It's the Inquisition, everyone put on your cool face
Oh shit
Oh God-Emperor I knew I shouldn't have looked at those blueberries
Oh, this? It's just, um, medicine. Right, yeah, medicine.
I'm just holding it for a friend.
Oi Inkwizitor, iz we gonna krump some of dem heretiks today for da big gold warboss on terra?
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
This is my not-doing-any-heresy-face.
Oh hey I've met an Inquisitor before. You guys coming to join the Greater Good too? We got actual science and technology and stuff. It's pretty neat.
Oh, er.. hi! No abominable intelligences here! Definitely! Ah shit.
I'm certainly not a heretic it's a person below
Ready to serve the emprah, Sir!
You go to the torture cubes.
You go to the torture cubes.
You're ok I guess
You go to the torture cubes.
You get a pass... I think.
You go to the torture cubes.
I smell heresy. Torture cubes.
You may accompany me to my chambers so we can discuss your... punishment
Torture cubes.
Torture cubes.
Torture cubes.
Pride is a sin, planetary governor. Remember that.
Torture cubes.
What in the Emperor's name? Directly to cremation, just get rid of it.
Eldar witch! Torture cubes.
Hahaha no. Torture cubes.
You get a pass.
Torture cubes and then turned over to the AdMech.
As you were, commander.
You and the entire planet you're on get Exterminatus, Mr Sam "arch-traitor" Neill.
I don't like the look of you, Rogue Trader. Begone from my sight.
Good. You may assist me in rounding up all these heretics.
You get a pass.
A giggling creature? Put it out of its misery.
Hey Inquisitor, your Sororitas are lovely. Mind if I borrow them?
My life for the God-Emperor.
No heresy here inquisitor sir.
H-Hello Inquisitor.
Quick, everyone hide while I confuse them with my gains
Ah, Lord inquisitor! We have just arrested this cultist who prays to dark gods and drinks the blood of newborns.
You should know that we Ultramarines are paragons of virtue and loyalty
D-d-dont come in here!
Courage and Honor, my liege! Say, your helm seem a bit more...snakey than I recall from the many legends of your glorious deeds.
You got 5 seconds to open the damn door, citizen
Your purity is comendable, Inquisitor. The rest of them... Do as you will.
Hitler seemed like such a pleasant fellow
That's gross and not funny.
Just purging some xenos for the emperor!
Nothing funny going on here, inquisitors
And when he wasn't on meth or suffering from the farts, he was, by all accounts. Doesn't change that he caused a war that killed tens of millions of soldiers and uncounted numbers of civilians.
I think Hitler is just a convenient fall guy. Sure, he was a terrible human being who actively committed genocide, but that describes downright most WWII leaders. And the only one it doesn't describe was the leader of the country that was widely considered to be the most racist by all the ones that did commit genocide.
And they all got this one really convenient guy to point the finger at and say "at least we weren't as bad as that guy". And even then two of them were just flat-out lying when they said it.
Get on my level
Just fishing for dinner. Dear inquisitor.
Inquisitor! You're just in time to join the battle!
Well I didn't say he was much better, did I? Autocrats are rarely good people to start with, and almost never stay in power by remaining so. Hell, Japan pulled shit that was almost (and in some cases was) worse than either the Russians or the Germans. Like human experimentation on biological weapons. Or cannibalism on POWs (although the choice was that or starve in some cases, but still).
Oh shit guys cover for me.
Everything's cool here my man.
I'm sanctioned and I can prove it!
plz no