Rifts thread?
Who here badass enough to play RIFTS?!?
Rifts thread?
Who here badass enough to play RIFTS?!?
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Whose idea was it to make you backtrack through the rulebook for character generation
Fucking Time Wizards, is what.
My group started playing Rifts. We enjoyed its setting but stopped after only 2 sessions. One of the players was an actor and got some commercial deals, so we went on hiatus. Been looking into finding some new members for more Rifts.
Check the Forums of the Megaverse for more autists.
Nobody. People play the setting, not the system.
RIFTS as a setting is fucking great. Depending on where on Earth you choose to set it, it can range from hard sci-fi of engaging in hardcore mech on mech action, or practically fantasy outside of the one player who chose to be a Glitter Boy because he likes Railguns.
Pic related. Last good game of RIFTS I played was played as a Kaiju version of the Glitter Boy Corps in RIFTS Japan, played using a modified version of Exalted.
It is exactly as badass as you're thinking it was.
Is GURPS a good fit for the setting?
Anything you choose to use is better than the system presented.
MDC vs SDC is fucked, none of the OCCs and RCCs are balanced towards one another in the core books (let alone the splat-books), and Juicers are the worst nightmare a GM could ever imagine.
In-system, you can create a character who literally can't be hit after your opponent rolls to-hit successfi;;y you unless you roll lower than a 16+ on a d20 at level 1. And even if they hit you, you still have your armor to absorb all the damage. Assuming you haven't killed them already, because you're a Speed Juicer, your number of actions per round is fucking retarded even without free dodge rolls, and you probably have a vibro-blade or some shit which lets you carve through entire armies of anything at any level except other Speed Juicers.
I may be bitter about RIFTS' idea of "balance".
You are bitter but also correct. Min-Maxing in Rifts is a munchkin's dream come true.
I've seen it converted to BRP, google Rifts 2112 and see.
WARNING - Violence and the Supernatural!
Plus there's a Risus sourcebook/toolkit thing for Rifts that gets posted regularly.
And of course, Savage Rifts.
And Mutants & Masterminds would be easy as hell for a Rifts campaign.
atlantean undead-slayer reporting for duty
Flicking through Savage Rifts has gotten me interested in the setting though I do have that question you always have when reading a new setting. What do players actually do in it? The usual wander around killing monsters murderhobo stuff?
Savage Rifts specifically associates the players with a Not New Lazlo to try and keep them from being murder hobos but also has a small section on mercenary work if players want to go that route. The compensation is a little fucky though. Monster hunting is extremely profitable while most other merc jobs won't even pay for repairs and ammo.
Well how did everyone run it in the past? What's a Rifts adventure look like?
>with a Not New Lazlo
People new to Rifts will have no idea what you're referring to.
You can Rifts adventures in various ways depending on the [subjective] assessment of the party's power level. For example, a party of Glitter Boys and Cosmic Knights will be dealing with planet-destroying threats like hives of robot aliens, while a party of Headhunters and Scientists might wander the wilderness looking to aid villages against monsters or demonic incursions from the rifts.
Mercenary-based adventures are popular too, with parties hiring out to one side or the other in various conflicts between the major nation-states of North America (the Coalition, the Federation of Magic, Lazlo and others) and their proxies.
>The usual wander around killing monsters murderhobo stuff?
There are many factions and groups you can work for in the world. Some are based on ideology (humans-only, the Coalition States), some on money, some on just plain power expansion, some on racial or tribal affiliation.
You can work for an Enlightenment-like organization called The Tomorrow Legion.
You can be a monster-hunter working for the Coalition. You can be a soldier in the Coalition armies.
You can work for a beneficent dragon taking mutants under its wing.
You can unknowingly work for an AI that controls a giant robot army.
You can work for vicious necromancers expanding their small domains of undead drones.
You can defend a tribe of Indians exploring the shattered west who commune with ancestor spirits.
Tonnes of possibilities.
I've been trying to learn the rules, and so far it's like reading a French edition of the Necronomicon.
Try the Savage Rifts version, it's a lot more coherent.
Which part of Rifts Earth are people starting out in?
I see one group is playing in Japan above.
and Savage Rifts basically fixes all that.
Blesses be Savage Rifts, bringer of the resurrection of rift.
I found all of these problems are alleviated by playing with people who are not dickheads - which seems to be a fix for any system really.
I played with 2-3 of my friends in high school and it worked out just fine on a small scale, but as soon as we started adding more players and diversifying the group it all went to shit. Best way to play in my experience is have all players use RCC/OCCs from the same worldbook and run one-off or short multi-session campaigns with new characters for each campaign since leveling up is basically pointless. Can be fun too since you can RP new characters more often, try out different OCCs that you wouldn't otherwise try, and don't need some hand-wavy reason (a rift opened and dumped everyone in Japan lol) to put the players in a new location.
I generally play in the Chaos Earth setting, it's been awhile since I've played though.
Currently running a weekly Savage Rifts game! It's been hella fun so far!
>bad ass
Incontinence causes you to play Rifts?