack them is fucking retarded.

The only time PvP is justifiable is if both parties consent to it, or a character is repeatedly fucking over the party on purpose.

And how is animating an Orc Bandit's dead corpse so it can kill more orc bandits not good?

>when he saw the necromancer animate dead
You mean that thing necromancers fucking revolve around?

Why did you let the kid play as one?
This was such a retardedly avoidable situation, like, what the actual fuck, man?

>Every Paladin player I have played with has killed one of my characters because they were evil. Pisses me off.
Was it because you were trying to be a teamkilling fucktard?

Or just doing a bunch of obvious evil stuff in game?

Why don't you just write chaotic neutral on your character sheet and see how that goes?

Clearly the necromancer animated dead to have cannon fodder in future battle, though. Why else would you raise the dead in public?

Well there was the time two people started to PvP over one character getting his character arc over with. He was playing a selfish little girl who wanted to be "the bad guy" because that's the coolest person in all the books she's read. Traded places with an ancient evil locked inside a tin skeleton so the ancient evil could wander freely but the character could have the Godlike powers; to sell the ancient evil on the deal, she exploded an airship she thought had a bunch of people on it (including her own love interest). TechnoPaladin justifiably tried to kill her before she could switch places with the ancient evil. I let one roll go on, with its consequences, before the ancient evil just forced the switch because it was super impatient (and because I wanted to get the ironic comeuppance of the character over with).

OOC technopaladin's player was insistent that I let the PvP situation play out but I could tell the other player just wanted to get the reality-bending awesome skeleton superpowers and be done with it. Lots of silences there.

Of course the 'villain' girl became the new ancient evil, with very limited powers that are based on a 'contract', a little give-and-take. The old ancient evil just turned heel and went to get ice cream because it'd been in that underground chamber locked inside a skeleton for a billion years, figuring the new world didn't really need any destroyin' since it looked nice and techno-y.

>playing in usual group
>new grandad joins
>he's like 61
>rolls a paladin
>party needs to punish a villager who is a cultist
>paladin decides to lay on hands him and forgives his sins
>in front of the barbarian
>who hates healing because he is from a tribe that believes that healing is bad juju and that nice people are also bad juju
>barbarian tells him to hit him again because healing is wrong and that forgiveness is for the weak
>paladin says no
>barbarian attacks and gets smitten to death
>paladin IRL starts laughing
>whole table silent while he chuckles for like 4 minutes straight
>DM: "Uhhh maybe we should take a break"
>we end up kicking the barbarian out for being a disruptive dicknob who tries to PvP just because he doesn't like others
>grandad still plays with us

It wasn't up to me, the DM allowed it and the kid really wanted to play as one, like I said before he knew the druid despised arcane magic, especially evil magic.

>Kid expresses interest in a genre already dying, left standing on obnoxious tryhards and socially-defunct neckbeards to keep it afloat
>Expresses interest in certain class
>How will I, the DM, a player expressly and solely given free reign to introduce and modify the game's details for the betterment of others and the overall quality and enjoyment of the game, handle a situation of minor discrepancy?
>Ah, yes, let the leveled Druid murder the new kid's character for no valid reason
>Why did he cry Veeky Forums? What a pussy
This is the part where I tell you to step down, not just from gaming, but perhaps all human interaction. I suggest ensuring this by bullet to your cranium, post-haste.

You're guilty by association. You had every opportunity to say/do something, but you didn't. You let a bad situation happen for no reason, and then wonder why everyone blames you.

OP is not the DM family

Still just as guilty though. See:

An irrelevant detail at best.

I want this to be true...

But your character's actions ARE up to you. Why didn't anyone's characters do anything? Are you all just chill with straight up murder out of a moment of anger? Besides the necromancer, are you all a bunch murderhobos?

It's just a rehash of the op, kappa.

Addendum: is there not a single good or lawful character in the party?

Well, I mean, apparently the druid is, if he's willing to kill for the "right" thing.Then again, killing someone because "muh virtues" isn't exactly a good or lawful thing to do, so i dunno.

>its an "Veeky Forums tries as hard as possible to be contrarian and jump to conclusions" episode

I would take it up with the hypocritical asshole who recoils when someone puppeteers a fucking dead piece of meat with magic, but thinks turning into a bear and raping foxes behind bushes is totally natural...

What conclusions are we drawing? There's no conceivably good reason for the druid to kill the necromancer. It was a dick move, plain and simple.

>Party is all CE or NE
>Sorceress whore PC gets her ass beat in a fight with enemy wizard
>rest of the party take him down, no healing available tho so sorc is still unconscious
>rest of party affixes "1 use for 5cp" sign near sorc, who is also stripped naked
>next morning collect a few GP
>run into the customers (orc patrol), sorc still naked
>have her seduce one of them into woods as part of plan to murder him
>mess up my attack rolls several rounds in a row, he thinks it's just weird sex play
>don't actually manage to kill him till after he busts in the sorc

It was pretty hilarious but also made the relationship between the sorc and party pretty awkward after

Fuck you, we're not being contrarian.

Thinking that OP is the GM.
Thinking that OP is responsible for what happened.
Jumping to insults and lectures based on the OPs story with sparse information.

Fuck you, yes we are.

>1 use for 5cp
>collect a few gp

1: People just assumed he was in charge of the game. He never EXPLICITLY stated he wasn't.
2: He could have prevented it/protested it at any time.
3: We know that the bullshit that went down could have at anytime been prevented by a competent player.

He should've booted the druid, or told him to tone it down for the other players.

>Thinking that OP is responsible for what happened.
OP is responsible for what happened. By not doing anything to stop it, he's just as responsible for the necromancer's death as the GM and as everyone else in the party save the necromancer himself and the druid, who are least and most at fault, respectively.

I know, but I still wanna believe.


Oh shit, I missed that part. Assuming a few equals 3, then that equals 60 fucks. Assuming an 8 hour night, that's one fuck every 8 minutes (possibly even shorter, when accounting for people moving to allow the next person to fuck.) And that's not even accounting for people who may have not paid, or the fact that a "few" could be even more than 3.

>Thinking that OP is the GM.
>Thinking that OP is responsible for what happened.
if he wasn't in a fucking coma when kid took the fucking class, he is
>Jumping to insults and lectures based on the OPs story with sparse information.
the evidence of OP's, party's and GM's raging incompetence was piling with each post
they watched as gaming equivalent of people letting some naked drunk black guy walk into clansmen gathering
they knew exactly what the fuck was gonna happen and they still let it happen

How does animating the dead imply evil?
And why is the druids focus good?

Kid is pathetic for crying over it, but the druid was a sperg.

OPs post literally has a line of text from the DM, which makes it pretty clear its not him. He also said that the necromancers player was made clear about the druids caster-phobia but still wanted to go ahead anyway. In that case, what could anyone other than the GM do? They can't just fucking veto the kids character. Was the GM at fault for allowing him to play a necromancer despite knowing it'd go poorly? Yes. Was the druid at fault for immediately jumping to killing the necromancer? Yes.

But on the other hand, its frustrating to have a character with a quirk thats been cleared by the GM and everyone else as being okay, only to have a new player come in and make roleplaying that quirk difficult. I played a proud samurai in a Sengoku-themed game who took quick offense to insults, and when a new player joined the first thing they did with their character was insult him and refuse to apologise or back down. The issue was solved by a non-lethal duel instead of straight-up fucking murder though, and the druid is at fault for butchering the necromancer instead of finding SOME possible way to work together. Though with a 16 year-old whos sensitive enough to cry over an imaginary character thats existed for 5 minutes, I'm not sure how well that would have worked.

Ok, so now that it's been established that you and the rest of your party are brain dead twats who don't understand the concepts of "easing someone in" and "not being teamkilling fucktards or complacent bystanders", how are you going to prevent this from happening next time? Are just going to go along until some thing else stupid fucks over the poor kid? Because that just sounds like a recipe for more awkwardness and discomfort.

>He also said that the necromancers player was made clear about the druids caster-phobia but still wanted to go ahead anyway.
Fucking when
>OPs post literally has a line of text from the DM
Some people fucked up, so what?
>a 16 year-old whos sensitive enough to cry over an imaginary character thats existed for 5 minutes
Imagine, for a moment, that you are a 16 year old kid in high school. You have weird nerdy interests, and thus little to no friends because of it. One day, some adults you know kindly invite you to join in a game of DnD they are playing. You've never played DnD but have always wanted to. You make a simple character that makes sense to you, a necromancer that has good attack. You start in next to a dead body, and you do what makes sense to you. You make it a zombie. Immediately you are attacked by someone who you trusted as a nice, responsible adult. Now, tell me, how do you react? Maybe the kid had been having a bad day or something.

see the bottom section of:

I wasn't even the GM, I was a player when it happened, why are you all bullying me? The kid still plays with us, it's not like he gave up the hobby because of it.

Because you could have stopped this fuckery.
If you hadn't have known about any of it beforehand, and due to screwery couldn't stop it during, then we would understand. But otherwise, you had every chance to prevent it.

>Fucking when
>Some people fucked up, so what?
So some posters here are jumping to conclusions that make them look silly?

>Imagine, for a moment, that you are a 16 year old kid in high school. You have weird nerdy interests, and thus little to no friends because of it. One day, some adults you know kindly invite you to join in a game of DnD they are playing. You've never played DnD but have always wanted to. You make a simple character that makes sense to you, a necromancer that has good attack. You start in next to a dead body, and you do what makes sense to you. You make it a zombie. Immediately you are attacked by someone who you trusted as a nice, responsible adult. Now, tell me, how do you react? Maybe the kid had been having a bad day or something.
I actually did play with some old grognards when I was 16, and while it could have gone a lot better I still understood the concept that the character isn't me and that certain actions might upset other members of the party. The druid DID ask him to deanimate the zombie before killing him, which is a pretty clear signal even if the druids player is still a dick for not trying to find some other way of dealing with the necromancer. I mean for fucks sake, we're talking about someone whos 16, not 6. Bad day or not, sobbing for 4 minutes is a bit over the top.

Ok maybe it wasn't your fault buddy, but next time try and top it. We don't want to see a grown man cry anymore than we want to see a kid cry.

We're more angry at the druid than anything.

>playing in usual group
>new kid joins
>he's like 16
>rolls a thief
>party just fought off some proles that were raiding a buisness
>thief starts writing a manifesto
>in front of our Paladin of St. Paul
>who hates manifestos, because he was taught they prohibit liberty
>Paladin of St. Paul tells him he's violating NAP
>Thief says he isn't
>Paladin of St. Paul attacks
>Thief is a pacifist
>His main stat was charisma and dex was his dump stat
>irl kid starts fucking crying
>whole table is silent while he sobs for like 4 minutes straight
>DM: ''Uhhh maybe we should take a break''
>irl Paladin tells the kid to stop crying, because crying in his house(we played at his place) violates the NAP
>kid leaves

I assume that some people may have paid more since she was 20 CHA, but the GM didn't specify, just said she woke up naked, covered in cum, and felt very sore.

What's even better is that she only failed the roll to test pregnancy after the last orc.

Wait a fucking minute. Was this kid's name Justin, by any chance?

Yeah fair, maybe I'm too hard on him for crying.

>playing in usual group
>new kid joins
>he's like 16
>rolls a monk
>party needs to kill a goblin
>monk decides to punch it
>in front of our druid
>who hates punching people because he was taught punching people is wrong.
>druid tells him to unpunch the goblin
>monk says no
>druid attacks and kills him
>monk IRL start's crying
>whole table is silent while he sobs for like 4 minutes straight
>DM: "Uhhh maybe we should take a break"
>we end up bringing his character back, retconning the whole thing so he stops crying
>he still plays with us

>>playing in usual group
>>new kid joins
>>he's like 16
>>rolls a wizard
>>party comes across a elven damsel in distress
>>wizard decides to rape her
>>in front of our druid
>>who hates rape because he was taught raping people is wrong.
>>druid tells him to stop raping the elf
>>wizard says no
>>druid attacks and kills him
>>wizards IRL start's crying
>>whole table is silent while he sobs for like 4 minutes straight
>>DM: "Uhhh maybe we should take a break"
>>we end up bringing his character back, retconning the whole thing so he stops crying
>>he rapes the elf again


>Join a group that's been playing for a while
>Total newbie to the hobby
>Introduced to all the characters
>Know that one is vehemently against arcane magic, double especially evil magic
>...but I REALLY REALLY want to play an explicitly evil crimes-against-nature wizard for my first game.
>Join the game, avoid disruption at first
>Try to employ my profane arts directly in front of this party member
>He doesn't like it but doesn't attack me, just tells me to undo it
>I refuse and brace for combat
>I lose because I didn't think ahead to plan for defense or escape
>Cry when my favorite first character that I played for an hour dies

Yeah guys, you know you can make anyone sound like the fool when you write a greentext?

Ok, yeah we're being pretty hard on you. But as for why, well I was an awkward 16 teenager who didn't get enough social interaction growing up and was pretty oversensitive due to a lot of bullying by other kids and even a couple of teachers. I can imagine the heartbreak the kid COULD have felt, if he has similar circumstances.

Here's the question. Was he torn up just because his character died or because of something more? Maybe he was getting shit on in a place where he thought he'd be accepted? Don't you remember getting upset by dumb shit when you were his age?
I'm not saying walk on eggshells so you don't trigger him, just stick up for the kid a bit. Shit sucks at that age, man.

Yeah, but why would you make yourself look like a fool?
I don't really see the purpose.

I kept thinking "what's up with all of these 16 year olds" until I caught what was going on
I am not very clever


fucking ancap memes, they get me everytime

please keep away from the kitchen

I ordered carryout tonight so I think the house won't burn down, maybe

I was more worried about you accidentally walking into the 12th plane of torment

I assume some people didn't pay at all. You didn't have anyone stand around and watch, did you?

what the fuck are you two on about?

I'm pretty sure that's 3 different people, for starters

but what are they talking about, and why?


>4 fat virgins sat around and roleplayed this out with halfchubs stinking up the small hot room until it smelled like tuna melts and doritos and thought it was funny

I'd seen the reaction image before, but not the rest of it.

This doesn't make anyone look foolish except the writer that thought it would look like anything but an exaggerated setup.