Whatever happened to BroQuest, Veeky Forums?
Whatever happened to BroQuest, Veeky Forums?
i remember when "easily intimidated" was "easily raped". times before SJWs...
Wasn't the whole project sanitized at some point because they were hoping to market themselves to a wider audience than just Veeky Forums and /v/?
the changes are almost stalinesque
Honestly I'd stick with the lifelong warrior friend. Any other gimmick is secondary to how much I know and trust the dude I'm adventuring with.
Only programmer never played an RPG before and didn't like to share what he was working on or the code. Art and writing was good but they couldn't do anything with it. Drama came after that. Project fell apart.
Schwig please go!
You can't really market a game with a lifelong bro friend, a nice doggy, and an easily-rapeable child to a wider audience. So sexy elements remain, but they're toned down to be more accessible.
Not many people are okay with casual pedophilia and there's kind of good reason for that.
Also have a new Vixen.
It died due to development problems
>barely any sharing between devs and artists
>people kept trying to inject ideas into it
>one dev was a faggot who tried to make it his own thing
It was a mess but I'm glad it happened cause /v/ and Veeky Forums worked together on it.
And yet JRPG remains a prevalent genre.
so basically they wanted to earn cash and lost the spirit of the project
Leadship consisted of guy who was never there, guy who got the job by just being there, a writer that didn't know how to lead, fucking shwig and technically something about a programming guy.
Lead writer was a good guy and o.k writer. Had no clue about leading. Didn't filter applicants at all, picked literally all of them. Original idea for writing characters was something akin to everyone role-playing someone//writing for then since there is so many writers. Thay went about as well as you'd expect. Eventually he vanished. his replacement was an egotistical megalomanical tyrant. At least he knew how to write humor which literally no other writer on the project had any idea how to do.
No artist other shwig and like one other guy actually stuck around for more than a day.
Sound guys were cool but all had to fuck off for personal reasons.
Main programer too busy reinventing g programming and being far up his own ass to do anything but weird tech demos no one understood.
People constantly just vanished without a trace. No one did anything remotely consistently. Other than shwig. Well he consistent shat out immense amount of art but good fucking luck getting him to do anything other than what he wanted to do. Still, hardest worker of the lot with the most to show for it.
I could talk about the faults for days. I appreciate that an effort was made. Glad it never finished because it's the sort of game thatd feel dated in a year. That OP image feels like I'm reading an all your base meme, the jokes and tone don't work as well anymore. No one says bro anymore
Well, if "spirit of the project" is intrinsically and inextricably linked to casual pedophilia...
Schwig killed it
What we it? Looks pretty cool. Was it a TTRPG or vidya?
Is the cleric kid named Tuck?
Pic related
It died when they removed brotential desu
It was a project full of ideas guys with no real direction and no understanding of even base game design. Some of the actual plans they drafted up with complex character interactions would have taken a professional team serious effort to make, let alone a bunch of fa/tg/uys with no programming experience.
This thing appealed to people's imagination because that simple character chart allows you to fill in the blanks. But EVERYONE wants to play an RPG like this. This shit has been Bioware's bread & butter for decades, at this point.
But instead the ideas guys just added more characters, and made some new character art. Big whoop. No-one ever did any real work on this.
Whatever happened to vengeful viking man?
Looks like he morphed into the Orc and the Seasoned Veteran.
Breeding Season.
What ever happened to breeding season?
It imploded by all the "devs" being retarded and being given way too much money. Now most of them split off into their own projects and are still being thrown money by the furries despite barely anything coming out of breeding season.
Too many cooks in the kitchen
Only one programmer
>not posting the full one
Over-designed garbage. the OP's one is better.
the numbers got removed because at one point the only thing people did was bitch about numbers. So after like a week straight of people complaining that the arbitrary numbers were wrong. They just removed them with the intention of adding them back when you know the game had progress lol.
No image fills with as much rancor as this one.
The fact you even call it the full version disgusts me.
The op one is better the because that isn't merely over designed garbage is literally shwig scrap art throw in with insane and innane descriptions that one guy keeps trying to push. At least this isn't the one with the weird super shitty recolors
Lets not forget how every dev meeting ever went:
Person A: lets decrease the scope
Everyone else: HELL YEAH
>perverted mage's boner bulge
Truly the greatest loss of all
>caring about the opinions of normie fucking shits
Could've been good if they just stuck with basic shit
>Just use RPG maker instead of making a new engine
>Lightly edit the models for facial changes
>Give whoever is playing the ability to name the characters, make their personalities basic.
>Just give them small big quests/adventures throughout the game ala Dragon quest
There I made the odds of this being made 10x easier.