What is Veeky Forums-related?
What is Veeky Forums-related?
Primarch wankery, that guy threads, and pretty much any kind of general. Creative types aren't very welcome here.
>replaces them with degenerate new ones
All I need to read to discard argument.
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more
Butthurt Questfag detected.
Don't know if this helps.
Effectively anything provided you couch it as research for a game.
You know this kind of thing is just going to get reported and everyone but you will move on, right?
anything tangentially related to pen and paper games, mostly.
Mods are asleep.
Discussion about traditional games is permitted. Playing traditional games is not. tg is not an appropriate forum to run your stupid niche games.
Unless you want me to run a game of fatal over tg.
In b4 deletion.
What makes a thread on topic or off topic for Veeky Forums is not the content of the post or anything objective, it's the IP address it's posted from and the mod's personal grudges.
If you use the "it can theoretically be used in a setting for a traditional game" excuse, then it's IMPOSSIBLE for a thread to be off topic, yet it's evidently against the rules for only some anons and not others.
Just look at threads in the format ">a thing happened" if you don't believe me.
Are they on topic or off topic? Well, when I post them, they're off topic, and I get banned for posting off topic. But I see them constantly posted by other anons, and I report them every time, and they never go away. The mods and janitors are aware of at least some of these threads and make a conscious choice to do nothing.
The thread itself is not the reason I get banned, the fact that I'm the one posting it is the reason I get banned.
Veeky Forums has the worst moderation on the entire website, bar none. The shitposting and offtopic ratio to actual content is by far the worst and makes the likes of /tv/ and /pol/ seem like strictly disciplined boards. Literally everything outside of generals is just bait.
Hiro if you are reading this please just shut this place down already.
ban evasion is a bannable offense. I wish delusion was too.
I don't make threads often and most of them stay up, but two times I created the same thread that is basically
>one of your party members confronts you with a thing
>how do you react?
which get deleted, while you have threads like "an elf took up residence in your favorite tree" which reach bump limit. You may be unto something.
You clearly haven't been to /co/.
>questfag sodium levels are reaching critical mass.
I actually visit /co/ regularly. It's much better than Veeky Forums. It might have low quality discussion but at least there are no ">a thing happened" threads or people talking about kitchen appliances because they appear in comics and that makes it /co/.
anything that is related to a traditonal game in some way or form while at the same time not beaing directly tied to a diferent medium. Example: I want to make a MGS campaing, how would i go about it- Veeky Forums realted, What did you think about the new MGS-not Veeky Forums realted
tg is the best board on this site. the only problem recently were all the shitty quest threads but that have been dealt with.
>antiquestfags mob thread
>that has nothing to do with quests
You fuckers really are cancer.
Calm down.
Everything but quests kiddo :^)
Yeah, and they've been replaced with even more shitposting. Veeky Forums used to be the best board on the site, but now it's more like /v/ for TT.
>quest fags think they're being subtle.
You might as well post with you quest character name. I'm guessing something like princess kouta (male), the hollow slayer.
quest fags are the cancer
Quest fags do not go on autism fueled crusades of shitposting in any thread they do not like, which is more than can be said for some.
Veeky Forums is really nerd general without the overwhelming autism of people from /v/. I'm really happy that it's in such a place that practically everything fantasy, sci-fi, traditional games, and even some vidya games is allowed to be here, and isn't removed for the sake of removing it. I sincerely think the mods are doing a good job. Now come at me
If they were doing a good job, this thread would have been deleted.
404, why.
You're an autist.
Get helped.
>cultural relativism
That's all I need to read to discard argument.
Pic related. This artist was called a hack when he worked under his own name because he worked in classical styles. Then he pretended to be a Dutch master, and suddenly his work was selling for Dutch master prizes. None of the waffling avant garde knew they were being taken for a ride.
In the end, degeneracy is a word, and words have meaning. When someone says "the values in art have degenerated" that's a sentence that carries meaning beyond political butthurt. It can be wrong or right. And given that during that time the values in art exchanged the value of commonly agreed upon aesthetics to the wholly personal reasoning of the artist himself, by ways of the sidetrack of Dadaism, I'd say one can make a very good case for saying that "the values in art have degenerated".
No, quest fags just go on autism fueled crusades of shitposting on boards that don't like them.
Including boards that created them?
That would be /b/.
>Confirmed for not knowing shit about Veeky Forums
>scapegoat and falseflagging confirmed
Uh huh.
Liminal states are temporary.
This is a shitposting quest fag thread. Though you've set up a nice little cognitive scheme here. When quest fags shitpost, it's false flagging. I hate to inform you, but that's simply not true. Now please report to containment.
Quests were not original to tg, and their earliest forms were on /b/.
Please remember to sage when responding to shitposting threads, user.
Why would he do that? He wants everyone to see his lies and believe them. That's how false flagging using a ready made scapegoat works.