Why are orphanages so flamable?
Why are orphanages so flamable?
Cheap construction materials, lack of fucks to give if the worthless orphans burn up.
Because you're mom
To help Richard save time, they are being considerate.
all those raggedy ass teddy bears. you've got dry, flamable stuffing falling all over the place, getting in all the nooks and crannies...
I don't know.
Why do motor vehicles carry explosive charges in the tank? I wonder if we'll still have cars detonating from tipping over or being shot at when they're all electric.
The batteries are flammable, and will explode if they have a large charge and you they overheat. This is actually a big consideration when designing batteries, to ensure that they keep cool and to prevent them from blowing up. The good news though is that the total energy stored in a battery will not become heat or force, and that most of it gets used up in other ways or slowly discharges in less harmful ways. So even if you have a similar amount of energy stored in the batteries it will be less destructive than a gas tank exploding or just spilling and lighting on fire.
A gas tank exploding will actually be less destructive than a gas tank exploding. Because they don't. Try and blow one up, it's really hard. They don't have enough air in them.
Yet every time a camera is pointed at them and they touch a curb- BOOM!
Must be some observer effect thing...
Orphan bodies are drier than normal human bodies from crying so much about having no parents.
But shouldn't the bed wetting from early trauma inhibit flammability?
Its not the building, its the orphans.
You're assuming the orphans are properly hydrated. Movies teach us that orphanariums are basically low-grade concentration camps.
A gas tank can blow up quite spectacularly if you set it up right, basically if you aerosolize the gas before you set it off you can get something quite spectacular, you can't do a similar thing with batteries without changing the type of battery away from what is being used. I mean you can make batteries that will detonate like a hand grenade, and with a similar size to a hand grenade, but that's not the same sort of battery that they are using.
But if I'm Mom, how are they orphans?
Because Orphans are extremely combustible.
Because Mom's dead
All that orphan energy seeps into the wood.
Why do you think so many adventurers are orphans? Orphan power is the only true renewable resource in fantasyland.
My personal touch
Because a galaxy far, far away is actually hell.
It's all a big conspiracy headed by the Supreme Leader of the Adventurer's guild and the Grand Master of the United Order of Paladins, Holy Warriors and Clerics.
You see, they intentionally put pressure on the Guild of Masons and Builders to make every orphanage as flammable as possible. This in turn catches most of the bad eggs in the two most important nation-wide guilds, which in turn means there are a lot of job offers and holy quests to find the bad eggs who torch orphanages for fun and bring them to justice.
Just think a moment, how many Adventurers got their start chasing down some orphanage-burner? How many Paladins got their first decoration from bringing in some vile blackguard that torched a orphanage? You get the picture, don't you?
This also means only the most lucky and resourceful orphans will survive, thus culling out stupid, weak and unlucky ones that would only be a burden on society. The survivors are of course swept up into one of the two guilds and thus the cycle ffeeds itself, with all guilds involved earning gold like it was going out of style on the deal.
Because they're made from dry, recycled, post-consumer orphans.
idk man, must be the innocence.
Can we weaponize innocence?
Because those orphans keep picking fights with the wrong people, forcing tragic cases of self defence
The latest cross-reference study shows us that those fat alcoholic nuns embelezzing money are great sources of fires. Gin + dry paper + fat tissue.
Conscript all orphans. Turn them into eunuchs royal only to the Emperor/King. It is a well known fact that a lot of powerful individuals come from orphanages.
>royal only to the Emperor/King
>assumedly peasants to everyone else
Quite the duality you've got there, user
Huge insurance payout
It's so we learn how to properly control our flamers.
All Heretics and Daemons must burn.
Turning them into eunuchs is not required.