Don't Believe Xe'ra's Lies edition
Discuss the viability of the Warcraft setting, story, and lore, for a tabletop game.
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Don't Believe Xe'ra's Lies edition
Discuss the viability of the Warcraft setting, story, and lore, for a tabletop game.
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Wondering how to port Demonology Warlock and Shadow Priest to Pathfinder or even BESM.
Reposting because fuck it.
>tfw Aliden was trying to rebuild after the war and prove the Kingdom wasn't full of traitors
>Aiden just shits on it again by giving the Horde an artifact from Dalaran after somehow casually strolling into Dalaran's chambers
>Aiden gets thrown in jail
>dies in the RPG but never gets a death in any game or novel
I wonder if Aiden is still alive. Aliden got ganked in vanilla for sure. I want to see the Alliance trust this guy again only for him to give aid to the Horde.
>Wondering how to port Demonology Warlock
stat up some imps and dreadstalkers and create a spell that summons them?
>>Aiden just shits on it again by giving the Horde an artifact from Dalaran after somehow casually strolling into Dalaran's chambers
novels were a mistake
then, now and always
>Demonology Warlock
Summoner? Mechanically almost same shit
>Shadow Priest
Madness domain cleric
I want Lich King Bolvar to become a major character.
A non-raid one, ideally.
I hope he forces Kel'thuzad to serve him. So we don't have to raid him again.
For Pathfinder, Vitalist's (3rd party psionic class in SRD) methods are suspiciously similar to priest specs... one heals, one creates shields to mitigate damage and the last one drains enemy health and gives it to the caster and his party.
Of course, with class details changing in every WoW expansion, it may no longer fit.
Demonology warlock I've had ideas for in 3.5.
With a sorcerer, conjuration focus, and maybe diabolist from book of vile darkness or malconvoker from complete scoundrel.
With a warlock, get to 12 warlock for the "craft anymagic item regardless of spells" thing, grab "scribe scroll," max out use magic device, high charisma, then use tons of scrolls for an army of demons. Planar Binding will act for an actual pet.
Adapt these for pathfinder, I guess?
Maybe we'll raid him and at the end he'll be forced to serve instead of dying for the 4th time
Lich King Kel'Thuzad when?
>yfw he tells everyone to go fuck themselves and teleports out.
>implying kel'thuzad won't come back with arthas when legion flounders.
Who is your slutmog character?
>not sure if someone saved my cap or made it themself
I'd like that a lot. I personally like the idea of Pandaren, DKs and Demon hunters being factionless. None of them should have any overriding loyalty to a faction given their tasks/place in the world. Bolvar leads the third faction and the remnants of Arthas in the helm lead to sweet banter with Illidan and everyone else.
Wish granted. He'll be 5-man dungeon character.
My priest wears black mageweave leggings under her robe.
user, are you having a stroke?
>Ner'zhul is a 5 man boss
>Dia "figuratively whom" Darkwhisper is the Shadowmoon representative on the Hellfire High Council alongside Gurtogg Bloodboil and Juebei'thos
literally why was this allowed
How many people here have seen the warcraft adventures playthrough or played the game itself?
I thought it was great in that they kept the general feel of Warcraft 2 but expanded on the characteristics of the Horde.
I haven't seen the cinematics, though. If anybody has those, I'd appreciate a link.
That was especially disappointing when Ner'zhul gave such a "Time is but a window, death is but a doorway, I'll be back" vibe when you beat him.
Would it be uncreative to run a campaign in pf or dungeon world or something else using world of warcraft storylines like starting in Northshire, going to the Fargo deep mine, killing hogger, going to Westfall to quell the defias, going to Redridge to quell orcs, going to plague lands to quell undead, then finishing off in Naxxramas?
I've been thinking if a similar thing using the horde side for ending in AQ
>my power will ripple across.. eternity
>is never relevant ever again
he is waiting on farhalon.
its on scrolls of lore.
What you just said amounted to:
"Would it be uncreative to copy this?" to which the answer is yes.
who made this?
Can any fragon be, given enough time, become as big as, say Senegos, or are some fated to stay "mount-sized" which are often called drakes?
>AU Ner'zhul's soul finds its way to Azeroth
>joins MU Ner'zhul's soul inside Lich King crown
>BTFO Bolvar, now LK is two Ner'zhuls
Some might just be dragonlets. People who did UBRS in Vanilla saved a little whelp named Awby. Awby shows up as a full-sized dragon to assist you in Nu-UBRS.
an unnamed drawfag from the Heroes of the Storm general on Veeky Forums
he also made this IIRC
That's so bad you could get hired by blizzard.
We can make it better!
>Scourge never advances because the Ner'zhul's argue like an old married couple
Rhonins son(who looks just like Kna- Rhonin) time travels back in the future to stop Double Ner'Zhul from arguing, because they need to redeem themselves so they can become paladin demon hunters and fight the void lords.
Kid Rhonin also marries Mave Whisperwind.
Cut content to make way for LEGION
>Heroes of the Storm general on Veeky Forums
But that's a Dota 2 doodle
nah, you can tell it's Heroes of the Storm and not Dota 2 because Malfurion doesn't have Downs
Is that Illidan or Bloodsuka in the bush?
So guys are there two Archimondes or is there only one that covers every timeline? If so that makes no sense whatsoever. How is Archimonde expected to destroy Azeroth in ever timeline by himself.
never take anything Alex "isn't Falstad dead" Afrasiabi says at face value
it's illidan, and those are malfurion and tyrande
But Metzen is the one who said the Falstad thing.
its a dota 1 doodle.
it's a /hotsg/ drawing you double nigger why are you this dense
More like profit of nature
GOOD OL' DAYS SINCE [Date where humans and orcs started cutting down trees, triggering the night elves and disturbing Tyrande's sandy vagina]
>Tyrande's sandy vagina
I'm mildly certain she fucked every creature, plant and other inanimate object near her vicinity out of sheer boredom
Yeah, the Ebon Blade being semi-independent is part of the fun of playing a Death Knight. Plus, I just love there being a somewhat active Lich King again, and him speaking to the Death Knights once more.
Ideally, he'll stay as a somewhat well-intentioned extremist, and stat away from full villainy. At least for a while.
The Ebon Blade kinda leaning into Scourge Lite territory again is fun to me, in part because the Scourge was my favorite faction in Warcraft III.
Bolvar's headbuddies are acting up, though
Could you blame her? Hell, I'd probably do the same thing. Eternity gets boring when your fucktoy's stuck dreaming.
Did she fugg the hydralisk hidden in the corner of the map
the olny thing she hasn't fugged in Kalimdor is C'thun and even that I'm not so sure
The only thing she hasn't fugged is Illidan
Yeah, but I feel like Blizzard won't do Wrath 2.0. I think they'll stick with Lich Bolvar being on the okay side for the time being.
At most, if Lich Bolvar does take a turn for the worse, it'll probably just be a 5-man or even a Death Knight-exclusive scenario.
That said, I hope he doesn't become an enemy.
yeah but it's literally a request to a drawfag from /hotsg/
She fucked him over the hardest
Nah, Malfs almost-demigod dick is the reason why she is faithful to him. All the bad decisions and her terrible temper are caused by her being chronically underfucked
I can't stand using a slutmog but all of my plate wearers are belfs with consortium plated legguards so they look like they actually have an ass
So is Xe'ra some affirmative action bullshit or something? Because the more of these quests I do, the more the wind chime seems like a retard. It clearly has some sort of mental disability.
That made me laugh more than it really should have.
>So is Xe'ra some affirmative action bullshit or something? Because the more of these quests I do, the more the wind chime seems like a retard. It clearly has some sort of mental disability.
It's either a total retard, or as some here have speculated, a villain in disguise.
What I find more interesting is that some drakes are apparently non-sapient. Some quests around Coldarra and Dragonblight suggested that, and it's not a matter of age: we've seen intelligent whelps.
It may be leftovers from Dragonmaw's brood from Second War, it was mostly red dragons in WoW and in Day of the Dragon, it was mentioned Alexstrasza somehow made the dragons hatch retarded, but it's an interesting thing anyway.
Alternative timelines are highly unstable.
Those are the exactly the same demons.
Powerful magic from Kairozdormu's artifact kept it stable enough, and connecting it to Dark Portal ensured its existence.
To me, she sounds like a stoner New Age Hippie. I half-expected her to stop narrating Illidan's life and try to push patchouli/ healing crystals on me, or start a spiel on the medicinal properties of marijuana.
>Well, they're gonna chain me down in this funky old dwarf fort, and have my consort rape me 24/7 so that they can ride my kids around?
>Let's see how they like them retarded dragons!
Does he have to do a fusion dance? Or use the earrings?
The surface shines bright concealing the shadows below
Xe'ra is dead. How did a Naaru died without becoming dark?
My friends thinks it speaks of Halls of Valor, because Odyn is a dick, but there's no mystery there. He's just a dick
because Xe'ra is actually N'zoth
>coerced into buying legion
>duel someone to show off your strength during the departure
>obliterate requires onehanded weapon
Really blizzard?
Frost DK artifact is two one-handers, they really don't want you not using your artifacts because all their class/spec tuning is based on them.
>obliterate requires onehanded weapon
u wot
Lads, how do I hide my helmets and shoulders?
The invisible option at the transmog station.
wrong thread
>basic functionality present in the game since the start.
>lets put it in the Tmog station
T-thanks blizz.
sorry bud.
Any idea about rune magic?
did the scourge pick it up from the vrykul?
Is it related to the legion since the legion made frostmourne?
Rune magic is titan in origin. Vrykul are plausible vector to get it to the Scourge, or perhaps they got it from some minor titan facility/artifact
I think rune magic has changed and been forgotten a few times.
I've seen it referred to as safer arcane magic.
Titanic connections, I think around the time Taurens and Dwarves met the dwarves willingly shared their knowledge of runes, Taurens had known about runic magic in the past, but had forgotten them.
I think there's a mention on the tauren chieftan how the chieftan carries around the clans totems on his back which have powerful runes on them.
Runic magic seems to be part of ritualistic spells even if the caster doesn't have any titanic connection or have learned it that way.
Gul'dan put up runes in the tomb of Sargeras.
The high elves had their runestones.
The ogre mages after the runestone of caer darrow placed runes on the ground that exploded.
As for the scourge I think getting it through Vrykul who got it through titans makes sense, but I don't know if you need to justify it that way.
Shamans on draenor like Ner'zhul may have had some discovered some arcane knowledge of runes themselves and used them for rituals.
Runes is natural magic that's always active
Reading on warcraft rpg.
Runes need to be empowered with magic, but they don't need to be drawn or carved by the same person.
So you could if you were a runecaster who had power over people, like serfs, followers or whatever.
You could have them carve and write the runes for you, while you just go and empower them.
>first time the alliance meets a DK character.
>pretty long side quest chain that starts with a concerned sister looking for her dead brother.
>you meet him in a scourge ziggurat holding off an undead force and torturing a lich with his pet because he needs the info
>first time the alliance meets a DH character.
How are DKs so much cooler than DHs?
>DK Runes
>On the blade to make it more powerful, sensible, wears an armor to protect himself
>DH Runes
Probably the frost spec
Fuck you, Carlos.
Different types of edge.
DK's were forcibly raised into service of the Lich King. We don't see many struggling with the urge to submit into being a semi-mindless killing machine.
DH's willingly submitted to training and self-mutilation, knowing fully well the end result. We also see Demon Hunter NPC's lose their struggle with their inner demon and drink the Legion kool-aid left and right.
People also like to forget how much DK's were hated when they came out.
>People also like to forget how much DK's were hated when they came out.
Which bugs me, as a Death Knight roleplayer. Part of the fun of being one is being widely hated, especially since the Third War and events of WotLK really weren't that long ago. Hell, people in the real world are pissed over things that happened before their lifetime, nevermind roughly a decade ago.
Shit, the Scourge wiped an entire kingdom off the face of the map (very nearly two) almost entirely through genocide and desecration, and made more than half of the Lordaeron continent, about 1/3 of the Eastern Kingdoms, virtually unlivable.
Sure, most Death Knights were involuntary servants of the Lich King brainwashed to do his bidding; some people may get that. Hell, a lot might. But there's still going to be a fair amount of animosity towards them, even if it's a quick feeling of anger of revulsion that's overridden by understanding.
Thankfully, of the 8~ actives in my guild, there is one that is strongly opposed to my character, and the others are universally against him doing anything too necromantic, so there's a little abrasion for me to work off of in order for things to be fun.
>Part of the fun of being one is the animosity a lot of them should endure
Don't know what happened to my grammar there.
I was talking about the NPC dks.
Also that pic is relevant now.
>Ner'zhul is inside jaina
As a Warlock player, I feel like the red-headed stepchild of the expansion. We're bashed over the head with the Demon Hunters' EDGE of all EDGE because of their struggles to control the demonic energies inside them.
Meanwhile, Warlocks are going around basically saying "Gib Kool-Aid, pls" to all things demonic and yet treated like it and them are totally normal.
I mean, in this expansion, we take command of our own army of demons. Literal demons, not just the EDGE inside one little demon hunter.
And the game still tells us Demon Hunters know more about demons than anyone. That's happened a couple of times and I just have to shake my head.
To get the Scepter of Sargeras, we have to pretend to join Gul'dan in order to steal it from him. I wish I could join him for real. Fuck all y'all and all your little baby problems with writer waifus and furries and Mary Sue Illidindu nuffins.
One of WoW's major failings is how you're never able to defect from your main faction. What if I WANT to be a member of the Iron Horde and make Ogrimmar great again?
>I feel like the red-headed stepchild of the expansion.
That's definitely the Warriors.
I totally get where you're coming from, though. It seems kinda odd and funny to me that Demon Hunters are running around acting like fighting fire against fire with the Burning Legion is some kind of concept unique to them, even those that's supposed to be the the primary point of the Warlock class, too.
>To get the Scepter of Sargeras, we have to pretend to join Gul'dan in order to steal it from him. I wish I could join him for real. Fuck all y'all and all your little baby problems with writer waifus and furries and Mary Sue Illidindu nuffins.
I kinda want to do that with my Death Knight, too, if Lich King Bolvar ever goes over the edge (I really hope he doesn't, though). But that's probably just my nostalgia from playing the Scourge in Warcraft III talking.
Full-force SCOURGE WORLD POLICE faction when?
probably never.
ebon blade banter is great though.
>we are already dead fool!
>That's definitely the Warriors.
I hate what they've done to Prot Warriors. It's just not fun to play.
Give me back my Execute and Heroic Strike filler.
No, stop pushing your "Focus Rage" and your "Ignore Pain" bullshit like it needs to be part of the regular rotation.
Fuck you Blizzard. Standing around waiting on a cooldown is not fucking fun gameplay. Why do you keep doing this bullshit to all the tanking classes?
Warlocks are just gullible mages.
Demon Hunters know what they hunt.