For example, what does Veeky Forums think of picrelated? Is it any good?
Are there any other good RPG communities?
Total Autism that need literally everything spelled out in words to them and are unable to infer anything
It's good if you want to get banned for criticizing peoples' homebrew or if you want a forum where literal trolls get away scot free and people who are trying to help get banned instead because the mods are hilariously incompetent.
So no, it's total shit.
Never tried Giant in the Playground, but Myth-Weavers is a pretty good tabletop site.
>no animated gif avatars
>no profanity
>bronies running about freely posting with their pony avatars
Veeky Forums is not a good RPG community, but it may be the least bad one
For a long time the blessing of Veeky Forums was that it didn't really have an agenda. The worst of the worst would be here but there wasn't really an overriding 'correct' opinion in the same way there are on a lot of forums. And obviously you avoid the usual non-anonymous or post rating problems.
I think that's less true now that /pol/ shit has become a dominant subtheme on basically every Veeky Forums board, but it's there's still likely less conformity here than anywhere else.
The best RPG communities are only loosely so due to nerd group stagnation.
Try r/LFG it's a bunch of ships passing in the night.
>try reddit
You have to go back.
Hypersensitive special snowflakes.
Modding that encourages passive-aggressiveness.
Giant with absurd and hypocrite policies;
Group thinking.
Avoid like plague.
>Veeky Forums is not a good RPG community, but it may be the least bad one
I agree. Even with the normie invasion and the gradual transformation of ironic racism into real racism, Veeky Forums still remains the least bad community to discuss RPGs. Our mods may be shit, but at least they're just here to enforce rules (sometimes), rather than dominate discussions or ban people who disagree with them. Because of this place's anonymity and the discouraging of avatar-posting and tripcodes, posts have to be judged by their content rather than by who made the post.
We also don't have to put up with cults of personality and superstar mod-favourite posters who can get away with anything they fucking want and sic their horde of shrieking retard fans on anyone who dares to disagree with them. I would rather pound rusty nails through my dick than put up with communities that allow that sort of thing.
Yeah, basically that's the big Veeky Forums advantage overall. It means depths of shit but a different dynamic too. Contrast with like the sup/tg/ community which spun out of here.
Pretty sure that dude was getting hit on.
What people say about GitP's ott moderation and extreme marshmallowness is true, but there's still been done great content posted there.
I'm on my phone so I'm not going to get any for you, go there yourself and look for a 'GitP forum's greatest hits thread' or make one yourself. They've had some fantastic campaign diaries posted there for sure
How are they for critique of homebrew material? I've tried posting my homebrew D&D 5e stuff in a few places and most of what I've read is varying flavours of "looks good" with only a few bits and pieces of genuine feedback and criticism. I think I still have an account there.
People will shriek at the mere suggestion of this but check out /r/DNDBehindtheScreen (stick reddit dot com in front of that if you don't know how the site works)
It's a small but ridiculously high quality sub built on supporting DMs with good advice and excellent idea sharing. Heaps of guides on running things like urban chases, and pre-packaged scenarios to plop in your games. The sub is technically focused on D&D 5e but almost everything that gets posted is system agnostic.
can't really say, haven't been active there for years. I say they've 'had good stuff posted there' because I know it *used* to be true
What's that one RPG forum where the mods track down posts you've made on other forums with your username or email and ban you for offsite rules violations and talking shit about them? Is that RPGnet or am I thinking of someplace else?
>It's a small but ridiculously high quality sub built on supporting DMs with good advice and excellent idea sharing.
Could be worse, it could be TGchan
Role Playing Game forum, not Rocket Propelled Grenade forum.
There's no place like tg. If you accept that, you can move on to finding a place that's enough like some part of tg that you'll be satisfied.
That's RPGnet.
Some game-specific forums are good. The official GURPS forums are pretty acceptable; lots of the writers post there and aren't really given special treatment. Obviously it's got the standard issues of an official company forum; you can't even hint about piracy and everything has to be child-friendly. They kind of demand that you know your shit, but I see that as a feature rather than a bug.
Don't they have a policy where you're not allowed to talk shit about a specific game because it might hurt the developer's precious fragile feelings?
That's about right, but Veeky Forums changes so fast that the comic should be updated again, what with Homestuck ending.
Exactly this. I've been to dozens of forums and this is the only one I can stand for the reasons stated.
Freedom is great.
Is roll20 a good community? I know they have forums and whatnot
I'd post my personal favorite site, but then Veeky Forums would become aware of it.
I like you guys, but I just don't trust you to not ruin it.
Myth-Weavers was already mentioned, though, and I'd say it's pretty good.
Nobody cares enough about you to raid a site because you mentioned it once you special little fuckstick.
Why even bring it up if you aren't going to name it?
You can't even humble-brag for e-peen points, it's a goddamn anonymous imageboard you spastic fucknozzle.
Nooneof any substance would know or care that Homestuck has ended.