MTG LEGACY GENERAL - Pre-Weekend Edition

It's almost Friday. What are you doing that's Magic related this weekend? Are you testing any decks for a big showdown or are you just taking it easy?

>Building/Secondary decking?
>Your opponent goes T1 Land, Thoughtseize. Given your opening hand, what card do you suspect he'll take and why? (Either assume your hand is random or choose it yourself)

>Active Legacy Forums

>Current Legacy Metagame

>Find/Browse basic lands by their art (Updated through Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra)

>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)

>Miracles: The Match-Up Everyone Should Know

>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)

Other urls found in this thread:

Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face
>Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG)
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Death and Taxes
>Eldrazi Stompy
>Shardless BUG

Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About
>LED Dredge
>TES (The Epic Storm)
>4-Color Loam
>Nic Fit
>Sneak n Show

Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion
>High Tide
>Food Chain
>12 Post
>Pox Control
>Dragon Stompy
>Sneak n Breach
>Stax (White or Black)
>Deadguy Ale

Mythic Legacy - Decks You'll See Once a Year
>Doomsday Fetchland Tendrils (DDFT)
>Nourshing Lich
>Sea Stompy
>Spanish Inquisition
>Monoblue Omnitell
>The Cure (Kavu Predator + False Cure)

First for abolishment of the reserved list

The first of my LGS's bi-monthly Legacy tournaments is on Monday. I'm trying to decide between my old standby DDFT or the classic meme Nourishing Lich. Which should I play and why?

Doomsday, nerd.

If you're very set on winning, DDFT. If you just want to have fun and give people the Corporation, take Lich. Frankly I'd take something you can win with while having fun doing it.

I've got a Win-A-Volcanic event at the end of October. Apparently there's some Delver in the meta and one or two other Dredge players but not a lot of Miracles, so I'm willing to bet Dredge is a safe deck to bring, considering my Burn sideboard is (still) unfinished and not going to get finished anytime soon.

>Your opponent goes T1 Land, Thoughtseize. Given your opening hand, what card do you suspect he'll take and why? (Either assume your hand is random or choose it yourself

Drew a hand from my deck,

Top, top, brainstorm, brainstorm, flooded strand, island, counterbalance.

I'm guessing they're gonna take counterbalance to buy themselves time from getting countertop'd

Bout to start playing massless dredge again, meta feels good for it, also just like it.

>only need Griselbrand and Elesh Norn/Blazing Archon to complete dredge

I'm so fucking happy, I've always loved this deck.

Just started testing Mono Red Sneak Attack. So far it's pretty fun. A smidgen inconsistent though, but not something that is insurmountable.

I can only play on Xmage though as there isn't a legacy scene close enough to me. Sigh.

>blazing archon
I get such a good feeling from that card, as underused as it is. I mean, just look at the art!

Everything is good about the card. The effect can singlehandely win a game, the flavor text is great, and the art gives it the perfect feel.

What are you playing? Reanimator? Does that still play Jin Gitaxias?

Always like Ionia and elesh when I played LED dredge. Also will never stop using flame kin zealot.

No, I'm building dredge. I've always loved it, I traded most of my collection for LEDs before they spiked up in price.

Yes, Dread Return is one of the few spells that say "I win".

ANT Man here from previous thread.

Dredge is surprisingly resilient without a lot of the typical reanimation stalwarts. I wouldn't sweat not having one or two of those; the essentials are really FKZ, Ashen Rider, and Iona, though Blazing Archon and G-Brand are also excellent.

Currently running quad-Ichorid, 2x Amalgam, 2x Dread, 1x G-Brand in the main with Elesh, Rider, FKZ, and Iona in the 'board.

I want to play Dredge but I always wanted to play Ashen Ghoul instead of Ichorid (just purely because I have more memories attached to the card), but I worried people would laugh at me about it...

However you want to play a deck is up to you. About 90% of these threads are geared toward winning or succeeding in a competitive environment, though there is always room for new brews.

So, speaking from a strictly Spike standpoint, Ashen Ghoul gets really bad really, really fast. Virtually every land you play in Dredge (if any) will either continually do damage (City of Brass, Mana Confluence) or won't last for very long (Gemstone Mine). It does have a sustainability that Ichorid does not in that you can constantly play it as long as you have life and mana to cast him, but in the long run it's easier to not even bother activating his ability (preferably by not having him in the deck in the first place).

Someone on The Source said he was using it as a sideboard card to get around Extraction effects.

I think Ghoul's fine, just lacks the synergy with Bridge from Below and requires black mana to bring back, which doesn't go so well with Coliseum and Gemstone Mine (which limits the recursions you can get from the Ghoul).

It's almost Friday. What are you doing that's Magic related this weekend? Are you testing any decks for a big showdown or are you just taking it easy?

I'm pretty sure the only magic-related thing I'm doing this weekend is pauper leagues on xmage. the store near me doesn't fire legacy fnm, and I'm working anyway.

12 1/1s
not really testing anything, but I like to throw a hanky/under the radar card in a flex slot every once in a while, right now it's piracy charm.
>Building/Secondary decking?
just bought all the stuff for reanimator. pretty excited.
>Your opponent goes T1 Land, Thoughtseize. Given your opening hand, what card do you suspect he'll take and why? (Either assume your hand is random or choose it yourself)
probably the least redundant part of the hand, or the part he has the least interaction for. or brainstorm.

I pulled the trigger, guys. I bought myself the first dual of my career.

It's a Plateau

Storming up a storm again on Sunday. Might try Top instead of Petition, but not sure yet. Here's hoping I don't hit the wall against Eldrazi again. Bad matchup is bad.

>OP's question
Not sure. Probably either chalice, trinisphere or metalworker. Grabbing sphere, thorn, lodestone, or smokestack kinda prevents my deck deck from doing a strong lockdown.

>>Your opponent goes T1 Land, Thoughtseize. Given your opening hand, what card do you suspect he'll take and why? (Either assume your hand is random or choose it yourself)
Probably something like Goblin Guide or Eidolon.

I've had Burn built in paper forever but I never get to play. Breaks my heart.

Almost considering building a deck on MTGO. Haven't made up my mind yet.

>T1 Thoughtseize
On a good hand, a Chalice or Trinisphere. On a bad hand, they'd probably be incredibly confused and take a Nether Void.

An artifact heavy version that makes use of Mox Opal as an extra mana rock
>>Building/Secondary decking?
Thinking about building Nic Fit but I haven't settled on a version I want to build
>>Your opponent goes T1 Land, Thoughtseize. Given your opening hand, what card do you suspect he'll take and why? (Either assume your hand is random or choose it yourself)
They usually take Enlightened Tutor if I have it

I was just stumbling across my bookmarked articles in star city and I found this gem

It's great for teaching newer people and as a refresher for more experienced players despite missing some decks but hey.

Death and Taxes

Different configurations of Death and Taxes

>Building/Secondary decking?
Soldier Stompy. Just can't be fucked to finish it.

>Your opponent goes T1 Land, Thoughtseize. Given your opening hand, what card do you suspect he'll take and why? (Either assume your hand is random or choose it yourself)
Probably a Vial, Thalia or Mom. Really depends what deck they're on.

Any of the other Death and Taxes players have advice on builds? Right now I'm on a 0 THC build because she's never blown me out of the water, and has been a giant liability in the mirror.

This is quite outdated, keep that in mind.

Thats pretty good, but a little out of date. Thats pre Grixis Delver, and pre miracles playing Ponder. Its worth noting that because of how much cheaper they are now, newer players are likely to play Polluted Delta and Flooded Strand in their deck, even when they aren't optimal.

Playing a larger tourney on saturday, and still not sure how my sideboard should look like. I refuse to splash green for Abrupt Decay (okay, I don't own Trops or Bayous, so it's more that I'm not able to), which hampers my choices somewhat. Thinking of the following right now:

1x Inkwell Leviathan
1x Sphinx of the Steel WInd
2x Show and Tell
1x Engineered Explosives
2x Echoing Truth
2x Massacre
2x Contagion
1x Surgical Extraction
3x Pithing Needle

The main is pretty stock, with 1x Animate Dead and 1x Show and Tell, 3 Griseldaddies, 1 Iona, 1 Elesh Norn, 1 Grave Titan, 1 Tidespout

Also, some practical tips on stuff I should bring?
Water, Food, pen & paper, tokens, dice, deck & decklist, ...

Shit welder brew

Red gearhulks as part of "big things that win games" category.

>Building/Secondary decking?
Tinkering with an idea of BUG Standstill deck inspired by pack rat.

>Your opponent goes T1 Land, Thoughtseize. Given your opening hand, what card do you suspect he'll take and why? (Either assume your hand is random or choose it yourself)
Goblin welder/Izzet Charm/Dispel

I just bought my first, a Scrubland, the other week.

Whats inkwell in there for? Are you planning to just not play against miracles?

Inkwell Leviathan is decent against Miracles? Or what are you implying?

Anyways, I'm thinking of cutting a Contagion and Echoing Truth for two Duress, and cutting the Sphinx for an Aetherling. I never really was a fan of Aetherling, but it seems better each time I look at it.

It dodges all of Miracles removal for U, it's actually castable at six mana (relevant sometimes, I won games by hardcasting Grave Titans), and is a decent enough clock. I added Sphinx to improve the Delver matchups, but I don't think I need it that much.

Final decklist: advice? I feel really iffy about the sideboard, I think I should go either Inkwell or Aetherling, but not both. I don't really know what to expect either, except that Miracles will probably be amply represented.

Also, bumping this dead thread

Seems like a normal list to me. I would probably do -1 Needle +1 Echoing Truth, but that's just me. What about Ashen Rider instead of one of the creatures? Destroys Counterbalance or your opponent's Griselbrand.

Who /Herald of Serra/ here?

>Shardless BUG was considered fringe at the time of this article
We have come so far.

Inkwell is incredible against Miracles. Islandwalk, Trample and Shroud on a 7/11 body? Can't be blocked by anything, can't be hit with Swords, can't be bounced by Jace... the only way to get rid of it is if they're playing Liliana of the Veil (which is more of a Stoneblade thing than a Miracles thing, unless you're Esper miracles guy).

Don't think I don't see that Ancestral Recall and Mox Sapphire up there, Moneybags! I've got my eye on you.

Terminus gets rid of it as well buddy.

Not sure, it's definitely good, but not for the reason you stated. The difficulty is resolving your threat through Counterbalance, although you'll be glad it's gone afterwards,it doesn't seem as good in the miracles matchup.

I kinda fucked up my phrasing there, but you get my point I assume

You missed the black lotus and timetwister.

Terminus gets rid of everything that isn't Iona, so like... four cards in their 60 card deck hose your whole strategy. It's still a stupid good card against them, considering how many options Miracles has to deal with threats on-board.

Hey man, I'm not dissing the Leviathan, just clarifying. I can't understand what that prison guy was on about.

WOW hol up. Is that a flying, vigilant 3/4 for 4 with a moderate drawback I see?

It is indeed! One of my favorite cards of all time.

sorry to ask maybe a dumb question, but could you give a run down of the go-to fatty for the more common matchups? I'm sure it's usually g-daddy, but is that always the case? I impulse-bought the stuff I didn't have from your list about a week ago.

It's almost never wrong to go for Griselbrand, but sometimes the board state requires something else. Elesh Norn is your main wiper, especially effective against Elves and DnT. Even if she doesn't survive, just hitting the field usually has enough of an impact. Also very decent against Infect.

Iona is a good choice against certain combo decks, but requires intimate knowledge of those decks. E.g.: against ANT I'd name black, but against TES I'd rather name red. Knowing the difference on the spot isn't always as clear.

Grave Titan is really good against attrition based matchups, and sometimes his ETB is enough to win the game, even if they manage to deal with the 6/6. Against BUG or Pox, this guy really shines. Or if you feel like you have to race against very aggressive decks, or against control finding its pieces. Grave Titan is our fastest clock since it delivers 10 power to the board immediately. No other creature does this.

Tidespout Tyrant seems like the worst of the bunch, but he's actually our failsafe, being able to bounce troublesome permanents like Ensnaring Bridge for instance. Since we're trying to win through combat, we can't let people ruin our fun by making combat difficult, so TT is a mainboard bouncer which ensures a way out. Very funny also with Animate Dead, since you can bounce the AD in response to removal, sac the TT, removal fizzles, play AD again for TT.

There's a bit more nuance to it, but some games being able to put a big body into play is just enough on its own, so don't sweat it too much, especially G1.

thanks man, screenshotted. the animate dead trick is really cool, I like little corner case stuff like that.

No problem, this is just a very basic overview though. As you see each creature besides G-daddy fulfills rather niche roles, but the versatility of the combined package is why I think most players agree on those 4 extras. Of course, mix and match to your local meta with Sphinxes, Leviathans, Ashen Riders, etc... to see which performs better.

Have Reanimator decks moved away from Sire of Insanity? I always love when cards from shitty sets end up making a splash in Legacy.

BR reanimator still uses it. Turn 1 sire on the play is basically game over for any deck beside dredge.

Give me your most meme deck

Here's the list I run. Then again, isn't Miracles the ultimate meme deck?

Quick, someone post Lich


This seems pretty spicy

I've already played your deck. I play a lot of yalls decks.

I'm super curious

I got u f a m

4 Nefarious Lich
1 Lich
4 Autocthon Wurm
1 Summoner's Pact
4 Nourishing Shoal
2 Zuran Orb
2 Lim-Dul's Vault
4 Ponder
4 Brainstorm
4 Thoughtseize
4 Lotus Petal
4 Dark Ritual
2 Cabal Ritual
2 Grapeshot or Sickening Dreams
2 Flusterstorm
2 Underground Sea
1 Island
1 Badlands
1 Bayou
4 Polluted Delta
4 Bloodstained Mire
3 Swamp

What's your burn sideboard, user?

I want to build it now...

It is most definitely Nourishing Lich. From the top of my head...

4 Nefarious Lich
2 Lich

4 Autochthon Wurm

4 Nourishing Shoal
4 Brainstorm
4 Thoughtseize
4 Dark Ritual
4 Lotus Petal
4 Ponder
3 Lim-Dul's Vault
3 Cabal Ritual
2 Sickening Dreams
2 Zuran Orb
2 Preordain

1 Bayou
2 Underground Sea
4 Bloodstained Mire
4 Polluted Delta
2 Swamp
1 Island

Shit, Summoner's Pact! Ignore my list, look at .

Currently it's going from bad to worse because I'm trying to be spicy with RiP.

4 Searing Blaze
3 Smash to Smithereens
3 Exquisite Firecraft
2 Rest in Peace
1 Plateau
1 Mindbreak Trap
1 Vexing Shusher

here's my pet deck. if you want to go turbo memes, you can swap the sideboard for show and tells and omnisciences and cast searing winds for lethal.

That's amazing. I ran Mindbreak Trap and Vexing Shusher in my burn sideboards too, good call. I also got cute and ran Stigma Lashers. Do you main sulfuric vortex?

Sire of Insanity might be good as well. I don't think delver or miracles can win if you t1 it.

You missed the Mox Sapphire and Jet.

Has anyone considered moving to 4 Lich and running Children of Korlis? Would that just be even worse?

I see what he's doing but I'm surprised there is no donate alt wincon. Thought Lash is some of my favorite jank. Feels like dangerous magic.

I considered it, and a 2 card combo sounds better than a 3 crd combo. But it doesn't let you cast lich one turn and then combo out the next. This means your combo goes from 4 mana to 5.It also requires white duals which I don't own, and is way more expensive because nefarious lich is just pennies and OG Lich is like 50 bucks

Shit yeah I do. I used to run 3 before I realized that 7 Eidolons is really, really hard for me to fight through even with all the damage I'm doing, so I cut it back to 2. I also wanted to jam in another land to finish out my beautiful set of 5ED John Avon snow mountains.

>lose 17-20 life
>sacrifice Korlis
>draw 17-20 cards
Pic related

That's really cool. Did you like it?

Mono blue... Pact of Negation Force of Will goodstuff what the FUCK am I looking at??

It's Shoal Infect, silly.

sorry for the bad picture, iPhone a shit. it's blazing shoal infect. I run all the cantrips and 4 cunning wish which can find blazing shoal or something to pitch to it. it's not great, but it's not terrible either. the matchups are just really lopsided one way or the other.

I wouldn't really call it Infect, more like just evasive Blue beats feat. Shoal

For some reason I thought the TNN were main board, so I retract my statement.

yeah I just threw them in the side because there was a ton of eldrazi when I was jamming it. I think I ended up taking out the clique, too.

I love it

Glad to hear it. What's your favorite deck?

>Playing burn vs UB reanimator
>lose game one
>side in 2 grafdigger's cage, drop one on turn 1, feeling good
>he plays Show and Tell into Iona on red

Yeah, Iona's a bitch.

At least when I play Parfait there's a chance I can still win with Helm or Belcher. I've done it once.

I dont know. Thats why im testing all these decks

Well, I wish you luck then. I'm sure you'll find one that speaks to you. I'm heading off for the night, see you around.

hey kid wanna /beepboopdestroyallhumans/

Ugin turn 3 is kinda dope.

Come play Tezz, it's a real deck I promise.

Its on the list

Gotta next level him and side in Painter's Servant. NEXT. LEVEL.


I was honestly joking but it may legitimately work.

How would it work?

Because his deck is mono red, if reanimator names red with Iona you use Painter's Servant to change everything else to another colour.

Play Yugioh

But Painter's Servant doesn't remove colors.

Welp you're right. Nevermind then i totally remembered that card wrong. CANCEL THE PLANS IMMEDIATELY

You just reminded me that I have a portal sitting in my collection.

Also as a modern RG Tron player; the only thing that feels better then a turn 3 Karn, is an Ugin

og lich is down to 25 for sp on ((((starcitygames))))

Why is pic related not banned yet?