What is your BBEG's goal?
What is their motivation?
What is their method?
What is your BBEG's goal?
>What is your BBEG's goal?
My current BBEG is a green dragon in the low swamps
>What is their motivation?
She wants red-dragon-sama in the mountains to notice her
>What is their method?
she's a Mycologist/fungomancer and she creates cordyceps like fungi that control the minds of kobolds and bullywugs, forcing them to go into human settlements to steal shiny things for their master.
I'm a simple man with simple tastes.
>She wants red-dragon-sama in the mountains to notice her
This is a blue board you sick piece of shit.
To overthrow the most powerful being from his position as an emperor.
Because they think that if a lich has been an emperor for a few thousand years and has done absolutely nothing it might be a time for a re-election. By force.
Break his throne which doubles as a phylactery even the emperor forgot where he hid it. Nor does the BBEG. They are not smart people.
He just wants to get rich so he can live in the comfort he grew up in for the rest of his life, but doesn't want to deal with the travel that adventuring entails to get there.
To that end, he's manufactured several crises across the world via his family's underworld connections, and is using them to cover up his actions.
Kill his wife, his courtesan, and the party.
The first two have been scheming against him for years without him noticing, and the party helped them escape his clutches once he found out.
Trying to lure them out by committing atrocities against civilians, and once he's captured them he plans to use them to lure the party so he can kill them all.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To be the best phonomancer the world has ever seen.
>What is their motivation?
The desire to have the greatest party the world has ever seen.
>What is their method?
He pops up randomly in towns with his magical DJ booth and plays his music. This coincidentally causes everyone within a few miles to party their faces off. Sometimes literally.
>Whats your BBEG's goal?
To use a artifact to purge the human blood from his half orc vanes and turning him into a super orc and becoming the next Orcish Warlord. (Party thought he wanted to use it to purge his orc blood)
>What is there motivation?
He's the bastard son of the Emporer of a human kingdom and although he's the oldest son and the most competent his half-blood has been used by the nobility as a reason to stop from moving up the ranks to higher positions. Knowing this he realized that he'd rather rule those who will accept him based on strength and brutality over being the foot stool of those whose blood dictates there worth.
>What is there method?
After there betrayal the BBEG is working on organizing the orcish horde once again. Thus far he has managed to in list numerous goblins and some orcish tribes, he managed to even convince a Dragon to aid him, promising it a lions share of any gold they found and any captured maidens as a sacrifice. The irony is the party has two half-orcs whose loyalties are slowly becoming conflicted.
(Note this is in 13th age and in this game Orcs are basically a magical curse and being a half-orc can just randomly happen to you.)
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To be the very best.
>What is their motivation?
>What is their method?
Kill everyone talented.
I love you user
Have a song that mirrors one or two parts of that, which you can sneak into the setting or something
>listening to this
>see your post
Good taste.
Leslie Fish a best.
For anyone else wondering where OP got this really great art, Tineye says it's Florian Bertmer (florianbertmer.blogspot.com
Fuck yes Leslie Fish. Even if I never get to run them, at least two settings were inspired by her music.
To return being a human.
He just doesn't like his live as a vampire. He cannot go outside at daytime, he cannot stop looking his back and he has to fight for his territory, and all he wants is to live a life without restrictions.
He has learned that Prometheans can turn from "monsters" to "humans" via an alchemical transmutation (although it is not that easy), so he's plan is to kidnap Prometheans and experiment on them to learn about this transmutation. If the players don't stop him, he will eventually be able to accomplish his goal.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To take the throne of God, in a nutshell.
>What is their motivation?
Rest of her species is pretty much extinct, and her closest living relatives don't even know her. She wants to be recognized.
>What is their method?
Killing the Gods in the current world, using their power to unlock the Godfont. It's not going to work though.
Pic only marginally related.
One poor kid's inability to swim because honest mistakes can be just as ruinous as intentionally making things worse.
>What is your BBEG's goal
To escape the tomb he accidentally made for himself centuries ago, find the temple where his archenemy was buried, invade it, and bring her back to life.
>What is their motivation?
The world has changed so much since he was imprisoned. The laws and morals have changed, there's all this technology he doesn't understand, the kingdom he once haunted is gone, and all the people he knew, allies, minions, rivals, and enemies alike, are all dead. And he himself has been completely forgotten. So he wants to bring back his old enemy, because their battles always made him feel alive, always gave him motivation, always gave him a purpose. And maybe, just maybe, he wants someone to talk to, to relate to, someone he knows, and something he can cling to in a world that's as alien to him as some other planet entirely.
>What is their method?
He's got plenty of magical power, and knows more arcane secrets then the number of those that time has forgotten. There are also plenty of people willing to be his cultists and minions, plenty of people he can bribe with the gold and jewels he possesses, and this new thing they call the Internet.
Goal: the "Dark one" is god of the centre pantheon, the true creators of the universe. Outside of the centre chaos rules creating planets and galaxies randomly. A rouge god "the father" left the centre and wanders chaos creating seed worlds. The dark one has been sent to destroy anything the father created to restore balance to the universe.
Neither god may dicectly fight one another as it would destroy creation. Therefore the dark one and the father have created servants to wage battles for them accross whatever seed world they currently fight over.
Current world is a standard 3.5 world set in a small contry on the edge of the known world.
>the BBEG's goal
To recover his kingdom and once again rule with an iron fist, for all time
>his motivation?
He's the goddamn Horned King. He sought lichdom for power, immortality, and greed.
>his method?
Hoards of undead soldiers he raises, both ancient and freshly slain, his destructive fireballs, and his surprising strength for his mummified form
Now this is good user.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To obliterate all traces of sentient civilization within at least a hundred miles.
>What is their motivation?
To end the choking pollution that is killing the forest and corrupting its own heart.
>What is their method?
Unleashing the spawn of its corruption(living things caught immediately in its vicinity), and generally unleashing a crushing, rooty apocalypse before it becomes too weak and dies with its land.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
Current bbeg is an elder one imprisoned under an island built by dwarves and tossed onto a separate time stream. Sort of the dwemer throwing a cosmic suicide lever to stop an elder one from eating their reality.
>What is their motivation?
Freedom. Not even vengeance, just freedom. Its freedom will destroy the island entirely and everyone on it
>What is their method?
PC warlock and various entities on the abandoned island they all shipwrecked on. Its not able to directly interfere, but it can guide and grant some of its power to a powerful individual. This is the parties pirate captain. The charismatic cape waving warlock.
Because of the taint from the elder thing, it pollutes the island. The dead rise, unnatural things roam and men are prone to act their worst.
I was inspired by Path of Exile, the cthulu mythos, and wanting to run a hard ass survivalist campaign. Smith is doing some work for scavengers to get some tools so he can repair their kit. They are currently ingratiating themselves to those same locals by grabbing some protein from the jungle.
Thats going to end with them fighting a giant satyr, with a dozen maenads surrounding him. They'll have a choice of bringing back his legs to be salted and eaten or catching monkies and birds. Oh, or maybe he'll have a giant boar they can fight. Pigs sort of make sense on an island, a la the Caribbean.
They dont have boats yet, so fishing is out. (Things in the water make it dangerous to shallow water fish by wading out)
Oh, they just ran into a Princess Mononoke style survivor of the original tribes and the first ship wrecked sailors. All her people are dead, forced out of their homes and land (the limited strip that was habitable on the island) and starved, so they turned to cannibalism and eventually fell to a ghoulish curse.
She's on foot, no giant wolves, but she moves blazing fast and uses poison darts and knives. (ranger/rogue) Dangerous lady. She just introduced herself to the party by crushing a skeletons skull after landing and telling them to get out of her forest, for they are not wanted.
Previously they had seen her iron mask and white mane as she harassed them through the day, always running from direct confrontation. darts from a different direction at random intervals. Was driving them nuts.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
>What is their motivation?
It's Yog-Sothoth so both answers should be obvious.
>What is their method?
To use the players to travel to the dreamlands and kill Kuranes and absorb his power as the greatest dreamer.
While they are asleep his cultists imprint the summoning ritual of Yog-Sothoth into their minds so that when they attain the power they need they speak the words of the ritual against their will.
To distract the PCs from finding out his cult's methods he has Nyarlathotep create another cult in the town the PCs with no real connection to the actual threat.
I'm stealing this.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To secure a place for their disgraced and darkened navigator house, by any means possible, beyond the light of the imperium and those who still hunt them, and along the way they seek to undo the works of the Rogue Trader House Sulliman.
>What is their motivation?
They're a navigator house that fell, they made contracts with the wrong folks, their rival houses impugned them time and time again, some of their good clients got tarred with the brush as the bad ones, so they started being the linking factor to the inquisition. Two crusades later, they've been driven beyond the Maw. They specifically seek revenge against one particular Rogue Trade House.
>What is their method?
They back chaos worshippers, xenos, and rebels throughout the Callixis Sector and the Koronos Expanse. They have a precognitive ability second to none in the houses of navigators, and they have successfully mapped several alternative routes besides the Maw between Callixis and the Koronus Expanse, all of them only accessible using infernal technologies or sorceries. They are currently backing the biggest Chaos lord in the sector, hoping to cause enough chaos that they'll put a nice chaotic buffer zone and a lost sector between the worlds they intend to claim in the depths of the Koronus Expanse, and other places. Further, their hated foes latest scion has turned up, after they murdered the last one and thought they put paid to the line.
And why exactly players should even bother with stopping him? Or why he's the bad guy in the first place?
I guess you didn't really think this through
Once there was only Spheres... Spheres and Lyg... Lyg sing to the Spheres.. Spheres dance to Lyg... And then from within the Spheres... Screams... So many Screams... Quiet at first and then more Screams... Lyg will sing at the Screams... Make Screams Quiet again... Screams Hurt Lyg...
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To kill the gods
>What is their motivation?
He blames them for all the bad shit in the world and he's stuck as undead
>What is their method?
Get a bunch of heroes to be his errand boys to get powerful artifacts turn them into his death knights and just start bringing death into every plane of existence
What is your BBEG's goal?
To complete his grandfather's dream of killing all elves
What is their motivation?
Almost assassinated by elven empire agents as a child and believes they're behind the firestorm raging around the royal palace
What is their method?
Killing all 4 of his siblings,(all of which are also insane) uses a cult that worships a Desire/sea/greed god, marries a princess from a Giant's kingdom, and tricks the adventurers into slaying his siblings for him
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To order the universe.
>What is their motivation?
They absolutely detest chaos.
>What is their method?
Effectively erasing reality, leaving a void.
The party hasn't met them yet, but have got the BBEGs' attention by rebuilding chunks of the destroyed universe.
Yes, the villains are basically Auditors from Discworld, in motivation. Though they manifest in our reality as fractal images, sometimes as two-dimensional figures.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To conquer and unite the galactic sector he's in
>What is their motivation?
He is terrified at what the other planets have become and he gave up on trying the peaceful approach after the first months
>What is their method?
Pay informants, establish bussiness fronts to hide his paramilitaries, destabilize the political scene and have his undercover mercs attack. Once an entire solar system gets filled with waring planets, his navy comes in and "saves the day."
The exact same thing as PCs.
The exact same thing as PCs.
Exactly the same as PCs'.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To bring humans back to their original world or burn down their current one trying.
>What is their motivation?
He disagreed with the decision to leave their world behind. He led a faction trying to stay back and find a way to save their doomed world, but the Human Gods weren't having none of that, and forcibly took him and his followers to their new home. As punishment for his rebellion, he was cursed with immortality, only being able to die in his original world, now lost to the stars. He watched his mortal family die in the first couple of months and grew tired of living. Thus, he wishes to reopen the stone gate leading to his world, and take his own life.
>What is their method?
Using fragments of the Gods' power left in temples throughout the civilized world to forge a key to force open the gate.
more like gold hoo hoo
Red dragons want cash money
Basically enslave a island of rich people
>What is your BBEG's goal?
Wants to launch a satellite into orbit.
>What is their motivation?
Wants to discover if there is any life outside Russia after the nukes fell and it was cut off from the world. Wants to be the first and only faction to communicate with said life. If you control the communication, you control the people.
>What is their method?
Kidnapping anyone who shows even a spark of intelligence, raiding underground bunkers for scraps of science from before the war, destroying anything that could use a satellite to send a message from point A to point B.
Yes, I know it's not very well thought out but to be fair, I made the setting on a time budget.
>What is your BBEG's goal?
To ascend the realm into the heavens.
>What is their motivation?
They believe that the realm is great and is deserving to be apart of the heavenly realms.
>What is their method?
It has created orbs that absorb positive energy and placed them in the centers of most towns through the land. Once all the positive enegry in the plane has been absorbed he'll place them around his city and that should be enough energy to ascend the city, [this is unfortunately drop the rest of the plane into hell]
I almost never play with a single BBEG, just lots of powerful people with their own agendas in the world.
He wants to steal all the magical knowledge for himself and then create his own plane of existence to hoard it all forever.
I sense you may just be running the wheel of time.