Hey Veeky Forums. Can you have sex with and have children with a dryad. I need to know for political reasons
Hey Veeky Forums. Can you have sex with and have children with a dryad. I need to know for political reasons
>wanting to desecrate the human form
Having sex with non-humans is even worse than having sex with non-believers. And you already get the sixth circle of hell for that.
No. You can't have children with them.
Can probably sex them know. Might be like fucking a tree.
Depends on the setting. I'm going to guess the answer is yes.
If it's your universe, you tell me.
I hope the answer's yes, because they've got a strong association to the themes of fertility.
And if you can fuck genies and have babbys, why not dryads?
But my character is already non-human.
Well dang, there goes that idea.
Clearly OP needs to branch of a bit more
>urethral splinter infection
Yes, but the child is always a dryad.
Side note: nymphs and dryads are cross-fertile with one another.
>And if you can fuck genies and have babbys, why not dryads?
Because a genie is made out of magic, a dryad made out of wood.
You can say genie-pregnancy works, because of magic, but not dryad-pregnancy, because of wood.
>But my character is already non-human.
Non-humans don't exist. Humans are the only race in the universe. God and Hell are also fake.
He's half-human, if that helps?
But no, because dryads are also magic. Otherwise they would just be trees with weird knots so dryad-pregnancy works still, because of magic.
>nymphs and dryads
>dogs and huskies
>faggots and OPs
Also sets on the depending.
Don't satyrs mate with dryads? I also heard they spring into life from powerful trees.
But Dryads are magic wood, thats why they're able to do all those un wood like things like walking about.
According to the Book of Erotic Fantasies, yes.
Of course this only refers to D&D 3.5, is 3rd party material, and would really only count if your DM agrees with it.
>trying to impregnate the avatar of a fucking tree
You marry the dryad and plant a tree together its the same thing as sex.
That's too lewd for a blue board.
He's not a half-elf or anything, if that's bothering you. He's a half-orc
That's exactly why he wants to do it. Because it's an avatar of a fucking tree. He needs that tree in his family's bloodline. For power.
>planting a seed of your wife that has been pollinated by insects/the wind with the seed of a male tree
So an abomination instead of just an inferior creature.
Depends on the setting.
If it's your setting, go hogwild. If it's not, consult the DM
Magic yes, but that magic doesn't have the level of sophistication a genie's magic has. They don't have the magi-genetic programming required to be compatible with a humanoid; their bodies are tree-puppets that happen to LOOK pretty human.
Yes exactly. You're getting it now, user! And the abominations are just going to get worst.
Not in my setting, no. Nobody is able to crossbreed, and alchemy hasn't tackled it, nor is it going to anytime soon thanks to everything else going on.
Besides, why would you want that? Dryads are creeps. They stare. They hardly breathe for all the oxygen absorption they do. Some are really vocal and violent about being carnivores in defiance of vegetable eating species. They all LOOK like pretty gals, but that's just the paint job, half of them are pollinating the other half and the plant species depends on the area and the holy SHIT man, do not date dryads.
What if he jerks off onto an unfertilized seed and plants it?
>That's exactly why he wants to do it. Because it's an avatar of a fucking tree. He needs that tree in his family's bloodline. For power.
Dryads typically have humanoid forms they use to interact with mortals, which often includes sex. If nymphs can have children with humanoids, so should dryads.
So yes, I would say a dryad can have kids with a half-orc, although the anatomy might look and feel a bit different than a normal humanoid woman, so I hope you like flower vaginas.
He'd have to masturbate onto/into his wife's blossoms, wait until they turn into a fruit/nut, and then plant that (or extract the seed and then plant it).
If there's a seed, it has already been fertilised; ergo: C U C K
I mean, she could always make a vagina flower and let him fuck it. Not like flowers aren't unpleasant for texture, throw in a bit of soft wood for friction and you've got a good time.
Of course, the kid is a more complicated affair; odds are it'll be like Momotaro and she produces a huge fruit with the kid resting where the core should be.
I don't see why you're putting such effort into giving arbitrary qualifiers to an undetermined variation of an otherworldly being's magical abilities just to tell a dude he can't fuck a tree despite said trees being able to reproduce quite liberally in the majority of their incarnations.
You seem like an expert on being cuckholded
That would just crush the flower. At best you'd need to insert it CAREFULLY into her stigma so it could flow into her ovaries.
Or you could just skip a lot of complication and have her make a magical vagina.
Just have her have a normal vagina, and the flower lies behind a permeable membrane that shelters it from the force, but allows the semen to reach it.
Or it's embedded in her womb behind the cervix or whatever.
Maybe the flower has thick, puffy petals.
>he doesn't plow his dick straight through the cervix
Look at this baka. My Nepalese pebble-skipping dioramas have taught me that the top of the womb is a woman's #1 pleasure spot.
Wow lewd.
I thought I'd seen it all with the guy who fucks buildings.
>>plow his dick straight through the cervix
I recently learned that there's a magic item for that.
With the associated article.
user please, flowers have been associated with vaginas (or vaginas with flowers?) Since forever.
Now, with dryads being plant people, we can finally culminate the association by literally having flower vaginas.
>Not realizing that the flesh is weak and must be replaced with holy machinery.
>Denying the grand design and motive force of the Machine-God.
What is this heresy against the Omnissiah?!
If you go far enough to fall under "Desecrating the holy human form" even Mars won't protect you
Thank you for all these answers, Veeky Forums, I have gotten useful info from it. Operation Half-Drayd-Quarter-Human-Quarter-Orc is a go, and I hope it all goes to plan.
Dryads are wood nymphs. They look like girls, not trees. And if Greek mythology counts for anything, they are quite capable of having sex and having children with men, gods, and probably whatever else you like.
Why is this a question? Or is Veeky Forums full of a bunch of unlettered philistines?
Depends on what dryads are in your setting, precisely. Are they nature spirits or plant monsters or what?
What are you doing.
What have you done?
Apropos of nothing, your use of the phrase "for political reasons" now makes me need to rewatch Top Gear's burma special.
Also: of course you can sex with dyrad. Making babbies is another matter, but of course you can fuck.
Can a human impregnate a centaur?
I am *not* a philistine you goddamn Samaritan, take that back! TAKE IT BACK!
Yes although it's usually a centaur impregnating a human woman... Though in retrospect, I recall most of the women died when they got raped by a centaur.
Because you know, horse dick.
But user, you need wood to have pregnancy.
Or it at least helps.
You can but I heard it's a log fuck.
I feel you've seen some shit man. Come on, tell us. You're among friends. Pain shared is pain divided.
People seem to forget that this is a game of pretend
>flower vagina
I'm okay with that.
If it's pathfinder and DSP is allowed then Bloodforge has you covered. There are half-dryads, half-unicorns, half-nagas, half-blink dogs, and bunch more.
I feel like there should be a censor bar somewhere on that plant.
It's fine, don't worry about it. Like I said, simply fantasy politics.
Whether yes or no, the important thing is to try.
Also see The Belgariad. Heroine is a half-dryad.
As with most things, depends on the setting.
In your average D&D game, sure, they are more nature spirits than anything.
In say Elder Scrolls, no, because they are literally living trees.
>read this
>suddenly prolapse
fucking shindol
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: yes, but any child is going to be another dryad. Dryads don't have males so they need to rely on other species to fertilize them.
It should be noted that the influence the father does have is that the dryad will birth a tree native to the father's ancestral region, like a Japanese man impregnates a dryad, chances are their daughter will be a sakura dryad, meanwhile, Siberian man will had a Siberian Spruce Daughter.
A-non this is code monkey do you copy? I'm gonna need sauce on dat dere picture I tell you what.
Anything's an axlotl tank if you're brave enough.
You only want sauce on that if you're into incest. The boy and centaur-girl in that doujin are brother and sister and don't know it yet.
Do you have a dwarf to sing love poems to it first? If not you're probably out of luck.
Not that user but I'd consider that a plus.
sadpanda the centaur tag and the whole series is there
>we are not for sexual!
Dryad are Fey. So while it probably wont be pleasant it is doable. Well assuming its going by mythology anyway, also they are closely related to nymphs. For whom there is an awful lot of mythos noting the fact they can reproduce with both men and gods.
it depends from the Setting.
In the Witcher books saga you could with the ones that come from being kidnapped and then transformed into Dryads, since they still retain their human body and basi istincts.
Since the Games aren't the most perfect canon, I do not know for the main Dryads and won't take for canon the one you can have sex with in the first game, but it could be possible.
I'm kinda sad for helping you in this matter, you probably gonna make someone in your group uncomfortable.
Which makes probably makes you an elf, which means you're probably a dirty tree-fucker already. What's one more?
Also, as a GM I'd rule that you'd need to pay a wizard to develop a potion or something to allow for fertility, but you could do it.
More often than not, dryads aren't literally trees, but magical beings that are either bound to trees or have plant-like appearance. If you can have a child with a magical being like a genie, you can probably do it with a magical being like a dryad. I'd say it'd be more likely with dryads, given their close association with life and the fact that the original mythical dryads were a kind of nymph (aka. the mythological beings we got the term "nymphomania" from).
Yes, but only with sexy lesbians.
> That picture
Wait, how would that even work? If her womb is in the human part of the body, but her genitals are presumably in the horse-half, would the baby have to go through most of her body to be born?
No you can't. If you do something in fantasy land that we have said that you cannot do then we will call the Fantasy Police on you and they will stop you having incorrect fun.
I hope this clears things up for you :^)
If some is magical or its a magical world. You could impregnate her with spiritual essence.
Thats mostly what myths are about if they "plant" a god in an object.
Sperm is the vehicle for spirit essence.
For me the offspring should be like this
Female plant x human male = plant with human like spirit, more plant than human
Female human x human plant = human with plant spirit, humanlike with plant threats.
More like having sex with a pumpkin
Science wise, its possible.
Combine the flower with a leave. And these carnivoures have leaves that are lubricated, strong enough, some trap mice and birds, and in canal shapes.
You could combine it with a flower that grows ont he upper top, like a clit.
Evolutionwise, the carnivour behaviour is lost, the flower grew innwards. So the whole organ evolved for recieving sperm and the seed grows like a womb in it?
The fuck if I know, but pretty much every picture of a pregnant centaur I've seen has been drawn that way (pic related is one of the few cases where the artist did it "correctly", but amusingly enough they have that same issue on the spidergirl in the very same picture). I kind of doubt artist really though about it too hard, and just figured people wouldn't notice she's pregnant unless her human half has a baby bump.
My headcanon is that centaurs have two wombs, one on the human half and one on the horse half, and once the fetus grows large enough it moves from the human-womb into the horse-womb. but really, it's probably best not to think about it too hard.
>pretty much every picture of a pregnant centaur I've seen
I love Veeky Forums.
>No crossbreeding
So I'm guessing your setting lacks half-elves then?