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Went 3-0-1 with this yesterday. Format seems very fun.
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Went 3-0-1 with this yesterday. Format seems very fun.
Went 3-1 yesterday morning with a GU tempo deck built around energy counter synergy. Looking like energy might actually be a decent archetype in standard, from what the bonkers shit I was doing it seems like the support is there, someone just needs to find the right list for it
As for pulls, got the UR and GB fastlands, pretty excited about that. Promo was Inventor's Fair and pulled another Inventor's Fair in a prize pack, and got an Aether Hub, so it looks like I'm going all lands. Overall did pretty meh with value, but got some fun stuff I might try to turn into a cohesive deck.
energy is going to be good in more than just standard, mark it
t. standard player
>Oh shit we fucked up with Collected Company what do we do?!?
>Well CoCo is great for our vision of Magic: The Gathering ( tm ) as it allows players to fill up the board with creatures and create "interesting" board states so we can't get rid of the idea completely
>I have the perfect idea
>Lets make a card
>That you pay mana to cast, probably your whole turn
>At sorcery speed
>And your opponent is guaranteed to benefit from more than you because they get to choose first or choose nothing at all if they really don't want what you're offering
>Perfect, lets make take up a rare slot and make sure some poor fucks open it at pre release.
>Some will even open it as their promo card. Pfffft HAHAHAHAHA
There've been a lot of dissenters, even at the pre-release yesterday. Even when I showed them what I was doing with actually your pic related.
Also keeping my opponent round 3's Chandra locked down thanks to Deadlock Trap feltgoodman
>Saheeli is UR, is that what you meant?
yes i meant Blue and Red
I am confident that cards like electrostatic pummeler, aetherworks, decoction module, whirler virtuoso, and the like will produce some very interesting play-styles.
deadlock is also a good card, I feel as though most people are failing to see the synergy possible with energy cards. Something like dynavolt probably seems wasteful but I get the distinct feeling optimized energy decks will probably be chalking 5+ energy a turn after t3.
This was my promo, you don't get to complain
One guy I know actually got one.
He was like "Oh please no, of all the cards, I get this one? Even looked at the spoilers and just wished not to pull this shit".
That's not nearly as bad as dubious challenge.
It can at least make a chump blocker and if you put some work in it can get big and dangerous.
But with dubious challenege you're spending a card, mana, and a turn on something your opponent gets to choose the best outcome for themselves, at no cost to themself.
There is no way dubious challenge is useful in any capacity. You can't even use it out of desperation for a chump blocker because your opponent already got the better creature or even worse, they got the ONLY creature.
electrostatic pummeler is just chameleon colossus with more synergy required
it's an ideal target for combat tricks, +1/+1 counters, and gives you an outlet for energy generation
The limited will be fun, but i can't shake the feeling that standard of BFZ-SOI-KLD will be among one of the most underpowered standard.
Why is that?
My actual prerelease was garbage. Value spread evenly through all colors, no rare bomb and curve ended up horrible. Got a Saheeli though.
After that we drafted for the decorations. I played a pretty decent B/W control-y deck. People massively undervalued the 3/4 common fliers for 5, there were really a lot of white uncommons going around awfully late. Got two Impecable Timings, Subtle Strike and that 1/1 that grows when a creature leaves.
The 2/3 bug that gains lifelink was also really useful. You can swing into other 2/3s to dump mana or pump it with the counter sub-theme in black.
Had I not gone to time I could have won the big Skysovereign model.
Just that cards seemed underpowered.
>went to my LGS Ironman challange
>5 Kaladesh Pre-realeses in a row with no sleep
>my best was 4-1
>at one point a guy tried to block his own creatures
>another fell with his head o his own cards
10/10 would do it again
>Can't find my promo Skysovereign, Consul Flagship anywhere
>Nissa too
Sounds amazing. Did you pay full price for each tourney?
I can't imagine something like that, I had a small headache after one already.
But that may also be because 34 guys were stuffed into a backroom with no windows.
Sounds fun though, i you don't have to work for a while.
My promo card was a foil Combustible Gearhulk but I didn't get anything else good besides Fumigate out of the 5 packs I won
Well we got like 5% off.
Yeah we were like only 20 people but were down to like 14 by the time we started the last one.
>Shit dude I only got a foil mythic as my promo
Fuck off, luckfag god I hate you luckers so damn much
Try getting nothing playable at all as your rares.
Out of 11 packs I only got 1 good thing.
>five in a row with no sleep
I guess you play somewhere where people can actually make decisions in a reasonable amount of time. Every single round for prereleases at my store lasts over an hour and five turns can sometimes take over half an hour to resolve. Not to mention we break to top 8.
That's about 9-10 hours per prerelease for us, so that would be 45-50 hours straight.
I envy you.
Shit user, all I got was a Lotus Petal, not even playable.
it only lasted 31 hours by the end. Luckily.
just came home from my prerelease, frist time participating in one. was fun!
went 2-4.. i think? won round 1 against a fella but the 2nd round we ran out of time, so i guess that means i won best of 3? not too sure really.
played GB. Didn't reallt have a gameplan, but I had some good fliers and servos/token generators (Oviya Pashiri) as well as those Rhinos I got to buff heavily a few times.
I had no playable rares and I took sixth place out of almost 50 people.
The first step to success is to accept your failures and stop making excuses.
>Had I not gone to time I could have won the big Skysovereign model.
your store had those artifact vehicle cardobard models in prize pool?
neat, wish my store did that
prolly faggot thief user from the other thread stole it from you. rip
>Only sixth place
Shut the fuck up, skillless faggot.
I got 1st place in 2 different events, that doesn't mean I'm not going to complain about opening up absolutely zero good rares.
The only reason I won was sheer skill, I didn't have the crutch that the second place winners I faced all had. And I'd still rather have opened money than win first place, because I was already having fun either way.
>didn't get any good vehicles
>only decent thing in rares was the black gearhulk and the dragon
>couldn't even play the dragon
>almost everyone I played against had the damn train
>had atleast 10 impeccable timings cast against me over the course of the day
>got flooded/screwed the last three games
still I got placed 15th out of 38.
>only had four hours of sleep
>had to play six rounds
>store didn't have any windows at all
Hope aether revolt will be a little more fun.
heh, look at this salty fag. Serves you right for pulling shit.
Now i am going to have fun building deck for my new planeswalker.
On my way back from 2HG prerelease. Got a chandra and NEVER drew her in any of the five games, ended up going 2-3.
Splitting the value was a pain as Chandra was more valuable than the rest of the pool combined despite the gearhulk, but I let him have it anyway.
>Every single round for prereleases at my store lasts over an hour
You should report the LGS to wizards then, because 50 minutes is the alotted time.
My promo was a fastland, pic related.
My brother got the car and it looked nice with the foil
It really doesn't sound like you were having fun.
50 minutes for the round and then the up to four remaining games, which seem to always include the same four people, go to turns which takes another half hour.
The mana crypt I got killed me more often than not.
>got two of the black Puzzleknots
>two Live Fast
>one of those bugs that can't block but gets bigger and eats one life each turn
But killing yourself is the best way to play.
Having fun playing the game is not the same as the concentrated unfun of opening fresh packs only to see you've opened nothing but unplayable junk wizards deliberately designed to be niche unplayable junk while you see other people opening inventions, planeswalkers, and bombs.
Things I remember from my three prereleases:
>people not understanding priority in combat and when to crew vehicles
>telling someone it's not okay to loudly proclaim: "I'm getting beaten BY A GIRL!"
>telling someone else it's not okay to say: "I was RAPED by my opponents deck"
t. judge :^)
>>people not understanding priority in combat and when to crew vehicles
elaorate pls.
You see, I though you were an SJW cuck, but I guess as a judge you have to follow WotC's retarded standards, so...good luck?
You can't crew a vehicle during the combat phase. It has to be done beforehand
Post rulings.
Because crewing is at instant speed. No where on the cards implies that it can be done at any time BUT combat.
Unless you mean something dumb like "Block, crew vehicle with blocker, then block with vehicle"
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. It isn't a timed ability, so you can use it any time you have priority. Please read the rules before screwing players out of wins.
Who let you be a judge?
>"Go to combat?"
>"I attack with this and with this. Okay?"
>"Then I crew this train and attack with it."
>"Yeah, no."
>"I block this and this. Now that the creature is blocked I tap my blockers to crew my train and block the other attacker."
>"I give your creature -1/-1 so it can't crew the vehicle anymore"
Thanks. :^)
Not a SJW per se because most of those are just idiots who scream loud at almost everything irrationally. But some things just don't belong in a fun event. Especially if you want female players to come to your store again instead of them remembering how the average mail neckbeard treated them.
That being said, I'm mostly very happy about the players at our store.
You crew it as you declare attackers.
First prerelease I went to. Really enjoyed it, and want to start playing standard at my local shop.
Best places for deck building tutorials? I don't want to just use a prebuilt deck from Tapped Out or anything (unless I really have to).
Your first example is just the classic example of people declaring attackers out of order, and usually doesn't affect gameplay. Your other examples make sense.
>adding attackers after confirming declaration of attackers
If you don't want to net-deck, 60-card constructed is probably not the best place for you.
Nope. Asking "Combat?" means you go to declare attackers. By then it's too late to crew.
Of course I will allow taksie-backsies and return them to beginning of combat.
>Went to a midnight prerelease
>Promo is Eliminate the Competition
>Pull another foil Eliminate the Competition
There's not enough black in the world to have the creatures to power that.
Went to two prereleases, barely pulled anything of note aside from most of the commons I need for my next Standard Shitbrew.
Actually, the first step of the combat phase is before declare attackers, and is called the beginning of combat step. During this step, activated abilities may be activated, spells may be cast, etc.
Decent constructed can be figured even without netdecking - at least for aggro and midrange. You might miss couple secret techs and optimal sideboard options but it will be good enough deck for FNM.
Combo is trickier to figure out without looking thing up, especially if you want it to run smoothly.
>asking "Combat?"
Means you go to Beginning of Combat.
We had a 22 player prerelease and no masterpiece were opened. Whole shop was pretty disappointed
>A statement such as "I'm ready for combat" or "Declare attackers?" offers to keep passing priority until an opponent has priority in the beginning of combat step. Opponents are assumed to be acting then unless they specify otherwise.
This means that if your opponent says "ok" you're now in declare attackers. If your opponent does things, you're still in beginning of combat.
If an opponent taps a 3/3 creature to crew a vehicle and I go and bolt it "before that happens", is the vehicle crewed or not?
I got absolute trash at my prerelease. I got maybe 10 actually decent cards even within the context of the set spread across 5 colors and the rest was just crap.
I tried throwing what I could in a RG energy deck, but got stomped and realized I wasn't going to get anywhere and dropped.
20 players two headed giant yesterday, two masterpieces pulled. One guy pulled Sword of Light and Shadow and my other head pulled Mox Opal.
Of course, I didn't pull anything worth of anything and my pack was filled with trash.
We were around 45 people at the pre-release so we played 6 rounds. This is pretty usual since magic is pretty big in Denmark. I got Master of Marionettes as promo, which is okay. The rest of my pool was really, really bad. I ended up going Black/White with red splash for removal and relied solely on those dumb 3/4 flying birds to win. I had 3 of them, and they worked every single time. After winning 5 rounds in a row i finally got steamrolled by someone who had a proper pool and who played as well as me. Since that was my last game, though, I got 1st place and a shitton of boosters. Though it sounds geeky, I am very proud of myself that I was able to beat decks who had gearhulks and masterpieces simply by being conservative with my removal and playing the burd.
Oh, and out of 45 participants 3 masterpieces were opened. 1 static orb, 1 sword of feast and famine and 1 sculpting steel.
The vehicle is still crewed since the crewing is part of an activation cost. The cost was still payed, so the vehicle becomes a creature.
>"I tap your land so you can't pay the cost for the Counterspell you just played."
You can't. You activate the ability by tapping your creatures. By then it's too late.
damn all i got was people crewing trains, stompers and shoving gearhulks up my face.
All i had was white 1/2 fliers, new raise the alarm and 0 removal spells.
Damn i was very unlucky with the pulls.
i lost like a fag
By the way my friend played 2HG yesterday with his friend (who isn't me :( ) and got 1st place with him. His friend opened a masterpiece Mind's Eye, and my friend got that copy artifact sorcery. They would have two Mind's Eyes on the battlefield effectively drawing 6 cards after they passed their turn to next main phase. U wot m8.
So there's no way to stop a vehicle being crewed than?
Could be worse. We were playing 3 rounds. First one I only pulled mana. Second one I pulled no black mana on my UB deck until turn 7 but my other head carried me.
The last turn was the best. Match went into a lock because my other head used Revoke Privilige on two cards and we stalled the game. They pulled all the vehicles in the world and my other head Fulmigated the board for 28 life points. By then the opponents had no creatures to kill us because they couldn't crew and we had no creatures to kill them and the game finished in a draw.
Going 1-1-1 in a pre release feels like shit.
>Especially if you want female players
Why would you want female players though?
My flgs occasionally has females players and I fucking hate it.
Female players ruin the atmosphere.
The only people who want more female players are normalfags and cucks who want to ruin a neckbeards safe space just so they have even more chances at getting pussy.
Fuck you.
Which lgs? Faraos masterrace here
>neckbeards safe space
The problem is you.
Seriously, though. There are a lot of female players who play Magic but only in established playgroups. They rarely come to stores because they almost always have a bad experience because neckbeards have close to no social skills when it comes to not losing their pocketed spaghetti. I want to say "Treat everyone as fellow humans" but people tend to treat other people of the opposite very differently.
>So there's no way to stop a vehicle being crewed than?
Basically no. You can tap down, -x/-x or damage their pilots and maybe force them to activate Crew earlier than they wanted (like during their end phase, upkeep or during your main phase) but you can not stop them from activating their vehicles.
>The problem is neckbeards in their native environment not going out of their way to hurt or offend anyone
>Not gamer gurls, disinterested girlfriends dragging down the level of skill and discourse, and feminists
Reeee. Please kill yourself
Are you me? Pulled the exact same shit. Was able to get a Chrome Mox out of my pre-release that had a slight bit of scuffing in the centre-left of the card
like i said i lost like a fag.
went 2-1, then 1-2 and for last game got stomped 0-2. felt bad man
this was also my promo, went 1-2, i actually like this card, especially if you run a counter/energy deck. hell this fucker got insane with just larger than life then energy spending
The girl the other player complained about with "I'm getting beaten BY A GIRL!" was actually a gamer girl. Beat him fair and square with synergies and combat tricks. She also had tons of background knowledge about Magic and talked with others about all kinds of things
Also, just treat everyone as humans and not be a braindead neckbeard. No wonder you have no girlfriend.
>Also, just treat everyone as humans and not be a braindead neckbeard. No wonder you have no girlfriend.
>just b urself
>just be nice
Once a creature resolves the player who has the turn has priority to chose what he wants to do. If he then pays the cost to crew the vehicle, the priority passes to you. So if you mean stop in the sense of preventing a creature that resolved from jumping into the train/racecar before it is removed and thus controlling the vehicle while being dead, then no. The flavor of Magic is really strange sometimes.
>tfw you met your gf at FNM and she is a gamer girl and math nerd
The only girls who showed up for prerelease where gamer girl landwhale and this cool mtf transgender
lesbian couple on mine, they were pretty chill
Three gfs and one daughter at our prereleases, out of ~50 people. The gfs were mostly actually into the game. No landwhales because Europe.
guise i have a bit off-topic question because i remembered this just now.
When i attack and someone blocks my creature with sacrifice'able creature, does MY attacking creature get damaged before he sacrifices HIS one? Or he can only block the act of me dealing damage to HIM and then sacrifice creature without dealing damage to my creature?
sorry if it is convoluted explanation
thinking of converting my innistrad deck to low cmc artifact humans with this guy. viable?
I lost a game with the Pummeler dealing 14 trample damage to me. I was amazed.
wrong again
You standard fags suck at magic. You can crew a vehicle during any step you would have priority, including pre combat.
Take note, he says "Noncreature artifacts".
I got completely wrecked when I tried to cast him one game and my opponent pointed out I couldn't, took him out after that.
You absolutely can, it's just that if you're the attacker there's (usually) no point if you waited until the declare attackers step, and likewise if you're the defender and you waited until the declare blockers step.
Just went three wins and a draw for first place. After playing the game for 15 years, I only now have my first playmat.
High point of the day was Hijacking an opponent's Aradara Express and trampling it over his chump blockers.
I watched that thing smoke a guy for 20 damage on turn 5.
>3 wins 1 draw 2 losses
>win 5 packs in addition to the sealed package
>3 different fast lands
>dorf legend
>aetherworks marvel
>Promo was the dragon
At least I got edh stuff right?
do clues have a cmc?
it shouldn't be that surprising, he's got exponential return on an effect that only costs 3 energy. With something like built to smash it'd be surprising to see him swing for less than 16 routinely. With a fabrication module and an energy deck building around him too? Could definitely have him hitting for double digits on turn 4 near guaranteed.
A guy at my LGS opened Mana Crypt, Mana Vault and Painter's Servant.
I think he opened more masterworks than everyone else there combined.
Managed to trade the mana vault to me though, which is great.
They say every card has a place in some deck.
This one will go right into my Judge Tower. :^)
Forgot the image like an idiot.
Only the dwarf and marvel go in EDH, the rest is for Standard. Lands will see play, and I think marvel stands a good chance too. Dragon mayyyybe but probably not
Just went 4-1 in Two Headed Giants. I was playing Red Green aggro with a shit ton of red removal, my other head was playing White Black control lots of options for removal and using Night Market Lookout to drain our opponents by crewing vehicles and not attacking. It was great.