Now that soundcloud stopped letting Roll20 use their system, what do you use for music in your online games?
Now that soundcloud stopped letting Roll20 use their system, what do you use for music in your online games?
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Simplest option is to broadcast a stream using VLC. Have your players connect to your VLC stream with their own media players . This can take a little port routing and of course will require you to give players their IP address.
Slightly more involved is to use a Virtual Audio Cable driver to grab the audio from a music player program like WinAmp and route it to a constantly broadcasting second account that's logged into your VOIP network of choice (you'd configure this second user's microphone input to be the virtual cable, rather than your mic proper, and then adjust volume to taste). This takes a little more setup but is more private on your end and takes less work from players.
they did? why?
something something soundcloud thought they got too big something something
Soundcloud thought that Roll20 was getting big enough that the terms of their original deal no longer applied
I use rpg tools + discord now
it's honestly so stupid, i used sound cloud for so many of my dnd songs, it help set atmosphere
now i need a new way to do it
I don't.
Music while GMing is a shitty crutch. You don't need it, it's distracting, people have to talk over it, and it really doesn't add much. Most GMs who use music, the music is the best part of their GMing. No one wants to listen to some nice atmospheric shit and have it ruined by some autistic sperg stuttering through his description of an elf priestess' tits.
I mean, I did put on Nirvana's "Rape Me" once during a rape scene in a GURPS game I ran, but that was a moment of weakness.
Fuck off back to your pit edgelord, some people appreciate a bit of background ambience to accentuate their experience. Some people don't.
>inb4 "I-I-I was just trolling"
>inb4 "Muh anecdotal evidence is objective fact"
>some people appreciate a bit of background ambience to accentuate their experience.
Cool. Except 90% of the time it's yet another distraction that you don't need, and it is constantly used as a crutch by bad GMs. I have known over 70 GMs in my lifetime across the country, which may not be statistically significant but I'll be damned if it doesn't mean something. You probably have only met a few spergy DMs in your life but you know they're bad, too.
And by the way, I am not saying DMs who use music are bad because they use music. I'm saying DMs use music because they are bad DMs.
> t. DM who blasts metal during his shitty anime 3.5 sessions
Soundcloud changed their license and pulled roll20's access.
They put out a bandaid fix by adding all of Kevin MacLeod's stuff to roll20, and there's always Tabletop Audio.
>I'm saying DMs use music because they are bad DMs.
I think he got that, but what you're not getting is that what you said was shitty anecdotal evidence. Why are you even in this thread if you don't care for music in Roll20 games?
It's not the same
I want my darkest dungeon music back for call of Cthulhu campaigns[/spoilers]
I was going to use the hamlet mission's music for a siege this week
bro, that music is so fucking good,
[spoilers] Wolves at the door and siren battle are the two best fucking tracks. I borrowed/stole the hamlet invasion idea for one of my campaigns. Worked pretty well[/spoilers]
>spoiler text fucked up
>Except 90% of the time
Except 90% of the time you talk out of your ass, so why take your word on having music in the background?
>I don't
>I play nirvana
Why are you even here
Back in a Warhammer fantasy game I ran there was a political intrigue segment where I would reveal characters and reveal relationships between npcs as they investigated through political intrigue, and I had roll20 rigged up to play Awaken from JoJo's bizzare adventure every time we went to that page.
It was glorious.
>mfw my game is tomorrow and I have no SoundCloud for Cuse of Strahd
A more hassle-free option is to use a service like Watch2Gether which allows direct playback from Youtube. The one issue is that there's no song looping, but you can sort of loop songs by just adding multiple copies into the playlist. It's a bit more labour intensive but it'll definitely give higher quality audio than the other options.
I used the Soundcloud plugin-jukebox-whatever once.
Instead I researched how to run my own radio station for my players to listen to. Of course, there's latency when you use live sources, but in the end I decided an Icecast server would provide the best set of options and support.
With Icecast, you'll need an auxiliary program ("butt" is often pointed to for this purpose, or maybe a plugin for a music player) to record the output of a program/desktop environment and then Icecast uses this recording as its source.
In all, it's very similar to how []'s VLC stream method would work.
Can you from Windows or via a specific tool, capture a single application's audio output?