Give me your Game or Homebrew idea in 30 seconds or this businessman smashes your face in with a bat.
Give me your Game or Homebrew idea in 30 seconds or this businessman smashes your face in with a bat
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Its all magic
everyone's a necromancer and you roll d12's
Tucker's Kobolds vs. Adventurer's in Rules-lite Skirmish Wargame. Kobolds can set traps.
Oh, hey, I remember that thread! Made any progress?
I posted it again just barely today. Unfortunately I posted it in the middle of the day.
Kitchen Sink space opera.
RPG PvP! Get either set characters (or ones you customized) and pit then against each other in an arena of sorts.
Mechs fight bioengineered eldritch abominations in the spirit realm.
Too bad that thread died so quick. Would have liked to see the actual PDF.
I'll post it again, with an actual PDF sometime this week.
Cyberpunk Sentai.
Corporations have discovered that the power of friendship is an unlimited clean energy source, and have built incredible megacities on the backs of children.
Super-powered friendship gangs roam the streets, summoning costumes and super-devices forged by pure willpower and emotion, developing their powers as they fight the "forces of corporate evil".
They know they are being hunted, but are unaware that they are being monitored for eventual "harvesting". Their capture and enslavement is a planned eventuality. Until, that is, the PCs get involved.
Duergar fuck yeah.
Dark Souls 3 with cowboys
Post-apocalyptic fantasy. Players emerge from their equivalent of a Vault and find a hostile world that would like nothing better than to violently forget about the people who ruined it.
Considering ripping off the paradox system from Mage to make fight-winning spells extremely high-stakes for the caster.
... Earthdawn?
Secret agents with psionic powers fight off the Illuminati, extraterrestrial threats, and horrible entities from beyond space and time to protect the earth, all while trying to keep the general populace unaware of their activities.
Fictional Wild West world with supernatural elements; the West never seems to stop. Every other generation seems to have a new exploration boom, but it seems to be eternal. The further you go West, the more lawless things get.
I also sneak Wild Cards in there a bit.
DOTA 2 boardgame.
Basically you control a hero along with four other players, then you proceed to beat the living hell out of your team that has 5 heroes as well.
Creep camps can be figures or cards, then you get gold for killing them.
Prices for the items are:
Boots = 5 gold
Potions at 1 gold
Ironwood branch at 1 gold as well
then the items are represented at the side of the hero figure in the form of small pogs with the corresponding pictures.
FATAL set in Jabba's palace
Players are gangsters in a modern street gang and they must listen to "gangsta rap" throughout the entire session each session.
The ring meets cyberpunk
You have seen the forbidden Pepe. You will die in seven days. REEEEEE
Big battles with simple, fast paced rules and lots of models set in the recovering post apoc future.
mechwarrior TTRPG, using 4e's mechanics, class fluffed as your signature mech
A medieval fantasy roleplaying game that isn't structured like a fucking videogame with exp, classes, and levels.
Why has this shit survived for so long, it's cancer.
You do realize TTRPGs invented exp, classes, and levels, right?
Distant future, robots fighting robots, trying to save what remains of the human race. Originally supposed to be a Mega Man X game, but spun off into its own setting so GMs can tell their own stories. Classless, various talent trees (gunner, fencer, hacker, defender, leader, a few others) that you can dip into and mix-and-match to build the character you want.
Still working on the fundamental resolution mechanic, but I want it to be more tactical and less about wearing down huge walls of hit points and more about getting that sweet quick kill by exploiting a weakness.
This already exists, it's called a tournament.
Memepunk future.
Fantasy setting, two pantheons one with archfey one with titans, archfae deities are lawful or neutral, titans are chaotic or neutral, fae forests scattered around various nations, but receding due to humans' continuing subduing of nature. Brass and bronze have anti-fae properties, fae use living weapons (think Saya no Uta) that are super effective against titanic races.
Batman Sans Batman.
A game set in Gotham using the rogues gallery of Batman villains, but there is no Batman; instead there is a party of player characters taking his narrative place.
Also none of the non-Batman-related DC stuff exists in this universe because fuck that.
A near-future city home to a fledgling megacorp houses the PCs who are magical girls. The megacorp owns most of the city and is planning on eventually completely taking control and basically defying the government completely. The government is investigating the megacorp and trying to dissolve it.
The PC's actions will shape whether or not a side wins. Or maybe they'll just be idiots and end up making all sides lose somehow.
A bait-and-switch sci fi game which starts as a noblebright exploration game and turns into a grim survival horror scenario.
A miniature wargame with multiple factions where each player has a deck of cards, they draw three at the start of their turn and discard all unused cards at the end. Cards are used to have units do specific things. A card can only be used on a unit of a specific race, so Goblin cards can only be used on Goblins, etc.
There is no limit on what unit scan be in your army, but there is a limit to deck size, so the more races you have in your army, the lower the chance of you being able to get a card that works with a unit thats in a good position to use it.
A 40K RPG line about hive gangs. Like a low level RT with OW mechanics and DH1ed fatality rate.
Expansion 1# second tier gangs: muties, scallies, redemptionists...
Expansion 2# foreigner powers: chaos cults, genestealer cults, plague zombies...maybe even tau fifth columnists or ork respawns from old wars.
Expansion 3# rules for other kind of planets: iocanthos marauders, post cataclysmic world mad max armies...
You expressly play as the villains and fight wandering parties of heroes. You do so in a tongue and cheek, self-aware fashion.
System would be a largely a tactical miniatures game (ala d20 or maybe savage worlds) but you are the dungeon they delve and engaging in "evil" cliches rewards you with meta abilities.
Trainee Warlock Quest
Journey out from your master's library into the world to hone your magic skills and continue developing your eldritch abilities.
I roll a d20, then fuck you in the ass for that many hours.
I think you meant to say that many minutes.
I think you both meant to type inches.
Reality warpers fuck around timelines.
Map is a branching time-map instead of a topographic map.
30 seconds is so much time, i'll take the time to type in this unnecessary intro.
It's a point-buy game with modular character customization set in the post-apocalypse. It's got driving mechanics, aircraft mechanics, build-your spell style spellcasting, scavenging mechanics, bartering, cyber augmentations, crafting mechanics (you can build vehicles, weeapons, armor, augs, medicine), and all kinds of other shit. You can die in all the ways you can imagine (suffocation - you can throttle people to death, incineration, disease, radiation). It's also got MEME suits.
Inspired by Fallout, Deadlands, Stalker, Mad Max, Final Fantasy X.
Buy today (jk it ain't out yet).
>"i won't describe it"
>describes it anyway
sounds neat
Basically a Homebrew Bingo winner- low magic, lots of core races intact "but they're MY elves" nonsense, slighty grittier survival ruleset.
I want to portray the feeling of being truly heroic in a harsh world that normally punishes taking risks over stable survival. The trend is for games to become a power fantasy with PCs being godlike and richer than kings- there's a place for that, but it's not the story I want to tell.
Humanity's ancestors fucked shit up, a bunch of the gods went mad, and now the universe is a ticking time bomb.
Gr8 b8
Game about being alchemists for a city. You pick a focus like fire alchemy or spirit alchemy and level that path or follow others. Also you have to set up trade routes to get supplies on a per session basis
You are fae-blooded irish tribesman in a psuedo-Ireland going on expedituions to foreignb lands for treasure!
A bait and switch post apo that suddenly adds magic and demons
A group of ordinary teenagers are given enormous power and summoned to a fantasy world to defeat the demon lord.
The demon lord was actually defeated long ago, but no-one turned off the hero-summoning spell, and people live in fear of the randomly-appearing groups of kids with great power and poor impulse control.
Why are kids given powers, when they could take people from their own world?
A simplistic wargame with intigrated rpg support that focuses on large-scale battle.
Currently in Alpha. It's technically playable, but it needs work.
user, I think this businessman has some issues.
It's shadowrun but the world doesn't suck as much ass and with mafia and cartels instead of megacorps
It's d20 and uses a square grid but the combat cares a lot about movement and momentum and is way more dynamic than something like 3.PF
AVATAR system that actually treats bending as martial arts, using something similar to Friday Night Fistfight from Cyberpunk 2020.
Everyone is a magical snowflake. But it actually works out fine.
^is my 30 second description.
My game is set on an alien world several thousand years in the future, there's no true human race.
I'm gonna bait the players into assuming the game is instead in a post post-apocalyptic earth setting, just to mess with them.
The current playable races I've made thus far are Satyr people, Mushroom people, Skeletons, very magical Elven people, Gnomes (more the garden type), and Metal people who can change the shape of themselves.
Battle Bards campaign. Everyone choose a class skill to give up for perform, then tour the realm rescuing maidens n' meltin' faces.
Everone puts thier dice in a sock, picks a partner and then they beat each other senseless.
I counter with my own businessman.
Every conspiracy theory is true.
Exploration game where you lead a team in any century, from Columbus and Shackleton, to Sir Edmund Hillary and Jacques Cousteau.
Lead your men to the ends of the earth and try to make it back alive
Everyone is a wizard of some kind, from lightning to life to muscle, and they spend Nana to do shit. It's all set in a whfb style not!earth.
Metal Gear Rising crossed with Deus Ex and Generation Kill where you roll d100's and use special move cards in back and forth combat.
Its a simple and balanced tactical WW2 game, with comprehensive army lists for 6 factions, and a map campaign built in. Its been playtested for 5 years.
Oh holy shit we actually published this and have printed books for sale:
Sorry lad, but you're inflated ego getting the bat. It will make a good hat for the execs wife.
whats the problem with WW2?
Stargate using Outbreak system, unsure of story yet.
The player(s) are trapped in a demiplane like Castle Dracula. The main castle isn't too dangerous, but doors lead to randomly-generated dungeons. Everybody gets a demi-demiplanar bedroom only they and people they allow in (willingly, unwillingly, or unwittingly) can access. If you get killed, you wake up in your bedroom with 2 points of ability damage to a randomly-determined stat that clears the next time you have sex or complete a dungeon. (Or, you know, pay for a Lesser Restoration.)
There's a lot of laypeople stuck in the castle, and a fair few other adventurers.
I call it Castle Dungeonvania.
>not mariachi music
wrong neighborhood, punta
>If you get killed, you wake up in your bedroom with 2 points of ability damage to a randomly-determined stat that clears the next time you have sex
are you planning on your players fucking eachother every time?
If there was more than one, prolly.
As it is, well... Some ladies (and "ladies") in the castle without temperament and/or skills to grab an axe and go beat heads down the dungeons make good trade charging adventurers 10-100 GP for a good lay...
Of course, the one player I have is playing a Bard with ridiculous charisma and is a heartthrobbingly adorable, submissive Drow girl, so she's got some of the castle girls literally dragging her off to screw her.
It's Bloodborne meets The Grey meets Journey.
Everyone and everything uses magic. Civilization has progressed to the space era through magic. Players are students at a Hogwarts like magic school and start off as terrible noobs. Every trimester they go out for one month of practical experience, which means flying out with some proffessors and a bunch of other students in a wooden ufo and explore the galaxy.
D&D clone with AC and HP removed, everyone's a caster, and levels are open and generic allowing for a lot of feats and skills lumped in.
Big floating island
get there fgts
The return of Zargothrax, Dark Sorcerer of Auchtermuchty, and neither Angus McFife or his hammer is anywhere to be seen.
Save or Die.
Everything is based on saving throws. If you fail one, your character dies.
Basically Spice and Wolf the RPG. Humans live alongside 25% furry (tail and ears) races and the current driving resource of the world is basically magical oil/coal that is created by compressed decayed organic matter that can be used for just about anything.
Not my original idea. A friend of mine came-up with it and I really dig it.
It's a pre-painted miniature skirmish game where 'upgrade' cards take the place of written lists: we sell a couple of miniatures in starter packs with a few upgrade cards, and then sell the rest in RANDOMIZED BOOSTER PACKS 1 figure and 5 cards per pack.
The game also has specific movement rules which require users to print their own battlemats. WE SELL THE PDF'S FOR THE BATTLEMATS ON THE WEBSITE FOR $7.99 EACH.
In order to guarantee sales we tie the game to a known and beloved IP which has lapsed or fallen into disuse: Lovecraft (Investigators), Warhammer (Inquisitor), Star Trek (Away Team). Once a successful IP has been acquired we can DOUBLE THE PRICES.
Neat! How lawless can you get? Cause, eventually you're not going to have any settlments just prospwctors and varmits.
And by lawless, do you also mean the laws of nature?
I also wonder what kind of sky-choking excess is happening in the east, what with the endless stream of raw resources coming in by ever longer and more complex train systems
Sounds like the average survival pvp early access scam bullshit you find in steam, fåm.
This... This is...
This is the worst part of every modern mainstream commercially successful game put together. Not only is it nightmarish, but it would probably fucking sell and make you a billionaire. Jesus fucking Christ I had no idea this thread would get so dark.
Post-apocalyptic 2d6+skill+modifiers game. Classless and attribute free the only things that are applied to rolls are your skill ranks, equipment, and any environmental factors.
Big bad Demon gives gangs the power to invoke minor demons to gangs and starts to fuck up with reality. Think persona meets grand theft auto.
A game about avoiding crazed businessmen wielding bats.
A game where ideas are sentient buggers that puppeteer people to create new ideas, murder other ones, or more likely both. You could play as the shmucks that are basically artists/politicians/singers/cancerous meme creators/programmers/etc who need to balance their sanity and their obsessive pursuit of an idea. Or the ideas, which in that case would work as a weird Civilization like game where you create a clusterfuck and revel in it.
A game where you are being hunted by a rogue's gallery of superpowered presidential canididates from the past and the future, with each specializing in a certain kind of evil magic and or special ability. Make it to the oval office or die trying. Only then can you return them to their evil graves.
Players are investigators trying to stop an Eldritch horror. The identity of the horror is unknown until they collect three clues from around the globe. It's Eldritch Horror meets Arabian Nights.
Humorous game, bunch of guys going between islands collecting macguffins and fighting silly monsters.
Slashers: the RPG.
You play as a campy 80s slasher. Character creation can place your origins from being supernatural all the way to just being some really pissed of guy. The game has a few seperate modes of play. The one shot mode where you just build a character up to mid levels and unleash them on a party of unsuspecting teens (other players) who try to survive tye night, and where you can only level up after each kill. The. There's a more standard RPG mode where you gain skill and attribute points via pre chosen stylized kills and other flashy shit. Basically, managing to successfully do spooky shit levels your character up from session to session and people take turns in a campaign playing as the monster and playing as a victim. The gm is a seperate person from the game. Victim players have sound tokens or something. Meaning, they can only say so much shit before being forced into another chase segment by the monster. The game relies heavily on timers and movement. GM's have HAVE to prepare dungeons with objects and pathways laid out. Players choose how they use movement points each turn to run away, hide, throw stuff at the monster etc. Except, while the players can choose where to run and where to hide, the monster has to rely on dice rolls whilst pursuing a fleeing target. So, a higher scent skill might give them an advantage on sniffing out a hiding person. I dont know, I only had thirty seconds.
d6 dice pool system that basically smashes together a bunch of mechanics I like from other systems
Shitters causing trouble in an anarchic hellhole looking for nanites and nanites accessories.