Double-Edged Sword Edition: What are your favorite cards like Dream Halls or Mana Flare?


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>Double-Edged Sword Edition: What are your favorite cards like Dream Halls or Mana Flare?
My personal favourite is mono-white Karma/Urborg Tomb of Yawgmoth combo.

What do you guys think about the new shit from Kaladesh? I'm considering throwing in a Torrential Gearhulk into my Sen Triplets deck along with an inventors fair.

>myr turbine
>unwinding clock
>mycosynth lattice
>goblin welder
>6 lands
>use myr turbine to get food for goblin welder
>use midnslaver
>sac myr with goblin welder to return mind slaver
>have all permanents be untapped during each opponents turn
>take over all opponents turn forever

probably the funniest way i have won a game yet

Inventors Fair and Panharmonicon for Sydri, and the red and green gearhulks for Angry Omnath

Mana Maze of the top of my head

I have a Pia and Kiran Nalaar artifact deck, so I got Panharmonicon, Inventor's Fair, Filigree Familiar, and Madcap Skills.

Fragmentize for Vintage, Inventor's Fair for EDG.

Madcap Skills isn't new.

What do you think of the new Ultra Mythic?



Wheels are my favorite double edged swords, nobody with a fair deck can get mad when they lose their hand and theres always one asshole with a crazy hand that deseves to be thoughtseized 7 times

>nobody can get mad when what they were planning to do gets fucked up

For what purpose? Why arent you boarding 50+ damage of bolts and then wrecking face.

I agree with you there. Personally I love Teferi's puzzle box as it is an amazingly simple game changer. People are not used to wheeling their hand every turn.


>Green Gearhulk
I can understand the Red one because of the mana curve in an Angry Omnath deck, but what's the point of the green one? You're not playing a counter themed deck. Furthermore, because of the colors, to fully utilize that one you need to run alot of bounce cards which means W, U or both colors with G.

I only ask this because I play Angry Omnath myself

Rites of Flourishing all the way

What, you mean your deck only has 7 good cards in it?
You fucking wheel and you just gave three opponents full hands. Unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences of giving opponents cards you wouldn't even play wheel.

>fair deck
Do you mean a bad deck? Because I promise you anyone with a good deck wouldn't give a shit about drawing seven free cards.

No other deck needs to use it.

Vernal Bloom, Gauntlet of Power. Either or both. Nothing like having someone (everyone) with a future sculpted turn organized, and then table wide chaos to reap the mana whilst it exists.

see There are tons of cards that punish discarding and drawing and a plethora of decks that need to see many cards in a manner similar to how some legacy decks need to brainstorm+fetch to see the card they want. Wheels are ideal for drawing cards and as a way to punish tutoring similar to casting thoughtseize in modern.

No, no. It's EDGE!

Exactly. There's no point for it being there. Also it could be used with Anafenza the Foremost albeit not as effectively as Animar

>Double-Edged Sword Edition
Live by the sword, die by the sword

My Marchesa is all draw spells, removal, discard, Bitterblossom, Curse of Shallow Graves, Call the Bloodline and 10 Walkers:
>Ajani Vengeant
>Lilly 1.0
>Lilly of the Veil
>Chandra Pyromaster
>Torch of Defiance
>Obnoxious Reignited
>Elspeth 1.0
>BFZ Gideon
>Depressed Daretti
>Sorin LoI

Hasn't lost a single round of 1v1 (I play vs Geists, Jenaras, Anafenzas and Animars not just budget cripples), and does more than well enough in multiplayer. Marchesa is super fun.

Eh. You can use it in stuff like Kraj or similar.

This, it's not truly double edged when you are keeping a draco on top of your deck with divining top

Just got done with my new deck.



That's disgusting, I approve.

This card is super fun in 3 or 4 player games.

If you don't have them, look into Crackling Doom and Temporal Extortion. Both are great for fucking over opponents.

I have both of those on my list for my chaos deck.

Other spells include Hive Mind, Possibility Storm and Warp World.


Dont be so quick to judge the green gearhulk, anons. You never know until you test it out.

I have a question? If I have Feldon on the field with the mana available, A Hellkite tyrant in my grave and 21 artifacts on the field can I use his ability at the beginning of either the draw or upkeep phase to drop Hellkite on the field in time for his "At the beginning of your upkeep win trigger"?

I'm still learning the basics of priority and the stack and am wondering if Hellkite would be a good addition to my Feldon artifact brew.

Red Gearhulk was basically MADE for both my Feldon and RakdosLoR builds. I'm getting one for each easily.

No. Players don't get priority during the untap step, so by the time you can activate Feldon at the earliest possible moment of your turn, the beginning of your upkeep has already passed.

>playing 8 1/2 tails and making the gearhulk white on Animar's cast trigger

>somebody shilling nekusar that isnt me
whats happening

Boo hoo they take (seven) damage, that's a real shit combo.
There's a funny card that does that exact thing, but only to you, and you have to choose to activate it, but its unlimited, until you run out of life.
Its called Yawgmoth's Bargain, or Griselbrand, both banned because paying 1 life for 1 card draw is a measly price.
Nekusar punishes heavy draw deck, you don't give them card draw, you'll just lose faster.

>Implying Fragmentize isn't good in EDH along with Natural State

>giving a shit
Its just another rampspell, chances are if that's your play, you'll just lose to Animar combo.

You could put an embermaw hellion in for that slot user, youre actively taking up one of the few non elemental creature slots for 4 counters.

You can't give Animar counters from him then

Ehh, its fairly low impact, if you really need to disrupt turns 1-3 then its fine enough I suppose. But I would use Blind Obedience instead, more value for one cardslot.
Unless you're talking French then its a whole nother ballpark.

Ok, next question:

Say the same situation, except I had a card like Staff of Nin with an ability that triggers at start of turn, could I then in response pop Feldon, throw Hellkite and then have his ability trigger as well or have I missed the opportunity?

If it doesn't work that is fine, I don't NEED it, just curious as I usually get an insane amount of artifacts easily and could snag an easy win here and there with this guy.

>fucking over the table with a T2 Trinisphere

Good deck, but I feel like there's a lot of fluff. Drop the crap like Faerie Mechanist or Crawlspace and add some more tutors, to begin with. And this is something of a personal opinion, but drop the PW "value package" and think more like an artificer. Build a time machine with Time Sieve + Thopter Foundry, go infinite with Rings of Brighthearth and almost anything. Find parts with Kuldotha Forgemaster.

At the very least, get a Teferi for the Possibility Storm lock and flavor points, a Trinket Mage for the utility, and a Cloud Key or Etherium Sculptor so you can draw your deck with Top + Future Sight.

I'd post more but I'm about to start work so maybe we can talk more later

So? Then Animar plays any other spell. Chances are, you wouldn't even play a gearhulk into a 8,1/2 in the first place. Animar doesn't need 6 +1/+1 counters to go off, you can win easily with 4, and then the extra are just icing.

>Implying any decent Animar player would give a shit

Most nekusar decks play infect....

It might be a meta thing, but in high power metas it's rare to see artifacts or enchantments that are more expensive than 4 mana. I don't find Blind Obedience that useful, but I could run it, I just dislike extort because I used to run it in like my second deck, which was absolute garbage.

Nope. The only way a player can do something during their turn so that it will trigger at the beginning of their upkeep is by playing Paradox Haze.

Most Animar players are dumb shits in my experience though, missing the fact that there's a Goblin Sharpshooter or Jeska on the field multiple times and wanting to take it back every time he cast Animar, I have never met a competent mtg player using him.


Thanks for the feed back.

If you won't mind you could just comment the changes on the tapped out page.

>Thopter Foundry
Thopter Assembly, I mean

In a situation in which you've given Nekusar infect and manage to force the table to draw 10 cards without disruption, congratulations, you've won. Or ended the game in a draw.

I never said you can't play wheels, I said you'd have to be prepared for the consequences before you'd play it. But if you get through 3 players disruption then you deserve to win, or rather, they deserve to lose.

I wish there was a card that let's you move around curses between players.

There's a blue instant that steals an aura and may change targets I think

Its actually easy in nekusar for an infect win to go through, you just need a cost reducer, a free counter, flash and about 7 mana. I had to power mine down after the spirit bomb incident.

Flicker effects can do it.

Fast metal is one of the defining traits of a strong meta, this is true.
And if there's artifacts that cost more than 4 mana being played, them coming into play tapped won't matter, probably.
But I wouldn't sweep Blind Obedience under the rug, it is quite the powerful answer to a great many situations.
I prefer my cards to be recurrable, and white isn't so great at pulling instants and sorceries from the grave.

Show me on the doll where nekusar touched you.

Nekusar is usually wheels.dek. He loves to force draws.

Probably because he came in a prebuilt box, so morons have access to him on mass.
Your problem is not that you haven't fought a decent Animar deck, its that you're playing with fools.
My Animar deck is annoyingly capable of killing the table on turn 3, although more than likely its turn 4. So much so that I don't often play Animar anymore, or when I do it has Leviathon, Vizzardrix, Trained Org, and Dwarven Pony in it, or cards of the like.

I've never seen a capable Nekusar deck, nor a player willing to try to make one.
But cute, very cute.

>he came in a prebuilt box
The original Commander precons were stupidly underprinted though

>a draw
How exactly?

Ok sounds good, out he goes. He wouldn't be worth the investment to make work.

See but then you're assuming that across all three opponents they only have one answer, and that's just silly in anything but a very casual environment.


I dropped that shit turn fucking one at a table with Teeg, Maelstrom Wanderer and Narset once.

I cannot begin to describe the seething assmad that was directed at me that night.

I disagree, some regions definitely got less than others, but when they were printing, you could buy them in Japanese and English for around $40 online from distributors easily.
They started disappearing when people/companies would buy them in bulk to resell later.
Also I've found that people undervalue Animar specifically alot, and so they float around pretty frequently

That player has no right to bitch, but that's a rough night for any player who wasn't ready.

I return after testing World Queller. It's pretty bad. If you can drop it turn 2-3 or use it with another lock piece like Winter Orb, then go ahead, but turn five is just too late.

Exceptions: If your meta scoops as soon as they lose a land, run him. If two or more players in your meta typically only have one or two permanents of a given type (e.g. over-reliance on a Phyrexian Arena or something), run him. If there's a superfriends deck in your meta you'd like to annoy, consider running him. Everything else can outpace or match the speed at which he blows stuff up.

This style of deck has had more success as Hokori, Dust Drinker, in my experience.
If people complain about land destruction you could play RG and just use all the tools they have to offer.

Ive pulled it off several times against tables where each player was playing a deck over 1k. This isnt fantasy hypothetical land like where you live appearently.

He definitely had a high end one with duals and shit, he was just an idiot with too much disposable income.

Anyone here built Chandra.dec? I want to run more Chandra's, but since she's the general, the extra ones are redundant a lot.

Any ideas? Should I just discard them for value?

>each player was playing a deck over 1k
Money doesn't make a good deck, if you have 7 mana and combo pieces and between 3 players there is only 1 response, then you've got yourself a bigolpile of shit.
Shiny, expensive, golden, dogshit.

Nothing changed on the ban lists today for Standard, Modern, legacy, vintage and pauper.

Does EDH follow the same schedule for ban list shenanigans or are we still waiting for any updates on the commander banned list?

Were you raped by a nekusar player user? manavault and sol ring alone are 4 mana....

>not having disruption for fast metal
>being this autistic
Right I see where I stand now, good day

Watch out guys, we're treading Serra Ascendant territory

Serra Ascendant is pretty bad tbqh. Literally just a big beater.

I don't get people who get assraped by Nekusars. I was playing fucking storm and didn't have anything relevant until that fagaroni dropped Forced Fruition and I went balls deep infinite because of that. I don't really mind "B: kill target creature. Draw seven cards and you lose 7 life.", with the cards I get from his sources, I easily went infinite.
I once played Nekusar and only things it made me realize were that games with him are boring as fuck and only way you'd ever win if you were playing against idiots who didn't know what they were doing or by sheer luck.
Everyone gets their kicks from other things sure, but I can't comprehend that kind of decks where I can feel my brain rot out of monotony and lack of thinking.
While you probably can build a working deck out of him, why wouldn't use a good Grixis commander is beyond me.
What's even a wincon outside the grinding gift memery and how do you win if you can't access to your commander for some reason or the other cards that ping for draws?
Thanks for reading my blog

There are a million cards that ping on draw. You can also deck people.

Anyway, Nekusar is undeniably not very strong against very tuned lists, but if he sticks, he tends to deal enough damage to end the game.

Also, what is that 1 mana B destroy spell? Nekusar is black after all.

His deck was cheap hatebears so he was mad about the extra mana. I also had a Lodestone Golem out next turn so it slowed everyone way the fuck down

i don't like games with nekusar in them for the following reasons:

>know exactly what the nekusar player is going to do, but can't make any plans to counter it besides "just play the best thing you can every turn"
>mulliganing for a good hand or tutoring stuff doesn't matter because le epic wheelman is going to drop his first wheel on turn 2 or something
>after that the rest of the game is going to be a random fuckfest where you just hope to draw answers to whatever random shit happens
>nekusar player rarely wins himself but he acts as a time-limit on the game by just grinding everyone down
>the person who randomly manages to assemble a good board state or a combo despite constant wheels ends up winning
>or alternatively the winner is just random because the nekusar player has put everyone on 5 HP and died in the process

the only way i think nekusar is fun is when he's played once every 3 weeks or something. otherwise it just gets tiring and annoying. i have a friend who owns a nekusar deck and he barely plays him once every session anymore. i think he himself realizes how boring it is for everyone involved

In my mind, any player who plays Teeg loses all bitching rights at the table.
>I'd play Teeg in my Sisay if my playgroup would stop denying me access to it.
>P.S. I don't buy cards so I mean getting sniped at trades.

i should mention that my friend doesn't play infect nekusar, luckily. i should thank him the next time i see him for not putting infect in his deck

Clearly you've never played against a Nekusar deck. Most of them aren't running Nekusar as their only form of draw punishment. They usually have among other things Underworld Dreams and Spiteful Visions as well. You think 7 damage is measly? Try 14-ing the entire table off of one spell. And that's assuming the Nekusar player doesn't wheel themself into another wheel. The most disgusting play I've seen to date was a guy Wheeling into Future Sight into Tolarian Winds. And before you say it he was smart enough to float countermana and yes people tried to stop him.

I'm well aware of punishment, and I think stopping at the draw is pitiful. Give them tons of cards then discard their hands, throw in a megrim if you're cheeky. Then exile their graveyards.
If you're talking in a pure combo sense, as to kill in one move, good luck with that. Any player with sense runs disruption, and you're against three. "Counter mana" doesn't cut it, players should be at each others throats the entire game, not chilling and waiting for buildup.
So yea, in a vacuum, you kill people nine ways to sunday.

I need to recur sorceries in B/W. I found this, the spectacularly bad Sins of the Past, Bosium Strip, and Yawgmoth's Will. Anything I'm missing?

So what sort of Pimping out of EDH decks do you guys like? Would you rather have a Foiled Out deck, an Alter Arted deck or even one filled with the rarest or most obscure versions of cards?

If you HAVE a pimped out deck what is it?

If you don't want to pay for a Xiahou Dun, mono black used to run Elixir of Immortality, if you really wanted more uses out of your instants and sorceries.

>I went infinite when nekusar dropped FF

I don't think you even play magic if you think that's possible

To be fair he kinda god-handed. T1 Sol Ring/Howling Mine into T2 Visions. Given that no one else got that good a start no one was really in a position to stop him. He essentially went off before multiple players had disruption ready at the same time. The anecdote was just sort of... Well, an anectdote. The main point I was making in the post was most Belgrade decks are running multiple forms of draw punishment, and while this particular example was a success story for him, it's still not uncommon to see them try to chain their Wheels.

>I don't buy cards
But why?

>not owning fow