Your waifu does not exist, but she will live on in your heart.
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Your waifu does not exist, but she will live on in your heart.
Previous thread: Pastebin:
So here's what I got for the Superhero CYOA.
I've made a post in the previous thread if you're wondering what happened.
I sometimes get really triggered when I see CYOAs using great pictures that I have previously enjoyed because I just know that after seeing it in a CYOA I'm going to start associating that picture with whatever trash they put into the CYOA, and even if it isn't actually trash my spoiled enjoyment because of said triggering makes me feel like it is. Like the opening picture of universal war. I hope that guy chokes on a dick for doing that.
Does this happen to anyone else?
There was going to be about 2 pages worth of companions, but I couldn't complete it and ended up with a 2 page CYOA.
>flameless plasma
Not to me.
I know how to not associate things together like that if I don't want them to be.
You just got brain problems. But hey, you're most likely not alone.
Gonna repost the question for the Virtues user from the last thread.
The question: What are all of the effects of a fully powered Aura of Purity from Chastity? I ask because the word etc hinted at more powers than what was listed.
Also, if Patience uses Calm to rile up a crowd into a frenzy, then would that denature his/her power? Because if so, that seems like a useless feature.
In addition, does Chastity's aura affect herself?
I definitely would say that there's a good chance you're the only one who gets triggered to this degree, user, but perhaps someone out there agrees with you on a less-mad level. It's akin to associating an entire pre-existing franchise with a CYOA and hating it for that single reason.
What degree? Closing a CYOA isn't really that mad, it's more like avoiding a waste of time.
>It's akin to associating an entire pre-existing franchise with a CYOA and hating it for that single reason.
That's not what I said.
There's nothing wrong with just not participating in something you're certain you won't enjoy, I do that myself. But wanting a guy to choke on dicks for using a picture seems pretty upset to me. If you're just using hyperbole, then I would say there's a greater range of people who dislike recognizing things they've seen before in CYOAs, but spoiling their enjoyment of it is equally rare unless they particularly dislike how the CYOA interprets them.
It'd have to be either Tabitha (if nothing else she needs SOMEONE to vent her repressed anger at or she'll never really be healthy, and my face is reputedly quite punchable) or Cheryl (something about opposites - she's got a large family that never really loved her, and the less I say about my own situation the better. Suffice to say the latter is partly self-inflicted.)
So. Let's see the Nine of Cups.
Think of it as a bad first impression.
source on that art?
Wait, cripes, I did it wrong.
Of course the guy from detroit is named tyrone what the fuck is this shit lol
The Manlet
Spring Loaded
Blood Rage
Danielle Banks
Fatima Hadid
Armor x2
The Guardians of Earth
If you freeze someone, can you shatter them with TK or do you need spring loaded for that?
Spring Loaded
Blood Rage
Fatima Hadid - Lover
Danielle Banks
Sarah Diane Archer
Full Armour
The Guardians of Earth
Fun CYOA, even if shorter. I would join the Purgers but their methods are too extreme - instead, I'll use positive PR to push for reform.
(And also create a harem)
>Grunt Suit (95 left)
>every Villain/Bad Thing that isn't Mashymre (315 left)
Chad Thunder? Really? Tyrone's main power is super speed? I can't wait to read the rest of the companion descriptions.
As long as it doesn't spoil you eternally, I suppose.
It's NIW on DeviantArt. You can also click the arrow next to the post number in order to do an image search, if the post has an image, that is.
shapeshift, flight, shrinking, blade
detective, hacking
Sayaka (lover), Tanya Sudakova
utility belt, drone
Global Defense Force (they're the only ones who clearly pay)
We're more of a stealth/discovery/infiltration group than a combat group.
>Tyrone Grape
>runs fast
That's cool, but SDA doesn't even mention anal.
I really wanna Freaky February with Dae Eun-Yeong.
There is just something cute (to me) in her preparing for this body swap
Guardshelm Keep
>Affinity: Wasteland/Gaia
>Size: Large/Colossal
>Race: Humanoid
>Boss Perks: Vitality Prowess, Physical Prowess, Perception Prowess, Charisma Prowess, Enchanted Armour, Enchanted Weapon, Empowerment, Final Form
>Minions: 1200 Guards
>Minion Perks: Empowerment (Gaia), Native, Evolution, Devotion, Sustenance, Upgrade, Training
>Realm Perks: Large, Protected, Grand Lair
>Complications: Benevolent, Hero, Rumours, Usurper
I actually don't know very much on SDA, aside from the shitposting.
You could shatter them with TK by slamming them. However they are able to resist the forces against them to make it more difficult.
I was kind of being really silly when I made the companions, I don't recall why.
> teleportation only works on the ground
Well fuck me if I ever get on a fight in an airship, boat, or high-rise building then. Kind of ruined this for me.
Can't you just crush it by applying force from all sides? Like crushing something in your hand?
oh, I guess I should have a super name. I shall be... THE GRADESCHOOLER.
By ground I meant that at least one foot is on solid footing. You just can't teleport people into the air and drop them while teleporting away.
I would say it wouldn't be enough force to do so. Kind of like throwing a coconut onto the ground versus squishing it. I'm just trying to keep it from being too OP of a combination.
Wait, does this mean you can teleport people to the moon and then just teleport away?
You're clever at trying to abuse the system.
No, teleportation can't reach that far.
why do you need to sexualize something pure and innocent?
line of sight. It's why I took flight instead of teleportation.
What about smaller parts? Like, if you freeze a 6 foot guy and then manage to somehow split him in half at which point he'd probably be dead even if he wasn't frozen can you then crush half of him? I mean, you'd have to be able to crush things with TK as long as they're not too big. I don't know how strong you have to be to easily decapitate someone, but surely it would require a lot of force?
But you can easily see the moon at night. What if it's a picture? Can you take a picture in China, and then teleport there when you're in the US if you look at it? What about video? Can you look at porn and teleport to where it was shot at?
>Abilities: Electricity, Blade, Redundancy, Teleportation, Blood Rage
>Skills: Fighting, Detective
>Companions: None
>Equipment: Weapon, Super Suit
>Conditions: Sadistic
>The Purgers
psssh… nothin personnel… kid…
I swear if they start calling me Pixie, I'll-
>Sayaka Sekiguchi
>Fatima Hadid
>Utility Belt
>The Global Defense Force
Should I drop the new edition of Universal War now or wait until I have a huge update for you all?
How far can it reach then? It should've been in the description.
I suppose that would work, but keep in mind you have to freeze it fairly well, i.e. enough for the insides to start freezing, not just the outer layer.
Trying to crush them while they are still not frozen internally would not work, it would just crack the outer layer. It'd be like trying to use an axe to split a piece of wood that is on a piece of metal. The internals still wouldn't be weak enough, but the exterior is weakened.
Or if that analogy doesn't work, try stabbing a pencil through a piece of paper. Now do it when the paper is on the table. Doesn't work then, because the internal parts support the weaker outside parts.
Might wanna read that again, skills aren't abilities
>pure and innocent
I'm not very good with distances, but I'd say about a mile. So long as you can actually see to the end of the distance.
Can't you just crush them without the freezing part? Like, pop their head like a balloon or something?
Obviously, you haven't stabbed it hard enough.
Ok, remove Blood Rage and leave the spare skill point to squander. My joke was made.
It could theoretically alter my build, so go ahead and post it if you like. I wanted to write the story for it soon enough anyway, so seeing changes beforehand would be nice.
A mile isn't all that much. If teleporting a mile is the limit and it's very exhausting, why bother unless you absolutely must?
You could on most normal humans.
For other superhumans, it wouldn't work without freezing them and making them brittle, and even then it'd be very difficult.
I wasn't sure if you were meaning superhumans or normies.
Superhumans, but I'm gonna assume that most are slightly weaker than you since your companions are, and while they might have durability to resist gunfire, the whole decapitating people with your bare hands seems to nullify that. I suppose that TK could at least let you pluck their eyes straight out of they eye sockets or something, if it won't let you crush their heads like grapes.
Well, yeah. "Pure" means that their intentions are unclouded by duplicity. "Innocent" means their actions are free of intentional and known wrongdoing.
Neither of these things imply goodness - only that they act entirely in accordance with their nature.
Are you sure you can even handle this shit lad?
>implying there's anything wrong with liking little girls
Alright fine, you can teleport to any place within sight that's within 5-10 km, depending on how much energy you have left.
I probably should have made the durability more reasonable with the strength.
But by resist I meant like how bullets literally deflect off of you, somewhat like Superman. I don't know exactly how strong being able to decapitate humans with your bare hands would be compared to something like that.
I also just based it off what I thought would be most applicable to combat, I didn't want something like "lift 1000 kg" because that makes me think, "well how hard exactly would I be able to hit someone?"
In my headcanon, it's about 50 kills before an Incarnate can smash a moon to pieces with one blow and even then, any double-digit killer could theortically kill them anyway. It's only at 90 kills that they're more-or-less unkillable, and even then there's a non-trivial chance of defeat. Also another user mentioned full-on Demiurges should be more like powerful planeswalkers; imo, you should give it some thought. You can still be the child of God without being totally all-powerful. It could also be the case that the winning Incarnate's starting powers would influence what the universe would look like in the end:
a few threads ago, someone posted a build with the blackheart drawback and a set tailored to 1v1ing any Incarnate. It would make sense that if he killed all the others, he'd rule over a Universe of darkness and violence and such. Similar to how having a strong presence of FoB & the Oversoul in your universe makes it fertile and...good (the green-utopia sense).
I'll never know if you don't post it. SO POST IT, THEN.
If it's like Superman then you're not gonna be harmed by bullets at all. Should be impervious to bullets or something. And while you're impervious to bullets I don't think it'll do much to defend you against TK though.
Ah, minmaxers. How I missed you.
I'm not a minmaxer. I just wanna crush people with my mind powers.
Your definition of pure is terrible and would make like 90% of children in the world completely impure.
And your definition of innocent is terrible too, innocent in this case is just a way to say justifiably ignorant of various realities of life.
If ignorance = innocence then most of the world is innocent.
If you're just some 'powerful planeswalker' there's no way you could rule a universe.
>Spring Loaded
>Chad Thunder
>Zhou Hao-Han (Lover)
>Super Suit
>Utility Belt
>The Guardians of Earth
You really fucking suck at reading. No wonder your definitions are in such a sorry state.
New addition lads, 1.2 is here.
Two new Spirit Gifts have been added. I havent finished them, but user has asked me to post the newest version so here it is.
In the end, many more companions and quest will be added.
Also, to the guy begging for the Moon to be added, you got your wish.
Look lad, I fucking warned you. I cant be held responsible for what happens to you. You cant handle this shit.
Just think of it in the way that appeals to you the most.
It could be about infinite cosmic power or it could be about going on quest with your buddies.
You could ally with the other demi-gods that are working on their own Universes, or just assemble a council of 5 20s. The Charisma bonus alone will make life hella easy. Plus you don't necessarily need to rule it with an iron fist. Nor do you have to actually be giving commands or decreeing laws. You could just make sure everything is running smoothly, in a correct general path. You'd have a legion of angels and worshippers helping you. I can't imagine it would be that hard.
Did the original Demiurges take a direct role in the day-to-day ruling of Universes?
>You could ally with the other demi-gods that are working on their own Universes
Adding more universes compounds the problem. Now people are wasting their time on universes not their own, further reducing the amount of control they can have on a single universe.
>You don't need to rule it!
That's the point for a lot of people. You don't have the power to enforce any kind of rule if you're just some planeswalker.
>Did the original Demiurges take a direct role in the day-to-day ruling of Universes?
Depends on the Demiurge really. You arent really forced to do anything. You can just fuck off and do whatever you want.
>I can't imagine it would be that hard.
t. Another person who has no idea about the size of the universe.
Would you rather "pure of heart" mean "Good?" Because that implies you can't have PURE EVIL, and we all know how implying that turns out.
>Adding more universes compounds the problem. Now people are wasting their time on universes not their own, further reducing the amount of control they can have on a single universe.
The Conquering King disagrees, and considering there's a good chance he's right...
That's the thing, why would you need to rule all of it? Putting aside the fact that it's constantly expanding, a non-trivial amount is just empty darkness. Why squeeze an iron fist over every quin/sex/sept/oct/whatever number of planets?
>The Conquering King disagrees
user, you do know that you're arguing for all Incarnates and Demiurges to be made WEAKER right? And that includes the Conquering King?
>Why squeeze an iron fist over every quin/sex/sept/oct/whatever number of planets
Because you can? Why do people do anything?
One of the reasons I don't like "exponential power increase with each kill" is that you quickly run out of reasons to build an empire. Say you're as powerful as the combined militaries of twenty universes. You kill ten incarnates. Now you're as powerful as the combined militaries of 100 thousand universes. What's the point of building your own military, with death stars you could one-shot in the blink of an eye anyway?
>why would you need to rule all of it
That's literally why god created you in this setting.
> you do know that you're arguing for all Incarnates and Demiurges to be made WEAKER right?
He forbids the killing of Incarnates by Incarnates. They'd be equally weak/strong in both my and the canon scenarios.
...But why? Why not..not do it? Last time it lead to a war that destroyed everything. Why not just...not?
>pure lewd
Empires don't just exist for military purposes. Why did God create the world if he's stronger than anything?
Also you're pulling the power numbers out of your ass right now.
>Why not just...not?
>Disobeying God's wishes.
That's how you end up in Hell.
>Causality – Requires the Moon & Sun Spirit Gift. Free
Yo this is hella overpowered.
But there's no one that can enforce those laws..
Pure is more about being unsullied. It's really close to the use of innocent in this context.
What about the angles and shit?
>Strength has better Perk distribution for my build and one very fitting Power, but 1 less Power point also no unique companions yet but doesn't matter as much
>Tower has 1 more point and 2 fitting Powers, but worse Perk distribution for my build
You motherfucker. Perks are impossible to come by but if I take Strength I can't buy Ruin or Harvester because they're unique to Tower. I can't deal with this.
>Yo this is hella overpowered.
It just makes things likely or unlikely to happen. Its not controling fate, its just influencing the odds of an event happening.
>But there's no one that can enforce those laws..
I'M the one that's supposed to enforce those laws and throw people into hell.
That was my job. If I decide not to do it, no one can force me to. If any other Demis or Incarnates say no as well, can force them to do so either. Angels can't start a war over this; they aren't that powerful.
Hey Highlander, if you're around, is there a way to create weapons/armour that can repel certain projectiles back to the assailant?
Who the fuck are you?
Hella overpowered. If you put in the slightest bit of effort, you'd be able to wreak ridiculous amounts of havoc while being able to avoid all the personal consequences. At most, Fools might be able to do something about them but even then...that leaves everyone else at their mercy.
So if something has a 1 percent chance of happening, you can turn it into 100 percent?
Wow a seer class, definitely a contender for best gift. I would say they got the best chance with taking the AI as a enemy.
>Angels can't start a war over this; they aren't that powerful.
Did you even read the CYOA? All the hosts of prime angels descended on the surviving Demurges and managed to temporarily killed them at the close of the last war.
>At the moment of getting all your powers as an Incarnate you will lose all your memoires
I'd say Hardlight gear, power armour and the iron halo.
>All the hosts of prime angels descended on the surviving Demurges
Who were few and weakened. It also took every single one of them to stand a chance. If they force you to throw people into hell, you're not the real ruler. Which goes against the original law/decree of you being the boss. So.
>Shapeshift, Electricity, Telekinesis and Teleport
>Hacking, Detective
>Chad Thunder, Fatima Hadid
Weapon, Super Suit
> I'm using the extra companion slot to form a polyamorous power trio with Chad and Fatima. I took dislike because I'd be working for the Man, man. And nobody really likes the Man.
My power and skills would help tracking down international criminals, though, my disposition leaves something to be desired when confronting them.
Think of it like this.
1% becomes 15%
20% becomes 40%
50% becomes 75%
80% becomes 95%
90% becomes 99%
Nothing in the CYOA is hella OP. Trust me, you will not be ass raped by some random Moon & Sun faggot just because he has the Casuality power.
Some guy was really pushing for a Seer class, so here it is for him.
Haha were you that guy from earlier that said "this is the first CYOA that made me struggle to choose something"?
If so, I am taking immense amounts of joy by challenging you this much.