Me and a friend are looking into being paid Dms for a group of random strangers online. So I was wondering basically everything. How mich do we get paid? Any one have experience being a paid dm? Any experience paying a dm?
Me and a friend are looking into being paid Dms for a group of random strangers online...
>paid to DM
What breed of eurofag are you?
They're probably Russians. Everytime I've seen something about paid DMs, it was Russians.
The pure American kind, baby. Capatalizim all the way to the moon.
We still have the friend group that's for fun and free. Extra cash would be nice and so would co dming together.
>Extra cash would be nice and so would co dming together.
Every single campaign I have seen personally or heard about wherein two people 'co-GM' has resulted in disaster and broken groups and/or friendships. I advise you not make the same mistake.
Come back when you find some suckers actually willing to pay you to DM.
How hard can it be, people never want to dm, even in the forever dm threads half of it is "I hate dming" or "everyone sucks at dming".
What im wondering about is price. How much should we get paid?
We have done it in the past and we kinda do it still, where we share ideas about the current campaigns. So I'm not worried about it.
>tired old "I don't understand abstract art therefore it's bad" meme
This from a cartoon that gave us Matt Damaardvark and the janitor.
Icing on top of the cake of your shit thread, OP. Fuck off.
It's less "abstract art is bad" and more "random doodles on a canvass passed off as abstract art is cancer"
t. bitter artist
>paig gm
this happens a metric shitton less than people say it does
citation: only the same 7 images are reposted every single time this comes up
>Paid GM
>Not ashamed in the least about it
Are you, by any mean, of jewish origins?
Just asking.
Yeah. i realize i'm probably going to get banned, i don't even go to /pol
What's to be ashamed? People need a service, I provide them with it, its not even illegal. Pf and d&d have the society and adventure club it's "free" but have to buy the books so you are paying anyways and that's an advertising scam anyways.
/Pol/ bait all you want I'm not Jewish so you can all me it all you want. Even if you get banned user you'll always be a fag.
I run a one shit at dragon con every year and charge to play.
>What im wondering about is price. How much should we get paid?
Compare to hourly wage of McDonalds counter bitch.
Thats what, ten bucks? There's two of you so that's 20 per hour of dedication to the group.
Now lets presume that you're maximum improvisation pros, so you don't prep anything.
(I am also presuming you're doing this shit online, so place and food are not a bother.)
If you run a 5 hours game, you need to squeeze a hundred bucks out of them, every week.
If you prep anything? Price skyrockets.
>paid DMs
I dunno, OP. Sounds kinda dumb. I mean, I'm sure there are people who will pay, but those people have gotta be some of the worst people ever, just lazy dorks who can't make stories or make friends who can do it for free.
Sounds like a horrible plan. I don't fault you for thinking you could make money doing it, but I do think you're dumb. Get money doing something else.
And remember that this is the calculation for the lowest rung of service industry. And do not think that it'll be easier to do: you WILL be dealing with utter shitheads that can't get any friends, and whose only recourse is to dump their autismobux.
Thank you. The price is also spread over 3 to 6 people. What if I charge a lower price for prep time? Even offering an amount of free prep time every week?
Also this isn't a job for me just a fun way to get extra cash. So I'm okay with not making a ton.
That is my biggest fear, getting a completely unlikable group. Especially since this is online. I do have plans to mitigate the risks but you are correct that is a large downside to this.
I'd worry more that their expectations of you are going to be ramped up a thousand times over someone who's doing it for free
if you get a that guy or a rules lawyer, even if you're charging very little, he's probably going to feel the right to push his behaviour to the max
>What if I charge a lower price for prep time?
Well first is you're gonna get REEEEEd by the customers if you give them this price breakdown because they'll be paying you for "doing nothing".
Second, this is already the lowest of the low price for your time and effort.
>Also this isn't a job for me just a fun way to get extra cash.
Yeaaaah, fun.
But really, it's your time and your nerves. Go ahead and risk it.
At the very least, you're gonna get a fun story for Veeky Forums.
Also a concern. I am still the DM though and unless we agree to rules as written before hand, what I say will still go.
You two will likely end up being a paid Magical Realm service provider.
>That is my biggest fear, getting a completely unlikable group.
Oh, it's not a fear, it's a reality. You're gonna get a shit group. If this was in person, maybe not, since people try to act polite if you're in front of them. Online? Hell no. You're not their friend, they do not know you.
You are basically a game console if you take money to GM. Expect the worst.
Do you really think people don't understand the importance of prep time? I am not asking sarcastically, I am genially curios.
I could log my hours and after sessions show them my planing. If you think that would help.
Even if I don't get paid for prep time that's fine.
I'll be sure to share everyone I get.
>not GM
faggot gamer detected, wouldn't pay a cent.
Autism the post
>How mich do we get paid?
Surely this is what you decide.
>You are basically a game console
...or actually, you will be more of a callcenter operator.
If you wont provide exactly what they want, they will shit on you w/o mercy and demand cash return.
It's a fair comparison. The peeps at McDonalds and Wal-Mart have to deal with autismos and shitheads so we've already established what the market value is.
The real issue becomes what are the players entitled to now that they're paying? Wealth by level guidelines strictly followed? Magic items tailored to their character?
take heed, accepting payment is going to skew the traditional DM/player relationship into you being bitchbois.
if you can run the same scenario on multiple groups, it becomes more economical. also, you can probably run old scenarios, stuff you have done before, with a new group.
>Do you really think people don't understand the importance of prep time?
>I could log my hours and after sessions show them my planing. If you think that would help.
Probably not.
Just add up the price tag if you're doing prep-time. Try advertising with as high as it ends up being. Only after trying and failing to find should even consider going any lower.
Yes, but price is set by the market. I was hoping some people would have experience with this one way or another and help me set a ball park price.
I remembered a thread maybe 2 years ago on Veeky Forums that was talking about this and it was quite an interesting and fun thread.
>If you wont provide exactly what they want, they will shit on you w/o mercy and demand cash return.
This. And they would be in the right. I would only be a paid GM if I was completely confident in my ability to create an amazing story and had no sense of shame.
Otherwise, you're gonna fail.
Doesn't matter, the customer is always right. :^)
These two get it. There's a reason paid DMing hasn't taken off as a cottage industry. You think you're the first and grandest innovators to come up with the idea? But please, be sure to come back to Veeky Forums and storytime the cringe and how it crashes and burns around you. I love storytimes.
It happens enough.
t. gallery curator
>The real issue becomes what are the players entitled to now that they're paying? Wealth by level guidelines strictly followed? Magic items tailored to their character?
Yes (at least, probably higher) and yes actually.
Catering is going to be outright expected and dropping in gear they want is the easy part.
Providing spotlight and all the self-insert fanfic marysue plots? That's a harder matter.
> paid DM
This has got to be the weirdest euphemism for prostitution I've ever heard.
The market for human suffering is set by minimum wage. You're gonna get paid minimum wage for your locality.
Welcome to service industry hell.
There's no serious connected market there. Price is solely up to you.
I mean do you never discuss expectations about a campaign with your players before hand? Discussion and listening is the number one thing in any group. These are things set up before hand.
Also I could always just leave if I am not having fun with it.
I can do that and have none
>Also I could always just leave if I am not having fun with it.
Remember to prepare burner contacts beforehand.
No you are a fucking idiot the customer is not always right, you just have to leave them with their dignity.
No I don't think I am the first to come up with it, that's why I am asking around.
As above I have already promised storytimes but you'll have to pay me a dollar first :^)
Get into the furry fandom. If they're degenerated enough to buy ยง1000 dragon dildos, they're degenerated enough to pay for you to DM their magical realm.
Why not just write a module and sell that if you want extra money through Veeky Forums related affairs? You'll prepare sessions anyway if you are at least a half decent DM, and instead of playing with some autists that wouldn't get a group anyway, you would use that time to playtest it with your own group. In the end, you'd still likely use more time to create the module compared to being a paid DM, but your hourly wage would be a lot better and you wouldn't be playing with a bunch of that guys.
>Also I could always just leave if I am not having fun with it.
You never, ever worked in your life, did you?
>No you are a fucking idiot the customer is not always right
Dude if that guy's smiley elicits a yota of rage, you are not prepared.
"Customer is always right" is a position you /will/ be dealing with, so brace yourself morally to it, aright?
>I can do that and have none
Alright, go for it then dude. Go for a pay by session kinda thing. Don't promise entire stories because you could end up hating these people.
Get your money up front. Don't even negotiate. No money, no play.
>Also I could always just leave if I am not having fun with it.
I don't really condone this, honestly, it pretty scummy, but whatever. Sometimes, it gets bad.
If you do it, make sure they can't find you on the net, in case you wanna be a paid DM again. They'll shit on you and you'll deserve it.
Hey who knows see But if the price isn't there we won't do it and just play in our circle of friends like always.
I am well aware this isn't my first rodeo
THIS so fucking much. Degenerates will pay ANY price to live their disgusting fantasies. You could get mad dosh just from one shots, so long as you leave your shame at the door.
Want to stay away from ERP very far.
Its more work up front for an unknown payoff. You bring up fine points however.
I have, but this isn't a job it's extra cash. I don't need it.
I am aware of the position. Government retail worker here. I get the two big ones. Also this is Veeky Forums, not my customers. Unless people are interested.
Oh yes it was always going to be pay by session, maybe one or two at a time but never an entire campaign.
I'll give them what they paid for and leave its the morally correct thing to do.
>If you do it, make sure they can't find you on the net, in case you wanna be a paid DM again. They'll shit on you and you'll deserve it.
If it goes that bad I probably won't ever again and I always try my best not to be found on the net.
seeBut I am aware of the monetary value of furries.
i would rather GM than work at McD's though. on the flipside, it's likely to be prescious weekend time spent.
You are in the wrong place. Try specialized online communities.
I think you could charge quite a lot, definitely a few hundred each session. Of course you can't dm according to your own inclinations, you'll have to satisfy expectations.
The backend could be pretty standard. Just contract with some provider that can handle user interface, billing, legal, and administration. There's hundreds that are set up to handle amateurs. Get a bulletproof disclaimer.
Then design a fitting stage. Invoke an atmosphere with your background, maybe wear a mask? Lighting is crucial, especially in streaming. Get a few Gopros, a quality headset mic, different size plugs, latex over everything, lubricant, the works...
Good luck with your business. Please come back and report any progress.
>claims to be American
>can't spell "capitalism"
Not sure if story checks out or not... Can you post a picture of your eagle?
. . . . Totally Russian.
>talking about our mandatory eagles on a Korean Puppet show forum
You fucking idiot, why don't you just give everyone all our fucking secrets, Jesus, it's people like you that let the terrorists win.
I knew a guy who paid rent by DMing, he'd charge $100 to play for the night, and ran Ravenloft.
Years later he ran Ravenloft for us, and he had practically written a novel's worth of content. He was paid for a reason.
Actually no, the ground price for nondeclared work is as low as the worker can survive on.
My (American) friend does it. Their biggest customer is a richer friend who always gets his character art commissioned.
Based on how you present it, you'd have to pay me to play in your game.
I'd say good luck, but it sounds like you need exceptional luck.
You'd better be good at it. Like DAMN good at it. Nobody wants to pay for a sub-par GM when anybody can find a free GM who wants to play for the hell of it.
You better know the rules of whatever system you're running inside and out; nobody wants to see a doctor that only knows half of the functions of your body, the same goes for GMing.
Don't co-GM. This leads to disaster. One of you GM and the other should see to guaranteeing session integrity, looking up rules on the fly, etc.
Don't do anything without taking at least a portion or your payment up front. Players that don't want to pay you aren't going to pay you, so don't even bother pursuing them.
I'm not saying these as someone experienced at GMing professionally, I say these as a person who would expect these things as a person looking to hire you.
The problem here is twofold.
1. You are charging for a service that people normally get for free.
2. It's quite possible that they are more versed in the material than you are but simply don't want to do it themselves.
#1 is solved either by lucking out with a group of well adjusted human beings (problem being that most of them won't be in a situation where they need to hire a DM). Or by catering to degenerate fetishists.
#2 has no solution other than hoping to find non autismotrons. For a lot of the people who do know the PHB cover to cover and have a strong grasp of the mechanics, the most important part is that in their head they KNOW they can do better (irrelevant is the caveat that they are obviously unwilling). Even being wrong is often not enough to dissuade them from arguing with their peers; with someone accepting money from them they will insist on their interpretation of the rules and mechanics. God help you if you get one of those.
Protip: get a real job. Don't want to get a full time job? Part time work exists.
It'll be less 'interesting' and you won't be your own boss, but you'll get paid better by the hour, not have the fun sucked out of your hobby and your customers won't all be horrifying failed human beings who cannot make friends to play with.
Paid going shouldn't move beyond the players bringing the beer.
>>the customer is not always right, you just have to leave them with their dignity
I can tell you are underage just from this statement alone. Clearly never held a job that involved anything other than passing a drug test once every 45 days. The customer is always right isn't something that your manager says to keep you from yelling at someone over extra ketchup packets, it's an inescapable truth. It means that a business needs the approval of its customers or else who is paying for the business and what is a business with no money. No matter what Dane Cook taught you in "Waiting" you are always the bitch of the customer, from the janitor to the manager all of you have to suck consumer cock because its the only thing that a business can eat.
Of course you can always go with your real-nigga tier plan of "leaving when it isnt fun". because of course its physically possible to rob people but that isnt really a business is it. ;)
>>claims to be American
>>can't spell "capitalism"
>Not sure if story checks out or not...
Claims to be American, can't spell. Story definitely checks out
Whatever you tell yourself to make you feel like less of a loser with no real work skills.
Try roll20, there are always plenty of autists on there looking for people to run their special snowflake settings