/solog/ - Solo Gamers General

"We" are back edition....

pastebin - pastebin.com/F8teW7rr

Here's the thread to talk about solo & solitaire gaming!

Has your gaming partner left you high and dry? No friends, only enemies? Why not try it alone? It's not just the long way to sort cards anymore!

Previous Threads:
We left off with nothing, just nothing.

Other urls found in this thread:

chaosium.com/content/FreePDFs/CoC/Adventures/CHA23145 - Alone Against the Flames.pdf

Reposting my last solo adventure using the CoC single player adventure "Alone against the Flames"

chaosium.com/content/FreePDFs/CoC/Adventures/CHA23145 - Alone Against the Flames.pdf

Here it is:
1, 263, 8, 23, 233, 134 (9HP, 55L, DEX Fail 81%), 59 (8HP), 71 (36 yo., P.I.), 249 (A&c40, Cred20, Disg50, Law50, Lib60, List40, Pers60, Psy50, Spot70), 128 (Dodg60, FtBrwl45, 1stA50, Trk30), 144 (Hard Psy Fail 48%), 194, 251, 267, 4, 21, 75, 86, 121 (Trk Fail 47%), 130, 63, 154 (9HP), 166, 192, 218, 6, 16 (Buy Knife), 25, 96 (PSY Fail 55%), 25, 84, 25, 115 (LCK Pass 22%), 127, 142, 191 (SAN Fail 99%, SAN59), 199, 214, 221, 237 (CMyth02), 259, 160, 25, 3, 15, 22, 11, 24, 43, 49, 56, 62, 68, 74, 99 (Cred Fail 97%), 105, 180, 200, 169, 175, 188 (Dodg Fail 67%), 203 (4HP), 45, 64, 70, 78, 83 (Spot Pass 38%), 95, 114, 120, 29 (DEX Pass Auto), 42, 61, 120, 7, 125 (Hard Disg Fail 69%), 139, 108, 104, 205, 27, 117 (APP Fail 72%), 148, 18, 33, 44 (Hard STR Fail 47%), 50, 270 (END)

Anyone with experience in Tunnels and Trolls?

I'm going to try some the solo adventures in the "Adventurers Compendium", Should I read the 7th ed. core rules or the 5th? The adventures were printed around the mid 80's, but the AC was printed in 2014. The 5th ed came out in 1979, I guess there was no 6th ed.

Had to ditch my group of players because their autistic outbursts were getting really annoying.

T&T gets more complex as the years go by. Personally I prefer the older editions, as they're quicker and there's less to track.

Ayyyyy, no shit, I just read through the intro of the 5th and I can easily comprehend how the base stats,encumbrance, gold, and items work, but when I get monsters, combat and adds, I'm getting lost.

Ex. not only 2 paragraphs in I have to fight an ogre - "you must make a second-level saving
roll on your Dexterity (25 - DEX). If you miss, you must fight normally. If you succeed, apply your full combat total against his Constitution. He gets 3 dice and 17 combat adds; he has a Constitution of 15. - I am unarmed and un armored, I have a 11ST, 13DX, and 13LK according to the rules I have +2 personal adds because LK and DX.

And now I am lost - the rules mention an MR, no combat total. Not really any mention of unarmed combat as well.

I'll just try another adventure....

Is this some sort of suicide hotline thread?

Hey OP I got you some stuff.

Location Crafter for Mythic GME:

Dungeon of Abkadev (a gamebook)

Void Racers (a really wacky gamebook)

ABS12 Flexible Solo Game Engine (a lightweight alternative to Mythic and other GMEs)

Does playing single player video games mean you have no friends and want to die? 'Cause if it does, I'm worried about... everybody I know, pretty much.

If you guys are all solo...why not game together?

'Cause that's not the same thing? I can't play Lone Wolf gamebooks with somebody else, that'd be fucking weird. Like playing Half-Life with one person running the keyboard and another running the mouse.
Wait, actually that sounds crazy enough to work.

Step 1: Make a Discord group for people with no group.
Step 2: Actually go in to voice chat and start talking about games you want to play/ rpgs you want to run or play.
Step 3: Get tabletop simulator.

More stuff, extra scenarios for Quill.

And the other one. That makes four scenario books now, in addition to the scenarios in the core rule book.

And a Quill letter from millionwordman.blogspot.co.nz

Any solo games with a lot of miniatures? I wanna play something ameritrashy and packed with miniatures but my group are all euro gamers

Eldritch Horror doesn't have miniatures, but it does have tokens.

Check out The Department, it should be in the archive in the links up top.
It's basically a not-Blade Runner skirmish game for one or two players. You play as an agent (or agents for two players) hunting down not-replicants who are posing as humans, going from mission to mission to track them and bring them down.

There's also All Things Zombie, which won some wargame award for best rules, which looks pretty cool.

Granted, the first post does sound awfully "cry for help"/"forever alone" - but solo gaming is a lot of fun too, y'know! If you're very social or otherwise don't get anything out of solo gaming, that's fine - but a lot of people do.

What was the last drop?
My players started playing with a lighter and talked over me during mild exposition and this shit even seeped into combat.
If they do so again, I'm dropping them. I often feel like I'm the only one giving a shit about the game, yet they all seem so "eager" to play.

I have done this, it's more plausible than you think

Scarlet Heroes bump.

I freeform RP in my head and have since I was a little kid. Same storyline and everything. I statted out some of the characters in Savage Worlds and GURPS but I will never play a game with them because my world is far too autistic. Also randomizing plot elements isn't going to work given that some characters have plot armor.

Might do it someday though.

Bumping with Giant Spider from Outer Space.

solo games that are light/not hard to read?
english is my second language

That giant spider thing is only one page, as is this.

The ABS12 GM emulator posted up here is pretty simple, too, and can be paired with a system in your native language.