Is there footage of that?
Yeah, but it's been cut.
Okay, that's a good one.
And it's legitimately Veeky Forums related!
>that delay between round hitting and explosion
Totally not fake, guys.
Probably a timed explosive because they can't make their own impact detonators.
I'm going to invoke Occam's razor and say they just went to place of impact and detonated some explosives there later.
What is this from?
I really should buy it.
Ork Weapon Builder Simulator aka Besieged
Wasn't there a follow up to that pic?
I think there are one or two more, actually.
>>The group finally decides to play something other than D&D.jpg
fucking florida, man
but there are no piggly wigglies in houston
Houstonian here - there used to be, at least a decade ago. They pulled out shortly after Albertsons did, because HEB ran them into the ground. They captured the poorer demographic that Albertsons previously held, but got absorbed by HEB when they started revving up their generic brand stuff.
Stay classy, Florida.
I like the whale personally.
I don't know why the rejected it.
Which one?
Why do they keep fucking biting people?
See, this makes me think it's all actually one guy, some kind of bizarre superhero called Florida Man.
I mean I usually would think of a Guy Jero or something like that when it comes to Florida man.
"I think he turned out rather well, don't you?"
Shit, that was a good throw.
He's the hero we need.
For what raisin?
>problem solved series over
>qt glasses
>qt country gal
>no cellulite
>relatively lithe hands
good taste tbqh
Context of picture?
That was pimp as shit.
Because fuck drones.
As tribute, I offer this useful tool.
Drones are loud and that one was ruining an otherwise immersive celebration of Slavic cultural heritage. Slavs don't like that
>For what raisin?
I heard about this one on the radio. They weren't supposed to not have unnecessary modern technology at renfaire, and drones are a particularly egregious violation of that.
>They weren't supposed to not have
I meant "they weren't supposed to have"
Is that Harry Dresden?
Dronefags are cunts that deserve to have their shit fucked.
You meant to say, "they weren't not supposed to not have"
>Slavs don't like that
Describes the reason for half the Eastern European conflicts of the past 1000 years.
>unnecessary modern technology
They said this with a straight face while setting up their fair right next to the parking lot?
Who was even piloting it? Was it news, promotion or just some asshole?
>some asshole?
It was a drone. Despite the reason this is a given.
>can't stand a few minutes of buzzing so that a news outlet or the organizer can get some material to report on/promote the event
I bet you laugh at people getting triggered by not identifying their gender correctly.
>oh no, someone doesn't tolerate my bullshit toy
>must be an SJW
found the dronefag
I don't get it help
0/10, at least you tried.
I mean... was actually renaming a file too hard?
goddamn i love this
Jesus, I don't remember April's tits being that fat.
this is so bad and so good at the same time
keked heartily
It's a 'guide' to drawing fat people so that they look attractive. The checkmarked images are all not what fat people look like. Fat people all have hideous rolls where horrible things fester and rot and will look older than they really all due to gravity pulling down the fat in a mimicry of how people sag as they age. That's why the given filename was "First Step, Don't Draw Fat People" because what's described is no where near what fat people look like.
It'd make sense for his luck to be that shit.
I preferred this one.
what is this pic from?
I got the joke, user, but my dick didn't.
3dpd a shit anyways, especially so for landwhales.