We're currently working on Expansion 2
Soon Edition
Here's the current worklog:
| Expac 2 |
-Loose details
Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!
Everyone welcome.
Q - What is Towergirls?
A Veeky Forums creation. Read more here.
Q - How do I play?
A - It's a CYOA, there are no established mechanics for the rescue. All the pages to the game are in the imgur album linked in resources.
Q - Why aren't/are we we working on; Fan Gen III/Knights/combat mechanics/etc.
A - We recognize that spreading out our efforts is part of what originally killed the project after Gats left. Accordingly, we're focusing on just one thing at a time and finishing them out.
Q - Hey, can we make a princess about X fetish?
A - It generally comes down to what people like. Propose the idea and see if others want it.
Q - Is there a map/unified setting?
A - Nope. Though proposals have been made, nothing concrete has been created.
Q - Can I post fanart/fanfiction here?
A - Go right on ahead. Just make sure it's within the global rules.
Imgur Album - imgur.com
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - pastebin.com
Subtitle Pending:
Kingdom Conquest:
Contact Project Lead: [email protected]
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