Did you know that Boromir is more elvish than Aragorn?
Aragorn is still more special though since he has Maia ancestry.
Did you know that Boromir is more elvish than Aragorn?
Aragorn is still more special though since he has Maia ancestry.
How come?
Are Imrahil and Boromir direct family?
Boromirs mother is Imrahils sister.
And the first prince of dol amroth had an elven sister.
While Aragorn is like 64 generation away from Elros who was already 37.5% human.
Is this a fuckup by Tolkien?
Because Boromir,Faramir, Denethor etc... didnt seem to live as long as Aragorn by a far margin.
I always thouthg the Dol Amroth thing was kinda stupid in the whole picture or Middle Earth
I wonder if the age thing is explained by the maia blood.
Or a way of living. Like a weaker version of where those of half elven can choose a mortal life or not.
Are you sure Imrahil is a half-elf?
Not half, but part.
Imrahil is the 22nd prince of dol amroth.
The 1st prince of dol amroth was half elf.
Also Legolas notices that he has elven ancestry.
But isnt Aragorn supposed to have Numenorean descendancy, not elvish? Numenoreans lived a fuckload too.
Explains why he was such a badass.
They didn't live as long as Aragorn because he's the chieftain of the Dunedain, effectively the king of the numenoreans. Only the very first numenorean king was an actual half elf
I don't know why the "Aragorn is a half elf" meme is so pervasive on this board. It almost always comes up when people talk about Tolkien
This is the first I've ever heard of Aragorn being a half-elf.
So basically
Aragorn fuck his very late cousin
Almost everyone is a very late cousin.
It's usually when people talk about why he/Numenoreans lived so long. I actually don't remember if it's not explained in LotR or something, but people tend to think it's because the numenoreans were a race of half elves or some shit
wasent it because they held true to the old beliefs?
Tolkien is based and well aware of wincest, my friend.
It's not even incest since they're not closely related.
Tolkien was racist.
Dont blame Aragorn. He just banged a very old hot woman.
Blame Arwen, that's ok with basically fucking a toddler from her own lineage
Yeah essentially. The Numenoreans were just all the men of Beleriand. The Ainur wanted to reward them after the War of Wrath so they were made long lived and given an island close to the West
Numenorean long lives are effect of divine gift for being faithful, not elven admixture. Most Numenoreans didn't have any elven blood - just the royal house had - yet they have all lived much longer than middle men.
Gondorian Dunedain intermixed way more with other folks than Northern ones, to the extent that they barely can be called Dunedain and lost most of their traits.
It is kind of interesting how Dunedain of the north lost their country but kept their blood, while Gondor remained but lost their "true" Dunedain.
He actually wasnt. Just morally aware and a a devout christian.
Never in his life did he talk badly about anyone based on the color of his skin, my friend.
The record has NOT been corrected
Someone post the letter of him defending jews. The phrase "unfortunately im not of that talented people" is used.
>Thank you for your letter. I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject - which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.
>Your enquiry is doubtless made in order to comply with the laws of your own country, but that this should be held to apply to the subjects of another state would be improper, even if it had (as it has not) any bearing whatsoever on the merits of my work or its sustainability for publication, of which you appear to have satisfied yourselves without reference to my Abstammung.
This is the nice letter. He had prepared another one essentially telling them to fuck off and he let his editor choose which one to use, but the other is lost to time
He also hated hitler, personally
Oh, and apparently there's the one that he sent to his editor talking about the letters
>I must say the enclosed letter from Rütten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries?
>Personally, I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine.
>You are primarily concerned, and I cannot jeopardize the chance of a German publication without your approval. So I submit two drafts of possible answers.
>He also hated hitler, personally
I mean, I think it'd be obvious he wasn't a big fan of authoritarianism and warmongering.
So Melian was the original race-mixer in the Tolkien universe?
Are angels the real source of degeneracy?
Doesnt mean he's racist.
Racism is based on race or background even, not on behaviour.
It's ok to tell obnoxious pests to fuck off , user, regardless of color, procedence or religion.
No, he was complimenting jews
>it's another 'Boromir is the true king of Gondor' cuckspiracy faggot
>Did you know that Boromir is more elvish than Aragorn?
Only if you believe the legend surrounding Galador's parentage, which is thousands of years removed from the events of the books and hardly confirmed.
>Aragorn is still more special though since he has Maia ancestry.
And because descent from noldor princes> Descent from random silvans, even if the legend is true.
Who gives a shit? Both evles and humans had degraded a lot since the ages when cool shit happened/
I think it's because Elros started their line of kings, and Tolkien ever only talks about lines of nobility so it gives the impression all numenoreans were half-elves
This is the mean letter. The nice letter was the one the editor chose to send and it was lost in the bombings
>Refering to jews as a talented people
>Eldarion mixed
>human mixed
Arwens mother was full on super sayjain.
And Elrond vhose to be 100% Elven with god genes.
Then Arwen chose a "mortal life" becoming half-elven = pretty much a numenorian with knife-ears.
This probaly makes Eldarion also half-elven, but probably choose to be 100% Numenorian space marine.
>Numenorean long lives are effect of divine gift for being faithful
This is weird. Gift of Man is ability to die and leave this world so longevity of Numeroans sound like a curse.
>implying a particular race of people are more talented than others
>not racist
Living longer is not the same as living for eternity.
It's more the "mystery" of man. The Valar don't quite get what's up with it and Eru isn't really forthcoming with details. Numenoreans get longer lives sort of as reparations for man's time on Middle Earth being such shit thanks to Morgoth and the Valar's incompetence at dealing with him
>Only if you believe the legend surrounding Galador's parentage, which is thousands of years removed from the events of the books and hardly confirmed.
Magical Legolas confirmed it when he saw Imrahil
He was doing that to piss some Nazis off, read the letter and it's context.
>Magical Legolas confirmed it when he saw Imrahil
And since when is Legolas an arbiter of truth and falsity? Faramir says that Frodo has an elvish air around him. What makes Legolas's impression of elvenness more accurate than Faramir's?
I don't think Tolkien was racist, but when you read the books it does seem like every foreigner/non-white is some kind of servant of Sauron (like the guys in Bree, Haradrim, Easterlings, etc.). My personal read on it is it's more just something that's aged badly, and he was playing up themes of foreign/Eastern invasion of Europe that has been around as long as Europe has, but in a way that lacked our current sensitivity and awareness around how those kinds of themes can be or come across as racist.
There are also the quotes that get brought up about he regretted certain aspects of how he wrote orcs and wishes he could have found a way to make them more nuanced and not wholly evil, because people kept reading them as an analogue for Africans or whatever, which wasn't his intention. I don't have the actual quote but people were talking about it in the other thread.
Based on the Nazi letter and the orc stuff I get the sense Tolkien was a good dude but I wouldn't argue with anyone who interpreted some minor racist or xenophobic themes in the work itself.
Anyway, here's an Imrahil pic.
If you want to draw real world analogues, the Haradrim were the Turks under the rule of the despotic Ottomans.
Not evil, but under the influence of evil.
Orcs are basically "Bad progress"
Humans were all foreigners though. They all came out of the east, some were good, some were bad