Post Chaos Warriors



On the one hand, Adrian Smith was the harbinger of the coming WoW-ification of Warhammer. On the other hand though, this shit is metal as fuck.


Nah, Oldhammer was pretty WOW when it came to big armor too. Chaos was always the ridiculous faction when it came to gear, whether to the first/second edition of queer grotesque armor or the later fuckhuge norse.


>-10 hp ; _ ;



Fair, but I feel like Smith is responsible for making it so iconic. Partly because his art is so good.

Hard to argue with that.

So much badass in this thread



meh, even tough I don't like chaos I thinktheir designs got increasingly better until it went off the deep end with end times and age of sigmar.

Not any official art piece but good nonetheless




Getting old skool, fighting fantasy style.


Bump for the dark gods.








Somebody post AoS Chaos Warrior art.

Don't be such a faggot, user.

I said post AoS Chaos art.Do it now.



That's the kind of art I expect from a third party card game











stop posting smegmar trash



Here comes the chemo.











If the armour on the guy was a bit more detailed/less Warcraft looking, this would actually be a pretty cool pic...
That and the anatomy on the ogre.












I don't get it.
Why does he need those two butter knives in on his belt?
His dick is probably longer than those mini weapons.




This looks like the box art of a Lego playset. I don't oppose this shit out of principle of it being AoS, it's just so fucking terrible.




I think that's it for a while. I will dump more if I got enough free time.



I want to punch the asshole who painted this.





Requesting more AoR concept art.


Butt blasted brettboi detected

This thread just shows the degrees of Chaos and how varied the artwork for Warhammer is.

People who keep constantly hating on AoS art just seem like the kind of chilren who exclusively grew up with Adrians art and refuse to let chaos be anything other than that style.

Chaos can be goofy or it can be serious, it can be comic-book style or it can be realistic.

People need to stop whining and enjoy it. I mean AoS gave us one of the best Chaos models in forever.

Especially because the Darkoath is a very fun homage to something dear in alot of people's minds.

A model designed by John Blanche based on Adrian Smith's dudes.



John Blanche doesn't even design models you fucking memeshit.


as a matter of fact he designed everything in that box

he also designed the Sigmarines (which look great when painted in his grimy style)

He designed about half of the 1st through 3rd edition ranges.
He designed every Necromunda model and every Inquisitor model.
He did concept art for the newcrons (which were ignored)

Dude, it's just extremely poor quality art. It has nothing to do with the style. Are you seriously trying to justify the deviantart-tier shit like

I have this fucking guy, is he a special character or generic sorcerer

aekold helbrass