Pick a random song from your playlist
The next poster has to create a superpower based around said song and post a random song from their playlist
Pick a random song from your playlist
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I like these threads, they're fun.
You have the ability to create sentient constructs that can move and act indepentently of yourself. While they can still make decisions without your input, you can read their thoughts and see what they see, and they will never disobey a direct order. You can create several constructs, but after about 3, it begins to become physically draining to maintain them. 10 would kill you.
The power to "break" reality within a certain radius of yourself. In this broken space, you are able to decide the laws that govern everything within it. (Low gravity, no friction, no oxygen.) Keep in mind that these laws apply to yourself as well. It starts at 30 feet, but can be extended. However, the larger the radius, the more energy you must exert.
Kinda hard one, I eventually just focused on the line "And the space has been broken."
So we're having a stands thread?
> just posting his link instead of actually playing along
You're a reality manipulator who can control other people's perception and attitude towards you. The changes you make last until you rewrite them and only other reality manipulators can notice what you are doing.
Your power is highly addictive to use and if you use it enough it will become permanently active making all people within hearing range of you like moldable puppets.
Your power grants you the ability to absorb the memories/ skills of others and keep them within your head. However this also comes at the cost of the target losing any memories you take. You also add the amount of time taken to your life span, allowing you to potentially continue living forever, but obviously at a cost.
Not sure what you'd get from this.
using words being with the letter "D" (with a small cool down on individual words) gives you extra energy, which can be used to up various stats (such as strength, speed, durability). by making alliteration based sentences that stretch out far too long, you can become nigh immortal for a period of time before it wears off
can coat your own body in flames, it isn't fully under control but rather triggers as a defense mechanism.
the power to see through the eyes of random people all around the world, but all you can do is watch.
>You place a metaphorical explosive device that, when it detonates, destroys all dishonest people, objects and concepts within a 20 foot radius, leaving behind the truth
If people are moths, you're the light: others seem to find your presence calming and charismatic and whatever you say sounds true. On the other hand, standing out isn't always good...
Grants Hamon-empowered Star Platinum, that's all I could come up with
While you are wearing a leather ol' duster you become a BADASS: you vecino almost unbeatable both with fist and guns, you can endure double what a normal human can and you have a preternatural ability to come up with one-liners. Maybe you're not invincible, but you sure seem so.
You command the power of a true leader - fighting side by side with your comrades makes you much more powerful and resilient, as their confidence and determination empowers you. However, any sort of doubt and fear from them have the opposite effect, so let's hope you're an inspirational figure.
This one should be tricky.
Fuck off. If you don't want to contribute, don't post.
You character owns a magical notebook, which allows him/her to alter reality by writing in it.
But the more you change, the more the world starts to react to you.
You project an aura which makes everything around you behave in a more "autodestructive" way: machines use more power and may frie their circuits, animals lose their fear for humans and people lose themselves in their vices. The range of the aura is as large as a normal city, but the further from you the weaker the effects are.
This is kind of situation where you just have to become a supervillain. I mean, what else you're gonna do with this power?
Hmm...You have the ability to cause agression between others. But only went there is a least SOME hostility between the two targets.
When "Nobody Speak" reaches it's climax, all of the raw emotion and anger in the area is drawn into you, and empowers you. Sorta like a hulk but everyone else gets madder and you get stronger.
Here's mine, good luck.
Great song btw. (user you replied to)
You are the calm before the storm. The lull over the battlefield, before the first volleys are shot. And as the breakdown happens the adrenaline hits you, as you swing your sword or loose your bolts or sling your spells. You fight to the last, for good or bad. The outcome is irrelevant. It's the thrill of battle that keeps you hooked.
Sorry and your power is slowing down time in the middle ofa fight. Like a battle-sense. You know when and where to have your body to ensure your victory over the enemy.
Sorry for posting a song without making a superpower first, I'll do the next one!
Your power is perception of the ghosts of animals. Not only can you (and only you) see them, but they exert a physical force on you like a light construct. Your power appears to others, should you prove effective at communicating and cooperating with these spirits, as feats of levitation and telekinesis.
My song: youtube.com
(technically the first song was the instrumental form of hare hare yukai but that seemed like a dumb one. This was the very next)
You can look into the future, however, if you choose to do so, what you see there becomes predestined and can't be changed, either for better or for worse.
Also I would imagine if you are a bit less than successful at wooing an animal ghost, to onlookers it would probably appear that you are being invisibly assaulted D:
You can enter your mind and re-live any previous event of your life. You experience it like you're a passanger in your past self that experience all the same sensations and emotions.
You have the ability to get possessed by women. They have to enter and leave with your permission and they enhance your abilities based on their personality although you both have control over the body. You have to work together in your own head like telling her to work the legs while you work the arms. Feel free to invent the way they enhance you yourself.
You unconsciously generate a single sentient female construct which follows and protects you. It will never leave you and allows for nothing to get in between the two of you regardless of what you desire. It does not mess around.
On command, you can induce an aura of fear that extends 30 feet around you, unless you target a specific individual. You can choose how strong the fear is, with it ranging from "unnerving" to "run, fucking run, drop everything and run." This ability works on anything with a fight-or-flight response. Be warned, however, as people react to fear in unexpected ways, and you may occasionally end up in a worse position than you started in.
Something kind of similar to Hermit Purple's spirit photos, but with audio instead.
You have the ability to create portals to an extradimensional space: a "furnace room." This space is a featureless cube made of some indestructable gray metal, with light coming from the walls. You are unable to die in the furnace room.
Whenever you kill a person, animal, etc. you gain their remaining natural lifespan as part of your own.
You also gain parts of their personality
Oops, forgot song
"I have a gun": you gain the power to convoque a handgun whenever you need it. The handgun has powers based on your virtues and flaws based on your flaws or vices. It's design is really extravagant.
Ride the Breeze
You are able adjust your weight density, as well as fly, but have to tack the wind like a sailor to steer
YouTube favourite randomizer gave me this
You can stop time. Faggot.
You're undying, but your drawback is that you never sleep.
You can "see" sound and "color it" to change it.
I'm sorry, is all I've got
While it surely is depressing is not necessarily that bad: you could use it on an animal so it doesn't fear you and becomes (luckily) more friendly, or on a person to persuade them of something (to fuck with you, or to collaborate with you in a crime). It has it's uses
you can 'rejuvenate' people around you, making tired men feel well rested and wounded people's wounds seal themselves(slowly, and no tiredness removal while wounds are being sealed)
not exactly a 'song', but still works.
You can create and control butterflies. This butterflies can transform into machinery component, letting you build almost instantly and at range. This power automatically grants you intuitive instinct of engineering up to a level superior to the one mankind has right now.