What's the worst trap you've ever gotten caught in, Veeky Forums?
What's the worst trap you've ever gotten caught in, Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
He was like 6'1 in hindsight the Adams Apple should have given it away
We ended up stuck in this resort where everyone was given cell phones, and the place had cameras all over the gif. Every three hours or so if I remember, about 6 people were chosen on the island at random and called, telling them that they had to go and kill a certain few people, also selected at random. The people selected to be killed didn't know, and if you refused to go kill them you were added on the "to be killed" list. As well, if you weren't selected in the process at all, but acted out of the ordinary or tried to help or hinder anyone in the process, you were added to the kill list. All of this would be broadcast for entertainment.
So you'd be having a wonderful vacation in paradise, when you'd get a sudden ring and shown who you have to find and kill, and who you're working with to do it. Or you're just enjoying yourself, and several people approach with the intent to kill you. All the while everyone else just goes about their happy vacation business and pretends not to notice as people are being brutally murdered next to them and screaming for help or mercy.
Three player characters died before we found a way out of the system.
What's the deal with the pic?
Seems to be everywhere.
God dammit, OP.
Launching myself into space now so I don't get fucking murdered.
>Implying it wouldn't build up speed over land and launch itself off Mount Everest to get to you
>"user, do you think my sister is sexier than me?"
What is it? I can barely see it at this resolution.
Oh christ, is this one of the memetic ones?
It's one of the memetic ones, isn't it.
You see its face in any way, even as 3 pixels in a photo, and it will bust out of its cage and go road runner over several hundred miles to personally murder you and anybody else who has seen its face
And it can automatically detect when somebody has seen its face
Don't know the number, but it's the one that kills anyone that sees any image of it - or any decent enough sketch of it.
That image in OP post is enough to set it off.
got mazed in sigil.
the 2 PCs that entered died that day. RIP nevar split up the party
Dated a player. When she dumped me, the group split. And we were so close to the end of the campaign, too.
Sorry, you must be over 18 to post on Veeky Forums.
a love triangle
once in a lifetime opportunity with an important NPC
fellow PC
It originated on Veeky Forums you dip
Storytime please?
Oh wow, a genuine newfag. I didn't think your kind still existed. The legends are true.
I can do you one better. I was a fuckbuddy of the girl who got me into the gaming group, and when she started developing feelings for me that I didn't reciprocate, she got me kicked out of the group. Not that I blame her, mind you.
"She" was all like wanna fug ?:DDD I said yeah and was too awkward to abort
wife wanted me to play with disabled GM and his That Guy friend, who proceeded to engineer a TPK even before the first encounter, and sold it to the gullible GM as an unfortunate accident
>disabled GM
What does this have to do with anything? Also, how are you sure that the TPK wasn't an accident?
Getting invested in the story of a gaming group where the DM and lead player were dating and had already broken up once before.
Veeky Forums
>"user, do you think my sister is sexier than me?"
How is that a trap? its ALWAYS a no, you're sexier. That's a horrible example.
The modern classic now is "do these pants make my butt look big"
Cause chicks now days WANT a bigger ass, but they can also get offended if you say yes.
I just scaled the pic up, the "entity" is literally 2 pixels. So if it triggers from TWO FUCKING PIXELS, you could easily spread those two pixels on the internet and cause the entire population of earth to die by use of social media before it kills you.
That's dumb.
An ice-cave which lead to a room with a deep hole in the bottom, the only way around was an icy, about a foot wide ledge around each side for the kobolds to run along. There was a rope hanging from the center. The rope is only very loosely tied, any attempt to "Swing" off it usually immediately drops the player into the hole.
I am forever GM so no traps for me.
But my favorite thing that a player did:
>PCs be delving into ancient crypt
>Get to final room
>4 undead cabal members (mummies) and their captain, a mummy in fullplate with a few cleric spells
>Describe: The room is long and tall, 50 by 100 feet, with pillars to each side
>In the center of the room is a massive 20 by 20 pit in the floor, with a giant grate covering it, there seem to be gears and hinges on one side.
>1st turn
>Fighter charges directly into the center of room onto the grate to attack a mummy with a javelin
>2nd initiative order, mummy captain pulls small lever no PCs spotted from 100 feet away
>Grate opens, fighter falls for 50 ft into sharp bones
Normally I feel bad when a player dies. I just couldn't stop laughing while the rogue repeated OOC "Why are you so fucking stupid"
Good times.
>That's dumb
thats SCP
The poverty trap
Considering there's barely any pictures, no recordings, and the thing always has a paper bag over its head, and it's always under lockdown, then spreading a picture is gonna be hard and rather pointless
Within the pic itself, the guy who took the photo kept it on a wall and didn't trigger the SCP for 16 years
And IIRC the thing's already been executed
You actually have to -look- at it. In the lore, the photo was on the guy's wall for years and he just happened to notice those grey pixels among the white.
Terminated SCPs have their own classification, and 096 is still Euclid.
Fell into this as a DM.
The party were herding people through an escape tunnel in a church to get them away from the invading army. They knew their time would be limited and that they would literally tear the church apart to find the escape tunnel.
One of the players says "I'll stay behind and keep them busy, just trust me on this." and they did since this guy is good at whacky shit. So, they go through the passage, and the pastor of the church stoneshapes it off, leaving them behind. The army's captain bursts in flanked by his best, and it's 5v1. First round of combat, the one who stayed behind threw her staff aside, and announced surrender. She then proceeded to go on about how the church was meant to be safe, and that they knew it wouldn't be, likely telling her the wrong directions on purpose because she was a "creepy albino" and was a "freak" and so on. Which is true, she did suffer regular IC discrimination.
Just so happened that the captain himself was an albino (this was pure coincidence), so I roll with it and have him say he understands, that he got a lot of shit for his own albinism. Some back and forth later, the player says to me; "I think I've bought the party enough time."
I fell right into that one.
So, It Follows but somehow even dumber. k.
user you a dumb
>it's the one that kills anyone that sees any image of it - or any decent enough sketch of it
Actually the entry article says a sketch of it doesn't trigger anything. They tested it by having a former tattoo artist/murderer sitting in an isolated chamber underwater look at a candid photograph then sketch it out. After 096 killed him they recovered the sketch and found it didn't do anything.
>"Hey, user, you should play tackle football!"
>"What do you mean you're depressed, you can't leave the team."
>"Being a quitter isn't like you, user."
And then user got a compound concussion which took six months to recover from and suicidal depression which I still take medication for.
Yes, I'm still mad.
user, not only did SCP come from here, but 096 is one of the best, most well thought out and least retarded scps around.
trusting people
Well what the fuck did you do?
That took longer than expected.
>walk into room
>filled with people
>they seem nice
>stay for a long while
>realize what happened
>leave Veeky Forums
Item #: SCP-096
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096's presence inside the cell.
Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096's likeness are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. [REDACTED] and O5-[REDACTED]
Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.
SCP-096's jaw can open to four (4) times the norm of an average human. Other facial features remain similar to an average human, with the exception of the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. It is not yet known whether SCP-096 is blind or not. It shows no signs of any higher brain functions, and is not considered to be sapient.
SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1).
Documented speeds have varied from thirty-five (35) km/h to ███ km/h, and seems to depend on distance from SCP-096-1. At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress. The actual position of SCP-096-1 does not seem to affect SCP-096's response; it seems to have an innate sense of SCP-096-1's location. Note: This reaction does not occur when viewing artistic depictions (see Document 096-1) .
Upon arriving at SCP-096-1's location, SCP-096 will proceed to kill and [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-096-1. 100% of cases have left no traces of SCP-096-1. SCP-096 will then sit down for several minutes before regaining its composure and becoming docile once again. It will then attempt to make its way back to its natural habitat, [DATA REDACTED]
Due to the possibility of a mass chain reaction, including breach of Foundation secrecy and large civilian loss of life, retrieval of subject should be considered Alpha priority.
Dr. [REDACTED] has also petitioned for immediate termination of SCP-096 (see Interview 096-1). Order is awaiting approval. Termination order has been approved, and is to be carried out by Dr. [REDACTED] on [DATA REDACTED]. See Incident-096-1-A.
Audio log from Interview 096-1:
Interviewer: Dr. ███
Interviewed: Captain (Ret.) █████████, former commander of retrieval team Zulu 9-A
Retrieval Incident #096-1-A
[████████ ████████ Time, Research Area ██]
Capt. █████████: It always sucks ass to get Initial Retrieval duty. You have no idea what the damn thing is capable of besides what jacked up information the field techies can scrape up, and you're lucky if they even tell you the whole story. They told us to "bag and tag." Didn't tell us jackshit about not looking at the damn thing.
Dr. ███: Could you describe the mission, please?
Capt. █████████: Yeah, sorry. We had two choppers, one with my team and one on backup with Zulu 9-B and Dr. ██████. We spotted the target about two clicks north of our patrol path. I'm guessing he wasn't facing our direction, else he would have taken us out then and there.
Dr. ███: Your report says SCP-096 didn't react to the cold? It was -██o C.
Capt. █████████: Actually, it was -██. And yes, it was butt naked and didn't so much as shiver. Anyway, we landed, approached the target, and Corporal ██ got ready to bag it. That's when Dr. ██████ called. I turned to answer it, and that's what saved me. The target must have turned and my whole squad saw it.
Dr. ███: That's when SCP-096 entered an agitated emotional state?
Capt. █████████: Yep. [Interviewed now pauses for a second before continuing] Sorry. Got the willies for a second.
Dr. ███: That's all right.
Capt. █████████: Yeah. Well, I never saw its face. My squad did, and they paid for it up the ass.
Dr. ███: Could you describe it a little more, please?
Capt. █████████: [Pauses] Yeah, yeah. It started screaming at us, and crying. Not animal roaring though, sounded exactly like a person. Really fucking creepy. [Pauses again] We started firing when it picked up Corporal ██ and ripped off his leg. God, he was screaming for our help… fuckin 'A… anyway, we were blowing chunks out of the target, round after round. Didn't do jackshit. I almost lost it when it started [DATA EXPUNGED] him.
Dr. ███: That's when you ordered the use of an [Papers are heard moving] AT-4 HEDT launcher?
Capt. █████████: An anti-tank gun. Started carrying it ever since SCP-███ got loose. I've seen those tear through tanks like tissue paper. Did the same thing to the target.
Dr. ███: There was significant damage to SCP-096?
Capt. █████████: It didn't even fucking flinch. It kept tearing apart my squad, but with half of its torso gone. [He draws a large half-circle across his torso]
Dr. ███: But it was taking damage?
Capt. █████████: If it was, it wasn't showing it. It must have lost all its organs, all its blood, but it didn't acknowledge any of it. Its bone structure wasn't hurt at all, though. It kept tearing my squad apart.
Dr. ███: So no actual structural damage. How many rounds would you say were fired at SCP-096?
Capt. █████████: At the least? A thousand. Our door gunner kept his GAU-19 on it for at least twenty seconds. Twenty fucking seconds. That's six hundred .50 caliber rounds pumped into the thing. Might as well been spitting at it.
Dr. ███: This is when Zulu 9-B arrived?
Capt. █████████: Yeah, and my squad was gone. Zulu 9-B managed to get the bag over its head, and it just sat down. We got it into the chopper and got it here. I don't know how I never saw its face. Maybe God or Buddha or whoever thought I should live. The jackass.
Dr. ███: We have obtained an artist's depiction of SCP-096's face. Would you like to view it?
Capt. █████████: [Pauses] You know, after hearing that thing's screams, and the screams of my men, I don't think I want to put a face to what I heard. No. Just… no.
Dr. ███: All right, I believe we are done here. Thank you, Captain.
[Chairs are heard moving, and footsteps leave the room. Captain (Ret.) █████████ is confirmed to have left Interview Room 22.]
Dr. ███: Let this be on record that I am formally requesting SCP-096 be terminated as soon as possible.
It was the worst trap I've ever gotten caught in. Sleeping on the couch would've been better.
Player got the DM's permission to play as a magically-disguised Medusa. At the door of the inn, a loud noise was heard. The PC declared his character had a panic attack and reverted to medusa form, forcing everyone to save vs turn to stone, which had been his plan all along. The important NPC failed his save along with most of the party, turned to stone, fell over, and was dashed to unrecoverable pieces along with the adventure.
Man, I fucking hate the old school SCPs. A lot of them are dumb as fucking rocks. 682's boring as shit and has a million dumb references to it where people try to kill it with shit and inevitably wreck the base instead of just dumping acid on it forever and calling it a day, 231 was probably written by a fucking pedophile, that stupid Cain and Able shit speaks for itself, and more. I guess the Flesh That Hates was alright, along with a few others, but god are the old ones fucking rusty as hell and not at all good for any inspiration.
I agree 682 is ridiculously stupid, but I guess it serves its purpose. If someone's already made the indestructible god monster then it's easier to shut down anyone new trying to do the same.
Cain and Abel is also lame.
Goddamn genie piece of shit
You are the same kind of person that has made Veeky Forums unable to understand what mary sue or magical realm means anymore
>leave Veeky Forums
That's a nice story
No way am i looking at that pixel, good try OP!
The Flesh That Hates is my favorite SCP.
What happens in 231 anyway? Just violent abortion everyday?
it just occurred to me that the artist willingly died to paint that picture
So this thing is basically a feral slender man.
Nah, the story behind that sketch is on its page. They isolated one of their D class personnel in a bathysphere half a mile underwater, showed him a picture, asked him to sketch it, and then had him stick the sketch in a watertight floating recepticle. Once 096 [DATA EXPUNGED] him, they recovered the sketch.
Like most D-class personnel, the guy had no idea what was going to happen.
Lol, that plot was stolen from the ship.
Nope, worse.
SCP-231 and its procedure is heavily implied to be a lot of things, but ultimately what happens is "Nope, it's worse than that". It could be aborting demons, it could also be someone who has a massive gaping hole that leads to an overlapping pocket space full of demon fetuses that have to be torn out and destroyed.
That example actually inspired a particular aspect of my setting, where such a gaping hole can be dug into someone. I can't get on the archive for some reason but View Same pic related and you'll find the details.
Not me but a friend who was in the same MaidRPG as me.
He was playing a trap who was working at the mansion as a maid.
The GM baby trapped him.
He's still salty, six months later.
This is some gay shit
Too many to count with a very creative DM that had a fetish for mimics.
Its close but the worst was the very specific finger plate mimics. Disguised as the plates on a gauntlet, turned out to be hard to take off gloves without fingers. Would've used my legs but one was chewed off by an earlier pothole mimic.
I play modern Magic the Gathering.
I've read those pastebins.
What's it like playing with a Veeky Forums celebrity?
> that pic
>How is that a trap? its ALWAYS a no, you're sexier. That's a horrible example.
>You mean you were checking out my sister?
It's a trap, user.
Don't fall for the trap.
The correct answer is:
>Huh, what? You have a sister?
DMing for fuckwits
Fun fact: It's not real.
The article states once it's triggered there really isn't anything which can contain it indefinitely.
sorry for newfagging around, i wonder which board did these SCPs stories came from?
That sly dog he got you dialoging!
"I would rape the shit out of your sister. But you, I would love tenderly."
Did I pass, user?
The simplest traps can produce the funniest results.
>playing 3.5 Planescape, doing some dungeon in the Abyss or something
>the bariaur barbarian falls into a pit trap with a pool of acid on the bottom. You know classic stuff. He is slowly being eaten by acid
>the duskblade, all proud of himself, immediately leaps in after the barbarian. "It's okay," he says, "I can teleport!"
>he fails to notice that the range of his Dimension Hop spell is less than the depth of the pit
>and also he can't take anyone with him
>and also he was the only one carrying rope
>which is now being eaten by acid
"Hey user, I heard you like D&D. My older brother/younger brother/father/creepy rapist uncle fred also played D&D. Would you like to Dm a game for me and a few other friends?"
That is the greatest trap, becoming forever gm.
I havent acted as a player since I was 15
>Reverse gravity trap
>Whatever, we have ranged attacks
>The ceiling has invisible spikes
231's author confirmed that the point of 231 was because at the time, there were a ton of new submissions trying to out-edge each other and be the "darkest" SCP on the site without crossing certain lines. He deliberately set out to create something implied to cross every line so that they could shut down any further hamfisted attempts at edgelord SCPs. Essentially like what described for 682.
I agree completely about Cain and Able (yes, they confirmed that in their universe it's spelled Able; yes, it's retarded). The vast majority of the community agrees at this point, from what I've seen. The only reason "Able" is still there is because too many other page link to it, with authors who have long-disappeared, and there's a pretty strict community policy about not messing with other people's work without their explicit permission, even to correct typos.
The first game of D&D I ever played the DM had us jump across a pit of spikes, that wasn't the trap. Later when we found a second larger pit, with what a good perception roll revealed to be the exit across from it, I tried to jump it and slammed face first into the illusion cast on the rock wall, falling to my instant death.
this ones fun
Oh, God, I love traps like that.
I'd just never get the chance to use them in my games because most of them are instant kills so we'd need to set up a reason why either every character has a set of backups or an identical set of quintuplets following behind them.
Use it in a military style campaign. Their regiment tactically retreats into a cave, mouth caves in, they have to find a way out. Replacements are fellow soldiers
Kind of hits the heart of what SCP is meant to be.
Creative writers finding weird pictures on the internet and making these insane stories about them.
Being on Veeky Forums