The Adventuring Shopping Lists. Post yours, judge others.
Is there anything I'm forgetting? For reference this is pathfinder.
Also list out easily missed things every adventurer should have on hand.
The Adventuring Shopping Lists. Post yours, judge others.
Is there anything I'm forgetting? For reference this is pathfinder.
Also list out easily missed things every adventurer should have on hand.
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No one likes adventuring shopping?
every time the opportunity for shopping happened in our games, the players never managed to get a shopping list through. Just blank stares and general "i dont know what to do" attitudes
why, Veeky Forums?
>mfw they bitch that they have too few gold pieces anyway, wtf do you even need them for?
Are you adventuring or settling in Oregon?
Pack light. Think a medieval Bug-Out-Bag. Pounds and ounces man, pounds and ounces
>smoked goggles
Why would anyone nee-
Does that work?
You have obviously never walked across a mountain.
Here's my list:
>A waterskin. A spare.
>A bedroll (if there's frost in the morning or no resources for shelter along the way).
>An axe with attendant sharpener. A spare head and sharpener.
>A knife. A spare.
>A spare pair of boots.
>A sling.
>A fishing kit.
>2 spare sets of clothes (one light or a second medium in addition to what's worn, one heavy).
>20 or so feet of light cordage.
>between 5 and 10 pounds of food depending on how dense I can get it. Three days worth in any case.
>a metal cup or small metal pot.
That should all come in at about 30 pounds (just eyeballing, not looking up weights). If I need weapons and armor I bring a donkey to carry them along with a mirror of everything above.
What you have listed in sufficient to start a colony that won't get any support for a couple of years. The kind of colony that has usually died out by the time the support arrives to find piles of abandoned equipment.
For reference I am a 26 strength fighter with muleback cords and a heavyload belt. All of this gear is within my light load (if the barrels are half full).
So I'm not worried about abandoning gear.
What's your INT? Can you keep track of all this?
The stats are:
Str: 26
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 10
This is with all my magic items. We're level 8, I'm an angel-kin aasimar with immortal spark.
Aight, that'll help.
Where do you park the cart when the party goes spelunking or whatever?
Muleback cords makes my str count as 8 higher, and heavyload belt is a x3. I forgot my masterwork backpack which makes my str count as 1 higher. So this is within my light load even when the barrels are full with a few hundred pounds to spare for my own personal gear.
Though I can't carry the oxen.
It's not on the list, but I have three hirelings to handle that. Though I had the abandon the wagon and oxen once. I got the hirelings out though.
Ok. Have they lost anything? Also, I know it's not RAW but the volume on that shit is a bit ridiculous. In tight quarters, even if you could carry it, I'd give you a negative Dex mod.
The time I had to abandon the wagon & oxen I lost some of the stuff. Otherwise it's been mostly fine.
How often has the stuff been useful?
It has proven useful on multiple occasions. Particularly the large amounts of rope, bear traps, manacles/fetters, the cheat with a good lock, cages, magnet and collapsible bathtub.
Some of the things I've never had to use, but you never know. Also the camping supplies/extra clothes are always useful.
And sacks, never can have too many sacks.
even if you can theoretically carry all that weight (which I find ridiculous btw), makes a valid point here: volume-wise your backpack should be at least twice your own size
What kind of campaign are you in? How far do you go and what pace? Personally I like to pack as little as possible and then use Survival to fill in the rest.
I can see it easily justified for me having to take squeezing penalties. I generally try not to wear it in combat, if I know combat is coming I put it down, or if I'm surprised I shrug out of the massive backpack on my first round.
What do you do for things you can't just scrounge from the forest? Like rope?
I drew up a list of Standard Adventuring Gear at one point, and had it all packed away in a bag of holding. Fuck knows where the list's gone.
I remember that the first time I took it, the party lost all their weapons in a non-necromantic zombie attack on a city, so I had to hand out improvised weapons from the bag.
>What do you do for things you can't just scrounge from the forest? Like rope?
> He doesn't use snakes as improvised ropes
OK. So you look like Kronk only carrying a wagon instead of a small palanquin. It's a good thing you also are in a cartoon so you can move like him. It comes in handy running up and down mountains.
I should have realized verisimilitude was to be avoided.
Since you have all that carrying capacity to spare you should probably also get a boat. You could probably just jump over any lake or river you come across but flying beasties will try to eat you while you're in the air and that might make you miss your landing spot. Better to row or sail. Plus you can use your fishing kit along the way.
Just toss a dinghy right up on top there.
>What do you do for things you can't just scrounge from the forest? Like rope?
If you can't make cordage in a forest you probably shouldn't be in the forest unsupervised.
What if you don't have the time to make the rope?
Also a boat is a fair idea, but I only have 400lbs left in my light load. Also even if I can carry this much a rowboat can't. I have swim however so we'll just set up the folding chairs on top of the pile as I swim across.
I'm not sure what you can do with a rope in a time constrained enough that you can't sit down for a while and make one.
I mean I have 1000ft of rope, this allows me to lower something down a large cliff. Gathering the material for and making a 1000ft of rope is something I assume takes a while.
It does. But I imagine just walking around the cliff would take less time than making rope and would be less risky than lowering something down a cliff.
It would probably take longer though. Or what about things even harder to find, like mirrors, magnets, and a compass.
>goin backcountry
>no first aid
>no cord
>no light tarp
>Also a boat is a fair idea, but I only have 400lbs left in my light load. Also even if I can carry this much a rowboat can't. I have swim however so we'll just set up the folding chairs on top of the pile as I swim across.
You're right except for the cordage. It's there.
The first aid kit is a slip because it's second nature. I never think about it until I use it. Tarps I never bother with unless I bring a hammock in which case I'm camping, not traveling.
>Also even if I can carry this much a rowboat can't
But you can carry several coracles. At somewhere around 50 lbs each and with a loaded capacity around 400 lbs each you could easily carry half a dozen or more.
You might have to get inventive getting the wagon and oxen floated but you'll have those animals turned into seamen in no time.
Oh my bad youre right. Also yeah you probably should just have a first aid kit in your pack at all times even when you're not using it.
I'd also add a pack of cards or nudie mag or something if you're alone.
You only need a pack of cards if you want to be rescued or interrupted (50 miles away from no where, no trails leading up and someone will still tell you the seven can go on that eight there).
Kek. Idk I always bring something recreational in case I get bored but it's usually a harmonica. I can't play for shit but there's nobody around to care.
Equipment list from a recent planetary exploration game, for a party of 4.